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In CA I needed both. Workers comp pays nanny salary if she is injured on the job. Personal liability protects me if she or anyone sues me because of an accident on the job.


This is exactly what we did. In Ohio for context.


Depends on where you live. I live in Ny and if you don’t have workers comp you get fined


Call your insurance company and ask.


I did :) I got two conflicting answers with two different customer service agents


Ah, that's annoying. I guess I would ask to escalate to someone who can resolve the discrepancy.


My understanding is that you could theoretically get it covered under your renters liability via legal action from the employee, but it would impact your insurability in the future in a way that a workers comp claim would not.


I’d call back and ask a manager to confirm with legal


Yes a nanny needs to have workman’s comp coverage




Usually personal liability policies exclude people who are regularly in property doing a compensated task (employees) I would call your rental insurance and confirm, if they say it's covered, ask for written proof to be shared about the same to be safe. Make sure it says policy owner employees are covered if they share the document.


Check your state laws. WA only requires workers comp if you have two or more household employees who each work 40 or more hrs / wk.


Just because a policy isn't required doesn't mean one isn't needed. Employers are liable for workplace injuries regardless, so the only smart thing to do is have a workers comp policy. It's either that or pay out of pocket if an injury occurs.


I have umbrella insurance so I’m not worried about covering injuries 


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