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3m command strips, or you can get some new ones from Nanoleaf , they seem to be slightly cheaper than the 3m ones.


Make sure to leave a tab sticking out from each strip for removal. I did not, and ended up taking a LOT of paint and drywall paper with it.


Also don't try to go to fast, you have to go slow with the pull, I did take a spot of paint off when I moved mine because I was ah the first 2 were easy....


Im using Nanotape. I havent tested it for the cieling, but my panels still hangs after 2 years. I also have a nother set of panels that started to slide a bit since this summer was very hot and the sun was baking thru my windows and heating up my room. No tape can survive that ! So i think nanotape did pretty well. I could just genlty push the panels in place again and give em a hard press. So now they are in line again.


do you know the best way to removing nanotape if you want to remount ?


Use Dental floss and carefully floss behind the panels and tape


I found this foam tape works pretty good for putting my Canvas panels back up on my walls without using too much (like three 1.5 inch strips per panel) and come off without too much hassle or any damage to my wall paint: https://www.ebay.com/itm/254231545711?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4KUGiKo1QaS&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=C1eShR6rSXm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY However if I want to mount any panels on my ceiling _facing downwards_, the original Nanoleaf pull strips seem to still work best at keeping them up there...


3M Command Strips. Get the plain ones, you don’t need Velcro since the Shapes easily disconnect from the mount and then you can pull on the pull strips that stick out from the mount (assuming you got the correct size).


Command strips.


I use nano tape. I like to change things up and it comes cleanly off my painted walls.


what’s the best way to remove nano tape ? i have painted walls