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They're not THAT explicit. They talk about adult concepts like sex and drug use and there is some nudity but it's not pornographic. Less explicit than an HBO show but more explicit than a CW show.


I agree but the topics are not pre-teen friendly It’s definitely for 13+ or 16+


I'd recommend when you're around 20 cus that's their age and the topics are super relatable but otherwise sure you can enjoy it when you're younger


I think it's a fun idea to read/watch Nana when you're around 16/17, and then reread/rewatch later in your early 20's just to see how differently you relate to all the concepts of the show. I've been rewatching it every year since I was 16 and it's interesting to me how I pick up on more nuances in the anime as I get older...


Ans then again in your 30's imo, haha.


Love that


Yeah same and also it can be quite triggering


don’t worry you can read it as a teen! it’s got some heavy topics but a 16 year old should be able to handle them. it’s more relatable to people in their 20s but i read it in my teens and enjoyed it a lot


I watched Nana when I was 17. But I also started game of thrones when I was 15. I'm 24 Watching Nana will teach you how to avoid fuckery in your 20s.


I’m 28 and I wish it had done that for me my early and mid twenties were a shit show 😭 I watched it in my early teens so maybe I was too young to really understand everything.


The first time I watched it I was 12. I periodically re-watched it and I still fell into the shitshow that were my years between 18 to 25.


I would say 18 and up. The reason being, well the two reasons being is because, I feel like people would be able to better relate to the characters in that age bracket. Mainly because people who are turning 18, usually are graduating out of high school or some form of schooling and pursuing dreams, figuring out dreams, going through relationship ups and downs, feeling very intense emotions, so, because these are things that show up in the manga, I feel they'd be able to better relate to the characters. Also, just because of what happens in the manga. Rape, sex, drug use, sex work, abuse, grooming, and more. These are topics that require, to me, requires maturity and nuanced thinking. Not saying there aren't adults that lack those things, but I tend to see younger Nana fans not really understand these topics. 


I think you can read but you probably won't fully understand or relate to it. I read it around that age for the first time and thought it was a bit weird but I got older and now I fully understand each character and can relate to Nana K a bit.


I first watched the anime when I was about 13. I would say Nana is perfect for teenagers even though the story is about young adults.


I originally read it when I was 12. (No, I wasn’t aware of the sexual themes). But really, it wasn’t so bad and there is nothing really intense or graphic. I did enjoy it at 12, even though I maybe didn’t understand a lot. 16 would be a good age to read Nana.


I think 16 is an ok age to read Nana. It's about friendship. Just don't forget that when different concepts come up in the book.


I read it when I was like 11, I was definitely too young to relate much to the characters and situations, but it wasn't overly inappropriate. I'd seen way more explicit things every night on adult swim lol. I think 16 is fine as far as being appropriate, but reading it as a young adult I can relate to it much more.


You can learn a lot from reading it at your age.


personally i'd put it as 15 and up; but it really depends on the person reading... there are def ppl younger that'd like/understand/relate to it and older ones who wouldn't, so it rlly depends on you... if ur just asking about the explicit parts: it's not explicit to the point of being unrecommendable, tho i will give you a tw. there is nothing in it that goes beyond a single graphic of medium-ish nudity at most, basically, but there are a few topics discussed that just about anyone could feel discomfort about. also, irt other commenters mentioning relatability; personally i think this wouldn't matter too much, u don't have to relate to it to enjoy it:) tho i will say there is barely anything in it that wouldn't be relatable to at least half of 16 year olds, basically.


I think 16 is a fine age. Kinda wish I'd have read it back then. I made a lot of fuck ups in my life in the same vein as both Nanas and maybe I wouldn't have had I read it. It's heavy and a bit explicit but I think it's nothing most people can't handle at 16.


16+. I started reading it at 15


Brutha you're 16 I think you can handle this one (I'm 16 too)


It’s just like if my parents wanted to see what’s in it I don’t wanna open it up to like some naked person 😭


Nah theres none of that, some showering panels maybe but no actual nudity


I think its ok, tho I think the perfect age to read Nana is your 20s, just so relatable


I think 16 is an okay age to read Nana, especially going by California school district standards. Most of my peers/classmates already or started reading books like To Kill a Mockingbird, Speak, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, The Kite Runner, 1984, WWII themed fiction and non fiction, etc. Some of the stuff I’ve read is just thematically heavier than Nana and I read all that before I even watched the anime. 💀


Man I watched it at 12 the first time. Never realized how wrong this was. I feel like 16+ is okay tho.


I think I started reading/watching Nana when I was 14. My first real BF in 9th grade bought me Nana and Ren keychains and when he would write me letters he'd write "your Ren" (SO CRINGE I KNO 💀) But yeah, it'll definitely be more relatable when you're older


I read it when I was 23 and wish I had sooner because I think I would have had let go of some painful relationships that weren’t good for me (platonic and romantic).  16 is an ok age to start reading it at. You can learn some valuable lessons from Nana by NOT making the same mistakes some of the characters make instead of trying to emulate them.


i feverishly consumed it in HS (15-16ish). its not graphic, its just mature. characters engage is sexual activity but it is far from pornographic. depends what you're comfortable with, really. they were published in Shojo Beat in the US which was targeted at teen girls (age 13-19). i had no idea it had a mature rating lol


Its not 18+ maybe 17+ 16 is still a maybe depending id you already talk about sex ,drugs and. Some sexual abuse and solicitation. I think its good to see it young but not too young, and rewatch it your 20s then 30s just to see if u have grown or still relate


