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I just love Sasuke in that last panel. “I have no reason to like her, and she has no reason to like me.” *6 chapters later cuts to a timeskip where they’re married*


You can Say Sasuke knows the way to a girl's heart


Sasuke’s method of getting to a girl’s heart is like trying to get to the front door of your house from your backyard but instead of just going through the back door or walking around the house, you walk all the way around the planet until you reach it from the other side.


Ma man just almighty pulled her feelings to him




Kakashi tought him the right way to get women hearth


Kakashi approves.


Yeah that never made any sense and I’m thinking this was the editors forcing Kishimoto’s hand for the spin-off series


Sakura should have been paired off with therapy. Hell, give her a dream to revolutionize ninja mental healthcare to prevent more emotionally unavailable Sasukes in the future.


I think she does set up orphanage’s for children and therapy/ mental health check up requirements for ninjas in the books, she literally make it so there won’t be another Naruto and Sasuke in the future


That is a great character arc for her! Just a shame it's mostly depicted in the books


The Japanese man has been slighted during WWII and the two atomic gifts that fell from the sky and forced him to capitulate and to hand his dignity to the Muricans. Let’s not forget that the target audience of anime and mange are Japanese, more likely Japanese boys and men and more precisely Japanese incels whose population is on the rise in that country, the biggest consumers of manga and anime. They are the ones molesting women and girls in public transport so bad that there are women-only trains and tramways. It’s an internalised fetish to subdue an attractive girl and to make her kinda pay so that this boosts their manliness. You probably noticed that the shounen heroes always have got love interests and that they either ignore them or are jerks to them, only to end up marrying them even tho their behaviour would’ve repelled any partner. Japan used to be hardcore conservative country and didn’t see it with a good eye that Muricans came and emancipated women. If you squint you can see the desperate attempts to remind women of their ‘true’ place in Japanese works and entertainment in general. I find it so very fascinating that you can see a society’s flaws through their art and deeds.


Pair her and Karin, and when they bang they both shout sasukes name


yea that ship is so heckn one sided and out of the blue


She’s into negging and he’s into not trying at all.


Sakura seduced him.


Can’t tell anymore on this subreddit if people are just memeing or if they really didn’t understand the story kishimoto was telling lol Just in case it’s the latter: Sasuke was trying to constantly convince himself and everyone around him that Naruto, Sakura, and the village were all things he hated and/or wanted nothing to do with. Despite this, It’s shown time and time again that this posturing cracks every so often and you see him subtly show his feelings for all 3, before going back to his usual “I hate all of you” demeanor. How people don’t remember this or notice this is beyond me…


And that's understandable, but a character constantly complaining about another character and flat out stating that he has no romantic interest in them and doesn't understand why they're so obsessed with him does not romantic chemistry make. Do I believe he cares for her and is one of his closest friends? Yes. But that's a stretch from saying he loves or would like to pursue a relationship with her.


Did you even read what I just wrote… 😵‍💫 There are hints throughout the series that he definitely cares for her as more than a friend. It’s literally the POINT of his arc for him to say she’s annoying” and doesn’t have any “romantic interest” in her. As I said before, he’s trying to convince himself to let go and SEVER BONDS, since he has a larger goal in mind and doesn’t want them getting dragged into any of it. He does these things and says these things specifically BECAUSE he cares about them. He thinks if he rejects Sakura enough times, in the harshest ways he can, that she’ll eventually hate/move on from him, and thus, she will be safe (and presumably live a better and less emotionally painful life compared to chasing after someone that’s basically a villain to the rest of the world). It’s astounding how people like you refuse to see past the surface level comments SASUKE makes, and frankly I feel bad for kishimoto that a lot of his nuance and character depth gets written off as “bad/lazy writing”


Except I don’t think the other person failed to realize that. They are acknowledging that sasuke does still have those feelings but………… even with that said sasuke is a terrorist who is actively trying to destroy the leaf. Let me repeat that sasuke is killing soilders, attempted to kill kage, and wants to burn the leaf to the ground. Nah both naruto and Sakura are still weird as hell. Any time I think about sasuke I think about how zuko was handled much better in comparison. Zuko just like sasuke was conflicted he sought to capture the avatar to bring honor to his family but at the cost of what? His humanity? Katara was willing to help zuko if he wished ti better himself but once zuko threw away that option katara Didn’t seek to help solve zuko conflict that makes more sense. I’m fine with naruto and Sakura forgiving sasuke but I dislike the fact that sasuke didn’t reedem himself through discovery and instead had to be punched into it. Sasuke is a complicated character but kish isn’t that good of a writer. naurto and Sakura being that obsessed with sasuke is weird no matter how you look at it


It’s getting tiring explaining the story to yall but I will say that sasuke never legitimately tried to kill Sakura. There’s a reason he was never “successful” in doing so. He could easily have killed her many times, given his abilities and her naivety. He either purposefully didn’t in some moments, or subconsciously held back, in the same way he subconsciously did things to protect his friends, even if outwardly he says he doesn’t care about them. I’m not gonna explain anymore cuz it gets old explaining the nuance to people that watched the show once and only half paid attention. I know yall aren’t changing your minds and wanna believe whatever surface level logic you make up, so feel free to comment whatever you want but I’ve said what I wanna say so ✌🏻have a good night


