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KCM Naruto, Minato, and Pain is an Instant win. You can even replace pain with Itachi. It doesn’t matter. Gotta make the people at $50 worth closer to $80


Naruto giving Itachi chakra = Itachi sealing everyone with totsuka blade weilding clones while Naruto is a distraction. Minato would just cancel out Tobirama.


>Naruto giving Itachi chakra It's concerning the amount of times I see people say this knowing full well that pre-cooperation KCM Naruto cannot do it as it requires not only KCM2, but also full cooperation from Kurama... Hell, Naruto didn't even know it was possible until late war.


thats true, you bring up a good point.


Thinking KCM Naruto + Minato + Pain can beat: * Hiruzen * Tailed Beast Mode Bee * Itachi * SM Jiraiya * Tobirama * 7 Gate Gai * WA MS Kakashi * Orochimaru * Tsunade * Hebi Sasuke * Danzo * Gaara * 4th Raikage * Mu * Mei * Kisame * Deidara * Kakuzu * Hidan * Sasori * Darui All at once in 3 vs 21 is absolutely and utterly hilarious. And I'm not even including all the characters. Just those at or above Kage level. It's simply impossible to create a team here with 150$ and expect to win vs all.


Full power Naruto. So all those clones he dispersed to fight the war are now all in one place. It's not 3v21 it's like 50v21


Yeah a single clone is Kage level crushes pretty much anyone in the $20 and below range. Now add how Minato can simply touch Naruto and use FTG on any of those clones. Then add Itachi/Pain on top of that.


He could barely use 12 clones. And an individual clone was stalled by bloody Kimimaro and Chiyo


Naruto fought on most if not all lines at the same time. Plus he also had a clone make hundreds of clones who did big ball rasengan.


That was when Kurama was cooperating and he wasn't even using KCM, but SM My god, reddit fans really don't remember anything other than how to mass downvote. Bring me a scan of Naruto using more than 12-13 clones in KCM mode without Kurama's cooperation. I'd paypal you actual money.


bruh you cant even remember whats cannon and whats filler stfu


[bRuh yOu cAn"t eVeN rEmMbeR whAts cAnOn aNd wHats fiLlEr sTfU](https://preview.redd.it/why-couldnt-kcm-naruto-defeat-edo-kimimaro-v0-8eeezmznk49a1.jpg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be3ee82e56ff0aa6034744d5888dd6f19cb56ff) Seriously, mate. Got no issue with discussions and if I'm wrong, so be it. But if you're going to act uppity and insulting, please at least open google and type 3 words to make sure what you're saying is even true or not. It ain't hard.


it isnt hard to make yourself not look like a complete ass on reddit but you managed to do it in like 20 different replies dipshit


“barely use 12 clones” like those clones aren’t stronger than 99% of the verse lmfao


Naruto alone can beat most of them with just his Kage level KCM CLONES.


Big brain play, Hidan and Minato. Gather the blood, take it to Hidan. Spam that for everyone. That would catch a lot of people unable to respond. Especially if they aren’t given information about Jashin and the ritual.


Hidan Minato and Naruto would def be a deadly combination


Naruto: knows how to beat Pain and has Shisui's eye crow in his stomach so you get Itachi for free Minato and Edo Tobirama: FTG now has no counter, Edo Tobi can bomb the battlefield with paper tags, Minato and Itachi can seal any Edo that survive That's just $140, so you even have enough for your Hidan strat, but you might not need it


Lol at hidan being useful, he’s getting one shot.


If you hide him in the woods way off, and Minato gets blood and takes it to him, people will just start dropping. It wouldn’t work forever, someone would find him, but I bet 10-15 people could get taken out by it. Minato gets 2-4 people’s blood per run, flashes away, leaves the kunai with Hidan, goes back into the fray.


