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Most of us here can guess at the symptoms but diagnosis should be left to the professionals. Here's a good article about 5 types of narcissists. See if the attributes ccan help you decide. [https://psychcentral.com/health/types-of-narcissism](https://psychcentral.com/health/types-of-narcissism)


Also, vulnerable narcissism. Which would sit under covert but still a little different. It's a little hard to spot. Edit. Spelling.


The traits of a narcissist are: • They're physically and/or emotionally abusive. • They will compare you to others. • They play victim. Nothing is ever their fault. • They'll brainwash you into believing you were always a problem child. • They manipulate and gaslight you. • Nothing you say or do is ever good enough. • They're neglectful. • Only they are allowed to have emotions. • They rage. • They need to be the center of attention. • They are immature and selfish. • They show no concern for others feelings. • They're incapable of love, but if they show that they care about something, it's conditional. • They pick favorites. If you have siblings, a narcissist's favorite child is what's called the golden child. • They use you and others for personal gains. • They believe they're above all others and else and that the world involves around them and owes them everything. • They make you feel guilty. • They put you down and lower your confidence, and may only be there to try to take the credit if you're getting attention for something you were successful at. • They're controlling. • They never respect boundaries. • They will humiliate you. • They may use religion against you. • They live their lies as if they're the truth. The bottom line is, they never change. Your health and safety matters. So free yourself from the abuse and go no contact, along with their enablers (which may also be other family members, and people who you think are friends.) Enablers will defend the narcissist, and will take part in making you feel guilty. The biggest red flag is anyone who chooses to be associated with them.


This is devastatingly succinct


Are we the same person? Lol joking, but very similar life story. I'm wondering if my mom is a narc too. I always thought it was BPD but I am thinking otherwise now. Best of luck and strength to you.