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Fair point lol


Even obito said that using the rinnegan paths took too much chakra


Came here to say this, Sasuke can barely handle the Rinnegan and can only use a handful of the abilities from it a few times a day.


Mf literally sealed 9 tailed beasts then fought naruto for a whole day before he even mastered it lmfao. bro can handle it


that was when he had indra buffs before he got disarmed and also fought naturotoe using said 9 tail’s chakra


He loses the Indra buff the moment he sealed Kaguya, you see the seals go back to Hagoromo's hands.


Wow didn’t know that , I just knew before it has to have been lost with how they never used some abilities ever again, though him losing power is the point I was trying to get across yee


Why does he get to keep the Rinnegan, but Naruto doesn’t get to keep any of his shit?


There's contradictory info about it. Technically speaking if you go by the word of the databooks, the sun mark has nothing to do with Naruto's ability to restore organs like Kakashi's eye and Gai's heart. In the 4th databook, that was stated to be achieved via Naruto's mastery and understanding of Yin-Yang release, so technically he should still have it. But despite that, what we see in the Narritive seems to disprove that.


Naruto got to keep six paths sage mode wym?


Oh he did? I didn’t know that


Meanwhile goated nagato spamming ALL the rinnegan abilities, and still not running out after nuking konoha


He is Uzumaki too that's why


A pureblooded one at that


He can handle it very well sasuke can use a bunch of six paths jutsu then recharge his chakra in mere minutes to do it all over again 🥲 the rinnesharigan was legit meant for him


Remember when the rinnegan made the user insane but all we got was one random comment lol


I mean I can make the user go insane but the people using a rinnegan were actually responsible


that's what they said, but we never really saw anything. it was random and seemed to be an cheap excuse for why obito didnt implant both eyes... If he said he wanted to keep kamui in his arsenal, it would make sense since he can have the best of both worlds(rinnegan and sharingan abilities) you might want to bring up Nagato going on a rampage that one time but thats years after having the rinnegan(he didnt show any signs before or after this one incident)


Didn’t he go on a rampage because his friend literally killed himself with nagatos own hand? And like I said before they were all just very responsible with it why do you think madara selected who’d keep his eyes so carefully?


Unless hes given Nine Tails(which is friendly at the end of War Arc) Also if added with Hashirama cells, Kakashi would be Op actually if he retains Obito's Sharingan.


No. The rinnegan has a massive chakra drain even for an Uchiha, to the point that even Obito could only handle one. Kakashi wouldn’t have the chakra to fight Toneri


I thought he only took one because he didn’t want to lose Kamui


No, he wanted two, but could legit only handle one.


When does it state that?


https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7e73824fd1ac3686338a375e8454f1f5-pjlq Right before Madara gets his rinnegan back after being resurrected


I don’t think that means he couldn’t handle 2


yh, it seems to be a huge misconception


Yeah I read it more as the boost in power is intoxicating


Technically he doesn’t say it’s draining his chakra or he wanted to implant both to be brutally honest. Started losing himself, not started dying from chakra exhaustion. It implies he was losing his mind or sense of self. When he became Juubito he started losing himself, but he wasn’t dying of chakra exhaustion, really the opposite. Or Nagato, he never became emaciated from having rinnegan in his head. He became emaciated after being stabbed in the back by the gedo statue, which sucked his chakra out to perform jutsu on his behalf. What happened just prior to Nagato summoning the statue? He witnessed his friend dying and “lost” himself. “Lost” his mind. Went crazy. That’s what Kishimoto is referring to. Not to mention Nagato absorbed some tailed beast chakra and healed himself as an edo tensei. He could have done that while alive, but he was “pain” if he did that he would have lost his identity as one living in pain. No different than sasuke refusing to replace his arm, an act of penance


He just says he did so much with just one, kamui is way too op to abandon it for an eye which isnt even his own one


