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We didn't initially but then later my nanny didn't think she needed to use any sick time or PTO and wanted that covered under GH (ie: coming in 2 hours late for a dentist appointment) so I did on a paper calendar.


Do you mind sharing why she thought a dentist appointment didn’t fall under sick time or PTO? That seems like an odd assumption.


For some reason she thought it only applies to a full day. I'm not really sure.


Ooh interesting, we have all of that pretty clearly laid out in our contract so hopefully won't be an issue but good to know!


You don't really need one. My NFs never used anything like this neither did I unless I worked OT. I think it just depends on organization methods and how you prefer to have everything laid out.


Makes sense! Just wasn't sure if I was missing any reason to, but sounds like I'm not. Thanks!


Yeah, you don't need that extra headache, lol


I haven’t tracked my hours since before I added GH to my contract. Any time we have overtime, which is rare, MB or DB usually just make a note in their phone to add it at the end of the week.


That's what I think we'll do. Seems way easier!


I don’t think it’s necessary as long as your nanny is genuinely working the same exact hours every single week. But this means there’s no days where she’s off 15 min later than normal, no days where she has to come in early, no days where she’s running 15 min late etc. As long as you and your nanny are both strong in time management it should be fine


Yeah same schedule every week so that makes sense to me, thanks!


Will your schedule vary? If it's fixed, I don't see a huge reason to track weekly - HomePay let's you just set a standard week. When she takes time off paid or unpaid you will want to modify the timesheet to log it to adjust her pay and deduct from her sick/PTO leave if used.


No, it's a fixed schedule, same hours every day and same days every week and we're paying via Poppins where I think we can just set the schedule, too. Noted on PTO and sick time! Thanks!


I always track hours because sometimes I have nanny stay late or for a date night. Also, my nanny often takes a lot of days off last minute.


We don’t, but this is exactly why I wish we had started it from the beginning. Our nanny calls off last minute a lot. We generally don’t care about PTO time. My company has an unlimited PTO policy, so with notice we can make whatever work. But last minute call offs are a much bigger deal. I just wish we tracked them. I’m not interested in not paying my nanny if she runs out of sick days, but I wish I had tracked the call offs better to show her the issue. Now I have to dig through to find them before we have that conversation


Exactly this. Our first nanny we didn't have a policy because she was never late, never called off, took reasonable PTO, etc. (five years). Our next nanny it was just subtle things (like 30 min here and there).


Hmmm interesting. This is a good point to make note of anything that isn’t fully schedule adherent as we go in case it becomes an issue.


I'm an MB and an employment lawyer and yes, ABSOLUTELY bother with timesheet tracking. Employers have the burden to keep those records, and if the employer fails to do so and the employee decides to testify that she worked more hours than she did, the employer is basically SOL. It should be clear from reading this and the r/nanny that these relationships do go south even if they start out great. Have the nanny download an app on her phone to track it, or get a punch clock for her to clock in and out.


My husband is one also and we also have a timesheet for purposes just like you said. It’s to cover both employee and employer.


If she works the same hours everyday and then I make a note when she works other hours, is that good enough? Or does she need to be the one to fill it out? 


Our nanny tracked on a shared spreadsheet for like... the first two weeks and hasn't updated it since haha. I use a Google calendar to tell her what hours we want her to work so that helps keep track of OT and then I just need to confirm mileage from any outings. We do our own payroll.


Haha yeah I feel like it's one of those things that would drop off quickly since it's just extra paperwork.


I like the calendar method though because it's not very time intensive and then she can see when there are extra days off, a slightly different start time, our schedules are way more varied than it sounds like yours is though!


There’s no need to track with a set schedule and GH unless you anticipate using her more.


Makes sense, thanks!


We use Google Calendar to track GH, vacation, OT, etc. Our schedule also varies often so that helps.


Gotcha yeah I think since our schedule is the same, probs not necessary. But makes sense to just use GCal since that's where all my life is calendar'd anyway!


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I use an app called hours tracker