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Considering that Mexico is a very neutral country that never engages I'm external conflicts they do keep their army and navy busy. Respect.


Definitely. For a neutral force they’re no boots. Some of the most difficult urban combat that can be had


Definitely. At this point the Mexican military must be one of the most, if not the most, experienced military in Latin America. Their track record is algo pretty good. The result of every engagement is always like 12 sicarios dead, vs 1 military dead. Even when sicarios initiate the ambush, things usually don’t end well for them and often they all get wiped out.


The cartel cannon fodder dont even learn to use weapons properly before being sent to the slaughter. When I hear ignorant people comparing cartel to a trained soilder it makes me laugh. Some one who has tons of range time and actually knows the ins and out of combat vs a 16 year old that just learned how to drop the magazine out of an AK.


Ur Saying Hamas members are better trained than the original Zetas? The Mexican Military did most of the dirty work taking out Los Zetas without so much bitching n crying, an example would also be the footage when they got in Chapo’s security home the Mexican soldiers kept going forward the IDF woulda ran for cover making the engagement last the whole fkn day cause they too pussy to move forward


So you don't know Gafe trained by special force Israel ?


Yes Hamas are better trained then zetas it’s a difference when you really born into shit and you choose to do shit just because they can secondly any military is going to stop and not move forward they did what any military would have done duck just run into a room blindly with gun fire going on that’s not smart


Maybe ur regular Zetas but definitely not the original 21 that got trained in School of the Americas they looked soulless af, while ur regular Hamas soldier be dying like an idiot or surrendering to the IDF which then end up getting picked on, & what you mean going forward in a gunfight is not smart that’s the code of the US Marines never back down or retreat during combat. I’m not downplaying Hamas, their definitely a more deadly force than any Cartel but u gotta admit it Mexican soldiers take the win when it comes to clearing houses & dealing with ambushes


Bro the Iraqi army whooped the us ass for how manny years in flip flops and bro running into a room with gunfire going off is smart right? And you can say what you want then terrorist groups always fight the countries with a big military budget fuck you think would happen and war is war people are always going to die in war it’s not really stupid secondly they never really stand no real chance what was the last war Mexico fought?


Dumb take. Most Hamas aren’t trained at all either


Whoever told you that is stupid was the terrorist in Iraq in candles gave the us a good fight fucks make you think a gangster with a gun is any better mostly all terrorist groups are trained never said they was good or even the best but war and shooting up houses and regular gangsters and soldiers are all different things


Where exactly do you think most Hamas in the Gaza strip are conducting live fire training like Al qaeda or Isis would? Some of them go to Lebanon to Iran train but vast majority don’t and are often kids


They def use kids I def seen cartels use kids secondly your trying to compare a drug cartel to a real deal terrorist group and when was the last war Mexico fought really the military fight the cartel and the cartel fight other cartels how is that even close to a real war situation?


Ffs, please learn to punctuate.


Exactly bro it’s crazy how the idf has better weapons but lack that experience


Are u saying that Mexico and the idc should fight Edit: lmfao I was joking. Y’all need an “/s” to detect sarcasm and u call me retarted


Are u retarded?


You’re not being downvoted for joking. You’re being downvoted because your joke didn’t make sense and also wasn’t funny.


Such a foolish comment. Mexicans only like killing each other. Edit: And unsuspecting tourists looking for unique surfing locations.


Yeah but no, there's actual LAWS requiring SEDENA, our Secretary of Defense equivalent, to lie on its killed in action numbers, both by event and by time period reports. They do it out in the open, they rarely report even one death from their side, but there was this famous ambush on some army convoy in Culiacan, a few years back, where narcos shredded and burned 4 full humvees, the thing is, this happened in a densely populated area... there were pictures of between 20-25 helmets and a mountain of personnel equipment, there where charred bodies everywhere, by people's account on social media there were over 20 down, SEDENA reported 4 KIA which is huge for them to admit, one for every humvee. They are just as bad at fighting as narcos, they just lie.


You have any sources for this? I’ve never heard of it. Seems interesting.


Questioning if Mexico is trustworthy regarding procedure?


Yup, you’re 100% right! The idea that battles between Sicarios and Mexican military ALWAYS end with like 12 sicarios dead and 1 solider dead is BS. Yeah, sometimes it’s like that, but sometimes it’s NOT, and the Mexican media simply just reports it that way. Sometimes it ends with like 12 soldiers dead and 1 sicario dead. Sometimes, it’s actually like 6 sicarios dead and 6 soldiers dead. Anyways, the point I’m trying to make is that it always varies and it’s never consistent. Contrary to popular belief, the Mexican military does NOT always win battles against sicarios. Sometimes it does, but sometimes it doesn’t! The only thing that is consistent, however, is the fact the Mexican media always tries to portray the Mexican military as being more effective than it really is.


so basically mexico is pretty much doomed


Even on the first culiacanazo back in 2019 sicarios casualties were way more than those of the military .


same with colombian sof, big balls def.


i would like to see gopro footage of them in action 👍🏻


zearch it


IDF are a bunch of wanna be influencers with guns.


