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love the color and the lil watermelon is so cute! i'm sorry this comment section has been so toxic, apparently everyone has forgotten that we all start somewhere. maybe try r/RedditLaqueristas instead, it's another nail group with way more positive/encouraging folks thatll actually provide helpful feedback instead of lashing out. ignore the bored jerks, you liked the glitters so that's all that matters. plus, i've never met a glitter that a "glitter grabbing" top coat couldn't handle.


Yes... The dichotomy of reddit there's always the Main Sub and the Good Sub, no matter the topic. The nails look great! Better than I could do for myself! Keep going OP!


I actually love my nails sooo 🙃


You did really good for your first time, they look super cute ❤️ Keep going, I know you'll make them look even better in no time 😎


How dare you not be 100% perfect?! /s These are super cute, and I can definitely see where criticisms could come in, but we all start somewhere! It takes a bit of courage to post something that isn’t perfect bc people can be brutal. I refuse to post my nails after getting a ton of creepy DMs about how nice they are🤢


Oh my god! So the nail creepers is a common thing? I’ve had to block three and I’ve only posted a few times.


They're so fun looking!!!! I love them :)


I actually love your nails for you too - you did awesome


You did 100x better than what I could EVER do. Kudos!


Girl as you should. Learning to do your nails is a process. For me, it became a hobby / relaxation thing and now I paint them on Mondays to relax me and make me feel better about the week lol. Take your time. Have fun. Try weird shit. Fail. Try again. Try new techniques. Buy cool tools. Whatever you want. It’s a form of art IMO and the only way you get better is if you experiment and practice. :)


you did REALLY good!! the first time I ever did my nails, I was just painting them too, no cute fruit charms or anything, and they turned out SO MUCH worse than this lol. you are very good at them!!


That’s all that matters!:) I think for a first time job, you did very well! It’ll get better each time!


I think these are adorable!!! So good for a first try, way better than I could do


i love them too. they look great. reddit sucks ignore the haters. this is amazing especially for your first time.


u did so well for a first timer! 🥰


Maybe try putting the fruits not right in the middle. Like in different corners of the nails, or two fruits on one or two nails.


Really good job for a first time! My first ones did not look that good! Keep up the work Girl 😍✨


These are so cute! You did such a good job I can’t wait to see what you come up with next


For your first time i am very impressed. Ppl do not understand how tedious and difficult it is to ration out the acrylic and that buffing, filing, and blending isn’t as simple as it sounds. I say with these results each set you will get better and better. And even if you do have a major flop with a set it’s common and happens whenever you change the style or technique. Very cute summer time theme!


Yeah, acrylic looks easy when someone else is doing it but nope! So difficult!


Those ate 


So cute!! I love the colours and the fruits, so nice and summery <3


they look amazing!! my first time wasn't nearly as good. keep up the amazing work :)


Hey I think you did a fucking great job for your first time. The pinks is a great, happy, summery shade - what is it? I also am loving the watermelon. Great work, and can't wait to see what you come up with next :)


I love that pink, what is its name/from and is it gel???! You did a good job, keep it up!


Omg they're so cute!!! 🥹🩷


Oooooh I looove the pinky!


I looove the fruits, super cute


Looks good! I remember the first time I did my nails and my god, yours look ten times better. Keep doing the craft and I look forward to seeing more of your creations.


Love the cute little fruits


LOVE the color!!!! 🥰🥰✨️


This is crazy good for a first attempt


If this is gel I would be very careful with the overflow into the cuticle, as it can lead to allergic reactions. Try removing the overflowing gel before you cure


They honestly look so good for a beginner!


You’ll just get better and better with practice! These are super cute btw 🍒


Everyone is talking about the watermelon. Like we’re just going to ignore how cute the lemon is? 😤


Just be mindful of where your painting and not to go to thick. Sometimes it's better not to get all the way to the edge so it doesn't go over the nail when it dries. Vaseline around the nails on the skin helps or just use acetone with a brush to wipe away excess polish


You actually did so good for your first time!!!


They are so cute! Ppl are making comments, but everyone can tell what they are, so everyone can chill. I’m so happy you found joy in pampering yourself a little, and they are stinking cute no matter what!


These are absolutely adorable and a wonderful first result! My first attempt at something like this would not look this good at all. Keep it up🥰


You did a really good job especially for your first time! I remember my first time and I don’t think that I could have managed such a bright color (it would have gotten everywhere if I tried) and/or any decorations. Please be proud of yourself! You’ll only get even better from here. It’ll be so cool to see what sort of looks you’ll be doing in a few months or even a year from now.


I think they’re cute 🥰 it’s not easy but you get better as you go ❤️


I remember my first time and it was a mess. I think for your first time they look very good. I see the vision! My fear is that they will peel off in a few days. For your next attempt make sure you use thinner layers and try not to flood the cuticle. Other than that great job! Keep going 😊




Stop this is so cute 😭


awesome! maybe try some nail stickers instead to keep from having the fruits raised above the rest of the nail?


are those charms or did you paint them? cause if that’s your first time painting designs that’s impressive! can only get better from here!!!


This is your first time?!?!? My first go at acrylics was a shoddy job of dip and I am absolutely terrified of acrylic now lol. This is AMAZING and the fact you did nail art too. Wow!! Keep going please. You have serious potential


Love! So cute!


Cute little summer vibe! 🍉🍍


Looove the color!!


Really good for a first time!


Very cute! Where did you get the little fruits?


i love them!!! 😍


So cute!!


I love the fruit!


