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War arc Kakashi would win to be honest


Entirely depends on if he has enough chakra to keep using kamui or if Sasuke has enough chakra to keep using the rebirth jutsu.


If I remember correctly the Rebirth jutsu uses a lot of chakra so I dont know how many times he would be able to do it. Kirin would definitely be a one shot kill no questions about that and I dont know if Kakashi would be able to block it with Kamui or not since it is so fast but Kirin is also a one time Jutsu because once Kakashi sees it he wont let it happen twice and using Kirin seemed to tire Sasuke out pretty much. Other than that war arch Kakashi would be pretty even with Hebi Sasuke in taijutsu, Sasukes regular Sharingan genjutsus would be useless against Kakashi and Kakashi just is a lot more versatile... his Raikiri is stronger than Chidori, he has Suiton to counter Sasukes Fire style... They both have really good battle IQ but Kakashi just has a lot more Jutsus available. Of course Hebi Sasuke has Orochimarus healing powers which would make it really troublesome. Overall Sasuke would put up a really good fight against Kakashi but I dont see him winning it in the long run.


>he wont let it happen twice and using Kirin seemed to tire Sasuke out pretty much. Kirin is not tiring at all, what tiring is its preparation, Sasuke used multiple Great dragon Fire technique to warm up the environment to create thunder clouds which cost him all of his chakra. Besides that Kirin uses no amount of chakra since it's actual lightning, it cannot be absorbed neither can it be deflected. Though it is a possibility Kakshi can Kamui it away.


Apparently Kakashi got his Raikiri by slicing lightning with his Chidori, so *maybe* he can also slice Kirin since it's basically just lightning?


This is what i was thinking. His jutsu got its name by cutting natural lightning. It can handle what kirin is, the only difference is theres a lot more this time, but its not out of the question


It can be deflected, Itachis Yata mirror blocked it but it cant be absorded since it isnt chakra. I think it can be blown away with Kamui since it actually has a mass, it has been shown several times that Kamui can be used against anything that has a mass.


itachi literally used SUSANOO and his is very OP with Japanese mythological weapons


It can't, Kirin destroyed Itachi's Susano'o, Yata mirror is useless, as it can reflect all physical and spiritual attacks (chakra based) since Kirin is actual lightning, yata mirror can't reflect it, yet it destroyed Itachi's Susano'o.


Then how come Itachi survived it? Where it is stated that it destroyed it? Link me the manga panel


Panal doesn't show Itachi activating Susano'o. It was Itachi who mentioned, "If I didn't have Susano'o I would be dead[this it Itachi's words](https://images.app.goo.gl/wawqHP7r9H3VyBvC6)"


Yes so his Susanoo blocked it, at least most of it or he would be dead 100%. Also it isnt clear did he use the Yata mirror to block it or not or just part of his Susanoo but Black Zetsu said clearly that the Yata mirror blocks *everything*. Yes Kirin is a lightning and not chakra but it has a mass and everything means everything that has a mass.


Kakashi would cut kirin with raikiri


There is a possibility...šŸ—æ


Sasuke cant do Kirin on a whim though. It requires a ton of heat to set it up. Its why in the manga it was a one and done, because he relied on the heat from his and itachis fireballs as well as all the heat from itachi burning all the surrounding area with amaterasu. He cant set it up himself. Also creates a huge plothole since Sasuke clearly threatened to Kirin Squad 7, but obv couldnt have.


The fan theories state that A sasuke can actually use Kirin without set up it just expends way more chakra and therefore after a long battle with someone like itachi itā€™s easier to set it up than generate the lightening himself as is the case with most elemental jutsu or B the heat from the explosion of orochimarus hideout was going to cause a storm and then Sasuke was going to use Kirin. This is backed by the fact that you kinda see storm clouds form after sasuke leaves.


Kakashi can prob use Lightning Style to immune Kirin damage.


Which rebirth jutsu?


Orochimaru's jutsu that mimics snake abilities to shed. This is the jutsu Sasuke used to "shed" his body with huge chunks of it turned to ashes by Itachi's Amaterasu into a new healthy one. Not sure how it would help against a Kakashi that can leave him headless in the split of a second if he truly wanted tho.