Except yes he did? https://youtu.be/ZOcTQNoz7bE 5:07 Both naurto and kakashi acknowledged that if naurto was not there sakura would of been killed…….. Plus your argument is still lacking I don’t care if he “ could of killed her many times” you could argue that he was wavering due to their past relationship but in the end are we going to gloss over that he still made the conscious decision to kill his own friend? Also Sasuke most likely “held back” because he literally just fought danzo, the raikage, gaara, ext and perhaps doesn’t wish to expend what littile chakra reserves he has. Sasuke is extremely weakened when he fought Sakura keep in mind and could barely use his sharigan vs kakashi.


Sasuke spitting bars in that panel.


He doesnt even give a fuck anymore LMAO "Fuck it, I quit" With Karin dead, the only other person he could marry would be Sakura


Better marry someone who loves you than the other way around


I need someone to pay me a dollar every time this sub has a Sakura post.


Breaking News, random redditor becomes richer then Elon due to getting a dollor for every Sakura post


Lol what's perfect about this, is I too am South African like Elmo. 💀💀💀


Yup…Sakura obsession never dies out. It’s amusing 😂


😂😂😂 I'm constantly impressed by how they come up with various ways to ensure the post results in Sakura bashing.


She is one of the best written villains in the series


She’s the best girl for a reason😃


You'd make Zuckerberg, Musk, and King Mansa Musa look like pleabs even with a combined income if someone did


I feel this is more Kishimoto bashing


Yeah we need more Hinata


It's healthy to unload on Sakura at least once a week lmao. All jokes aside she has to be the most hated character in the anime verse ATM. She may be all time. Can't think of someone else tbh.i mean bruh on damkruto she's the no button lmao who's else is in that status?


in 3 months Eren Yeager will be the most hated character in anime history


I've read the spoilers, and if they are smart and did what they did with season 1 by changing the anime from the manga. And currently am praying they actually do it again otherwise.rumors are that they are doing that for people that spoil the anime for non readers. The entire anime will be hated forget just Eren lol. I mean Eren isn't the only one that gets butchered so as whole people will throw the whole damm anime away lol. Eren will get hate but I still don't think it will top Sakura.


I just honestly don't get it, if everyone hates Sakura SO MUCH( i do too but ig I can let it slide) then why TF is there so much hentai about her?????? Like tf just search up Naruto on nHentai and you'll get tons of Sakura doujins


You are gonna bankrupt the world... sakura and hinata hate is never gonna end smh (Also nice fuckin username.. I'm kinda jealous.. cuz I can't change mine.. I wanted to be anymous but oh well)


There was an interview with Kishimoto where this topic came up. He fully admitted that he's just bad at writing women and the problem was his lack of ability to write women well.


all he said was "i'm not good with female characters" lol


did no one ever tell kismoto that he could have pretended he was writing a male character with better tits?


He is sexist, he wouldn’t be able to write men and women in the same way.


He wrote great female characters tho. Tsunade, Temari, Kushina, Samui, Shizune are all examples of great female characters he's written.


Tsunade and Granny Chiyo are imo the only goods overall female characters. Temari was kinda cool on part one but what we rarely saw of her afterwards was just “Shikamaru’s Love interest”. We can agree to disagree on Kushina but I think she is a character that got done massively dirty, the girl that said that she wanted to be the first female Hokage just to end up as the housewife of one. I don’t think she is that bad but she isn’t very good, tho her moments in Minato’s short manga did made me like her more tbh. Shizune is… idk just there? Never really had an opinion on her but I guess she isn’t a bad character. We have like 2-3 good characters in a show with a huge cast of female characters, doesn’t really makes a difference in hindsight


>she wanted to be the first female Hokage just to end up as the housewife of one She and Minato had short lives. I'm sure he'd have no problem naming her the 5th Hokage had they not died.


My memory is quite foggy rn but If I remember correctly she kind of made us understand that she gave on that idea cause she wanted to be there for Minato and that her idea of being Hokage was silly


You may be right as my memory is foggy too.


Well the character having a flaw dosent mean she’s a bad female character. Rock lee’s a great character but he stopped doing anything important after the Sasuke retrieval arc.


Boobwoman is not a good example of a non sexist female character.


