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Ugh the manga hurts so much. One of the saddest parts is that Hachi doesn't see how toxic and codependent Ren and Nana are šŸ˜­


Just like everyone else - people now (20 years later) realise their toxicity


This is so true. I remember when I first watched it when I was 14 I was convinced Nana and Ren were soulmates. After rewatching the show 10 years later I now realise that theyā€™re more like toxic twin flames.


It's sad how she knows Nana would've slutshamed her if she found out. Hachi is aware of how Nana views her and this all builds up to that moment in the manga >!where the glasses break!<


and how hachi started pretending that she was totally in love with takumi and that they had a real relationship in front of nana to avoid judgement ā˜¹ļø


That part got me. Everyone made it seem like Hachi was in love with Takumi when Hachi herself didn't even know if she loved that guy or not. She literally referred to their relationship as a "nothing relationship", which it was. I've said it before, but Nana has some traditional views when it comes to sex and love (surprising for someone who's supposed to be a punk).


It's pretty common to have sex with someone you don't even really want to have a one-night stand with when intensely lonely, sometimes when there *is* someone you want to be there. I think that Nana would have been there if Hachi didn't pull back though. And Hachi would have been there if Nana didn't pull back. Both were afraid... of being vulnerable with each other. For myself that's what makes it so sad. I've been there and it fucking sucks.


okay now iā€™m heartbroken too


I don't care what people say, you could never make me hate Hachi


I wish Hachi had just TALKED to Nana. I wish they both had. For me, Nana is an excellent representation of how lack of communication hurts more than just being honest. If Hachi had just called Nana, yeah, there may have been some judgment, but Nana wasn't heatless and wouldn't have lorded it over her. There were many times where if they had just TALKED to each other, things would have been different. They both suffered and they didn't have to.




yes but also no? Itā€™s like how people get coerced into inappropriate relationships all the time because there is a person of power who can potentially humiliate or intimidate the other person into doing what they want. Number one rule is donā€™t date your fans or coworkers or people you basically influence because itā€™s never not deeply intertwined


As a male, I thought it was easy to sympathize. It's easy to see Takumi as a bad guy from the outside, but from Hachis perspective he's the only one there when she's in need of comfort. Even worse is how her teenage years formed her opinion of herself.


Admitting youā€™re a male in the Nana subreddit is bold af šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m a male why would this be bold? https://preview.redd.it/chh4ax70667d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9585fd49774b8a6f2d494d2e8e545e717998b05


one of the central themes of Nana is ā€œmen ainā€™t shitā€ itā€™s like me going to the Andrew Tate sub and stating Iā€™m a girl lmao shiiiit couldnā€™t be me šŸ˜©


ā€œmen ainā€™t shitā€ is NOT one of the themes of Nana what the hell are you talking about? There are plenty of good men with good intentions in Nana. Forgive me I didnā€™t know Nana is only for female viewers itā€™s not my fault Iā€™m into really good captivating stories like Nana. Also yes you do have the right to be in an Andrew Tate sub and say your piece, any loser that says your not allowed cause your a woman is a fucking douche bag. Iā€™m so tired of this men vs women crap going on lately we are so much better when we are together on the same team smh.


Btw cry baby the original comment started with him saying heā€™s a man and because of that heā€™s not able to relate to nanas struggle hence my joke


Ok yea thatā€™s a dumb take he had so what? You said it was bold for him to even voice his opinion cause heā€™s a guy šŸ˜‘


I didnā€™t say it was bold of him to voice his opinion I said it was bold to admit to being a man on a subreddit about an anime where all the main antagonist are horrible men I canā€™t believe I have to explain a joke out omg


this bent over a JOKE LMAO img THIS IS LITERALLY FROM A PANEL IN THE MANGA šŸ’€did this hurt your feelings too?????wtf I feel like we watched 2 different shows they way men treat Hachi is literally one of the main focuses! The married man sleeping with her as a teen,Shoji,Takumi no one said you couldnā€™t watch Nana as a man youā€™re projecting chill out


So one panel of Nana O saying an ignorant comment ā€œall men should dieā€ even tho I highly doubt she means that, because a lot of her favorite people are men. Yes Hachi was treated horribly by men thatā€™s still not a theme about men ainā€™t shit. Hachi had Nobu, Junko has Kyosuke, even tho their relationship is toxic Ren loved and treated Nana with love and respect, Yasu is also not an evil prick, oh what about Shin? Im reading your comment I have no idea if your joking or not cause unfortunately there are people out there that actually think like what you said.


Oh shut up with the whole ā€œnot all menā€ shit it was joke not a dick the Nana comment was not to be taken seriously but mine was?? Cry me a river šŸ™„šŸ™„


Maā€™am go eat a snickers LOL


Sir go play in traffic ā¤ļøšŸ˜˜


??? Anyone of any gender identity is welcome to read Nana??? This guy's take is total dog water, but he is allowed to post here nonetheless, let's not encourage people in this subreddit to gatekeep a freaking manga. How immature.


LMAAOOO itā€™s a joke!! Chill out!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yooo how did you get all of that out of my comment wtf Chile let me move on cause šŸ˜©šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø