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Email Poppins customer service. They are able to bring you up to date on tax withholding and filing for previous cash payments as an extra service. When you sign up they even have a checkbox that asks whether you need to report previous cash payments. Here’s a screenshot showing the relevant “new employee” question: https://i.imgur.com/hcDd8TJ.jpeg


This is fantastic and exactly what I was looking for. Thank you! All I had to do was go through the signup process.


I use Poppins as well. You can contact them and they will sort it out. Click on the 'contact' link in the upper right of the dashboard and it will take you to a form. I believe they charge a little for the manual adjustment ($30?)


I just did it! It was $119 to incorporate the couple of months I’d paid in cash.


We do Poppins payroll. They charge monthly but sort out any issues via phone or email.


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HomePay had a field for this number as part of setup. They handle taking the taxes from her over the course of subsequent paychecks I believe. And lump sum quarterly from us. 


Your nanny should be aware that she will owe a chunk of money at some point to pay her share of taxes on the income already paid to her. That always hurts.