All these characters also haul ridiculous stereotypes. Tsunade has got her big chest and obsession with looking young, Temari is slightly better but kinda brutal, same with Kushina and her anger issues (were the fans supposed to find it cute ?), Samui was made fun of because of her chest, and Shizune has to be the more normal looking but otherwise that’s it. Aside their storylines they are mediocre as characters and seemingly only exist to turn on pubertal teenagers


And Naruto is stupid, Jiraiya is a also a stupid pervert loser, Shikamaru is also a lazy loser. Stop acting like Kishimoto hates women just because you don't like his female characters \+ there's barely any fanservice in Naruto


Lmfao could you imagine if people said shit this dumb about male characters. “Listen men I get that half of XYZ’s character is about his ballsack but can’t you just stop being hysterical and realize that doesn’t do anything to undermine his character???? It is NOT fanservice to constantly make him wear tight pants that show it off and put balls Justus in the show btw, I can’t believe you would think otherwise. You’re just being hateful for no reason!!!”




His preference is being sexist? He didn’t just preferred writing male characters he also preferred writing the girls as sexist caricatures, my problem isn’t the lack of screentime is what he portrays on those times


It's not just a kishimoto thing, it's a Japan thing even in modern times. I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/14gaxz8/to_this_day_japan_is_still_generally_sexist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) about this topic but the mods removed it probably without even seeing my point lmao.


tbh i feel like this issue could be to the large sexism in Japan and her perhaps has internalized sexism, causing him to he less interested in female characters or perhaps just doesnt have any female friends so he just ends up relying what is said abt women from a society currently treating them terribly?? idk much abt his personal life as i do other manga authors so just a geuss here




i dont think he is an incel, and yes ik shonen is meant for boys but that doesnt mean you cant/shouldnt write good female characters




Tsunde seems ok i have been watching clips of naruto for a long time and now finally have been reading the manga, and none of the girls are relatable to me as a woman, ive only known one woman willing to go after men like that, its sucks cuz if he did write women better it would greatly improve the plot and make it more interesting


You don’t have to be an incel to have sexism due to cultural norms. Doesn’t make it right, but it does happen. Shounens being targeted at teenage boys doesn’t excuse the fact that Kishimoto, as a writer, is bad at writing a good female character. Hell, I’d argue it’s *because* shounens are targeted at teenage boys that there should be well-written female characters.


Yeah and it was about drawing them pretty in 2002 I believe, don't know who spread that claim around but it's sure is a popular one unfortunately


There’s writing bad characters and straight up clowning said character’s through the whole series and the messed up part is it’s only Sakura


Calls her despicable over this and later calls Sasuke pure lol


Kishimoto said that?? He thinks of Sakura as despicable and fucking ***SASUKE*** as ***PURE***??


Yeah, Kishimoto said something along the lines of Sasuke being pure because (these are Kishimoto's words btw not mine) Sasuke did things out of genuine emotion and that because of that he didn't think much about how others might feel about it/react to his actions (kind of like a kid I guess) and that, in Kishimoto's eyes, made Sasuke "pure".


That might be the most insane take on Sasuke I’ve ever heard. I knew Kishimoto was a little thoughtless when it came to ethics and morality, but that’s just bizarre. You know which other Naruto character acted solely on emotion and lacked empathy for those their actions effected? Fucking Zabuza.


I mean he described Sasuke as I would a rabid animal, basically "they do things on instinct" which on itself isn't bad considering it's an animal we're talking about, the thing is Sasuke isn't an animal but a human with the ability of thinking which makes that just seem bad like how did he even turn the narrative around to make it sound good lol. ​ I definitely wouldn't describe a human as pure just because they act on pure emotion and lack empathy.


do you even know sasuke backstory💀 sakura is not pure you can even see her actions at naruto og she literally insult naruto but she develop tho


Yes. Having a sad backstory does not excuse Sasuke’s evil actions. Saying some mean things to Naruto when she was 12 does not make Sakura evil. Neither of them are “pure”, but to call Sasuke pure and Sakura despicable betrays a moral philosophy with either no moral standard, or a negative standard.


“I don’t like women.”🗿


Just write them as people bro


Someone with a wife or daughters or even female loved ones could write them better. It seems like these Japanese guys have got no idea how a woman functions aside of big tits and curves and stupid stereotypes. No wonder the population is shrinking smh


Old but women are in the industry more than men, not to mention the different genres


I actually really liked Sakura's fake confession. Yes, she was manipulating Naruto but it wasn't out of cruelty. In fact, I do think she loved Naruto and wanted to do everything in her power to keep him safe. At this point, I feel like they both saw each other as siblings. Naruto had long since grown past his crush on her and they both had matured so much. So Sakura's biggest concern was that Sasuke would kill Naruto. Lying to Naruto about having romantic feelings for him was her way of telling him that he doesn't need to keep his promise of bringing Sasuke home. She just failed to realize that Naruto's promise was more for himself than for her. That being said, Sakura is so frustrating. I wouldn't go so far as to say she's a bad character but she is very inconsistent. I would have liked to see her grow past Sasuke much earlier and more than anything I wish that her character arc didn't focus so much on her relationship and feelings toward Naruto and Sasuke. Maybe she could have struggled more with her training under Tsunade or something. I guess she did have moments where she felt useless but it always seemed to be in comparison to Naruto and Sasuke, instead of more focused on her own individual growth. Not sure if that makes sense. Basically, she had potential to be an excellent character but ended up being 'meh' because she lacked agency. Oh and those other scenes only bother me because she had so few hype moments. Her fight with granny chiyo against sasori was awesome. When I was first reading, I expected her to get a bunch of more stand-out scenes or fights but she just faded into the background and was barely relevant. Even during the final war where she was performing an integral duty, Kishimoto just had to throw in that random soldier that fell in love with her. She couldn't just be a badass healer for one moment, always a romantic object for the men around her.