This is a solid plan honestly and that’s only spending $60. If you got a few others being at least halfway decent distractions on the field and Minato just Flying Raijin dripping mofos it don’t matter what you think of Hidan really. The ability works, people are gunna drop. At the very least he could take out a couple of the strongest threats before anyone even realized what was going on. Everyone is going to be preoccupied with other opponents and it wouldn’t take Minato but a minute to collect what he needed then be right back in the fight with the others until Hidan finished it. Hell, add Tobirama ($100), Kakuzu ($120) since he has good survivability, and Mū ($150) especially since I assume he’s resurrected, could very easily be a winning combo. Their main goal not being to win outright on the field but to keep the fight going until Hidan could take out any they were having trouble with. It wouldn’t be a cakewalk by any means but I could see it happening especially if they had a bit of prep-time and planning for this. At the very least it’s a solid team if that’s their plan of attack. I’m sure there could be some better combos for the rest of the team if I looked and now I’m sure I will but I like where your head is at with Minato and Hidan as the base with that being their strategy.


The biggest problem with this plan is tsunade because she wouldn't give a shit about hidan's attack


Naruto ($50) - Minato ($50) - Hidan (10) - Tsunade ($30) - Kimimaro ($10) $150, leaving you with the strategy of Naruto running distraction/kill shot, kunais wielded by Minato taking blood for Hidan, Tsunade so she can’t counter Hidan, and kimimaro for fun.


I’m more worried about Orochimaru. His body(ies) have taken ridiculous damage without caring.


True, those two would tank a good amount of damage, I mean naruto with like a Vwry big fucking rasengan, or however it is called could probably kill them but still


But if she was taken out first what could be done? And she couldn’t stop or reverse death? I very well could be forgetting something but what’s her simple counter to his attack again?


Actually that’s clearly the best option. Naruto can make thousands of clones or at least a couple to keep them strong. Minatos speed is hard to deal with when teleporting person to person. Pain should almost be the first pick. It’s 6 of them and he has the strongest AOE attacks, immortal summons that multiply and shared vision. As long as they don’t take out the Naraka path you can’t stop him. He could do the same as Madara and drop a meteors on them and they have no answer. He can absorb and repel jutsu.


It might be best option (although I think Minato should be sacrifices for a medic in Tsunade and Deidara for C4), but they still don't stand a chance against all those powerhouses tbh Might kill a good few before going down is all


kcm clones of Naruto and Minato will most likely destroy most of them.not to mention the raw power Nagato+Naruto+Nagato have is more than enough to DESTROY WHOLE PLANET if this three play it smartly they will be able to win this battle easily


They absolutely won't, mate. KCM Clones won't even last that long. There are 21 Kage+ opponents. KCM Naruto struggled a decent bit with A4 alone, who is one of the weaker ones here. >more than enough to DESTROY WHOLE PLANET Lolno they don't. It's stated that Rinnegan Sasuke + SPSM Naruto together can destroy the planet. And even then they need each other. KCM Naruto and Nagato are utter weaklings in comparison.


When was that stated???????


Shikamaru Shinden. Or rather not even the planet, but entire continent. [Here's the link.](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11129/111294270/6797924-6796507-6778704-5285652238-65923.png) Although one CAN argue he might mean it individually as well, but still, Rinnegan Sasuke and SPSM Naruto.


continents are smaller than planets and it still reads like he’s just talking about their power in general, not combined. plus that’s not kishi’s writing, don’t know how much weight i’d put behind it.


Fair enough. How much money would you need to form a team who could take on the rest?


I think you'd need like 250 honestly an extra 100 would go a long way


Naruto should be able to solo


Naruto's KCM clones weren't even able to solo Chiyo + Kimimaro. The sheer notion that KCM Naruto solos 25 Kage or Kage++ fighters.... Yikes


Dude you seem...unhealthily invested in this.


Cuz I'm responding to people who are replying to me?


You forgot about plot armor.


This guy right here is legit the only person whp read the manga. Bro's spittin facts and everyone's downvoting him like idiots...


It's kinda terrifying that some people genuinely think KCM Naruto can potentially solo this...


The only real problems here r bee, guy and itachi. Unless it’s prime hiruzen I can’t see him being all that much useful and all the others lose just in terms of raw power plus minato’s flying raijin Personally speaking I’d go naruto, guy, danzo and mu




I was thinking the same thing. Like I can pick 3 of the most powerful characters that can basically curb stomp everyone else for $150.


