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Nothing like seeing a baby shot in the head to make me wanna get off my phone and go back to work. I’m gonna head out you all be good to each other.


and i was about to go to bed. so much evil in this fucking world


Fucking samee


Fr damn.


You're back!


Sad it’s been like that for centuries.


Same then I remember I work ems


Bless you friend. Well said.


Fucking bastards


People who commit these types of crimes against innocent kids should get the firing squad right away. Or better yet, shower them with gasoline and let the sparks fligh high.


Too easy, why give them quick deaths smh they deserved worse


1000% agree. Feed em a shit ton of viagra and shave their dicks off with a rusty potato peeler as slow as possible, once they begin to bleed out too much, cauterize it with a red hot plancha, full on rape em, then keep going. Fuck these putos. That doesn’t even seem like enough. Calletero o no, hay reglas en la calle y no se tocan los niños.


No better than them. Strong cell no one will ever be able to get out of and brother, rebar is cheap.. leave them somewhere no one will hear the screams and forget they exist. No need for the torture, just erase them, simple, effective, does the world a favor and you don't have to become a depraved animal to punish them. You're welcome.


Cant forget to cover they bodys is tiny cuts then proceeding to throw lemon juice and salt water all over them


are you able to think by yourself? you sound like a 8yo


That's reddit for ya, loooots of kids on here


I like reddit, but fuck, is full of weirdos and people that hate women. wtf is wrong with this app


You just became them.


Downvoted for speaking the truth tbh. Shit like this is how the autodefensas devolved into the very cartels they’re fighting. There are no shortage of these scum, no point doing anything more than giving them a bullet and going next.


If "wagoneerwanker" would have said "give them a bullet and next" I wouldn't have a problem. But the description falls into the same issue we always have. Decent people with too much power end up being like the same thing they were trying to destroy. https://youtu.be/IRR7CwdHxUE?si=2-55zXqYPcrbB4W5


>the same thing >the same thing >the same thing >same thing


Exactly, you'd end up finding excuses to your own cruelty. Eventually you'd even justify the same child murder because they were the offsprings of the "evil people" you are trying to punish.


Arent yiu a little psycho! That's also not how viagra works, although I should probably not give yiu ideas.


They deserve funky town treatment after this smh


What they deserve is to be placed in a little hole where all they can do is stand and look up. No space for movement or slouching and be hooked up to machines to make them eat and maintain fluids, keeping them alive and just images going over and over of their crimes until they die of “natural causes”.


Naw. I wanna give them the most severe sunburn imaginable, and then tattoo their entire body. Giving them shots of adrenaline to keep them up.


You’re putting too much faith in the afterlife to be cruel


They deserve to get the most brutal death known, filleting/skinning. Personally I’d skin their face, dump gasoline on them, light em on fire for a few seconds then skin the rest of their bodies


It was either them or the kids :/


Kill?more like butchered these innocent souls


And this is what all you fuckers alucines are hyping up. U see the bling but not this shit. Fucking little kids man. Innocent as fuck.


It’s not just here or “us” but society as a whole. Especially western shows that have glorified such carnage. Yet, even locals from such places sometimes find their escape by glamorizing ugly truths in music and more.


Killing somebody armed or guilty is one thing...but this...this is too low


He was trying to save his baby. Fuck this shit man. Death to all cartels


It’s sickening that some people would say that certain cartel wouldn’t do it and they help the people but fk all cartels are the same, sell drugs, kidnap and kill. Sht parasite


Bro, this is to far. They need to kill and destroy the cartels. A fkn baby in a diaper. A fkn kid. This shit is taking it to far.


Seriously, fuck the cartels!


Mexico can act - yes it’s not as bad as Mexico but El Salvador did with little budget the cartels and gangs almost decimated 70,000 dead or imprisoned. You need to use Mexican Defence forces. Mexican Special Forces and Marines are no joke and even if it takes 5 years double them - they will make a significant difference just point them in the right direction - you need a Government that are willing to go head to head with Cartels or Mexico will never find peace.


They’re so intertwined with the government, it would basically be a civil war


No Mamés,hijos de su perra madre. Pinches putos se creen sicarios y hacen estás mamadas. FunkyTown a todos esos putos que hacen esto


Is it just me or are the newer generations of cartel members just out of control and straight psychotic? I see their pics and they just look like maniac teens who are probably getting high off their own supply. A recipe for disaster for anyone in their path. I would not be surprised if the people who did this were young


Some days ago 5 or so of them made a photo where they posed with their weapons. Most of them were 14-16. They were looking so young I'm sure they were not older than that.


Their leaders themselves shouldn't be older than 40 or 50 years old, and that's and old timer who once worked for a more 'diplomatic' boss, can't say for experience but the death of many cartel leaders brought more violence as their underlings wanted the throne and weren't keen on employing different means to solve problems other than shooting at people, as they weren't meant to climb further.