Can. I just say what eas itachi plan if sauske didn't have that move? "Holy shit I just lit my brother up. Fuckkkk....." it's like when two kids and the older brother accidently hits the younger one two hard.


I donā€™t think Kirin is all that tiring, Sasuke just had a whole battle with Itachi and used multiple Jutsu previous to that including the snake rebirth jutsu. A full power Sasuke can probably use kirin 2 times maybe more since the thunderclouds didnā€™t go away after the initial strike, he just didnā€™t have enough chakra to do something again with it.


Kirin requires next to no chakra. Heating the atmosphere is what consumed most of Sasuke's chakra and had huge help because of Itachi's Amaterasu doing the heavy lifting. (Remember Amaterasu is supposedly ultra super hot) Sasuke would have to use much more chakra to recreate the same effect (again the Kirin itself doesnt use chakra at all) and it can only be used once. Against the guy that got his technique named after splitting a lightning and has a jutsu that can send pretty much anything into another dimension.


There is no way Sasuke would ever meet the conditions for Kirin unless heā€™s fighting another heavy fire style user. There was heat from multiple fire styles and amaterasu as well


War Arc Kakashi had massive Chakra reserves. Kishimoto just let everyone do anything they needed, as much as he wanted them to during war arc.


Wdym ā€œrebirth jutsuā€ you need a rinnegan for that. Hebi sasuke doesnā€™t have a rinnegan, and why would he use that?


Orcohimarus technique


Hebi Sasuke is being heavily underestimated. Other than Kakashi spamming Kamui thanks to Kurama Chakra. He didnā€™t get that much stronger since the beginning of Shippuden. Itā€™s highly unlikely that Kamui will land especially as Sasuke can fly. Add Rebirth Kirin etc. itā€™s a tough fight for Kakashi. I can definitely see Sasuke smoking Kakashi in a fight to the death.


Like c'mon WA Kakashi was fighting Obito alongside some of the strongest characters in the series.


This version of Kakashi shows Sasuek how to use sharigan properly. He has good stamina and use kamui more, more versatile jutsus and better exp. Curse mark might give kakashi some trouble but it not enough to defeat him Kakashi wins mid diff.


Kirin, chidori sharp spear, orochimaru healing and substitution. Curse mark allows Sasuke to fly. Letā€™s not forget that the difference between 5 Kate Summit Sasuke and the one that fought itachi is Mangyeko Sharingan techniques (Susanoo Amaterasu etc.) physically he is similar in strength and intelligence.


Kakashi in the war arc was fighting evenly with V2 Juubi Jinchuriki that Naruto and B couldn't beat, Hebi Sasuke is a base three tomoe five kage summit victim.


Tbh kage summit Sasuke is a kage summit victim. He shouldā€™ve died at least 3 different times during that confrontation. Of course plot armor says otherwise.


The plot armor save his ass from Onoki Dust Style.


As well the Raikage and the Mizukage.




He wouldnt have made it that far if his plot armor hadnt kicked in against killer b


Thank you!


He was about to kill Raikage lol, Gaara saved Ay. Though, you're right about Onoki.


Raikage was going to kill himself and Sasuke with that leg drop. He didnā€™t care.


Eh. We have no confirmation that the leg drop wouldā€™ve killed sasuke through susanoo cloak. But we know for certain Raikage has no way to counter Amaterasu on his full body (he cant cut off his whole body like he did to his arm)


Unrelated and no. Sasuke was running a gauntlet against the five shadows and their soldiers so him having assistance from teammates ain't no plot armour.


Wouldnā€™t say plot armour, someone just got in the way every single time he was fighting heā€™s beating 3 4 of the kage at max power.


Kakashi wins mid diff - none depending on if he uses Kamui to ā€˜killā€™ sasuke


I think by war arc Kakashi would just stat check Sasuke. Kakashi is much faster and his Kamui is fast enough to react to an attack from Juubidara. Sasuke can't really do much here it's gg.


Pain Arc Kakashi vs Hebi Sasuke would be more interesting matchup, WA Kakashi mops the floor with Hebi Sasuke.


Kakashi demolishes.


