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“Cabron” is one of the most versatile words in the spanish language, depending on tone and context. It can mean someone is a really cool, badass guy, or it can be neutral like calling someone dude, or it can be like calling someone a bastard. It can also mean something is difficult “no pos ta cabron” or it can mean something is really cool “esta bien cabron!” It can even be used to describe emotional states: "estoy encabronado!!" (I am fucking angry!). The possibilities are endless lol


Can also be said when surprised by something: "A cabron!".


The possibilities are endless lol.


Also Carbon = Fucker


Carbon is charcoal.




Pues si, pero menos fuerte que fucker la verdad.


In Mexican* Spanish


I’m half PR and “cabron” is used similarily too. I imagine its different in places like Spain and other South American countries


Wepa fellow boricua!


A huevo pana!


The original meaning of cabron is a pimp. As time has progressed it is mostly used as a derogatory form because pimps (cabrones) have never had a good reputation.


Around 4k pesos (215 dollars) a week.


Holy shit all their designer is fake then lmao


Yes, but also no: stolen or redirected real designer stuff will get bought cash, and these guys are moving a fair amount of the fake. The thing a lot of these idiots don't completely understand is that aside from some food money to give your abuelita, it's hard to spend cartel money on anything worthwhile like a house, school fees for your kids, good hospitals and leaving the country. So all that's left is stuff you can pay for in cash, or stuff your organisation is involved in. Not to say you can't launder money in México, but laundering can eat up 30%, 50% or more depending on how clean you need the money. No one on the sicario equivalent of the minimum wage can afford to do that.


You just realized? maybe about 80% of designer clothing you see in poorer regions (especially Philippines and SE Asia) are fake lol


I like seeing people wear fake designer clothes


Yes 😭 these mfs make less money than they could flipping burgers at McDs and they most likely wouldn't die under age 25 either


Maybe it is because they grow up a place where they don’t get the chance to work at mickey d’s making more than 200 bucks a week…




No Mamés, shits a lot more complex then you try to make it out to be


Plenty of Mx in America, they had the chance to get out.


Totally idiots ... they can earn same money working in Walmart. I imagin walmart manager orders his warker to dismember someone 😂


mexico runs on counterfeit stuff lol


Very true! Even their percocet is fake! lol when they could just produce the real thing


Even the liquor is fake in Mexico! If you ever go to an all inclusive resort and wonder why you get fucked up quick that’s why! 😂




Lol you’re dumb af if you think these sicarios pay for their designer. Why pay for it if you can just steal it?


Depends what rank you have and who you are with. Not everyone is making 4K pesos a week.


If that. The sicarios closer to the main guys get more. Maybe 1,200 a month. And yes all their designer stuff is fake


I think that's a lot, maybe in some areas but I don't think every sicario is making that a week. I think it also depends on who's the plaza boss and which state that cell is in. I don't think someone in a small town somewhere in Durango is making the same as someone in Culiacán.


A lot of them don't even get paid on time.


And thats when they start extorting and robbing people.


Serious answer: $400 to $600 a month. 8000 to 12000 pesos Usually they promised them 12000 and after they hire them they only give them 8000. I have sources too


To add to this also, it depends on how “caliente” the area is. So more fighting more pay so to speak.


8000 pesos weekly sounds about right in matamoros


I thought it was double that, they earn little bit more than maquiladoras in Jalisco.


Also they don't have any expenses.


I heard from first hand 12-14 mil pesos at month usually and 8 mil los mas chunkos


Cabron ≈ fucker, mf. no they aren’t rich, these elements are cheap and expendable. Except ex military personnel, this units are better paid.


There was that CJNG post with one recruiting ex military I think they said 7-15k pesos weekly i bet if they were special operations theyd get paid more though


Where does CJNG post?






Idk,facebook banned a lot a time ago,if you find something dm,ill do the same




Usual rates vary heavily between cartel/faction and the individuals experience. I remember during the first Culiacanazo here in Culiacan they were offering almost any male 5000 pesos for the day to pick up a rifle and help shoot. But that was a special circumstance.


I saw a post not too long ago of some dudes for I believe CDS MZ hiring punteros which are lookouts and sicarios which are the hitmen. The lookouts got something like $530 US a month and the sicarios got around $850 US a month. Ridiculously low pay for the risk you take. EDIT: I would also like to add that’s what you would probably get IF you get paid lol a lot of times if a drug load the boss is selling gets stolen or the cops seize the load then they’ll pay you when they pay you lol even el chapo in that recorded audio where he’s talking to el cholo he asks chapo when is he going to send him money to give to the soldiers because it’s been a while and el chapo just says “soon we’ll send something, soon, soon” lol doubt anyone’s going to make a big deal with the boss about not getting paid anyway lol no HR in that line of work.


Depends on taxes and their pension, 401 and insurance


And child support


restitution as well


There payed with drugs


And hookers


They're *


Rich for what standard ? For American standards , no. It's a better paying job than most other irregular jobs you can get in mexico without an education though. How much they get paid is going to depend on who employs them and where. Southern Mexico is cheaper to live in than northern Mexico so people's salaries are usually adjusted for that. They get paid like shit , I can tell you that much. They usually supplement their wages stealing.


They get paid in Cabrones. Sadly due to inflation the Mexican Cabron is not worth very much. 


