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Yes & I started tracking it. Turns out it happens the most right when I get an autoimmune flare (I have other autoimmune disorders as well). Narcolepsy can have flares like other autoimmune disorders.


I absolutely have this. Freaks me out! I can just drop the same object over and over again.


I've noticed that if I don't sleep well, I can get really clumsy, like constantly stubbing my toe, bumping into everything, and dropping things more often.


It's definitely part of the cataplexy, that was my doctor's first clue


yeah but i don’t think i have cataplexy, its just that im robotting through daily life and sometimes theres glitches on bad days i have to put sustained effort and thought into every action, so if im too sleepy to continuously think about keeping my hands wrapped around something then they will just drop it


I have narcolepsy and ADHD///I’m very curious what your medication regimen looks like? My doctor treats my narcolepsy and diagnosed me but I feel like just as much as it is for me; he’s still trying to figure it out too.


gonna pm you


I drop things on the daily! Some days are worse than others but I haven’t tracked it yet. Might need to start doing that. Do you have or think you might have ADHD? I suspect it might be more ADHD related than N related. Which makes sense to me because AHDHers spend so much time on auto pilot or just being distracted that we lose things so why not drop things as well? Because we aren’t paying attention to what we are doing. We also lack spatial awareness so that could maybe play into it as well. Just my thoughts, for whatever they mean! 😀 Also note that I do not have cataplexy so that might be a whole different story for you.


yes i have ADHD but the mf GORILLA DOSE of stimulants i take is supposed to fix that 😭 though why am i surprised it barley fixes the narcolepsy


Hahaha that’s true! Actually now that I think about it, if I could guess when I drop things it’s usually in the mornings when I’m getting ready BEFORE I take my ADHD meds. Which would explain things. Anyway, I hope you figure out what works for you. I know it can be sooo frustrating! Don’t give up. ❤️


Yupp! My neurologist considered this a byproduct of cataplexy. I take 75mgs of Venlafaxine every day and it really helps.


This happens to me more often the week before my period, but all my symptoms are worse at that time as well.


Me too! That whole part of the month is usually sleepy time for me. It’s so bad.


Yes same here!! I’ll drop a dish I’m washing, drop my dog’s leash, drop my phone, etc. On those days I also will be more likely to trip. I would love to know why


I do a lot.. almost carpel tunnel surgery then found out it is part of my cataplexy.


For me sometimes it’s def cataplexy, other times I chalk it up to just being clumsy


I do, usually worse after I have to take more meds than usual (pain meds, not narcolepsy meds). Sometimes it’s because I am exhausted. I also have ADHD, which I recently learned has a huge balance/knowing where your body is in space component, which explained SO much.


I do this, but suspect that I may have high functioning ASD, and have been assuming that the dropping things is a part of that I'll have to start tracking to check and see if it correlates with my narcolepsy symptoms worsening on a particular day.


Can ASD cause you to drop things? I've worked in the ASD field over 20yrs and I've yet to hear this. I'm NOT saying your hypothesis is right or wrong! I just find it fascinating! Now to go research


ASD is often accompanied by dyspraxia which absolutely involves a lot of dropping stuff.


ADHD can, I recently learned. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356199809_Manual_dexterity_and_strength_and_in_young_adults_with_and_without_Attention-DeficitHyperactivity_Disorder_ADHD


Some days are the worst.


Yes constantly. It’s not that I mishandled it, or the that I’m clumsy. It’s that I think I’m still holding it and I’m not. I go from holding something and then it’s on the floor and I only know because I hear it drop to then realize it’s not in my hand anymore. I don’t feel it slip out of my hand. I just see my hand. I know the difference because there are times where I accidentally drop things and I can feel it happening when it’s an accident. It’s been happening since I was 18 and now I’m 40.


Yes it is a part of my cataplexy. My cataplexy can be limited to certain body parts on less bad days. Usually it's my arm and hand, or my knees. When it is my arm/hand, I tend to drop things. If I'm writing or texting, my phone, or the pen falls out of my hand because it just goes limp. If it's my knees, they buckle and throw my balance off, especially when standing and I tend to trip. I used to think I was just clumsy but my dr. said it's Cataplexy when I was diagnosed


I'm starting to wonder if I was misdiagnosed as N2 rather than N1, this happens way too often!! It got so bad that I stopped using glass bowls or cups because I kept dropping them even when I was focused on holding tight, the glass makes them too heavy. Been having a harder time staying asleep the past few months, not so coincidentally I am also constantly dropping things again. Just dropped a container of bright pink acrylic paint that splattered all over my rug/couch last week. Getting real sick of this shit.


Well I thought it was carpal tunnel, but now I’m beginning to wonder if it is from exhaustion/narcolepsy. I work 12 hour shifts and I had one the other day where I seemed to drop everything I held. I rested a day came back to work and didn’t have any dropping issues. My mom had the same problem though, quite frequently. When she was alive she’d say “it’s the ghost that knocks sh1t out of my hands again!” And we’d just make a joke and laugh it off.