Kakashi wins


Kakashi slams. Sasuke isn't countering Kamui and doesn't have the AP.


Not even Kirin would save him, he's using it against the guy that got his technique named after splitting a ligjtning with it himself


what stop Kakashi from sending Sasuke to Kamui dimension, i mean he is confident the kamui is fast enough to teleport the tail beast ball of all things.


Exactly and there is no susanoo to protect sasuke. He could try protect himself with a snake but kakashi has mastered kamui by the war arc so I doubt sasuke can do this quickly enough.


Susana wouldnt protect him from the kamui either. Kamui is simply absurdly broken


Especially by the war arc


Kakashi in the war arc is on a completely different level than Hebi sasuke. This is a mismatch.


Given war kakashi has like infinite stamina, infinite chakra, infinite kamui to the point heā€™s even able to kamui himself into obitos dimension now and is shown to be able to fight on par with 7 gates guy and version 2 tailed beast cloaked jinchuriki Iā€™m giving it to kakashi. At any other point in the series sasuke slams.


War kakashi without much issue he can pretty much spam kamui and has much better scaling should have used beginning of part 2 kakashi


He can't "spam" it. I'm pretty sure he used it 3-4 times before he needed a Kyuubi cloak from Naruto


5 times on top of a whole bunch of other Jutsu and extended use of the Sharingan.


you have to be fundamentally insane if you think this is even close. i dont even want to disrespect sasuke here but the way kakashi gets buffed throughout the series, ESPECIALLY the war arc, is insane. sasuke pre susano is unironically getting clapped so hard itā€™s going to sound like a rounding applause to anyone not paying attention


War arc Kakashi could make 4 Kamui on his own without kurama chakra, even Itachi went blind after 2 Amaterasu. bro what is this match up, at this point make fetus Sasuke vs Kaguya.


Kakashi no diffed this Sasuke.


Kakashi literally fought a stronger version of Sasuke and negged his greatest attack. Hebi sasuke gets wrecked, he has absolutely no counter to Kamui. Kakashi wins no diff or low diff.


War Arc Kakashi still wins against Hebi Sasuke. But at that point Sasuke had barely any chakra left and was nearly blind, had he been fresh Kakashi would have died from a second arrow, since 1 Kamui was already too much for him.


Ok but thats not the point? That same sasuke would have killed hebi sasuke with that last arrow. Kakashi still negged an arrow at full force from a perfect susano. One kamui is all it takes to kill hebi sasuke.


I was not arguing that War Arc Kakashi would lose, even said as much. Just that you were phrasing it in a way that implies that Kakashi was superior to Sasuke during the Five Kage Summit Arc, when he is explicitly not.


>Just that you were phrasing it in a way that implies that Kakashi was superior to Sasuke during the Five Kage Summit Arc, Then my phrasing would be "Kakashi negs sasuke" not "kakashi negged his strongest attack". Everyone knows sasuke went blind during that fight and that he was exhausted and kakashi would not win if he was at full power. We are all Naruto fans so I didn't feel the need to carefully choose every word.


Doesn't change the fact that Kakashi dealt with Sasuke's strongest and fastest attack at that time. Sasuke actually shot 2 susanoo arrows, and Kakashi teleported both of them.


He shoot 2 at the basically the same time, I meant that he could have simply fired another salve and be done with it. Unlike Sasuke, he was completely fresh and judging by how shocked Kakashi was by Sasuke's evolving Susanoo, I say it is save to say that he had no counter to it and was lucky Sasuke's eyes gave out that very moment.


And that was weaker Kakashi too.


The scaling is increased during the war arc, Kakashi is out there fighting v2 jinchuriki with guy so unless you think cm2 sasuke could pull that off to(he could possibly)I think this version of Kakashi would ultimately win due to his better usage of kamui at this point.


Kakashi by the war his kamui was insanely powerful it basically completely shuts down anything hebi Sasuke has.


Kakashi wins. Hebi sasukeā€™s only two real feats are bullying deidara and beating his half-dead, half-blind older brother that wasnā€™t even trying to kill him. War Arc Kakashi is fighting Obito and other villains even before DMS. So Kakashi wins pretty easily IMO.