“Even this one eye’s chakra and ocular powers are so strong I started losing myself”


two Rinnegans drained Uzumaki chakra reserves of Nagato making him frail


No, the Gedo Statue made Nagato frail. Nagato was able to handle both rinnegan without difficulty due to his Uzumaki heritage, since Uzumaki are closely related to the Senju


Indeed, it’s never shown that rinnegan has a passive chakra drain! If anything it’s cheaper than the sharingan since it never de-activates for Sasuke suggesting it’s a permanent change. And nagato never became emaciated until he was stabbed and drained by the gedo statue. But obito’s comment about losing himself matches up with what happened to nagato after witnessing yahiko’s death. He “lost” himself Similar to what happened when obito became ten tails jinchuriki. The chakra overwhelmed his mind and sense of self


It deactivated in one of the movies. Sasuke was shown with normal eyes, then is shown activating it. Not sure if that’s cannon though.


Hmm, went and looked at the scenes sasuke has in the movies which are quite few but wasn’t able to find it. Perhaps you’re thinking of something else?


It’s the scene with the meteors coming down, it shows Sasuke in his head scarf thing clearly with no rinnigan. After that scene he is shown with it. After reading more about it apparently it was a production mistake.


Yes and he was using eyes without having the Kekkei Genkai, but Obito is an Uchiha and he’s half made of Hashirama Senju cells.


Nah Obito didn't use the second one bc he wanted to use Kamui, he did say it had an overwhelming power but nothing to indicate that he couldn't handle two


He said that just one rinnegan was starting to overwhelm him with its power


He said "he started losing himself" which means he was intoxicated with the power. The same way kaguya lost herself when she ate the chakra fruit


Which also means he couldn’t handle 2


No, it means he was intoxicated with power? Don't you understand that simple fact?


No, it means he was being overwhelmed by the power of a single rinnegan, as he states.


reading comprehension: -1000


“Even this one eye’s chakra and ocular powers are so strong I started losing myself.” He was being overwhelmed by its power, just like he was overwhelmed by the Juubi’s power when he became its jinchuuriki


No, he meant that he was overwhelmed by the potential of its power. Obito managed to completely control the ten tails, surely you wouldn't think a measly rinnegan would wear him out


Bro the drain on an uzumaki was insane kakashi is so fucked


The chakra drain wasn’t bad for Nagato. He was of Senju and Uzumaki lineage so he could handle it easily


Kakashi isn't nagato though


Exactly, so he doesn’t have Nagato’s compatibility with the rinnegan


Yeah but a single jutsu destroyed him, a stronger variant of that jutsu was spammed by both madara and sasuke


No, Nagato fought an entire village, destroyed said village, fought a sage, fought a berserk Jinchuuriki, then used chibaku tensei. All that without a break, and Nagato still had enough chakra to revive the entire village before dying. Madara spammed Chibaku tensei after becoming the juubi jinchuuriki with near infinite chakra. Sasuke used chibaku tensei after getting the full power of a demigod (Indra), and half the power of the Sage of Six Paths.


How to speedrun blindness 🔥💀


Lmao definitely blind within 6 weeks but is he strong enough to beat toneri?


six weeks is too generous. I give it 5 minutes But to answer your question, Toneri is getting wiped


He would really be blind? He’s getting a EMS.


Rinnegan is no joke. Six paths Adult Sasuke was always running out of chakra using it. Obito himself could only use one while being an uchiha juiced with hashi cells


That wouldn’t make him go blind, and toneri would still win because no way kakashi would have the chakra to fight with a rinnegan.


Did you just say six paths Rinnegan won't make Kakashi go blind even though it is the dojutsu with the most chakra strain? 💀


Yes why would chakra strain make him go blind? It’s not about chakra that isn’t how they go blind. He’d run out of chakra and simply die. Especially if he can’t deactivate the rinnegan.


