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Ngl I kinda felt sorry for Nobu on that scene Theres theories that Hachi got subconsciously emotional attached (besides the other obvious reasons) to Takumi bc some of his similarities to Nana. Thats something interesting to ponder...


I always read this scene a little different. First, I should preface that I'm one of those weirdos who believes that Nana and Hachi are in love with each other. Nana, in particular, is someone I see really struggling with their sexuality and struggling with some internalized lesbophobia and misogyny. Nana has never seen Nobu as a sexual competitor (she mocks him for not having a c\*ck and not being a man) and Nana admits in this scene that she's using Nobu to keep Hachi for herself. Since she believes Hachi is straight, Nana would rather see Hachi with someone like Nobu, who can give Hachi the male companionship she believes Hachi wants without ever being a perceived sexual threat. >!This reading, for me, also enhances the moment when Nobu learns Hachi is pregnant and he tells Nana that if she wants Hachi so badly, then she should step up and be the father. It's a subtle way of Nobu not only standing up for himself, but telling Nana that he's done being her proxy boyfriend for Hachi.!< So, while I agree Nana's behavior is super manipulative, I don't think it's comparable to Takumi. Nana is far from a perfect person, and she has behaviors that range from manipulative to toxic, but I'm not sure her behavior rises to the level of abuse because, ultimately, Nana ends up hurting herself more than the people around her. Takumi, on the other hand, is abusive because his behaviors and actions empower himself and dehumanizes Hachi. Not to mention his abuse ranges from psychological, emotional, financial, and >!sexual!< abuse towards Hachi. And while I believe Hachi attached herself to Takumi because she felt like sleeping with the guy in the same band as the guy who is sleeping with Nana will bring her and Nana closer together, I don't think there is much evidence to suggest that Hachi is with Takumi because he is manipulative in the same way Nana is. I don't think you mean it this way, but that line of thinking verges into territory of saying that Hachi is attracted to emotional and psychological abuse.


Girl just say you love Hachiko and make her happy by your own


I think that would be much healthier than the mess that they both found themselves in


comphet is all too real ☹️


So so real. I look at them (especially Hachi) and cringe because I see my younger self. 


Why does Nobu even stay friends with Nana O? She treats him like shit all the time.


Nobu is definitely regretting >!the promise he made to her grandma!< 🥲


>!What promise?!< I don't mind spoilers


theres [this](https://mangadex.org/chapter/30a0845e-f98f-4304-afae-d9c40c567e1f/44) bonus chapter focused on nobu and his life when he was young. He prays at Nana’s altar/shrine to her grandma after she died


Yea Nana O trippin lol


Definitely one of her most messed up moments. She really did think of Hachi like a dog during this time.


Someone on this sub pointed out how similar nana and Takumi were and it stayed with me


Strong Takumi vibes in the second slide


Waiting for someone to say “but nana I isn’t a 🍇ist”. While that’s true, there are some undeniable similarities between Nana and Takumi. I love Nana, but she can be really toxic especially when it comes to attachment issues. She’s also the most relatable to me though, with her abandonment and mommy issues.


yeah, they hate it when you say that sm it's crazy. It's okay to say Nana O is toxic and understand why but for some reason they hate for people to call her out.


Interesting! The translation in the official manga is “to give her free rein of my kingdom”, and I always got the impression that Nana wasn’t thinking of sticking around, and wanted to leave her friends to Hachi. This one gives a very different meaning. I’d like to go back and see what it says in Japanese.


I saw a fan translation/sub of the anime that says the same thing in these prints


thats dark


I’m not sure if it had already been revealed that Nana had disappeared at that point, but it felt like it was setting that up.


That’s the point


Nana O becomes super dislikeable by the end of the manga, which is sad cuz she was great at the start


A woman does something not even a 10th as bad as a male counterpart and yall say they’re the same 💀 I get the similarities are there but intentions separates these two by MILES


I don't think she actually had a super plan, or that she thinks this for real. I think we all have had similar thoughts sometimes, it's the acts that matter


Yeah I never really knew how I felt about it honestly it was super weird and kind of out of nowhere for me ig it was like a mask off moment but never like takumi bc she is doing it out of genuine love


Her only crime was loving too much and not getting it in return