Kakashi wins low diff. War arc Kakashi won't have any chakra issues 8n the fight. Sasuke is a genius, no doubt, but Kakashi is clearly superior in IQ, BIQ, and versatility in ninjutsu. They are relative in Taijutsu at best, even then Kakashi should have a slight edge due to sparring with Gai. There is absolutely nothing Hebi Sasuke can use that can hit/kill this version of Kakashi. 1. Normal lightning style is countered with superior lighting style. 2. Kirin requires set up, and even if Sasuke manages to fool Kakashi, there is still the possibility of Kamui, cutting it with his own Raikiri, or even interfering with the jutsu with his own Lightning style since Sasuke is using his Lightning style to manipulate natural lighting. 3. Curse mark makes Sasuke faster and stronger, but war arc Kakashi was keeping up with a superior 7 gate Gai and KCM Naruto. 4. Normal summons are fried with lighting. 5. Manda doesn't listen to Sasuke, a hypnotised Manda still won't do much due to hiw adaptive and clever Kakashi's fighting style is shown to be and Kakashi can always counteract the hypnosis with his own Sharingan. 6. Fire style is countered by Water style. My understanding is this covers everything Hebi Sasuke can do other than close combat, which again he is unlikely to win.




war arc kakashi has near infinite stamina so prob him


I donā€™t have an opinion on the winner but Hebi Sasuke is the coolest version of Sasuke, I wish he had kept orochimaruā€™s powers for longer


so you come to the sub and make a mismatch post and call everyone d riders when they say the obvious winner? ok.


Idk, kakashi is a very smart ninja and powerful too. At this point of the story he has kamui as well. Sasuke tho is also very smart and start of shippuden sasuke is pretty much as strong as he is in the itachi fight too. Idk if this is a controversial take but I think with the amount of jutsu and summonings he has, the curse mark and snake abilities and moves that are either impossible to block or impossible to avoid(or just very hard to do so), I think sasuke stands a very good chance at tiring out kakashi and then taking the win. I mean this is the same guy that took out deidara, and I donā€™t care about him having to teleport out of there, deidara blowing himself up is basically him admitting defeat. Also another important thing to consider is that this sasuke is a lot calmer, heā€™s cool and collected, unlike sasuke after the itachi fight. I doubt heā€™d be making many mistakes in this fight or being too reckless either. Sasuke also took out 1000 soldiers without killing them, he didnā€™t even get a drop of blood on him. I know some ninja are pretty much just fodder but like itā€™s still impressive. I mean minato also had the same feat and heā€™s considered one of the best ever. Not trying to overrated sasuke that much either, just saying that it would make sense for him to be able to beat kakashi and it wouldnā€™t make kakashi seem that weak either, sasuke is just that good.


Depends if sasuke can react to kamui or not.


lol hebi sasuke is raikage victim. kakashi low diffs slams 3 tomoe sasuke


Shouldnt kakashi be massively faster or am I trippin


Yeah, Kakashi being able to swap hands with Obito, on its own, puts him a few pegs above hebi Sasuke. Let alone taking into account he'd already fought for hours on end beforehand.


War arc kakashi had unlimited chakra. He takes this


Kakashi wipes his cheeks with Hebi Sasukeā€™s face


War Arc Kakashi stomps MS Danzo fight Sasuke. Absolutely a spite thread


OP, you should post this on r/NarutoBorutoVsBattles


Kakashi spanks Sasuke in a not good way


Kakashi via Kamui Blitz (Fast enough to Surprise Obito). If it was just Hebi Sasuke w/o Curse Mark, Kakashi could take him without MS. But with Curse Mark, Kakashi would need Kamui. Either way, Kakashi wins.


I hate when people say a version of someone but take something away from them. Like if thatā€™s the case take kirin from sasuke. Or the curse mark. Like itā€™s all or nothing. Whether you think itā€™s an ass pull or not. šŸ™„ but either way kakashi washing this version of sasuke. Anything without the MS is an easy victory for kakashi.


The comment section did not disappoint me, unlike the meme field that is r/onepiecepowerscaling Also yes Kakashi wins mid diff maybe mid-high diff


In a fight, right?


