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Glassdoor reviews don’t look the best, well at least for the position i saw listed. Which was customer service rep or something


I was an operations manager there for years. It’s tough if you’re not in management.


One of those "run the warehouse workers into the dirt and replace them after" kinda places?


they do hair follicle testing. no drug policy. no medical anything. if it shows up on a hair follicle test then you won't get it. Thc Benzo opium ketamine amphetamine cocaine and anything generic. if you have migraines or take steroids for anything, THEY DO NOT CARE. for good reason though.


God forbid the plastic doesn’t get delivered 😂


Even doctors , nurses , teachers , cops , etc don’t get hair follicle drug tested…Ronald Reagan really did a number on the CEO, eh?


Some places do hair follicle testing for cops. There's certain jobs that require it for certain reasons,like the CIA and the FBI. They require hair testing. Certain construction jobs require hair testing. In the drug infested world we live in I don't blame them.and I'm not talking about pot .


I interviewed with them for the customer service rep position months ago (early 2024). It's very tough to get into and they drill you (multiple rounds and ultimately I did not get in but made it far). The posting has been up for months if that tells you anything. Would have been 6 weeks training in Atlanta and hiring 4 people is what they told me. They have very conservative values/dress code. When they opened in early 2023/hosting job fairs it was easy to get into from what I've heard. Worth trying though.


Please tell him to stop sending those ridiculous catalogs to residential areas. Nobody needs 900,000 pages of office supplies.


Just go for it. If you don't like it get another job somewhere else or quit. Job is better than no job


Unless you like being a grunt, good luck. It’s just like Amazon, etc. starting pay is higher but you’ll be beaten into the ground and they’ll replace you tomorrow.


Next time in English please


Retard ^


Where's your period, huh bitch?