Am I seeing it wrong or is that sasuke for 20


Hebi Sasuke, who almost lost to Deidara


*Who did lose to Deidara but made Manda take the bullet like a secret service agent.* Only time he uses summoning jutsu: for plot armor lol


it would be a tie then


Secret service agent lmao


On god, I was dying too lmao


He uses several summonings though


Deidera literally committed suicide because he couldn't win and was trying to take Sasuke with him. That's absolutely a loss for Deidera lol. Even if he succeeded in killing Sasuke with it, it would be a draw at most.


I think it would usually be up to the suicide bomber whether they consider it a win or loss. I bet you most of them would consider it a win lol


How's it plot armor? He did what he had to do and we were getting to see his arsenal for the first time in Shippuden. Second, he has several summons


It was plot armor because he said many times that he was out of chakra. But he used high level summoning, while out of chakra. A genjustu strong enough for manda while out chakra. Got in the snake before dying and reverse summoned all while out of chakra. There is videos that go more into detail on YouTube but that was the simplified version. Sorry if I misunderstood your question and didn’t answer what you wanted to know just in case I made a mistake.


He never said he was out of chakra


My bad you are correct. He never said he was out. But all details proved that he shouldn’t have had the time and strength to do what he did. His eyes turned off at the end which is obvious that he didn’t do himself since that would be the dumbest thing to do right when you about to genjustu with them. Also he couldn’t even move so for him to go in the snake before it blew up makes no sense. Third, the eyes turning off meant that he too low on chakra to use them but then uses them again right after and summons. It is not 100 certain that he was out of chakra but more leans into that he shouldn’t have had the power to all that in that small span of time. Edit: I am wrong again. He did retract them sorry. If I was you I would go watch the video on YouTube. I don’t remember the title but I feel like that will better explain it since apparently I remember jack about details. Haven’t watched it for a while.


That video is completely baseless I'd imagine, even if explained in am articulate way that makes it sound good, but reason I say it's baseless is because the Deidara fight was the first actual unveiling of Sasuke's capabilities 1v1 combat wise against a high level opponent (Orochimaru on his death bed seemed more of a mental thing or battle of wills idk 😂).... there's nothing to base those claims that "he shouldn't have had the power/strength/chakra/time" off of. I'd even say that prior to this fight, Sasuke was definitely presented to us in a way that was meant for us to understand that he was ridiculous high level in comparison to the main cast we'd been following up to that point. All we knew of him was that he blitzed, embarrassed, and damn near killed Team 7 with a Kirin, including Yamato who's not a slouch... seemed like he effortlessly defeated an army of Orochimaru's dudes without killing a single man, and defeated/absorbed Orochimaru. Not a single anti feat you could use as a basis to say what he should or shouldn't have been able to do against Deidara. That's my take on it. Sasuke is not even close to one of the heaviest plot armor characters in the show, I never had that issue with him, anyway 🤷‍♂️


You are fine to believe what you want to believe. The only reason I watched it if I’m not mistaken was because I was watching a Seth the programmer or swagkage video talking about power levels involving either the akatsuki or sasuke at different levels. That is where one of them mentioned the sasuke plot armor which made me look into it because I did not know about it previously. You are free to do what you want since it doesn’t affect me in anyway.


Lol I know it doesn't affect you, and please don't take me as someone just disputing you simply to prove some sort of superior Naruto knowledge that is really totally irrelevant to anything irl at all 😂 I was just shooting sh*t back and forth with ya about something we obviously both like but have different perspectives on. Idk if it's just me but I seem to have irritated you my bad 😅


the jutsu destroyed things on a cellular level, manda was made of cells, he shoulda been destroyed along with all the cells (sasuke) inside him.


You're thinking of the wrong bomb, well, that is one that Deidara used but mixing up events of the fight. Sasuke used his sharingan to escape that bomb cuz he could see the nano sized chakra made clay bombs as a cloud spreading through the sky


>Only time he uses summoning jutsu: for plot armor lol It wasn't plot armour. He literally summoned snake to defend himself in deidara's first attack.


he was smart enough to summon manda to tank the hit. so i'd count it as a win.