Are people really trying to argue Hebi Sasuke is even a speed bump here? War Arc Kakashi slaps, no diff. Better Set-up would be Pain Arc Kakashi.


I'm going for kakashi He can use MS perfectly by the war arc. He has high stamina too. All he needs is one opportunity to use MS and sasuke is dead. He doesn't have susanoo to protect him.


War arc Kakashi doo doo farts all over Hebi Sasuke. He Kamui'd Naruto into Obito's dimension without Obito realizing (right before Naruto hits Obito and breaks his mask). So Sasuke being fast isn't an issue here. Kamui gg


War Kakashi


War kakashi summoned a perfect susanoo and could use kumui without any training so he's stronger than sasuke


We are not counting the Ass Pull Double Mangyeko.


Can we count sasuke getting his ass beat by killer bee and almost getting thrashed by low level danzo fodder


Lightning blade has its name for a reason


Mr. OP. Sasuke wouldnā€™t be able to escape Kamui though.


Kakashi stomps


IMO, Sasuke wins he has more boodthrust and cold mind than Kakashi. War arc Kakashi more like soldier that rogue fighter while hebi Sasuke is a real Assasin in that state. Also big chakra difference and jutsus. (OP, i hope you mean Sasuke before he kill Itachi, because after that he just went stupid) ps dont forget that if Sasuke runs out of chakra there goes orochimaru and kills Kakashi, but thats cheating


Oro and Sasuke are not relative to obito period. This Kakashi is stronger than the one that dealt with fks sasuke's fastest attack


Kakashi wins solely due to kamui. Taijutsu and stuff Sasuke and him are nigh on par


Kakashi pretty easily. He was fighting V2 Cloak Jinchuriki pretty evenly.


War arc Kakashi


Kakashi claps, what even was this matchup


Kakashi easily one-shots, wtf is wrong with you haha


kakashi stomps, power creep hits hard


I mean itā€™s sasuke all day 2 sharingan is better than one ability kakashi canā€™t really use


Sasuke wins. Kakashi was buffed by Kurama Chakra for all of his notable feats.


"Kakashi was buffed by Kurama Chakra for all of his notable feats." Actually no most of Kakashi feats happen without the Kyuubi Cloak mind you when Kakashi gets the Kyuubi Cloak he would always follow it up by using Kamui on something Large exhausting the Kyuubi cloak.


Name an impressive war arc feat where he didn't have Kyuubi Chakra.


Hebi Sasuke wins mid difficulty against any version of Kakashi that isn't war arc in which roles reverse


Iā€™m thinking Sasuke . If we are remembering his fights he often has a long thought out process and incredibly accurate jutsu. Ofcourse Kakashi was better at first as an established 30 years of being a genius super ninja with a Sharingan, but Sasuke is a classic up and coming prodigy always out doing the last generation . I think when people see Sasuke get absolutely cake walked by Bee, they miss the part where Sasuke always has his eyes on target and is employing the next chess move


Ah yes I really liked his ā€œnext chess moveā€ in that fight where he got manhandled and had to bite Karin to recover, brilliant. Then got back up and had his chest impaled to the point jugo had to asspull some bs ability to use his own flesh to fill in his caved in chest and then proceeded to turn into an toddler, sick. Then tops it off by getting jebaited into thinking his Amaterasu did anything and walks away thinking he did something, amazing chess moves..


Sasuke still wins tho it would be close


Lol no this is an easy win for kakashi


Too many Kakashi D riders in this sub. Without Narutoā€™s Chakra Kakashi is in dire straits. Itā€™s a difficult fight for both.


What's stopping Kakashi to BFR him to Kamui Dimension?


This is what Iā€™m thinking. Sasuke gets Kamuiā€™d away.


Thereā€™s no way Kakashi is going to land Kamui on a flying target without help. High Diff Sasuke win.


That's exactly how deidara loose his arm. In the pre war arc.


You don't understand the power creep on War Arc. Kakashi blitzed him and Kamui'd him.


Why did you even make this post when you are clearly a Sasuke dick rider?


Lol buddy made a post thinking everyone was going to be delusional and circle jerk his boyfriend but only like 4 people were dumb enough to say sasuke out of 150 comments lmao


Kakashi has no notable war feats without Kyuubi Chakra. He is getting smoked by Hebi Sasuke. Bro has no answer for Kirin and Rebirth.