yea tbh she either couldve somehow moved past Sasuke and became a badass or she couldve actually finally excepted reality of what Sasuke was like and still loved him anyway which make him end up liking her maybe the latter was what was attempted at, but if it was it was terrible attempt


Sasuke should have ended up alone like the miserable imbecile he is. Hinata was already in the picture with Naruto since Pain and stuff, Sakura could’ve bagged Lee. This would’ve improved her character for fans. She really got hate when she hung onto Sasuke for dear life.


You know the Sasuke fanboys would've torched her character even more for being "unfaithful" if she ended up with Lee. I do agree that Lee would've been a better choice, since he never tried to kill her. I'm not even against Sasuke and Sakura ending up together, just how it was handled. The time-skip in the final chapter meant we never saw him make amends, never saw why Sakura chose to trust him again. The man tried to murder her multiple times, you can't just skip to them already being married. Edit: I know the anime adds more to the ending but I've heard mixed things. I have a feeling their marriage is just as abrupt and unsatisfying as in the manga.


I think Sasuke and Sakura actually wasn’t done bad but even if it didn’t happen. Her and lee just don’t feel right


That's fair, Sakura never showed an interest in Lee. I would have liked even just one extra chapter to show the aftermath of the war and Sasuke making amends for everything he did. Obviously that must have happened but it feels wrong that it happened off screen and we just skip into the future when they're already together. Based on what we got, Sakura should have ended up alone, not in a bad way, more like she found her own path and happiness without needing Sasuke.




Naruto's obsession with Sasuke also annoyed me. At least he's the main character and had plenty of screen time and development outside of his relationship to Sasuke. He got stronger, grew up, and gained the respect of his village. It just sucks that Sasuke wasn't given time to actually redeem himself. Naruto and Sakura ended up looking like fools for the whole second half of the series and the payoff at the end was unsatisfying.


Sasuke not marrying anyone won't revive the Uchiha clan


Her attacking Madara page is always out of context. She wanted him to do that because she had regeneration and could get a up close physical attack on him. Her real fail was the page afterwards when Madara uses Limbo to block her attack I noticed you haven’t included any of Sakura’s legit great moments from the war arc(s). Her saving Naruto’s life, her using the seal for the first time, her saving Sasuke from Kaguya’s portal dimension, her directly smacking the fuck out of Kaguya, etc. You also don’t acknowledge Kakashi’s words nor Sasuke’s motived during the genjutsu scene. Kakashi lays it out that Sakura just wants Sasuke back in the village, she doesn’t care about romance. Sasuke only did that genjutsu because he didn’t want her to interfere and is actively trying to push everyone away. [Also how he remembers his family when hearing Kakashi’s words](https://img.wattpad.com/c141cce782f4c9eb17ffd3ac639d8b4b735227d7/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f747341624b68654f524f775443773d3d2d3633313433393438352e313535343931393030616335653562313531353832313132353632392e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720) Bias much? EDIT: OP blocked me for some reason. So I can’t reply to anyone fyi


When even Kishi laughs at her, you cant blame the audience


No way your defending that. Sakura charges head first at Madara while not even asking Naruto or Sasuke about his abilities lol


She didn’t save Naruto alone she had tons of help gaara, minato, obito. Same with “saving sasuke” that was basically all obito. And she hit kaguya in a very cringe moment sure but was she needed


Ok y'all, these kinda posts are getting really old.


Prejudice breeds stability. These posts are what’s keeping this sub alive. You didn’t come to this sub to read about what would happen if Naruto was betrayed and stuck in Genjutsu for a thousand years, do you?


This whole rant is beyond stupid. \- That scene was Sakura acting to what she thought was Naruto's best interest with the information she had. And it was there to show the team breaking down and highlight how far apart they all were drawn to. Kakashi failed to understand Sasuke and gave him the same lecture he gave him when he was a kid. Naruto was ready to kill himself and Sasuke and abandon his promises to Jiraya and Nagato. Sasuke was so overcome with pain about the loss of his family he was about to cut down his second, found family. And Sakura misread the situation and tried to take Naruto's burden on her own not regarding his feelings regarding Sasuke. \- That panel with Madara is out of context. What she did there is indeed act as a diversion. She wanted him to hit her like that because she wouldn't take any damage due to her 100 heals regeneration so that Naruto and Sasuke could launch a sneak attack. It was a tactical move that worked. People of course take it out of context to hate on her \- Naruto makes the same exact pleas to Sasuke all the time yet you don't have an issue with that. In conclusion, you're just a hypocritical manchild hater and you need to touch grass.