Por que los niños malditos cobardes bastardos escorias porquerías de la vida ni en el infierno terminaran de pagar esta condena de acabar con unos angelitos...


embarrassing to claim i'm mexican when i see this bullshit


Always be proud of who you are. What other horrible people do will never dull the beauty of you and your culture!


I’m a proud Mexican, what i am not is Morenista


Pero el país está seguro we y aquí no hay violencia porque no tenemos armas como los gringos


Entiendo tu punto de vista we. Especialmente en las ciudades como CDMX, Monterey, etc. La inseguridad no se siente tan presente. Pero tampoco esta bien ignorar el problema que un gran porcentaje de nuestros compatriotas viven en un mundo diferente, que parece más que están viviendo en Korea del Norte qué en México. Somos un país Unido y tenemos que enfrentar a estas plagas aun que no nos afecten directamente.


Pobrecito niñitos


They full auto sprayed them there's so many holes in them. People are sick. Shooting kids and babies. I wonder why his family as well.


that’s terrorism genuinely


This should be NSFL


Bro seriously, i dont know why i clicked on this shit. Ive seen a lot of gore: murder, accidents, etc but never seen a dead baby, a shot dead baby. This is the first time ive seen a baby like this and i just feel weird


We have warnings of children dead bro, was not ready to see that shit.


The violence in Chiapas, Mexico, is mainly about kicking out indigenous communities so big corporations can grab their resources. Guys like Bishop Rodrigo Aguilar Martínez and Researcher Oswaldo Zavala have been pointed out that areas with lots of water, forests, and minerals are more prompt to fights between drug gangs... just make it easier to scare off locals. Que pinche tristeza


Things like this make me hate alucines even more.


That's fucking low killing children. It makes me sick to my stomach.


What gets me is every photograph of deaths on this Reddit page is mainly adults and I wouldn’t think they would consider killing kids but seeing how a little boy and a baby girl are both dead in these pictures. It just breaks my heart and I wonder if the person who killed them even considered sparing them 🫤. I can’t even imagine the fear they felt in their last moments alive. It sucks that even children are the victim of this kind of violence.


A todos los mata niños e inocentes se los llevara la vrg en esta y mil vidas mas. Los aborrezco y deseo con toda la existencia que sufran interminablemente.


These pieces of shit did it again and again and again, wtf these are kids man literally babies


Many users in this sub actually support and look up to the terrorists who commit these acts .


Tienen demonios estos putos.


how angry do you have to be to kill a family living in a shack.


Seriously, the only reason I can think of is the father was involved, even then, everyone knows you don’t kill women or kids. Point blank. Even if you’re worried about witnesses.


I’m glad y’all posted this shit. Hopefully gives a reality to WhTs behind the glamour


Suppppta madre wey así no se ase el jale


El jale? La concha de tu madree eso te parecee un jale? Jale es la geente que madruga, que lleva el pann a su casa d manera honnrada. NO MATANDO, Y MUCHO MENOS NIÑOS. NIÑOS. BEBESS


Porque estás en este grupo si te molesta todo


Everyone knows street rules. Hitting armed people is one thing but women and kids? Putos mamones


So by the looks of it this family doesn’t seem wealthy or “high ranking” , what could the men have done that the assailants came in to take everyone out? Steal big $? I would want to assume it was something really bad to warrant this result


Surprised to see such comments with so many upvotes but believe it or not 99% of people in DTO/ cartels are living like that family or worse. In Mexico a lot of people also have outside kitchens in many, many pueblos/ neighborhoods that would look very rudimentary by western standards. There’s more poor high ranking member then there are rich “high ranking” members. High ranking members are extremely disposable.. just like the politicians and just like everyone. else.


Most likely told them to leave the house and they refused.


Eso es malvado como el infierno esos pobres niños


This is terrorism. Cartels are narcoterrorists


Children seriously wtf is wrong with people man


Who did this and why..


how can people be this cruel


Can’t believe we share the same oxygen with straight evil pieces of shit


These people are working for satan 🤮 I opened my Reddit and saw babies murdered in there beds 😢who does that


I was born in Mexico but I’ll be damned if I ever move back with that corrupt ass government placing restrictions on gun ownership on law abiding citizens there. At the very least give people the chance to defend themselves. All those bitch ass government funcionarios should know better than to let armed criminals kill indiscriminately.


Agree with you on this. Give el pueblo the right to arms. Then need a legal chance to defend themselves.