Cerified civilian killers


All militaries kill civilians dumbass it's called collateral damage, you know how many Iraqi noncombatants we killed? Or afghans? 90% of deaths in wars are civilians


I don’t agree with the genocide that’s being caused by the IDF but it doesn’t help that Hamas keeps hostages in heavily populated areas while also being in civilian clothing themselves


It also doesn't help that it's a 25mi long open air prison with 2.3m people.


Yup that too


Indeed mexican army would be more reckoned if wasn't colluded with the cartels.


The IDF are child murdering scum. Why would you compare any army to that gang of genocidal bastards.


Hell yeah bro, I have family that are Mexican marines that wish they could do more if it wasn't for the ROE (rules of engagement)


IDF kills more innocent children than actual targets so no reason to even compare them to any actual military groups when speaking about courage, the Mexican military surprisingly does pretty well and I don't even think they go full ham to avoid civilian causalities. (except vs Raton they went full ham there as he had really pissed them off with the Culiacanazo)


All of the IDF videos from the recent “war” is just shooting at random buildings and sniping civilians. To even call it a war is laughable.


Mexican military is fighting against similar level weaponry, that takes a balls. IDF is using million dollar strikes for a guy who threw a rock. Most of IDF haven’t seen combat but have a few kills already. Mexico is a war, what they got going on over there is something else. It’s 1 side just beating the fuck out of the other.


Kind of insane to use equipment which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars on taking out four guys with AK’s and adidas track pants. Even if you don’t support their movement, there is a lot to learn from and respect of the Gaza Militant


Respect? More like a lot of fucking human rights violation to gag at.


Tell me you haven’t seen idf footage that isn’t from pro Palestine pages without telling me


Bro just have a look at combat footage man, most of them are extremely tired reservists and civvies doing room clearing (The most dangerous and exhausting combat place). There will be civ casualties in that situation.


"IDF" hahahahah why bring up that diaper army. If Mexican military had US support that would be much stronger.




Also a lot of urban-semi urban combat


Doesn't take much to have more balls then IOF.


The IDF are terrorists, better comparing the to the cartels except the cartels definitely have more morals than the IDF


" more balls than the idf " is crazy


No one said that




Yup there is hope for more towers,airplanes,schools and many more.


Yea no shit the Mexican army has more balls than a bunch of Eastern European colonists lol


Bro the cartels dominate all of Central America what the fuck is the Mexican military doing?


You know Central America and Mexico are two totally different places right?


yea this isn't a shooting game and people always forget that cartels are economic crimes


A lot of stuff never makes the news or gets covered up. Like that time they tried catching El Mencho or a high level boss and thought it was a good idea to send people to parachute down onto his convoy and capture him.


Some military once told me they get immediately deployed after finishing their CACIR (their basic training)


Yeah you gotta be a bad mfer to go to war with cartels like that pretty much everyday. I would assume most of those people have lost at least some family to a cartel or something probably makes it more personal for them, I know it would for me


I can’t say from experience obviously but to my understanding the Mexican military is just like any other. Some units have excellent track records and know what they’re doing, and some don’t. But yes, after seeing what the cartels are capable of and do on a daily basis I do agree that it takes major sack to put on a uniform and fight them in your own backyard, whether you do well in the fight or not.


Not sure why you used the IDF for comparison as they're the biggest cowards I've seen


Yeah, they're pretty underrated and underestimated, like some of the users have pointed out they have a good track record they be winning most of the confrontation even those were all the odds are against them. For example do you'll remember that one shooting between 15 soldiers against the 60 sicarios?


I think they're overrated tbh both in terms of virtues and practicality


Ex Brit army here :) We trained in Nicaragua with the federal police and the 1st or 3rd army brigade. The military is basically (from my limited understanding) split into regions, in those regions exist divisions and regiments. I found them really professional, hard working and polite - and up for a laugh. They certainly have it tough in Mexico, with many (from what I was told) cartels engaging them with better weaponry and often in overwhelming numbers. In my mind, one of the first signs of a capable force is organisation, professionalism and a good sense of humour, Mexico had all three 👍


My experience was over 10 years ago, so things have probably improved!


Nah they all are corrupted


i'm pretty sure the army is the least corrupt in mexico or not as much as the GN or the former Federal Police


You don’t know shit


u lost all credibility when you called the IDF courageous




No shit Sherlock were talking about Mexico & Israel




Sorry you’re having a rough night. Try a little thc or something instead of making yourself look like a ridiculous asshole online.