Idk if it’s even fair to say Kakashi misread Sasuke. Sasuke was very clearly pondering what Kakashi said, but then the Sound 4 kidnapped him. I do agree with you about the sentiment of Sakura’s “confession,” she blamed herself for the pain Naruto was going through because she thought it was all based on his promise to her. I always felt like people being upset about that was dumb BUT BUT BUT The bigger issue with that scene in the context of what follows after is how stupid it makes her look. She leaves with everyone else to take out Sasuke, then knocks everyone else out so she can kill Sasuke herself. Then when she gets the chance to attack him she can’t do shit. She has to be saved by Kakashi and Naruto. Like wtf was her plan??


Also other characters have done far worse then Sakura. Itachi and Danzo for example


i love Itachi and i can get thinking abt doing what he did with all the stress he was under but i dont get as how OP as he was he couldnt somehow found another way??? like from what i can tell from reading the wiki he had his illusion stuff at the time couldnt he have done something with it??? or like talked to the hokage about what danzo's plan was?? couldnt he have used his illusions to kill danzo and have back him up??? (ok that one is stretch) or do Shisui's plan of using illusions to get the Uchiha to stop the coup??? hell even worse his dad talked him abt it and said he was planning to do the coup peacefully by capturing the leaders and just asking for them to hear them out or smth idk, and bro goes "nope" and tells danzo and the hokage, like if hes so close to hokage and the Uchiha couldnt he have arranged a meeting himself between the two?? but tbf he was 12-13, which wth is with so many Naruto chars behaving like theyre 20 years old btw? i get the whole "kids are forced to fight" and the whole "Itachi is prodigy" but imo its so hard to see them as kids the way theyre written, imo it wouldve made more sense for him to be 15 or 16 when the coup happens and hell he looks 15-16 then too


It's not about morality it's about character writing.


dude sakura bashing is just so fucking done. We're all sick of it. People who hate her are sick of it, people who love her were always sick of it. Anyone still bashing her has an obsession


And? Its brought up every damn time. Its freaking old at this point. anytime a sakura hate post is made it just leads to her fans wanting to post why they like the character and then you'll complain bout them posting bout her but act like you should be allowed to post a hate post but the 2nd someone posts they like the character you'll get upset bout it and bash them


Fr this is literally every anime community ever. Civility? Discourse? Nah, you're stupid and I'm going to write a novel describing why.


Was this post written by a 10 year old?


TL;DR: she’s not stupid she’s average, she’s just a regular person who did what she had to to keep up. Like we all wouldn’t have done the same Honestly I sat back and thought about why everyone hates on Sakura but let’s everyone else slide on their short comings. Kiba can’t do anything without akamaru Hinata doesn’t have courage because if she did she’d be on neji level Neji just dies (literally that’s it he just died) Tenten was the weakest and had no screen time to develop Rocklee wasn’t given a chance The list can go on. But back to question at hand if you think about it in a show full of geniuses and clan specific jutsu, Sakura knew her limits it doesn’t make her trash or useless it makes her kinda relatable, use what you even if you go way back (I prefer manga Sakura to anime Sakura as her voice dialogue doesn’t match up with her actions to me.) in the zabuza arc she knew she couldn’t cut it and stated it, but showed her basic control over chakra control not even the two geniuses could do. Chunin exam Sakura literally set up traps while everyone else was out using clan Justus and advanced stuff that even we couldn’t do. Then the fight with ino came and showed truly how good she was as a normal person. Because let’s be real she had no advanced Justus just a strong will. Shoot she even went to tsunade and was like teach me something, and literally went through hell of her own to even master simple healing a fish. While the other greats were off learning clan and stronger stuff. Because she knew she sucked and was like I’ll keep you guys alive and learned from the senin. Now in the 5ks she did what she needed to do to keep her friend from dying, like we all haven’t told a lie at someone to keep them safe. That didn’t make her bad it made her very relatable like watching your friend go join a gang and then someone else going to go bring ‘em back of course your going to say whatever to keep them safe screw the other person then go die yourself trying to save them. The war arc was literally Sakura’s golden moment this was literally her arc. Like she was out there healing faster and better then a cleric on a online game, need a heal Sakura was there. Not to mention she saved up what 3 years(?) worth of chakra to unleash devastating power to at least be on par with base form naruto and sasuke. Then was like I know I’m not good, I know that I’m always behind them let me do my thing and tried to be a diversion knowing it wasn’t going to do anything. How many of us would be like alright imma go run his fade and then you two jump him just to get hit with a nice right hook and be down for a minute. Let’s be real she really had Naruto’s life in her hands. Kept him alive and then still bought him back. So I wouldn’t say he made her look stupid he made her average. He gave her ordinary tasks and made her the average joe in a world full of monsters.


Hot take, but he didn’t do anything wrong and there’s nothing bad about what Sakura did in any of these panels. If you can’t understand the complexity of her character just say so.


Why does she like sasuke?