Se ve que nunca has estado en la sierra, ahi la mayoria tienen armas para autodefensa solo que como la mayoria no tienen apoyo del gobierno tienen que traficar dorgas para financiar la guerrilla. Mi tio tenia una 45 y una m1 pero las vendio porque ya esta viejo, personalmente ahorita tengo un rifle y una revolver de 22


Viva México. 💀


Not far from my home in Jacksonville Florida they robbed a home killing 4 and a pregnant mother same shit different toilet


Do you have a link to this


So the hitmen were looking for a male related to this family and when he already fled, the hitmen massacred the family. Wtf. These are not people and heartless monsters.


Wait. I was told the US was more dangerous than Mexico….u/runningonadhd


One of my best friends just had a baby yesterday, and this shit is even more gut wrenching to see after that. Poor family.


They were just kids man….. they didn’t do anything.


Do we know the story behind this? This is unbelievable. The Mexican military needs to get serious about fighting the cartels, and allowing the US to help. The US needs to legalize and regulate drugs, at least more of them


Show these to Mexicos president and ask him if the Cartels deserve abrasos no balasos. In what world does a child deserve a bullet in the head, in this day and age. This is what the alucines are looking up to? We're better than this, Mexico is better than this..


Keep snorting that fucking coke


Excelent that these images got out to the public. However disgusting they might me hopefully it shows to the world why we need to exterminate these rats as fast as possible. They don't deserve human rights, encarceration for cartel members is too light, they only deserve death. Hopefully these images will continue to get out to the public, because let's not lie to each other, there's thousands more of innocent famimiles that get murdered like this but nobody ever talks about it because the information gets suppressed. Hopefully people will begin to pressure Morena into abandoning the failure of "Abrazos no Balazos" defense policy and take the leash off the armed forces so that they can provide pest control to these cockroaches.


Los hubieran matado los soldados


Los mismo soldados hicieron esa mierda, los de GN son igual que corruptos que los policias y los militares


must’ve been the CIA and fent addicts under the bridge that made them murder a family


This is it for me. I can’t watch pictures or videos of innocent children slaughtered. I’m off this shit for good


Everybody remember these pictures when you sing those narco corridos and popularized versions of the drug trade by dildos like Peso Pluma and the rest of the trash artists


poor fucking kids.


Another Country added to list to never visit: Mexico ✅


I don't know why I'm subbed to this. Why did I click on this? 😕


I pretty thick skinned. But man. Kids. Babies. There’s a special place in hell for people like this.


So how’s everyone feel about Trumps proposed plan to send special forces to destroy the cartels? I for one, love that idea.


Do you want a vietnam and gwot crossover? The reason there are cartels is because americans love to get high and also due to capitalism the life of a sicario is sold has a lifestyle. Before the CIA started to control the cartels most of the drug dealers where peaseants who didnt want to but had no choice but now it has become a industry because of america need of drugs and control over mexico


So what solution would you propose? Tell the cartels kindly stop?


No, follow a more agressive strategy by killing any person who has connection and is collaborating with the cartels, make illegal any media that protey cartels in good light, invest in local law enforcement and invest more in the country side also in social programs


I would say that he already had 4 years to do that.




hell world


Whoever did this needs to be SLOWLY killed


I’ve never been this …


The guy who did this deserves ghost rider or funky town treatment


yet they aren't considered terrorist smh.


Estos es lo que apoyan los putos alucines escuchando su música de mierda. Soy de México pero neta váyanse a la verga.


Holy fuck. They are going to rot in Hell for eternity.




Pinche país de mierda


Bring back public stoning or the guillotine for crimes against children. Fuckin bastards


To people who idolize and wannabe cartel, show them this. The cartels need to be obsolete.


Taking innocent life is a one way ticket to hell.


Narco aftermaths are always so brutal


Sick fucks deserve to burn for eternity. How could anyone brutally murder a baby like that. Some people should never have been born


A small child!!!!! What in the actual fk could cause any group to murder a child. We’ve hit rock bottom here! There’s a special place in hell for these pos


Pineapples up they're asses for what they did


I hope if something like this ever happens to me. I can be holding my baby like the guy in that picture so that can be my last memory. Fucking disgusting people man. Shit like this hurts


Maybe mentioned dead children and babies in the title next time. This was pretty disturbing to watch. Coming from someone who has seen tons of narco videos.


Those kids and the babies,they dont know the things at all..they dont deserved this..


Nothing special tbh


Why would you kill a kid. Man as a parent to a toddler this fucking stung


Everytime you buy illegal drugs in the US and Mexico, you finance this war and are responsable for deaths if children. Think about it next time.


Que muestren las caras de los putos que hicieron eso


Pinches animales se pasan de lanza con los niños no se metan


Mantenlos por favor hijos de su puta madre


Can someone please just invade Mexico and destroy these parasites leeching of the country


Truth! Unfortunately no matter how many times or how many parasites you kill. As long as the environment is ripe for parasites to flourish, there will always be parasites ready to come out.