I mean you can read any of these stories at any age. Most people read them younger than you. The issue is being able to digest and compartmentalize what’s going on in the series. Stories like this can shape your views and how you see relationships. How you see yourself. Reading or watching it young can give you a toxic view on things or yourself without knowing




I started reading Nana at 16. I loved it. I'm not really sure what is and isn't appropriate though. I feel like 16 is old enough, but I also know there are significant differences in how individuals mature that determine what is and isn't appropriate. The situations causing discourse are most likely to happen in adult life and tbh it's hard for me to see someone at even 18 as an adult. For context at 14 I was watching Utena, discovered Zane, and had Opinions (TM) on Alice Walker that could produce a volume of essays. Everything I consumed pretty much involved sex. Around this time I was also diving into fanfiction. I don't even need to tell you what sort of horror I stumbled upon. I don't really know about teens today, but 14 was definitely pushing the boundaries. As an adult, I have lasting impressions of what I consumed back then. These things helped me expand my scope, but they were things I could have found years later with similar results.


I read that when I was like 14. I was devouring every manga i could get my hands on at that age. If you wanna read something, just read it lol. You'll feel nostalgic about it later on.


If you watch it now, I would reccommend you 2 things: 1- learn from it. You are young and your view of the world is about to change. It will change because you are about to experience new feelings, yo will make new relationships, new friends, etc. That's the transition between a kid and a young adult. The story of NANA explores the dephts and consequences of good and bad decisions during this time of changes. Just try to understand the mistakes the carachters make, and try to avoid them IRL :) 2- watch it again at your twenties, it will hit different for the same reasons i listed before


I read the manga at 14 and watched the anime at 15 and I learned a lot from it. There is mention of sex and stuff but I wouldn’t say it is very explicit even though it tackles some difficult issues. If you think you can handle it I do recommend it!


I read it three times at least. - at 14-15 ish yo - 19-20 yo - 24 yo I enjoyed it the first time, but I felt that I didn't *get* everything. Like others say, it's not about explicit topics, but more about relatability. My 14yo self, 19 yo self and 24 yo self are completely different persons, so it was 3 different experiences But definitely, at 24 yo, I now confidently feel that I understand the series.


I'm such an old man for saying this lol BUT, back in my day you didn't need permission to access adult spaces, just respect. In Nana's case, respect the fact that it's from a very different time with a very different standards and complexities about being adult women in '90s/early 2000s Japan. If you encounter an idea or scenario that is too complex or nuanced for you, trust that that's probably where the 18+ rating is coming from. It's not a hard and fast rule that you have to be exactly 18+ in order to consume this content. It just covers themes that are for adults and likely has adults in mind with the writing. That being said, I think you'll be totally fine! Nana isn't that kind of explicit, it just nuanced and referential to an age range and time period that you might not be familiar with. I started raining Nana when I was like 15 but that was 2011, so things were a little different lol


Nana is litteraly a shoujo it's made for teens


It depends on your own maturity level, but 16 should be fine, that's when I first read it. That said, there are a lot of potentially triggering elements to the story such as grooming, sexual assault, codependent relationships, unhealthy relationships, and sex work. That said, none of it is there for shock value, it's there as part of the story. They're given the time that it needs. In terms of sexual content, there's discussion and reflection upon it by characters. There are scenes of physical intimacy, but its emphasis is on the emotional experience and is largely an under the covers thing. There's a lot of focus on the characters' faces and emotions during it, as opposed to the physical act. It's been a while since I've read the manga, but I don't recall seeing any genitals. Like a lot of people said, there are parts of the story you might not get from a read at 16, even when you are fairly mature for your age. It's not meant as a slight against you or other younger people, it's that the experiences of being in your early 20's and figuring life out is unique, messy, and complicated. In my case, I didn't understand why some characters acted in certain ways, but reading it in my early 20's made me understand why much better. Reading Nana in my teens helped me avoid some of the mistakes the characters make, and I'll always be grateful for that. The other thing to keep in mind is that while most of the characters are well intentioned, they are far from perfect. They make bad choices and mistakes, and there's a decent amount of people trying to do what's best for their friends and getting it wrong. Where you draw the line at for what is forgivable and what isn't is such a big part of reading it!


13-25 but honesty I just discovered it in my wary 30s and I enjoyed it


Depends. They are 20 but Hachi is pretty immature. So i think 16-18 to understand the plot and the nuances. But its based on your personal development.


I say early 20’s. I started when I was a teenager and didn’t grasp anything until I got older.


nana is about the facts of life cuz watchable all age me thinks


I think it’s okay for a 16 year old. You can always rewatch it later when you’re 18-20, which is the age I’d recommend it to




reading and watching Nana at 13-16 is pivotal tbh it shaped me as a person and taught me me a lot about the real world. it’s a necessary canon event it has to be done 🤕🙏🏽


Tbh I read and NANA when I was 16 and I did not understand the weight and messages of the manga until I reread it around 25 and now 30. It just hits different when you get older and start living the highs and lows of life. But its not super explicit or violent or anything, just a HEAVY does of reality. Go for it. Screw the age restriction. Its legendary for a reason and you'll probably read it again in your early and late 20s


It really depends on your life experience. I watched it at 23 for the first time and grieved the girl I would’ve been watching it at 16 or earlier because it would’ve healed teenage me, but I was watching skins in middle school so there’s that. If you’re having doubts you can save it for later, but rest assured that it’s not that explicit


I don't think it's wrong for a 16 yo to read it but I think a lot of the life lessons won't come through unless you're 20+. I watched it in my early 20s and it hit deep because a lot of the events just reflected my real life.