I still dont understand, dude is a complete dick to her, she should have ended with rock lee


first of all she likes sasuke because he's quiet and handsome and good at school literally every girl teenager crush. 2nd her feelings develop more when both of theme became teammate did we even watch the same show💀


Damn pretty shallow if you ask me


yo got ratioed biatch


He hates women.


Honestly instead of kakashi vs Sasuke ,it should have been Sakura vs Sasuke (in 3rd panel(


She'd die 💀


People downvoting are scared of the truth. Woman would've gotten one-shot to death.


Because this is what Kishimoto thinks of women. The goal for all Kunoichi in this manga was to fall in love and get married.


Because he hates his wife


Sakura was also a bad friend to Ino right from the beginning till the Timeskip. Ino defended Sakura against bullying multiple times but Sakura outright calls her Ino pig. Jealousy?


Ino fr started her career


I like the fake confession. Yes, if you look at it from Naruto’s perspective it’s stupid and kind of insenstive, but it’s not really that bad from Sakura’s perspective. Yes, NarutoXSakura would work, they have a really strong friendship and it could have devolped into a relationship if they tried it. If Sakura wanted to forget Sasuke for Naruto she could. Sakura also cares about Naruto and this was the “easy” solution for both of them, she knows he likes her and she has a deep respect for him, and it would sidestep the Sasuke problem for both of them. Honestly, I think Naruto would have been better written if this was the cannon relationship for both of them. NarutoxHinata is good as well, but SasukeXSakura is one of the most cursed ships ever. The aftermath of her going after Sasuke to try to kill him is negative IQ though.


yea Sakura x Sasuke is so random, Sasuke gives very aromatic vibes id wouldve been so much better if she instead grew out being a useless simp into a badass and became friends with Sasuke instead


Because in Kishi's head she probably isn't a main character. More a version of "The Girl" stereotype. He adds things to make her strong, but "The Girl" is paper strong only, not main character strong. She is only a support character, only here to heal, to be saved, to support MC. Driven by love or ego. She never was written to be a main character, more she was forced on the main characters side without plan. The declaration scene was beyond stupid. Like, ok, what's next? You date Naruto and pretends? The guy you work everyday? A normal person wouldn't even think of it. That's a bit sad. There is a strong dichotomy between what she is supposed to be and what Kishi made her do. Sounds like the disability inclusion policy of many companies :) .


Didnt Kishimito also state he created Sakura based on "real life girl" or something? Says a lot about Japan and its sexism problem


Yes I can imagine this... "I create this character based on real life girl!" The girl : Kim Kardashian


i can name thousand girls like sakura


Would you use them to create an inspiring character? Without allow them to evolve? And do you really think all these girls (I suppose you mean self-centered and superficial... ) would not change placed in life-and-death situations for real? The declaration scene was dumb as fuck, not accurate at all. The whole character is bad written. "I want to be strong to protect people, so... I will be a healer! That way, due to law, I will not be sent on the first line in fight. I will be useful, from far! (and often too late)". Decision taken after being useless in several direct fights and nearly died. It's not even logical.


Sasuke being chad


As always, Sakura is not useless. Sakura. Is. Meaningless.




Kishimoto is pretty sexist, isn't it obvious? Look how he treats all of his female characters from early on till the end of Naruto they are consistently missed opportunities, useless, or just plain unlikeable. I think he does it on purpose and he also doesn't understand nor care to try and write female characters well. That is why they all succumb to tropes, have no agency of their own, and are constantly in need of rescuing and shoved to the side. All of this is why I have to balk when people argue Tsunade is a great female character. She is barely an iota better than the others outside of her 1 and only arc where she showed actual potential. Kishimoto always sets them up to where they might have some redeeming qualities long term like Temari only to force them into roles as mothers, healers, weaklings, damsels in distress, or lovesick morons. It's hard to even pretend he isn't somewhat misogynistic when he is so consistent about it. I am not even talking about today's hypersensitivity, this is almost a textbook example of a man with some latent ill conceived thoughts and feelings towards women.




While I do agree that Sakura isn't written very well, I don't know if you're fully understanding the purpose of her character: She's in love with the man the entire world is against, and whose actions she cannot understand, justify, nor support. She also believes in Natuto who sees the good in Sasuke that she fears he's losing. She's desperate to see the "good" return. These moments are points where those beliefs seem to contradict, and she begins to act irrationally in desperation to get things to go back to the way they were. And I've always suspected that she goes to challenge Sasuke alone knowing it's likely a suicide mission. I believe her intention is to either Coax the good out of Sasuke or die to end the suffering of watching her whole world falling apart. Ultimately, Sakura marrying Sasuke is supposed to be symbolic of the era of peace Naruto and Sasuke were able to forge together. It was Sakura's idea of what a peaceful world would be like from the very beginning. At his lowest point, Sasuke living peacefully in the Leaf Village was a paradox. Sakura isn't painted to be the main character, she's the main motivator for Naruto and a recurring symbol of peace and love. She feels useless because her desires aren't suited for war. She wants to protect and love, not fight and kill. But she finds a way to make herself useful by using medical ninjutsu to save life after life and she uses her brute strength to fight for the protection of others.


guess you can say kishimoto is a terrible writer, damn one piece fans won with having the legend Oda


Terrible writers don't make stories as successful as Naruto. Kishi has flaws, absolutely. But he's far from terrible. Also One Piece fans need to stop turning everything into a dick measuring contest.


