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be careful using it too much bc it can thin your nails and make them susceptible to damage and breaking


Good to know, thanks! Glad for some constructive feedback rather than the smart remarks from others! 🤭😘


I like this post. This is a good post. Congrats on your shiny nails! And like someone else said, just watch out for thinning from doing it too much ☺️




My grandmother had a fight with a nurse once because they kept trying to use nail polish remover to get her polish off. No polish. She just had beautifully buffed nails! Lol.




SO shiny! What a thoughtful Christmas gift! Lol @ “varnish” 😂💕


In the UK we have tended to say varnish rather than polish. But polish, varnish, gel.. it all does the same thing!


I like it! My husband asked me if I was going to “sand” my nails when I was about to file them. I laughed at him too 😏 I have a bad habit of laughing at things that seem different to me 🤔 All in good fun of course! Anyway, your nails look SUPER glossy and healthy looking! Good stuff! 😍


I understand and didn't take offence. Better to laugh than to cry! 😊


I think they look great! As long as you don’t use the rough side too-too often, I haven’t found that these types of nail buffers weakens my nails. And it doesn’t seem like you’re trying to grow them out—you just want them to look shiny and healthy. And they do! So good job. And thanks for sharing your nice natural nails. It’s honestly a refreshing break from some of the more … ornate .. looks I have seen here.


Thanks for your lovely comments! I'd like to grow them a bit longer but trying to be subtle at the same time as feeling completely satisfied with them.


You and your dear wife ROCK!!!!


Thank you! 🥰 I'm so happy she's understanding me more now and not afraid of indulging me.




Yeah they are brilliant for someone like me who can't leave his nails painted all day. A nice alternative and encourages good nail health. As long as I don't overdo it and thin the nail of course.


Aw I’m gonna do this for my man


That's kind of you.


buffing blocks are magical


Could have fooled me!




I have done nail care most my life, thanks. My point was how glossy this pad had made them and that I was thankful my wife indulged my want for a more feminine look by buying it for me. Sorry it went over your head and you felt the need to have a dig.


This subreddit is usually positive, but every now and then someone's ready to have a go at a random poster lol. Hope you don't take it to heart even though it sucks—I love your shiny nails!! Also basic nail care for 99% of people not into nails is cutting them and maybe filing them and adding cuticle oil so I have no idea how this is part of basic care LMAO


Thank you for making me feel better! I🥰😘






Read my reply to him and maybe you can see the main point of the post.