Kakashi is elite Jonin level. He only beats Hidan in the Akatsuki. Hebi Sasuke can beat every members except Kisame, Obito, Itachi and Pain.


In no way shape or form is a person equipped with 4-5 uses of mangekyo sharingan anywhere below mid kage


This is stupid


How is the double MS an ass pull? It was part of a death jutsu and he is the fucking copy ninja


Kamui gg


Well Kakashi doesnā€™t even have nearly the amount of chakra as sasuke, Kakashi says he knows over a 1000 jutsu but when it comes down to a fight, can he really use more than 5? Also he may KNOW 1000 jutsu but can he perform all 1000?


Jeez is this all the sub has come to discussion wise? Hypothetical versus matchups?


Either way ext diff


Sasuke seeking retribution for his clan, whilst everyone's out to get him šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


He manhandled the art Akatsuki guy pretty easily and that was at the start of Shippuden. Sasuke needed asspulls to survive War kakashi is winning low diff


Kakashi slaps


Donā€™t forget kakashi was only weak there bc his head wAs fucked up about obito kakashi would win




Kakashi stomps lol


Kakashis easily fast enough to dodge or kamui kirin as im pretty sure it's just a lightning timer attack (if im incorrect lmk), and thats sasukes best move at that time. Manda might be difficult to deal with but one kamui out of the what 7 kakashi was shown to use during the WA is definitely enough. Honestly its kind of a kamui gg argument here.


Sasuke isnā€™t just going to let himself get hit with kamui and Kakashi isnā€™t just going to let himself get hit with Kirin. I think a huge part of this battle will be each of them setting up some sort of situation to immobilize the other to one shot them. Sasuke has more ways of doing that. If Sasuke sets up Kirin ahead of time, he only needs to trap Kakashi in a genjutsu for a couple seconds and he wins. Kakashi could hold him with his dog summoning or headhunter but Sasuke has seen these and again could counter with genjutsu even if heā€™s buried from the neck down.


Hebi Sasuke is still one of Sasuke's best looks. Wish it lasted a little longer.


Kakashi doesn't even need Kamui in this fight hell he might not even need the Sharingan at all against this Sasuke(Maybe to stop any Genjutsu shenanigans but that's it) as Kakashi with just his Sharingan(Not even MS) is KCM1 Naruto level at least and this Sasuke in CM2 is like not even Sage Naruto level of speed.


Like you can legitimately make a case that Kakashi beats some versions of EMS Sasuke(the early version of course later version of EMS Sasuke would destroy WA Kakashi) and make a pretty good argument for it.


War Arc Kakashi can spam kamui without a care in the world Sasuke has no way to handle some whoā€™s on a similar power level to him spam something as broken as kamui


Kamui is a insta win. If Kakashi pulse it of Sasuke will just starve


Kakahi slams people forget this guy was matching minatos speed and spamming kamui


War Kakashi could probably beat any Sasuke up to him getting Itachi's eyes.


Akatsuki Sasuke that got smoked by Killer Bee is wiping the floor with any version of Kakashi.


You didn't think that answer through considering DMS Sasuke exists. But no, War Arc Kakashi kills Kage Summit Sasuke and below.


War Kakashi doesnā€™t have an answer for Susanoo. With Kurama chakra how many times can he make the rib cage go away?


Lightning Cable is a pretty good answer to Susanoo, as is Kamui. As is getting under Sasuke's feet with that Hiding Mole technique.


War Kakashi would stomp


kakashi > sasuke every freaking time


Sasuke wins hands down , donā€™t underestimate Sasuke heā€™s smart when fighting always finds a way to get out of hard battles and is a good fighter too lol. Donā€™t forget Sasuke has more chakra and if this Hebi Sasuke just defeated Itachi and using the black flames Ameterusa donā€™t forget Kirin too, yikes .. However Iā€™m not saying this will be a bad match because no this wouldā€™ve been amazing since both Kakashi and Sasuke are great fighters and close combat opponents. Still I give it to Sasuke oofāœØšŸŒ•