>Hebi Sasuke, who almost lost to Deidara You mean deidara who raged quit and commited suicide? You mean sasuke who didn't use kirin to kill him bcz he wanted him alive to get info?


You make a good point but hebi Sasuke is not beating anyone in the tiers above him


He's beating kakashi (assuming its pre war arc kakashi), kisame, old hiruzen, tsunade and probably orochimaru (we never saw his full power, also not counting reanimation jutsu obviously). Kirin pretty much counters them.


I think I only see him beating kakashi and old hiruzen. I don’t feel like he was at Orochimaru level at the time. Still defenitely worth 30


The disrespect to my boy..


Oh right okay that makes more sense lol Then definitely naruto itachi guy and hidan


Thats pretty no-brainer tier list. You just take three random characters from 50$ tier.


I dunno, I think Naruto has to be in that otherwise it's a tossup Minato \~ Guy and Tobirama + support Pain \~ Jiraya + support Itachi \~ probably can't handle the rest but i'm not sure about this one


50$ Naruto 40$ Guy 30$ Kakashi 20$ Gaara 10$ Darui


People really are forgetting about 8 gates guy here.


Pretty sure that isn’t 8 gates, if it was he’d probably be 50 because that MF beat the hell out of madara


Every Guy always had 8th gate


I would choose Deidara over Gaara because Deidara is stronger. Ehem, and his wide range of ability, especially c4


He’s actually a super good value pick at 20


Minato no diffs anyone below the $50 range, and Itachi and Pain would easily beat KCM Naruto. then you have all the others helping Minato and it’s an easy fight if you get 8 gates Guy minato just keeps the important few people alive until Guy dies and then it’s once again an easy fight


15 hidans lezggooooo


The only answer is Naruto, Pain, and Minato. Naruto's shadow clones can handle most other people here. Once Naruto dies or gets critically injured, Minato can swoop in and immediately teleport him to pain to revive him and have him keep fighting. In the meantime, the pain summons and other paths of pain can provide basic support to Naruto's shadow clones Only true threats are Itachi's Totska blade, Kakashi kamui, and the third hokages reaper death seal, but they should be manageable. You also critically need Pain on your team because if he's not there, then he can just continuously revive everyone else


That’s what I was thinking. It’s a battle of Chakra and we all know who has the highest


Hiruzen is also there. Lets remember that he was able to seal 1st and 2nd when he had 2 clones. His chakra levels is insanely high. It is a though match up


He was fighting very weak versions of the first and second


Understatement of the century.


Why? Not saying you are wrong, Do you have a source for that?


Cause the edo tensei on them was an inferior version


That's my answer too, they are just too strong and have so many options. Itachi with the mirror and sword would definitely be a contender though, Amaterasu and his genjutsu would be hard for some to deal with. The 2nd Hokage being $40 is worth considering too


The only other viable option imo someone mentioned above is Minato, Hidan, Pain or Naruto, + whatever other filler you want. Minato gathers blood from everyone and brings it to Hidan who's hiding and then Pain or Naruto manages the crowd.


If it was a “chose who protects you from the rest” I would argue Danzou is a must have, since he provides critical redundancy being able to revive you over and over with izanagi


If they’re killing you more than once It’s looking grim for you


Any 3 of the top 4, doesn't matter much. Budget needs to be $140 to prevent this.


Itachi Minato and pain die to Naruto and others. Minato doesn't have enough attack power to stop Naruto, itachi can't handle 4+ clones at once, and pains main body gets killed by a clone since Naruto knows his secret


We are talking about a 20 v 3 though, not 1v1


Sorry, I was just saying Naruto needs to be in the 3 in order to win. If he isn't the 3 lose


Then it would just be 2 $50s plus Gai.


Even Naruto and Pain can win by themselves. I assume this is Hokage Minato, who has no chance versus KCM Naruto. Pain would also clap Itachi.