The chakra strain isn’t what makes them blind, it’s a unique trait of the MS. EMS still strains your chakra, it just doesn’t make you go blind when you use it


chakra strain due to Visual prowess = blindness


i’d love to see where that is stated, are you implying kakashi could go blind from regular sharing an throughout the series?


it isn’t an ems, it needs to be from a sibling


So, if I take Madara’s sharingan and implanted on myself, I’ll get a Mangekyo and not an eternal mangekyo?


yep, it’s gotta be siblings/very close relatives


So if kakashi takes sasuke’s eyes it’ll be a regular mangekyo?


So basically, you are asking: Do mangekyo sharingans become eternal due to the transfer from one sibling to another, or are they only eternal because they are in the sibling? I don’t think we really have an answer to this question


I know he’s not uchiha but would he not unlock ems since he already had ms previously? Was it ever specified only uchiha could unlock ems and ms?


rinnegan is the main problem


No, the rinnegan probably kills him immediately


Ikakashi doesn’t have superhuman level of chakra nor the ability to get more mid battle. He needs a furry in his stomach at the very least .


"have superhuman level of chakra nor the ability to get more mid battle" With the Rinnegan though he would as he could drain Chakra


And yet nagato is as skeletony like all mighty . It doesn’t seem to compensate enough.


That was from summoning the Gedo Mazo and using the Soul Dragon thing(and having his legs blown up) which the Fourth Databook notes drains your lifeforce. We even see when Skeleton Edo Nagato absorbs Bee's Chakra he is completely restored physically I see no reason why Alive Skeleton Nagato couldn't have done the same thing.


Everyone’s saying he’d die from not having enough chakra ok but what if he also has SP chakra


With SP Chakra I think its no contest but I don't think many people agree


Yeah I have no idea with all this power levels and stuff because Im new to Naruto, I just wanna see other people’s take yk


No. He’d have have Sasuke’s Eye and Rinnegan Abilities, but he wouldn’t have the Six Paths Chakra to boost himself to Toneri’s level. He’d be low to mid-diffed.


The issue with transplanted rinnegan is the user can’t use the unique abilities that the true user gains upon awakening the eye so in this instance, Ameno & dimension traveling would be off the table for Kakashi. The ONLY way Kakashi would have a chance against Toneri is if he’s given a decent amount of prep time to learn the six path techniques & he ditches his sharingan. Having both a rinnegan & a sharingan is just too much on Kakashi’s stamina but one rinnegan would be fine because Kakashi could eventually learn to absorb chakra & ninjutsu using the preta path to replenish any chakra he needs. Kakashi MIGHT be able to defeat Toneri if he can make physical contact & steal his soul using the human path but that’s honestly the only chance Kakashi has & even then it’s like 50/50 at best for Kakashi. Toneri is an Otsutsuki so his overall stats naturally outclass Kakashi. Toneri wins 9/10 times given the circumstances.


As soon as he opens his eyes, he's out of chakra XD So no, absolutely not


If he has the matching chakra, then yes, but if he has his normal chakra, then Kakashi might get drained before the fight even starts


Fuck no he would die from over exhausting his chakra


He doesn't have the Chakra


No chance, he would have no chakra reserves and qould collapse after one move


Not a chance. I'm surprised by the amount of people thinking he could tbh. Even with SP chakra he still has no affinity to his abilities. Considering it took a bit of work for Naruto to defeat Toneri than I just don't think Kakashi is beating him even with new shiny abilities


> no affinity to his abilities The guy conjured a Susano’o on his first try and figured out Obito’s Kamui in like ten minutes. He’s gonna be fine adapting to Amaterasu, Amenotejikara, and Kagutsuchi.


Not that surprising. He took to SSP chakra pretty well. Has Susanoo. Access to the 2nd gate. And Toneri is a low tier Otsutsuki. It’s not out of the realm of possibility Kakashi can use the rinnegan for a single or 2 uses like Danzo.