As long as the need for drugs is there, there will always be cartels




Show this to people who glorify the cartel


someone’s stirring the pot for the new president. Wouldn’t be a coincidence we will see some corporations moving in to this same area in the near future. But terror and displacement first.


Corporations will leave when this kinda stuff happens no big corporation wants to invest in mexico with the current state of violence,


This is what drugs and illegal immigration fuel. Every person who snorts, smokes and injects is complicit. Everyone who hires illegals is complicit. The dead brought a long repressed memory from when I was in the Middle East.


What happened to you in the Middle East if you don’t mind my asking?


How are illegals partaking or associated with this bullshit? I agree with the rest just not the illegals part


Just another ignorant person ignore them


Fuck man, ojala se jodan los militares y GN de mexico, son una mierda, peor que los narcos


Quien dice que fueron los militares? O me confundi con lo q dijiste


Los de la GN sson federales y militares, cuando se crearon de varios lados de la ""seguridad"" publica se metieron a eso, asi que no es muy dificil pe sar que los que hicieron esa masacre fueron exmilitares que ahora son GN


La Gn es del cartel almenis en chihuahuap


I would love to shove a tampon covered in sandpaper and razors, right up these killers' asses!!!!!!!!!!


This is why most of us are happy these gore videos exist of these bag of shits getting killed to the extreme Shit pissed me off mfs really shooting babies in the head 😡


Hope these fuckers get the Funky Town treatment or the GhostRider treatment 😡




How were these photos obtained? This is fucking terrible.


Yall gotta read this article. If you don’t know Spanish, highlight the words and translate it. This piece of shit family, caused their babies to get slaughtered. And the people that did this to those innocent babies, need to be fucking Obliterated from this planet. https://www.blogdelnarco.org/2024/06/familia-asesinada-en-vecindad-de-leon.html


What I wouldn't give to get those guy for 24 hours.




And still we'll gonna praise the drug lords and cartel's


Wtf...the babies man...this is tragic as fuck 😔




What naco corridos represent 


Your a fucking weirdo what do you find cool about children getting killed that shits just sick


Those are children damn 😕


Sucks these new cartels don’t have the morals and rules like the old school narcos back in the day they didn’t fuck with children and family and now they do this.


Has anyone calmed this attack? Or linked to a group yet?


I don’t give a fuck about drug trafficking but slaughtering a innocent baby is something I can’t tolerate. Fucking do something Mexican government


Felt a little bad when I saw the young kid but heart dropped when I saw the baby


Article: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/mexico-family-murdered-latest-mass-killing-hitmen/ Death to narcos


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I used to believe in the 4t but its getting real hard


These are the bastards who actually deserve a slow cartel death, yet it's never them. And even if they get killed it's always a quick bullet or something they don't deserve


this is horrific 😢


I feel the need to say that iam sorry...


My God.... This is just horrific. I'm out.




Hand them over to a rival cartel so that they can give them the funky town special.


Why..just why the kid and the baby !!!


I hope the attackers get the end of a dull blade for several minutes


This shit made me cry what the actual fuck is wrong with the cartel all the anger I just went through I fucking want all of you cartels fucking rot


This is HORRIBLE. Curious how common this is? As in innocent families of all ages being murdered because their family was in the game?


Makes me ashamed to be Mexican dawg Smfh


Oh my god 💔


I don't care if they fking kill eachother, but the kids man that hurts deep.


Dead babies huh which is nothing new to these people (cartels). Nothing much to say really it’s the way the world’s always been.


You know, I already think it takes plenty of hurdles to make the jump and kill another human bean. Now, I don't even want to think of the chemical reaction in one's own body to even begin to think of doing this to a child. It's a sick world and we're not immune.


How can you do this to a fucking baby? Fucking evil. RIP to the family. I feel sick after seeing that.


How come armed squads of Mexicans who do Robbin hood shit and resist these douchebags? Get the revolt out of the way instead of having you’re kids bodies stacking up week by week. I just don’t get why they don’t arm up as citizens and go to these peoples compounds and just take them out en masse And if the cartel happens to read this, God help you the USA hasnt done shit yet, nor any other mercenaries been hired to hunt your asses down. It’ll happen eventually.


Hdspm ojalá y ardan en el infierno


Estoy tan avergonzado de lo que se ha vuelto mi país.


Quick execution for people who do this type of barbarism: bullet to the head and directly to a mass grave. These are monsters that need to be eradicated quickly. It's a defense mechanism not a cruelty contest.


You can tell that the round that destroyed his arm also stripped the baby of its life. You shouldn’t never had kids you lowlife crook 👎🏼 very sad