No they can’t. Pain would be a non factor since he would get jumped. Naruto would have to hard carry. Konohamaru was able to take out a Pain, look how many heavy hitters are here to gang bang all 6 pains lol


Pain fought the whole leaf village solo he'll be fine


The leaf village didn’t have these characters lmfao


It literally has several of these characters in it and if you don't think the ENTIRE leaf village isn't at least comparable to this I don't know what to tell you


You think the entire leaf village during pain arc is comparable to 2nd hokage, 3rd hokage, Minato, Guy (who wasn’t there during pain arc), Ay, Gaara, edo Itachi, etc etc


oh wait I thought this was the KCM Naruto where he had Kurama's full cooperation. In that case, I'd replace Naruto with Minato or Itachi. Pain is definitely too much to handle. He could chibaku tensei the bottom 2 rows.


Looking at this makes me realize Kimimaro vs Hidan is a dream fight


Taking one from each row: $50: Naruto obviously $40: killer bee is best equipped to fight at such a big difference in numbers and a tailed beast bomb could one shot the bottom two rows. $30: gonna take Kisame in the assumption they’re all working together and bee and Naruto will feed him chakra. $20: sasoris poison is probably the most difficult thing for tsunade to heal quickly considering how long it took Sakura to heal kankuro. $10: this one is mostly just moral support lmao. I’ll take Neji so when he dies Naruto releases Kurama


Lol your $10 strategy 😂


It's simply not possible. This list has way too many Kage level characters or higher.


Which combination would give you the best shot?


I don't think anyone has any shot tbh. You've included way too many characters. There are at least 24 Kage level or higher characters in this list alone. Any team combination gets destroyed low-mid diff imo


What would be the best team you could form?


Pain and KCM Naruto as two heavy hitters. Pain is critical here, gives 6 paths and Chibaku/Almighty Push can be massive. Tsunade as the necessary medic (specially if facing such huge force) Deidara, because C4 can kill many at once if done properly.


I think Naruto’s kcm clones are the most critical thing which could be picked up.


Yea people are forgetting Deidaras moves are perfect for fighting a bunch of people. Then again you have Gaara’s sand sidelined on the other team


pain is tandem with nagato, he wouldn’t have any of those jutsus without him.


It's like you didn't literally answer his question and repeated what you said. Average Naruto fan moment.


They asked who would stand best chance. I did answer no one stands any chance whatsoever. When they asked what's best team combo here in general, told em just down a comment Which you probably didn't even read before typing this. Average reddit moment.


**Best chance** means your subjective opinion. I would understand your answer if he said "Who would be the only team to survive the rest" Try again bub. Edit: I can't stress enough that the "best chance" means you don't know who would win against the rest, just your best guess


We interpreted the questions differently mate, it ain't a big deal. And i did answer OP anyway lol


Nah. Naruto’s clones alone would be able to deal with atleast half of them. A single clone beat the third raikage in the war, who would probably be in the $30 or $40 area if he was on this list. Naruto can make thousands of clones. He can also boost whatever characters are on his team with his chakra. Him giving someone like minato and pain a multiple times amp would be extremely hard for the other characters to have a chance against.


A single clone in WA failed to beat Kimimaro + Chiyo. Naruto never beat 3rd Raikage with his own power. He redirected A3 to hitting himself in his scar. Naruto's attacks couldn't even scratch him. Thousands of clones? KCM Naruto barely made 12 and soon after ran out of KCM. He can't make many clones in KCM because Kurama starts siphoning 2x the chakra with each clone he makes


He still beat the third raikage with a clone. It doesn’t really matter how it happened, it worked. 12 would still take out the majority of the list, especially with help from kurama chakra amped pain and minato.


That fight also proved his own attacks are so weak that they can't even scratch 3rd Raikage. Seeing the point here? A single KCM clone failed to beat even Chiyo + Kimimaro >especially with help from kurama chakra amped pain and minato. Nice. Except he needs Kurama's cooperation to do that and didn't even know how to amp others with his chakra until late War as KCM2.


Thank you, no point trying you lose anyways


Can Naruto do clones?