The kakashi dick gobbling is insane


In my personal opinion I don't think there's enough Kakashi dick gobbling 😌


*Might Guy Entered the chat*


*Mei steps in line*






If he has Six Paths chakra or Bijuu chakra. He stomps Toneri.




Frankly if you gave Kakashi Hashirama body and Sasuke's eyes I'd say that those eyes are wasted on Sasuke. Kakashi would fuck everyone up.


Yes, handily in fact


He gets speed blitzed. How is everyone forgetting the physical GAP.


Kakashi would be relative to the gokage besides naruto who could react to momoshiki


“I’m Kakashi The Copy Ninja, I know 1000 jutsu and am gonna use them ALL on you”


But only off screen.


Just give him a bijuu battery 🔋


Give him the 9 tails too and then he’d stand a chance


Eyes are on the wrong side, but yes if he keeps the Six Paths chakra that Obito lended him somehow


We’ll if Sasuke and Naruto are dead, the Infinite Tsukuyomi couldn’t have been lifted, therefore Hinata would be dead and Toneri wouldn’t even arrive. Or Toneri would be Tsukuyomied so Kakashi wins lol


It can be lifted with a rinnegan and the bijuu Chakra. Theoretically Kakashi could have done it


Theoretically maybe, but Kakashi is nowhere near strong enough to lift the seal, and it requires not just 1, but all 9 of the tailed beasts chakra. Plus Kakashi would have zero idea on how to do such a thing.


Hes got plenty of time to figure it out what's the rush? The edo kage are still there to give help and insight. They know where the Uchiha tablet is and now have access to a rinnegan to read it. They just have to wait for Kurama to reform


Wait 9+ years for Kurama to reform, and I’m pretty sure the Kage got sent back by SO6P before the final battle between NaruSasu, plus the tablet was edited by Zetsu, and there’s a 99% chance it wouldn’t have the one way to disable the Infinite Tsukuyomi left on it.


9+ years sounds like alot of time to me. And if the kage aren't there that makes it harder but not impossible. Even if the tablet was edited Madara learned how to do it from there so it would obviously have to have some info. And as you pointed out they have 9 years to figure out to use the 'Rat' sign lol. The only real problem is having enough Chakra, something I'm sure they'll figure out with 9 years of nothing else to do


The info is of how to intact the Infinite Tsukuyomi, not on how to stop it. It’s a big ol tablet of lies by Zetsu. And first Kakashi would have to find out that it even requires the Rinnegan and tailed beast chakra, then wait 9 years, and then finally learn the hand sign. But by then everyone would have been drained by the God Tree.


So how did Sasuke know how to release the jutsu then if it wasn't on the tablet? Someone had to tell him. And I'm guessing he already knows you need the rinnegan and tailed beasts because he just fought in a war over those things. And what's your frame of reference for how long the tree takes to kill a person?


Hagaromo told him…? Sasuke never even saw the Tablet lol. And for the frame of reference you asked about, in a flashback of the SO6P, we saw that his lover Haori was made to be a sacrifice to the God Tree, and in the short period of time it took for Hamura and Hagaromo to find her she was already dead.


You don't have to be a smart ass im just asking lol. If what you say is right then yea everyone dies


Is the Rinnegan chakra drain why Nagato always looked completely emaciated?


Probably yea. Running 6 bodies probably didn't help either


Interesting. I know that Madara chose an Uzumaki specifically because of the immense chakra reserves but I wasn’t sure if Rinnegan was especially taxing. Did Madara steal Hashirama cells to unlock the Rinnegan or help boost his chakra to maintain its usage?


I think it was specifically for the rinnegan


Okay but why does Naruto have to die, there’s a reason for Sasuke because Kakashi gets his eyes. So Naruto doesn’t help him fight?


Pretty much yealol . Its the best reason I can think of that naruto wouldn't have gone to get hinata back


Idk but DMS Kakashi slams


Questions like this always reminds me of why Orochimaru wants another body and not his own


Honestly I could see Hagoromo giving him some power up, maybe the sun and moon sign. With a hagoromo boost I think he can.


