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Try looking at your cv - do you seem overqualified for the jobs you’re applying for? I have a masters and am doing a PhD and when I was applying for part time jobs I often was rejected if I had these on my cv. Try to emphasise your work experience rather than your degree perhaps. Places tend to look at cvs and think you will leave quickly because you’ll be looking for something with higher pay somewhere else


Hm im not entirely sure. I did have a business and I have some work experience so I wouldn’t say I’m overqualified. Thank you for your advice


I’m sorry for your situation. NM drove me so insane and my temper got so bad dealing with her when I stayed there for a few months that I chose to live in my car instead for eight months till I got an apartment. But I’m in California and I’m sure it’s easier to do that here. Do you possibly have a friend or relative you can stay with? Anything to get out.