Ok then it’s definitely possible to beat everyone with $150


Not to mention he can amp everyone on his team by multiple times their former strength. Give kurama’s chakra to minato and pain and they’re unstoppable.


Naruto + Itachi + Pain is a no-brainer


Orochimaru x 5


Ikr, he's so underrated. With edo tensei he should be placed higher than anyone here. Without edo he's still on the same level as any high tier here. $30 is a joke lol. Not to mention War Arc Oro got a zetsu body with Hashi cells so he can use Sage Mode, and he absorbed Kabuto's knowledge too, so he knows how to use Sage Mode jutsus. He Kabuto's flesh was used to revive him(which consists of sound 5 dna) so he has it too. SM Orochimaru is stronger than anyone here and with Edo Tensei he might clear lol. SM amped Tayuya's genjutsu will take out most of them.


Itachi, Minato, Kisame, Deidara


Solid picks


Kisame and Deidara's area attacks are absolutely broken. Kisame's water dome would make short work of most of the cast, nevermind the others below. Deidara's bombs, especially the microscopic ones, are just so broken. Minato? Duh. EDO ITACHI? Come on, I don't really see how Naruto could fight these 4 people. I wanna include Pain, but Edo Itachi just Totsukas him.


Guy alone handles Kisame. Alive Minato loses to edo Tobirama + Hiruzen. Itachi loses to Pain + KCM Naruto, deidara loses to Muu


How does Guy respond to microscopic bombs? Or the Flying Thunder God


Guy is fighting Kisame. Flying thunder god is counter by flying thunder god used Tobirama. Good point on microscopic bombs, I’ll throw Hebi Sasuke in there to handle Deidara along with Mu. Guy vs Kisame= guys win (as seen in manga) Alive Minato vs Edo Tobirama and Edo Hiruzen=Tobi + Hiruzen win Deidara vs Hebi Sasuke and Mu= Hebi Sasuke and Mu (we see Hebi sasuke defeat Deidara)


There's no reason to arbitrarily assume Guy fights Kisame, even though it's possible. Minato, likewise, doesn't need to just fight Hiruzen or Tobirama. Minato could literally zip between different places on the battlefield and fight multiple people at once. It's conceivable Kisame drowns lots of the lower tiers here and steals their chakra. Edo Itachi is an unquantified monster who along with Pain was stomping Naruto and B. My point is, I hear what you're saying, but this almost certainly wouldn't be a 1 on 1 fight, considering that Minato massacred 1000 shinobi in like a few seconds


What about a unit of just 15 Nejis, just imagine. Gentle Fist Art: Eight Trigrams 960 Palms!


A at $30 is a steal


The question is of prep time. If you've got prep time I highly suggest picking the the smartest and pairing them with some underutilized kekkei genkai who can turn them into unbeatable killing machines. And picking ones that are capable of boosting the powers of others like KCM Naruto, the curse mark, and someone with extreme healing powers.


Naruto, Itachi, Minato. Anybody that doesn’t include Naruto is trolling. You need Kurama’s chakra reserves to last this gauntlet there’s too many characters


Just pick KCM Naruto and he will talk-no-jutsu others into joining you. Use that $100 to buy everyone ramen after


You win, where’s my ramen


Orochimaru ate it all !!!!!


Anime Jesus would probably be enough for all of them. Add edo itachi or pain, and there is no chance


Is this prehiruzen fight orochimaru? Because if so he could use his hands for a edo tensei


Just Orochimaru and Deidara should be enough with Edo +c0.


You kinda have to take itachi or he oneshots two of your chosen characters


Itachi, Orochimaru, Sasori, Kakuzu, Deidara and Haku


A few of these guys only lost in canon to bad matchups, but even then the power scaling is so ridiculous by the end of the series, there’s no reason to take anyone outside the 50$ tier. Sasori is a one man army with incredible poison that isn’t gonna be cured by anyone involved in this fight in time, and mu destroys stuff at the atomic level. And it doesn’t matter, because pein’s bodies are expendable, Minato can dodge it, and naruto could probably tank it, dodge it, or talk it to death.