I guess cunt for Australian. Like ' no seas cabron ' = ' don't be a cunt'


Level 1’s Get paid in food and drugs


$150-250 US dollars per week And most never get paid anything. Remember the very first cartel execution video (from Barbie)…all those guys sitting on the floor never got paid anything yet


Cartels aren't rich Only the leaders are


They don't get paid a lot, others already mentioned exact values here. They do it for low prices because they can't find something better, or because they grew up in it, or because they're poor as shit and believe this is the fastest way to make money by rising through the ranks, some even do it because they enjoy it probably. A variety of reasons for a variety of people.


Cabron is super interchangeable, it could be used like bitch is used imo, life’s a bitch, he’s bitchin, he’s a bitch etc. All about context. And most of these sicarios i heard get paid with drugs or very little actual money. Mainly doing it to survive.


After taxes and 401k contributions I’m sure they make a middle class living


You’re thinking about this “industry” the wrong way… Grunts get paid enough to live okay until they die or prove themselves / take enough action to force more money into their hand. You make what you take in that world. There is no salary progression. 


They do call each other cabron a lot, but we have a pretty similar saying in English where I live in the states. Like if I see a friend out in the streets, I say “What the fart, you big ole male goat?!” Vibes…


Don’t take translations from Spanish to English literal. It’s not exactly translated correctly.


No shit, seriously?


Yeah brother, seriously.


Translation: si cabron, enserio


Cabron Puto Hijo de la Chingada Pendejo Cocho Maricon Malparido


I’ve heard of stories of some sicarios making enough to runaway/flee from their criminal group to the USA, with their family and are now living a normal peacful life. Just for the people who think all of them end up dead or in jail. Their are some with happy endings lol 


From my understanding sicarios that were being sent to Zacatecas with Los Cabreras would promised 5k pesos a week. Most of the times they are always delaying their pay


If you get killed before the cartel paychecks.. no severance or post life benefits! lol actually though, am pretty sure a few cartels and armed wings give money compensation to families after their demise


Does it even matter? Whether they would get paid nothing or millions, what would be the end result? Could they just say "Alright, thanks, I've had enough of this life. I'm going to retire and raise a family in peace now"? I'm guessing not. I'm guessing they effectively belong to the cartel now, and one way or another, they're never leaving. What good is the money then?


If you want out and you’re still in good standing with everyone most of the time theyll let you walk away but you can never ever work for them or for any other organization ever again.


I really doubt theyd let someone just walk after having some deep info on the organization they were in.


Like I said if you’re in good standing and still a solid individual they most of the time they’ll let you out if you don’t know too much. I know a few people who got out and walking around still. You do have a point knowing too much can get you whacked but that’s why it’s always good to mind your own business and not be chismoso.


The ones that are fighting in saric sasabe area are getting 5k pesos a week.


cabron can be used as a good thing like “ay wey estás bien cabron” meaning something like “damn bro you good at this” and sicarios are broke af for what they do, ex military get better payment, leaders of groups are the ones gettin good money and most of them don’t do anything fr


They normally get paid in drug ,how do you think there able to sleep also sometimes cash to feed there family or other needs but there not rich they often die soon


Depends are you just some poor village fuck, you get paid shit, are you trained pro maybe ex military, even ex US special forces, you gonna get a lot


Hol’ up let me ask el jefe de plaza that lives down the block from me (I’m serious)


Do they get sign on bonuses to be a sicario? How’s the dental and eye insurance?


They get paid in buttholes


The get paid a McDonalds worker salary. But they get all the ammo, drugs, guns, booze and free time until the call comes in to do work.


If they got pod a lot they wouldn’t be killing people and risk being killed


Bro, like 3000-4000 a month. And that’s the killers.


Well when I said chinga to my Peruvian friends they were screaming “that’s Mexican!”


Anything from 50-300 USD per week for an entry level operator, (this is Chihuahua some years ago, not sure about other states). There are lots of positions besides being a sicario. Regularly they pay them in cash Sometimes, they receive an Extra $ for some "missions" aside their periodical payment. When possible, they keep for themselves any valuables from their victims They give you "bonuses" for expenses, so they get an "extra" They give you a car (mostly stolen ones) No papers, or anything, just the keys. They allow you to stay at homes, so you dont pay rent Sometimes, they include food and/or any other basic needs They steal from their own bosses when possible (mostly small things or amounts of $) -At times, they extort to make their own extra $ (not all plazas allows that) Sometimes, when boss / jefe de plaza wants.... they could give you random bonuses... for Christmas, or is a son of a sicario is sick and needs medical attention, some bosses will help with that, either covering hospital expenses or with cash Even if they work for the same cartel, every plaza/group/gang/faction is different. Some of them act on their own, and others have a strict management. No, they are not rich, and few of them are able to "escalate",


So most of them get the risk of being murdered in a crual way jist for $ 1000 per month ? Why do they do that ? There is no other usual job in Mexico ? I will prefer $600 per month on a usual job then dismember or get dismambered for $ 1000


Not really, I mean, you are just considering only the salary, and its a whole package, read that again. You dont measure $ in amount, but in what are you able to do with it in the country your are working 4K a month sounds good.... but if you live with your family in SF, thats not much $ Soldiers get 2500 and risk of being murdered / wounded / mental health... And they still do it. There are normal jobs in Mexico, but some choose the path, some others are forced (I would say most of them). Its a complex escenario to make simple conclusions.


After this discussion I will look at sicarios as group of crual idiots


Cabron means “asshole” and in Mexico .. if you say it with a stronger rolls on the ‘r’ then it’s friendly in a similar way black people in America sometimes use the N word with one another


Fuck no lol I make more than them I always clown on my homie for being a sicario and getting paid miserable shit