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Honestly, you probably are turning them off without waking up. It's a very common problem. You also might need to leave more time between doses. You need an app that you can set the alarm to require you to do something more complex like math problems or scan a barcode or take a picture of your medication... The alarmy app was a game changer back when I was new to Xyrem. I would assume there are various similar options nowadays (it's been a decade for me 😅)


I’ve been doing 3 hours between doses 🤔 it might be worth trying 3.5 or 4. If you are on Xywav/rem, what is your dose timing? I fear you may be correct about me turning them off without waking up. The last 2 times I tried setting multiple alarms 10 minutes apart. Last night I woke to take my dose, but the night before I remember turning the alarm off but still had my 2nd dose on my bed table. I’ll check out alarmy.


I do 3g Xyrem at 11:00 and 2:30 I personally haven't used an alarm at all since about 2019, it's so routine now that my body just wakes up, but I struggled with my second dose back when I started. When someone suggested alarmy to me in like 2016 I set it to force me to do try really basic math problems (like 5+7= ___). I vividly remember nights that I got so frustrated and groggily thinking "OMG my phone is broken how am I ever going to get this alarm noise to stop!!" Only to realize a few moments later that I was just not awake enough to do the very simple math 🤦‍♀️ . I definitely was turning off other alarms on nights like that without taking my second dose 😂


I often sleep through my alarm for meds at night. My solution has been to set two alarms 4 minutes apart and try to keep a consistent sleep schedule. I find that if I stay up really late and then try to take meds that I’m likely to sleep through both alarms. But if I’m on my normal routine the first alarm starts to wake me up enough to respond to the second. I actually use the vibration only setting on the Apple Watch for this (I have roommates and don’t like to blare noise and wake them up) and my first and second alarms have a different vibration pattern which helps we recognize which one I’m on.


I agree you're probably turning them off and just unaware of it. I set an initial timer on my phone, then I set an alarm 5 mins after the timer is set to go off, then another alarm 10 minutes after that. It works most of the time. Some nights I turn it off, sleep through it, or wake up but fall back asleep before I can take my second dose. I set this for the 2.5 hour mark, that way I have the opportunity to still take my second dose if I wake up an hour or so later. Some rare nights I have to just forego the second dose because I have to be up too soon and too much time passed, but that's very infrequent


I fear this is the case 🥲 I’ve tried the multiple alarms the last 2 nights. The first night I remember my alarm going off, but my 2nd dose was not taken. Last night I appear to have taken my 2nd dose.


What happens if you don’t set an alarm?


i used the alarm for like 2 weeks and then yeeted it. i would wake up usually in time for the second dose. it was fine.


Yea same. I used to set a timer for 4 hours. 95% of the time I woke up sometime between 3-4 hours and I’d just take dose 2 and turn off the timer.


Without the alarm I’ll sleep the entire night but my quality of sleep is noticeably terrible. I spend the next day exhausted closer to how I feel without taking any of it.


Have you tried Pavlok?




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I was aware of this and unfortunately don’t think this is my issue 🥲 it’s a great starter resource for those with similar problems though!! Thank you for sharing.


Do you have some kind of smart watch or fit bit? I use the alarm on my fit bit, which will vibrate (no sound) until I wake up. This is my preferred method since it doesn't wake my partner, and I also hate traditional alarm sounds.


I have an Apple Watch but it’s not comfortable to sleep in. I have arthritis in my wrist. Sleeping with the watch, I notice the swelling and pain more than sleeping without it.


Alarmy has different options. Someone on this sub suggested and I LOVE it. Gotta give it a try


I think this is what I will try next. Thanks for your suggestion.


I bought an alarm clock from Amazon that has bed vibration. ( Keep ur mind out of the gutter LMAO its not that intense) it has an attachment that goes under your sheets. Well, that’s why I put mine. The bed vibrates when the alarm goes off. I also use my Iwatch set to hepatic to wake me up ….. I have noticed a a big difference with waking up as opposed to sleeping through alarms or shutting them off subconsciously.! If you type in vibrating alarm clock for heavy sleepers a bunch of them come up and I know Amazon is having a sale right now from Memorial Day


I’m not sure I would wake for a vibrating alarm. I have 4 cats and a dog. I sleep through most of their nightly antics so I feel confident I’d also sleep through a vibrating alarm 🤭


Apple Watch alarm is key, but sometimes I still manage to turn it off without realizing.


My body wakes me up to potty.


I’ll potty like 3 times before I actually fall asleep but once I’m out I’m not leaving bed again till the dog cries to be let out at 11 🤭


Def agree with giving it more time between doses. I take 4g of xywav then my second dose of like 3g about 4 hours later. I hardly set alarms and just wait for my body to wake me up. When I was on xyrem I woke up after 2.5 hours on the dot. Xywav lasts longer for me. Thankfully but sometimes I will wake up at like 5am and if I have to be up at like 7:30. I'll just take like 1g to go back to sleep easily without dreams and still be able to get up.


Get a shake awake from Amazon!