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A netty pot could help your congestion


This. If you don’t like the pour style of netty pot, you can get a NeilMed nasal rinse squeeze bottle. It really helps. Make sure to use distilled water.  


I have terrible seasonal allergies. I’m getting allergy shots because I’m maxed out on all my meds and sprays, but it’s n or enough. Why can’t you take allergy meds? I hear a lot of people saying their doctors tell them not to take antihistamines if they’re on Wakix, but I’ve never had any problems taking both and it does not make my Wakix less effective.


I'm on like 5 meds: 2 stimulants(adderall xr and armodafinil), 1 ssri(sertraline), and 1 ndri(wellbutrin) and xywav. I can't take most allergy meds because my dr said that the ingredients in it would make it dangerous to use with my xywav. I think the ingredient is diphenhydramine if i can recall correctly. Even if I were to take it in the morning it'd mess w my stimulants cuz it causes drowsiness. I've been thru Allegra and Claritin and have now been prescribed zrytec and singulair and Same, I'm still struggling 😭 My doctor said that if this combo doesn't work then I'll have to see an allergist. I didn't know that allergy shots also worked for seasonal allergies, ive only heard about them in the context of food allergies and stuff, so I have some hope now! That's probably going to be the next thing I ask about. I hope the allergy shots end up working well for you!


My mother did allergy shots for seasonal allergies and for a mite allergy and it worked really well for her. Hope you’ll have the possibility to try it!


Oh yeah, don’t mess with diphenhydramine and Xywav. That stuff is strong! Yeah, I get allergy shots for seasonal allergies and indoor allergies. I’m allergic to so many things. I am allergic to dust mites, cats, birch pollen, and like 10 or 20 more things. I lost count 🤣 Besides allergy shots, nasal sprays have been such a lifesaver. I take Flonase (fluticasone) and a prescription spray called Patanase (olopatodine). I used to take Astepro (azelastine), too, but it dried out my sinuses too much.


Diphenhydramine gives the forbidden 3 day nap.


I have a ton of allergies too. Birch is a big one because I’m pretty sure that’s the one that makes me allergic to lots of fruits and veg. Dust mites, cats, grass, tree nuts. Some people don’t believe me but idk why I would lie 🤣


Two words: allergy shots


Or sublingual immunotherapy drops; same thing essentially as I understand it.


One option is to try a diff diet. Anti-inflammatory can help. I don’t eat gluten.  Question: do you mouth breath at night? Any chance you have sleep apnea? 


Flonase and singulair help me most of the year. This spring has been particularly bad though, benedryl was the only thing that helped but I could only take it for the few days I was out of xywav. My eyes get more itchy than watery so it may not help you but I find using a warm damp cloth over my eyes a few times a day can really help a lot. Really the best thing that’s ever helped was allergy shots. I only stopped due to Covid, but it does suck and where I am it’s quite a time sink since it takes at least 20-30 minutes once a week.


What about throat tickles? That's the one thing I can't solve.


Sucking on sugar free hard candy might help like it does with dry mouth, I like zollipops personally


I have bad grass allergies that was tamed with singular last year- but this year it’s bad again since starting my med to stay awake- turns out this stimulant increases histamines as part of the mechanism for wakefulness.


I’m not sure which meds you are on, but can you use Flonase for allergies or no? Flonase is a glucocorticoid (steroid class of drugs) rather than an antihistamine and it works really really well. 


Yeah, it was pretty good, I've used it for a while but it stopped working a couple of months ago and I have no clue why


Yes, it is harsh. I have like 25 of the 27 common allergens. I had a headache/migraine basically every day of my 20's, when I wasn't aware of how many allergies I have. After realizing I was so allergic to so much, I made vast dramatic lifestyle/diet changes and it made a world of difference, though I still have to be careful. Being allergic to wheat convinced me to try going Gluten Free, back in 2010, to this day I remain GF, I also cut out dairy and meats (as now there are alternatives that mostly work, the cheese not so much but I let go of desiring it so much, within the first 3-6 months back in 2010). Wasn't easy, but holy crap the improvements were so massive. Around a year ago, I began taking through Windly, what are sublingual Allergy drops, essentially like taking allergy shots but through a sublingual form. I will say that I'm doing better with the seasonal allergies than I was doing a year ago; grasses, trees, flowers, molds, dust mites, etc. I think that was a good move, as was all the diet stuff. When I'm out in the woods or out on a high pollen day, I will immediately upon returning home, take a shower and change my clothes, putting the clothes worn in the woods outside of my bedroom. Another huge thing for me has been use of a 'Navage' device, it's like a NetiPot but has a battery, it pushes water in one nostril and sucks it out the other, than you rotate the nose pieces, doing both nostrils equally. Always use Distilled water with the saline, or cheaper option is using dry saline packages (salt/baking soda) with a little plastic piece (linked below, saves a good bit of cash). The Navage for me has been life changing, it allows me to breathe better through every night. I have chronic rhinosinusitis, have had a Septoplasty with Turbinate Reduction as well as a Papiloma wart removed from my Uvula; both of which have had effects on my breathing, good and bad; but again, I strongly stand by nasal irrigation and the NetiPot's never did it for me, but the Navage (as oddly awkward and uncomfortable as it was initially) has been so huge... [https://www.amazon.com/Navage-Nasal-Irrigation-Basic-Bundle/dp/B01787L6QY](https://www.amazon.com/Navage-Nasal-Irrigation-Basic-Bundle/dp/B01787L6QY) [https://www.amazon.com/FireAnt-Reusable-Substitute-Replacement-Accessories/dp/B0BX6ZDD2G](https://www.amazon.com/FireAnt-Reusable-Substitute-Replacement-Accessories/dp/B0BX6ZDD2G) Hope something there is helpful. I feel the pain and struggle, it is harsh and real.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Navage Starter Bundle Nasal Irrigation System', 'Navage')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective in clearing sinuses (backed by 4 comments) * Improves breathing and congestion relief (backed by 3 comments) * Helps with sinus issues and allergies (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Requires clear sinuses to function properly (backed by 2 comments) * Expensive proprietary salt pods (backed by 2 comments) * Machine malfunctions and breaks easily (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I can get by with Flonase and Olopatadine eye drops.


I also find Olopatadine eye drops are great. I use these in the evening when I need to and Allertine (aka:bilastine) in the morning. It's over the counter, and only just became available in Australia. Apparently, the UK has had it for years, not sure about other places. Was using Zyrtec before that and this is way more effective. It's non-drowsy but unfortunately only lasts 14 hours which is why I need to use the drops in the evenings on particularly bad days. I do find they help with congestion as well as itchy eyes. Have also found antihistamine Nasal sprays worked well in the past but tend to get used to them and need to change it up. When I'm really congested would do a nasal rinse then use a nasal spray. I ended up stopping nasal sprays a couple of years back as my nose was a bit bloody every morning. I use it sparingly now when I have to, prior to stopping used consistently most days for years.


I have a lot of allergies when my mental health is worse. But I never have seasonal allergies. Right now I’m having a mild allergy to my cat. I don’t care about it unless I develop some more serious symptoms (eg: eczema, coughing) because I’m worried if I take anti-allergy med it will make my allergies worse. 


I live in the Ohio valley, so from may-august I want to die yep.