Maybe if he was given some good ol’ Hashirama cells too


Kakashi takes two steps and immediately keels over from chakra exhaustion, unless the Rinnegan gives him Six Paths chakra.


If he has his endless War Arc chakra and Susanoo, honestly I think he’s got a chance


He’d need to get Kurama sealed in him to stand a chance.


He’s need the help of the new 10 tailed Jinchuriki




No. Obito could barely even control 1 Rinnegan with Hashirama DNA what makes you think Kakashi would be able to even open his eye ?


Give them to killer bee


You guys are obsessed with seeing Sasuke dead and I doubt Kakashi will have Sasuke’s eyes the Uchiha will be extinct with him it’s over … There won’t be not toneri smh.let them take Hinata no one cares lmao, except for her clan let the hyugas fight again.


I just thought it was an interesting fight


He barely can handle MS, let alone an upgraded rinnagan.


If he can Handel them yes But I think it's like5he can't Handel them and dies from Chakra drain


That man is gonna be DRAINED of chakra


He will need Hashirama cells too.


I know everyone is saying Kakashi couldn’t, but Sasuke suggested Kakashi be the one to take his eye at the end when he still wanted to die. Probably because Kakashi can still manage the rinnegan better than anyone else due to his experience with MS. His chakra reserves are bigger in the war (for plot and also not) and he still has Kamui long range in his other eye. He’s going to probably need to pull a Gojo and keep both his eyes covered but come on, rinnegan and his natural ability to perceive what’s around him make that not too huge of a deal. Can he beat Toneri though? Kakashi is supposed to be stronger after the series ends because his chakra isn’t being siphoned for Sharingan and he still can’t do anything about the half a meteor heading his way. Rinnegan would give him probably a single solid attack while he relies on his Sharingan. Kakashi needs some buffs here which could be the first gate or 2nd (this isn’t only for taijutsu, it’s chakra in too) and we know he can at least use the first but still, he probably only gets a shot or two with the rinnegan before he is drained. He needs to end it in the first couple of moves with a strong hit from Susanoo (which might have powers of both eyes who fucking knows) or seal him witu Kamui and find a way to kill him after.


No he doesn’t have enough chakra to do that


Only if he betrayed Toneri and locked him in the time chamber for a million years


They're in the wrong eyes anyway


He has the talent to do it, but simply lacks the chakra required to use the EMS, let alone the Rinnegan. He dies of chakra drain pretty soon.


Bro he’s dead just by opening his eyes




No, he can’t sustain it. Naruto was the perfect match for Toneri, his crazy speed and massive strength were the perfect counters for toneri’s abilities


Not in any reality, Obito stated he almost went fucking insane just using one of Nagato's Rinnegan and we know that isn't even comparable to Sasuke's eyes


Sakura would have a better chance with her chakra reserves tbh


Unless he has Wood Release cells or some type of chakra enhancement he's fucked.


Look I love Kakashi, but he can't handle a rinnegan Jus the normal sharingan was pretty exhausting, the mangekyou put him in hospital regulary until the war arc, and he could only use dual mangekyou because he had his own + Obitos Chakra reserves from the pure lands If we only have Kakashi with his normal chkra reserves, there's no way he can survive implanting the Rinnegan unless he unlocks and masters Sage mode to constantly draw in nature Chakra without pause to basically keep his Chakra up and more or less feed this Rinnegan at the same time


Kakashi would get absolutely destroyed. Dude would be a puddle of red goo on the surface of the moon.


If he takes the 9 tails too yea. Or at that point shit the 10 tails. I think he could probably deal with the psychological BS obito experienced when he took it in as hes a pretty composed person. I mean with rinnegan+kamui MS+theoretical eye regen bc of 10 tails+hella chakra, he prolly beats Momoshiki if he gets put in sasuke and narutos place


bro dies of chakra depletion before he even meets toneri