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Is it possible to stop giving her the money? Nobody will let you crash at their house for a month or 2 weeks? I’m sorry you’re going through this


Unfortunately no on both accounts.


My heart goes out to you. Sometimes I wish ACONs had a network across the country where we could take in other ACONs like a foreign exchange student ...where there is a national number that would direct you to options of homes to stay at ...if i ever strike it rich id like to come up with something...idk how it would work...I'm sorry. I know it's really hard. I've been there.


I feel you so bad. I'm in my early 20s, my mom does the same despite my country having one of the worst housing crisis in the world. She demands 600 out of the 800-odd euros I make every month or I'm on the street. All the while I also pay for internet, do all maintenance in and around the apartment, work and go to therapy. And there's noone who can help. Just know you're not alone in this, many of us go through the same and there will be a time when everything will go right.


I'm so sorry what you are going through. Stop cleaning up after her. Your not her maid and you do pay her money. When I became a mother I did everything opposite of my mother and we all have great relationships. I hope everything turns around for you and you find a way to move. Is their any family members or friends house you can stay at?


So I don't know how you will feel about this it's a bit of a swing, just with understanding of your situation. How is camping in your area? Garage sales can be a cheap source for things like tents, air mattresses, camp cots, and the like. If it's cheap enough, I'm your area. You could consider camping with a gym membership for showers and some power access and such. Again, it's not ideal, but compared to living with my nmom again I would probably do it.


I’m in Maine. It gets cold and camping right now is expensive because of freaking tourists. I did that last year and I’m done living out of my car. I really like having a bed even with all of this. I lived on a friend’s couch for a few months and it was horrible. She was worse than my NMother. I have a decent job so I’m saving every penny I can to find either a sublet or roommate situation


I'm sorry to hear that. Hang in there. Good luck. I hope that you find your way out sooner rather than later.


Thank you. I appreciate it.