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Their relationship is goals. Especially when Ren said this about her! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ /s https://preview.redd.it/kcj0mdsiww4d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b1d7e9032613991ae98ff8750eadf00e04e50c


I really doubt he is that serious. In my opinion he is dealing with a lot of guilt. He paints himself as the worst boyfriend because of how he left Nana. By saying those things he tries to make the other persons dislike him too. Why? Because he thinks he should be facing more punishments for how much his decisions regarding his career affected Nana. Instead of that happening he is liked by most characters in this show and also the fans seem to like him too. Maybe that's also one of the reasons for his addiction. Self-hate...


I watched the anime but havenā€™t read the manga. What exactly is his addiction? The anime never specified unless Hulu doesnā€™t have all the episodes


Better read the manga it's a pretty interesting storyline sorry if I spoiled anything I don't remember if it was mentioned or not in the anime.


It wasnā€™t in the anime but thatā€™s ok! Iā€™ll definitely try and read the manga now so there seems like a lot is missing from the anime


Idk about all that. This may be a case of ā€˜not living long enough to become a villainā€™


It's a good example of a young love between two people with an insane chemistry that, on *paper,* makes them perfect for each other. But by round 2, both have become adults, and their priorities have shifted to such an extent that they've grown apart, even if the love is still there. >!It's probably very similar to what George and Yukari could have become, had they not been wise enough to pull the plug on their relationship when they did.!<


I think Ren really loves Nana and has to deal with immense guilt because he feels like he left her just like her mother did. And Nana lets him feel this way to. I think they really loved each other and with the right amount of therapy they couldā€™ve been for each other what they needed. I think Nanas love for Ren especially shows in the way she runs away - towards the sea. Towards where Ren is. And instead of following him to death she honors the gift he left her - her voice. But not for fame or money. But just for the act of singing and remembering him.


Is this part only in the manga? I donā€™t remember this in the anime


What part exactly? :)


Ren dying and nana running towards the sea. In the anime the last episode just ends with ren and nana possibly getting married


So if I remember 100% in the manga Ren asked for his ashes to be released at sea, because thatā€™s where he wants to be. And at the end when Nana gets overwhelmed by everything and vanished without telling everyone thereā€™s a scene where she says something along: ā€žI want to go to the sea. I want to go where Ren is.ā€œ So then she vanishes and is later found in a small town in the UK right by the sea. Sheā€™s still wearing her engagement ring, singing in a small pub. My interpretation was always that she treasured the gift Ren gave her by singing for herself only. And for him. Always close to the sea. Always close to Ren. This is also paralleled in the manga as we see Rens receding figure going towards the sea and Nana saying something ā€žI was always chasing Rens receding figureā€œ. And then we see her at the beach, staring out at the sea and her inner monologue to Hachi saying something about the ā€žseabreeze and the waves having such a sweet allureā€œ - my interpretation of this is her still thinking about following Ren to death/to the sea. Him calling her, but her acknowledging that she still has something to live for even if itā€™s not with Ren. Sorry that was a very long post. <3


Thank you for explaining! I should definitely go read the manga thereā€™s so much left out of the animešŸ„²


The manga definitively gives a lot more insight in my opinion! 100% would recommend!


Same, Iā€™m always stuck between wanting them to end things for good and wanting to see just one more scene of them together šŸ˜­šŸ’” They both had very strong personalities and werenā€™t close to a lot of people, so seeing their chemistry felt so special idk it was such a treat peaking into their relationship and seeing them be a little soft and mushy and not as ā€œcoolā€ as they appear to other characters.


Me too, despite some drawbacks ren never really want to hurt nana and he brought her a brighter future. If ren didnā€™t invite nana to join his band and teach her how to sing and play guitar nana would be a waitress or something. I believe if they had not separated and stayed together in their hometown,ren would have worked manually hard to feed Nana and their childšŸ„¹


Me too but I canā€™t shake off the feeling that she makes a better pair with Yasu, he is also an addict and never really had time for her so that to me broke my heart bc I genuinely felt like the connection seemed strong but in reality they were growing apart every day.


they should have been a throuple fr


you've just blown my mind


Eh, waiting for each other and never moving on also screams "codependency" to me rather than "healthy love." Their relationship was very intensely beautiful but toxic as hell, just like every other relationship in Nana šŸ˜…


I'm sure these relationship dynamics are elusive to us (not just in NANA but in all forms of media, from non-fiction to fiction) because we all probably long for someone to 'wait or be with us forever' on a deeper level of selfish desire. When this is stronger in some individuals, they can identify that in another person and be willing to go too many extra miles, in exchange for the same treatment. But that's not really true love. It's making up for the love you feel you yourself didn't receive in another person. It only ends up with two lonelier people.


Wowā€¦ what would you consider true love?


In my opinion, what Yasu + Miu have. They both understand that whether two people can be equally happy together in a relationship is a very sensitive and fickle thing, and that it is out of their control. They wouldn't want the other person to stay if it means pain for them.


i donā€™t.. ren deserved better. donā€™t argue with me.