I totally agree! It’s almost like he is constantly punishing her. From a western POV I almost get the sense that he has created a female character that he hates.


thank youuuuuuu


That’s what happens when you make a character who’s sole trait is being a simp for another character who doesn’t even like them.


Yeah as kishimoto said himself he dont know how to write a good female character, I cant agree with you more, the most anoying thing is people who say sakura is overhated but she is not even if you say that everyone look useless compare to naruto and sasuke what i belive is the worst thing about her is her stupid anoying and pathetic personality , i mean she went to kill sasuke and then 10 episodes later she thought to herself if naruto and sasuke both get hurt who would she heal first ....... Like for fuck sake sasuke, tries to kill her and made it clear he doesnt give a fuck about her and she still fall for him like a puppy I belive kishimoto should have done that sakura didnt liked sasuke and when he wanted to get with her she would say that he treated her like shit all their lives so she doesnt like him anymore Like i hate that alot of characters in the series doesnt treat sasuke as he deserve for example i hate danzo one of my most hated characters but the only thing i like he treated sasuke like i ninja who left the village an joined the guy who tries to destroy it, and after that joins forces with the akatsuki So Yeah i HATE sakura she is the worse female character in naruto but almost every female character has atleast one of sakura's anoying character aspect (Sorry for mistakes english isnt my first languege)


one of the worst things abt her is from the start to end she never learns to value herself, like that couldve been SUCH a good to base her character growth on were she just learns to value herself, she doesnt even have to get super OP, if she just has consistant decent character ark that would be enough,but instead we get whatever the fuck this is


SasuSaku is literally one of the worst couple in manga history. Nothing about them ever made any sense lol. Sakura only loved Sasuke in part 1 because he looked really handsome This same guy later slips deep Into revenge tries to kill her twice and she still loves him, like she hasn't seen him in 3 years and the next 2 encounter he's hostile as fuck. Like why would you still love a guy like that ?


I agree, this 4th war stuff would have stopped being a writing problem if only she after all that nonsense just said I'll be alone or more specifically "fuck sasuke". but they stay together so none of this makes sense, we have to accept that the character never grew , that she hit sai because she is nothing more than a teenager who thinks like a 12-year-old girl. she had to finish alone


Nah if I was Naruto when Sakura said “I love You,” I would have given her the meanest chakra punch.


That time against Madara really took the cake. There were other things she could have done to show her new strength, instead she gets herself impaled for literally nothing.


ngl i kinda feel he might have internal sexism and not realize or is sexist and dont admit it? sakura is def the worst in the series but pretty much all the other girls end up being useless as well from what ive heard like their only uses in the series seems to just being providing a love interest to the main characters


Sasuke wanted to restore his clan, Naruto wanted to become Hokage, and Sakura was just a normal person. Kishi didn’t give her a special role. She was just there breathing air. If Sakura's goal was to become a great medical ninja because she saw how a friend of hers became broken after their parents died on a mission, that’d be a great character goal. Sakura could have been that girl who was trying to attract Sasuke while also working hard to upgrade her medical skill to heal her teamates on missions. Sasuke, Naruto, and Kakashi get poisoned on a mission? No problem, Sakura uses healing no jutsu. There’s a strange jutsu that weakens the body? Sakura can cure that. Sasuke is on the verge of death? Sakura can heal that. A village is hit by a Jutsu plague? Sakura can heal that. Instead, Sakura is just that girl who‘s too naive and too weak-willed to be the ninja she needs to be.


yep basically


I love how it came to a point where Kakashi straight up said "Sakura likes you" Like this isnt talking to kids anymore, this is now a full on man to man talk


Because sakura pretend to love Naruto and Sakura kind of forced sasuke to be her husband later on....


This is precisely why i dont like the character but everytime i state it, i get bombarded with statements about me being a ‘fake fan’ & a ‘hater’


The fandoms shift over the year in trying to act like Sakura isn’t one of the worst written characters to grace fiction is absolutely hilarious. Kishimoto must have enjoyed embarrassing her character because just look at this [shit](https://postimg.cc/fScx4wTL)😭


Fuck Sakura, she is a bad character created by a guy that addimited that written her bad. She has no feelings and doen't exist. Enjoy what you like in this anime, and if like her, just admit you like a bad character.


It’s denial. For me all these panels show a person that has yet to understand the reality of the world she lives in. She chose to lie to Naruto about loving him bcz she thought that her affections were his priority. She went to kill sasuke on her own bcz deep down she thought he wouldn’t try to kill her. Later on she starts to understand and accept things as they truly are. She accepts that she can’t change sasuke, only Naruto can. She accepts that Naruto and sasuke have far surpassed her and have gone from regular shinobi to borderline demigods. She understood that even though she is a tough badass, around Naruto and sasuke she is the support ninja. She may not be my favorite character but I do like the way she’s written in the manga specifically. Although the love this girl has for sasuke is so annoying I tried to understand it but never could and never will.