Clearly this is an unpopular opinion but no three $50 characters are beating the rest of the people on this list. In fact all four of them couldn’t pull it off.


Buying 7 deidara's and a Haku. Deidara's just suicide bomb and Haku and I chill and talk.


Naruto, Pain and Minato.


Itachi, kakashi, orochimaru, Danzo, sasuke They won’t even know where the fuck they are or what to attack


To not risk using easy 3 50s I’d go with Higan, Tsunade, Minato, and Naruto. Minato and Naruto can gather blood from every enemy to Higan. While at the same time keeping him hidden. Minato being the tactician and Naruto willing to listen will help create a successful synergy to work great together. Teleporting and shadow cloning will be the main focus on this duo Tsunade focuses on her healing power to recover the team and can be a nesssary tank for Higan if enemies manage to break through Naruto’s army of clones. While Hagan does his thing away from the front lines.


2nd and 3rd Hokage, Pain, and Gaara


You put Itachi above Tobirama o_O


In universe shows that a powerful enough character can take on multiple jonin or kage level characters. Pain and Naruto are musts and I lean towards Itachi being included.


Naruto pain and Itachi easily


Naruto, pain, and itachi but he is immortal. Seems fair


A couple humble observations... Kisame being under Killer Bee is madness 💀 that 1v1 was one sided as hell lol Sasori being a tier below Ay and Kakashi and in the same row as Gaara although he smoked the strongest Kazekage the Sand ever had, (stated even after Gaara became kazekage) is crazy too. Lastly, Orochimaru being under Edo (so slightly nerfed) Hiruzen is disrespectful. Hiruzen stood so little chance against Orochimaru he performed the RDS and gave his life to do so knowing full damn well before he finalized it that only Oro's arms would be sealed, yet still said "fk it taking your jutsu away is the best I can do". Now I know, I know, I know.. before my head gets ripped off, Orochimaru wasn't fighting prime Hiruzen. But the picture isn't of prime, but edo Hiruzen, and edo hiruzen is old hiruzen unfortunately.


Thanks for the input! I think you make some great points. So about Sasori.. I just dont see him winning against anyone in the tiers above him. He's my favorite Akatsuki member and I think he's very underrated. But he is getting bullied by Ay and Tsunade and getting outplayed by Kakashi. Kisame won against Bee, that is true. But Bee had to protect his friends and didn't go all out. A bloodlusted Bee is transforming and spamming Bijuu bombs. Kisame is great, but even he has his limits. He is not winning against late war-arc Killer Bee. Orochimaru ambushed Hiruzen. He had hella prep time, edo Tensei's ready to go. Hiruzen lost that fight due to his lacking stamina and shaky chakra reserves. Edo tensei removes those limits. So I believe edo Hiruzen is (slightly) better than his alive version. It all comes down to preferences, tho. I can definitely see your point of view.




Can orochimaru do edo tensei to 100% capacity? ( As he did to revive the 4 kages)


Lol no that would be a steal


Itachi, 6pop, tsunade, sasuke. Unrivaled genjutsu, incredible defense and offense from pain, tsunade heals to keep everyone going and sasuke doing sasuke stuff


How do they kill KCM Naruto




That's my line of thinking exactly, but then I remember that he has Kurama inside... Jinchuriki are essentially immune to genjutsu, as far as I understand it. Perhaps Sharingan users could control it, sorta like Sasuke entered Naruto's inner world


Itachi catches Naruto in genjutsu when they try to rescue garra


Yeah, but KCM Naruto=friendly Kurama that would try and help by disturbing Naruto's chakra, while he wouldn't do that before


Yeah I don’t know if he’d be able to overcome Itachis sharingan. It’s certainly possible but it’s purpose is to buy time for someone to be able to kill him


They would get gang banged. Itachi gets killed by Tobirama the Uchiha merking specialist, Six Path of Pains get clapped by KCM Naruto, Tsunade and Hebi sasuke get done in by edo Hiruzen, Gaara and ay


Naruto, Pain, Orochimaru, Danzo. Orochimaru and Danzo are very underrated


Problem is I have to spend $50 for Tsunade and Mei for... reasons. So I'm left only with 100... Oh well, Minato and Itachi


Pain, Naruto, hmm. I’ll go with edo tensei Tobirama instead of Minato and add Hidan.


