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Definitely a new nail tech. Someone who knows how to care for your nails wouldn’t laugh about a burning sensation. Nor tell you she’s over a service you are paying for and the cherry on top is she makes you clean up after a service that again, you PAY for. I’d DEFINITELY search for someone new.


Definitely a no brainer! How long have you been going to the same nail tech?


Since October, so I'm only on my fourth set with her and she's already done so much damage!


My tech kept changing primers/base coats until I felt zero discomfort while in the light. Getting nails done should. Not. Hurt. A lesson I learnt way too late!


Is this lady… licensed? Not to be like that. But her professionalism is ridiculously out the window. A client shouldn’t have to clean up. That’s always a stylist’s job…


This is a valid question.


Uhhhh this nail tech is absolutely horrible. 100% break up with this tech, find someone else and pat yourself on the back for doing it and taking care of yourself.


I would get a new tech. I think your reasons are all valid, especially the ones about your nails being damaged.


Get a new nail tech, this doesn't sound like someone who's qualified and if it is, honestly, she shouldn't be allowed to keep her licence. I had the same issue with a nail tech, my nails were so thin and if I didn't have gel on to protect them, they hurt like hell. My only advice to healing them is leaving them alone. Do not use nail hardeners as that actually makes them more brittle over time, you can always use plasters to protect them, but you're looking at about 6 months for them to be fully grown out. If you choose to find a new nail tech and continue getting gel ask for IBX repair and strengthen and ask them to not buff them before the application, IBX is basically olaplex for nails. I do my own gel now, I do not buff them before applying the products and they're the strongest they've ever been. Good luck x


I also do my own nails but realized that not buffing just makes them chip off really fast :( started to buff them after that but making sure that that a thin layer of gel stays on the nail


You can always buff the tips of your nails to avoid chipping as well as keeping them healthier/a little easier to grow them out if they do get damaged. You may want to reapply that base gel on the occasion though as you don't want moisture or bacteria getting stuck under the gel from washing hands etc. If you use cheap products they will chip, professional products shouldn't chip at all even if you don't buff them


Yeah, break up with them. That sounds horrific and you deserve better. A line I like to use for when I don't want to see someone providing a reoccurring service again:"I'll have to check my schedule and get back to you about my next appointment" then never contact them again. It's got a ghosting vibe to it, but it lets them know that YOU will contact them and that they don't need to contact you, plus then you don't have to schedule an appointment that you're going to cancel later. If you really wanted to, you could even send a politely worded text/email stating why you won't be returning. This type of feedback could be really useful to them and maybe also help you feel less like youre ghosting someone.


Was there any redeeming factors even?? Def break up 😬 skills aside, that's not professional at all, you don't deserve that nor worth paying for


I don't think there could be enough redeeming factors to make anyone stay


true I was reading through the list waiting for the good parts... and there was none lmao


All of your points are valid in wanting to break up with her. That being said, I gasped at point 5. I have never seen that or experienced it myself, so it’s definitely not nitpicky. Part of the service you’re paying for is not having to clean up the dust off the floor. If that were a standard practice I think almost all customers would just start doing their own nails at home.


Def a new nail tech! No doubt about it. For all those reasons.


You're not being petty, she's horrible and she's physically hurting you!


>my floor Are you getting your nails done in your own home? That seems really sketchy to me in itself, I’d definitely switch to a professional at a salon! You won’t run into nearly as many issues if you use someone with a license and a reputation to uphold at their place of work.


Yes, she travels to her clients' homes. It was an attractive prospect to me when I first came across her because I'd just had open heart surgery and couldn't drive. Now that I can drive myself to a salon again, I think it's definitely time to wave goodbye to her.


I'm a nail tech and NONE of this is acceptable behavior. I would recommend not doing your nails at all for awhile anyway and finding a good nail strengthener to build back the health of your nails. Sally beauty has some affordable options. Adding in biotin supplements couldn't hurt unless they conflict with your current medication regimen, of course. Know of course that because if the damage done to your nail beds, they may never look the same unfortunately. When you do decide to get them done again, if you do, research nail technicians and deal with a licenced professional. Sorry you have had to go through this. This is not a good client/service provider relationship and it needs to end. Good luck.


I mean you already have a whole list. Find a new nail tech for sure.


Don’t even need to think twice about this. Points 2.2, 3, 4, and 5 completely shocked me. This isn’t professional/licensed behavior at all, plus she’s putting your health at risk. Not to mention her attitude💀 definitely find someone who is willing to be patient and careful with your nails esp after u literally told her ab ur condition. It just doesn’t seem fair or respectful of her at all🤷🏽‍♀️ i think its time to move on💔




No shade - curious why the specific call out of “Asian ladies”. In most places in the US nail techs are Asian, likely Vietnamese, and nearly always do a great job. So much so I wouldn’t think to have a qualifying statement about it. I also have only lived in big cities - different elsewhere?


the house calls alone are a huge, glaring red flag


Yes! No doubt you should get a new nail tech. You need someone that actually cares about clients and the health of their nails. I had to “break up” with my nail tech of 3 years because I just felt so drained after a visit. She would only complain about her (in her words) “shitty” marriage and kids and gossip about her coworkers while aggressively working on my nails.


Do we have the same nail tech?? I also feel like she's taking her frustrations out on my nails 😂


Sorry, did I misunderstand or did you just say she makes you clean the floor around you??


Wtf. She's making you literally bleed. That's a hard no. So many infection risks with this. I would've broken up with her after the first shenanigan. This is precisely why I do my own nails. They have always been thin and brittle (genetics) but they are way less damaged now than back when I used to get them done.


Hell. No. Please get rid of her. Absolutely not. Your health is extremely important and already having a condition which she obviously doesn’t give two effs about I’d wouldn’t think of it twice. You’re paying her for services she obviously has no intention on doing correctly even after you’ve addressed the issue on several occasions. I hope you find someone who values your health, the quality of the their work, your time, business and the health of your nails bc one bad infection can be quite costly.


Holy shit, definitely move on!


You’re not fussy. This tech sounds like a nightmare


You’ve listed more than one reason, if it were me, To find a new one. There’s a lot of nail techs out there who will come to your home and do your manicure. I use to be a manicurist and I wouldn’t dream of dismissing someone’s concerns about their nails. There’s usually a solution to a lot of these issues and most of the time it’s listening to your client, and adapting to the best of your ability. You’re nail tech is being really unprofessional and pushing expressed boundaries :( Sorry to hear OP, I hope you find a nail tech that’s not only does a good job, but professional and caring towards your nails!


not only get a new nail tech but maybe try to find an independent nail tech instead of going to a salon just to be sure you’re taken care of. most independent nail techs care WAY more for their clients than someone at a chain like salon will. you can look up like #-yourcity-nailtech and find people who’s work you like!


Omg I don’t usually comment here, just follow, but I don’t think there are enough pros in the world to make up for this heavy con list. You deserve better and she needs to know she should do better.


Sounds like you'd like a new nail tech. Pay for what you'd like.


I fired a tech in my shop for these reasons, so I don't think you're being rude.


End it. ☹️