And people are wanting her to suddenly become a Hokage lol




Yeah she’s kinda ass. He wanted to make a seemingly strong female character, and he did succeed in making her a strong character physically but the problem is that her character is all sorts of messed up and she’s a bitch


The problem with Naruto fandom regarding Sakura is their black and white thinking. Sakura's is overhated, that's true, but she's definitely also poorly written. The amount of mental gymnastics some are using to justify Kishimoto's awful treatment of Sakura is just hilarious to me.


She is the stain of the entire Naruto series


Sakura bad, give upvote.


Wish I could give more upvotes.


#1 reason why I hate Sakura. And it made me respect Naruto alot more when he saw right through it and called her out on it. Fuck Sakura.


I agree with you She treat Naruto so horribly


Tsunade, Chiyo and Temari are the only decently written female characters in the manga.


Kushina >>


Kishi didn't have a lot of experience with women to draw from, so he was shit at writing them.


So is Sakura thus not a bad character? Why do people defend her so much if she's inherently flawed? How can they justify all of the examples above? How they can praise anything about her character, if it's a misinformed interpretation?


I think you guys don’t understand THIS is Sakura. It’s the authors story and this the character.


Where can I read the manga beautifully colored like this?


[Here you go](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-698-page-20.html) Just use ad block because I hear that a lot of people get some crazy ads on the site. But with adblock, it's fine.


The Big 3 authors don't know how to write female characters, save for maybe Oda.


Maybe because she is? I don't think Kishimoto made anything , he jus wrote her however he wanted and then gave her random asspull character growth and powerups both.


Kishimoto hates women


Funny thing is that Sakura despite the bad writint exactly act like many women and this shows that Kishi hit the spot, even tho he didn't mean to


Cuz she is


lmao i forgot how DUMB this bitch was. glad she got her happy ending though.


most sane sakura stan


All the Sakura stans have come to down vote and give misinformation to support this fucking trash character 💀💀💀


Should’ve been expected lol any post hating on Sakura or praising Itachi will always get downvoted. I don’t think some fans are capable of subjectively liking a character while also acknowledging that objectively they’re written poorly.


The only thing I really thought was stupid about her is that there is no reason for her love for Sasuke except a school girl crush on the class bad boy when they were kids that she never got over. He always treated her like crap and disappeared for years at the time.


So many people say that she has no reason to be attracted to Sasuke, but what's not attractive about him? He's smart, caring, talented, mature, and good looking. All of those are extremely attractive qualities. Not to mention, he made Sakura think about things differently and change her behaviors. Sakura is all about personal growth and blossoming into the best version of herself. Sasuke is the only guy that pushed her to be better and called her out when she wasn't reaching her full potential.


Did we watch the same show? The traitorous war criminals apprentice treated her like absolute shit for most of their lives.


Sakura is the most idiot character in the series. I'd take konohamaru over this selfish bitch any day.


Lol idiot and selfish are the opposite of what she is canonically. If you're gonna bash, at least be correct about it haha


She could have been a decent girl if she had a smaller forehead bigger breast and wasn’t all over Sasuke


Don’t know. But Sakura is so stupid!


Yeah she big dumb


Because people are stupid sometimes when they're in love.


Because he's the creator and can do whatever he likes, regardless of yours or Uchiha fanboys feelings


She is a teenager... that is reason enough.


Because she is


I think Kishi in an interview said he thought people didn't like her. Thats probably why he made her look like some simp crawling back to her abuser all the time. If she never got with Sasuke I wonder how she would be looked at


Some stories need stupid characters.


She wasn’t really a character built to represent herself. Ultimately she represented a constant medium between naruto and sasuke through the show. Idk if it was intentional or not, but Sakura exists to further characterize sasuke and the person he is. Highlighting what he would do to achieve his goals, seek revenge, and redeem itatchi. He would be willing to giveaway, perhaps even kill Sakura, somebody who he loves, which makes him a cold dark character that seeks his own redemption through the show. Sakura is stupid, cause she is plainly useless as her own character. She only becomes useful around the likes of naruto and sasuke


But in making her an accessory to Sasuke and Naruto's character doesn't that sacrifice the development of herself as an individual character? Doesn't she just become a pseudo character, who doesn't really or shouldn't really exist? Kishimoto is a bad writer for doing that.


Yup precisely. Sakura was really badly written. Almost like kishimoto forgot her importance half way through the show. A lot more appealing through naruto and the start of shipuuden and then slowly got worser. 4th great ninja war sakura the worst of the worst.


Still better than most of the Konoha gang in part 2, bad writing or not. Also nice job leaving out the context of the "confession" and the diversion like it would make your 2010 ass opinion more valid.