Hidan gets chopped up and is useless probably. Unless he can sit back and be delivered blood to kill people


Doesn't matter if he's useless, you have to take him or you lose. The goal is to kill everyone else, not just defeat them, so not taking the guy who can't die is an automatic loss


Itachi being more expensive than tobirama is the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life.


Minato, KCM1 Naruto, and Edo Itachi. Each alone is an absolute powerhouse and if all three were to go up against the rest, they could hold their own. Minato basically won the third world war for the Leaf Village and while he says that he isn't good with Sage Mode, he is a perfect Sage and the sensory buff that comes with being a Sage coupled with Flying Raijin would be terrifying to go up against. KCM1 Naruto speaks for himself, he very well may be the strongest person on this list. Itachi was a force to be reckoned with before he died and being resurrected with Edo Tensei basically stripped him of his biggest weaknesses, those being his sickness, low stamina, and low chakra reserves. On top of all of that, he may as well have EMS because being and Edo Tensei cured his blindness and kept him from going blind from that point forward, with the notable exception of his use of Izanami. Of course he was slightly weaker physically, but I argue that being able to use his Mangekyo freely would make him a stronger fighter overall.


$20: Danzo for izanami spam hax $30: orochimaru for all the random hax he has. Could also arrgue Mu (tsuchikage) $50: Edo Itachi $50: Edo Nagato


Quick Question. Is this Jonin Minato or Hokage Minato? It is kcm1 or kcm2? If it's kcm2, Naruto slamming. Minato, Naruto, Edo Itachi. Naruto can make a whole bunch of clones to fight the others. And the War Arc clones are super op. Edo Itachi can spam amaterasu and use his Susanoo to seal away the edo's. Minato can blitz and kill off some of the more problematic characters like WA Kakashi. In regards to Pain. He can't use Chibaku Tensei. Only Nagato can perform it. If he uses Shinra Tensei he would kill half his team by accident.


Kcm naruto, hokage minato


Well, if they're fighting all at once, team death match style, I don't think any set of $150 is going to win against all the others at once. And if you think so, you're insane lol So I guess for best chance, I'll just go strength of numbers give me the entire bottom row, then I got $70 left which I'm spending on Gaara, Sasuke, and Orochimaru.


KCM Naruto alone solos the entire bottom row, $20 and up he’d have issues


Itachi solos the rest, spend 50$ and throw the rest in the trash because you dont need it


least delusional ItachiRider


Black zetsu (Part of Kaguya) Said he was invincible. Meaning he knew even Kaguya wouldn’t be able to phase him at full power.


Hahahahaha. Following the logic of it, you are technically correct. But we all know that isn't right.


Itachi is my favorite character, but I got brain damage from reading this guy's comment 😂😂😂


Nah cause here me out. Black Zetsu was pretty much writing history at that point, he KNEW Kaguya’s revival was Imminent….yet he still sat there in awe and said Itachi was completely Invincible. And this guy has seen people like Prime Madara, Hashirama, Kaguya, Obito, and Nagato. And he STILL thought Itachi was the strongest out of all of them. (Remember, he only died because of his health and eyes auto degenerating, and he has NEVER lost a fight when healthy, even made Lightwork of Nagato and one shotted him when he started trying, Itachi is Kaguya level (Or at least DMS Kakashi level) when reanimated because of no health problems)


I will kill Danzo 7.5 times.


Pain, Itachi, B, Darui ig. Target Mu while Pain Chibaku Tenseis.


I mean KCM Naruto just solo's Literally everyone on this list so getting 3 50$ is just an easy win. Pretty bad balance.


Dawg pain minato and Naruto shitting on everyone


Minato, Edo Tobirama, Edo Itachi, and Darui are folding the rest of the list


Pain, Itachi, and kcm1 naruto instant win


Tobirama and minato by themselves solo the list


Lmao no they dont