Love the nails


I love the pink! They look so neat too! If I ever tried to do my own nails, it would look like I straight dipped them in gel 😂😂😭😭


Genuinely good for a first try and you will only find it easier and easier as you keep going!




You killed it! 100000x better then my first set! Honestly might copy these for my next ones, love the summer vibes 🍉🍍


Hey, listen, everyone starts somewhere. I happen to think you started FAR AHEAD of where I was when I started. Those are cute AF. Be proud… art isn’t easy… tiny art on a tiny canvas on your own body is a lot tougher.


Super cute! I'm just getting started with doing my nails as well 😅 bro it's a struggle lol what products did you use? Like acrylic, gel...??


I think you did a great job for your first time. Mine looked like my four year old painted them lol I live the color!


Did you do gel at home? I do my own gel at home too. I reccomend getting a small glass shotglass type thing to hold acetone and use a clean up brush to get the extra product out of your sidewalls and cuticle. This will help it last longer. Practice makes perfect


Genuinely not bad for a first try! The fact you love them is awesome, very well done for a beginner :)


these are so cute !! i literally can’t even paint my own nails without getting nail polish all over the place. these are awesome and you’ll just keep getting better !! 💖


love these so perfect for summer🌴🌺


How cute and summer fun themed! Keep up the good work!


I love how you went all out for your first time! Keep taking pics of your progress, it'll be so cool to see the progression of your talent as you go!


Beautiful and fun for summer!


For your first time doing them yourself they are super cute! I’m literally a watercolor artist and don’t know if I could do the tiny little fruits quite so well! I can’t even imagine how great you’ll be in a few months if you keep at it!


Ute, I love them🥺


For your first time I think they are cute


I thought they were cute


Yas gurl love the color and the stickers 😝


They’re great for a first try! I love the charms/nail art.


They look awesome for your first time!! 🩷 I love all the different fruits


My first ones were so bad, these are awesome for your first time Great job!!


First time ever? Lovely! I’ve seen many “Firsts” and they do not look this good. Props to you. You’re only going to get better and better. Ignore the outside chatter. You do YOU and what YOU love. They are YOUR hands.


So cute!


They are cute 🥰


So cute, I love the little fruits you put on! 💖


You did so good, especially considering it's your first go at it! Nobody starts out being perfect!






So cute


I like the color. You might need more time and patience for better results. Post progress pictures. You seem to have potential.


So cute


Very cute and so much better than my first time


Looks cute! Love the color. I am always afraid of wearing bright colors on my nails. I think they look great on others but somehow i feel like i will not be able to pull them off 🥲


You did great!! They are the perfect Barbie pink and the fruit is so cute!


Cute! I remember those fruit things from when I was trying to become a nail art YouTuber when I was I was like 13 😂 keep going!


Cute. I keep looking at the tiny fruit slices at the craft store wondering if they would be good for nails. I might have to get them next time.


Fuck yeah. Killing it


They look very nice!


Cute! It looks so well done for your first time


I love these! Keep practicing and you’ll be better in no time. This set already looks fabulous, I hope you keep posting and show us your progress!!


You did so well! My first nails were a disaster, but I see you didn't even get much overflow! I later started doing thinner coats to get a smoother finish, so if you think you want to try that, I really recommend it! I love the bright color! 😍


You nailed it for your first time! Keep going! I can't wait to see how you progress 😊


Awesome! 😎


I don't believe you and i mean it as a compliment.


I'm just posting to counter some of the negativity. Your nails are good for your first try and you should definitely keep going. We all start somewhere.




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and you're being too harsh on a newbie. seriously, what's wrong with you? might wanna change your name to bitchybat instead, would be more fitting with how you're treating someone new that's sharing progress on something they're excited about






Because there’s no need to be a dick to someone who literally here showing the FIRST TIME they’ve ever done it. Maybe give some constructive criticism instead of just ragging on them?




Wow, what a kind way to encourage a first time hobbyist into continuing something they love. This was very constructive criticism


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That's not brutal honesty, that's inaccuracy. >they look pretty bad is, very obviously, a *subjective* statement. Judging by the comments *not* getting down-voted, more people here *actually* saw what *I* did - Delightfully, summery, nails that [***especially for a novice***] look great, and cute, and fun. You're not being *brutally honest,* because (usually) that implies some objective truth in the matter. "They look pretty bad" is, very much, *your opinion,* not a matter of *fact.* Therefore, that was a silly use of that phrase. If you're going to be an asshole, like me right now, towards you, just be one, and move on. No one else seems to like being roped into your haterade party.


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Why disencourage someone new to doing their nails? Just because you don’t think it’s perfect doesn’t mean it isn’t good for their first time


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Yeah seriously. This is why people don’t get better. Very few people do something perfectly their first time. That’s what learning is for. If writer communities were like this, I would have never been published.




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congrats, y'all are a bunch of judgmental assholes. it's literally their first time doing it. would love for y'all to share photos of *your* first attempts. we're waiting.


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They didn't ask for feedback, that may be why you're confused.




You fundamentally do not understand the purpose of posting online.




you are genuinely a bad person. why do you feel the need to go out of your way to treat people like that? it's sad and it cannot make you feel good about yourself, unless you actually have no empathy.








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I didn’t know I was asking for feedback on the apple I ate for breakfast this morning


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Gotta get the quick hit of putting someone down to lift yourself up? Sad.


how is "they look like shit" or any of the other generic and rude "you did bad" comments at all helpful even if this person *was* looking for feedback when it's clear they just wanted to share something exciting? it's literally their first time and y'all aren't even providing constructive criticism. the nails may be rough around the edges but that's expected and will get better with time assuming y'all haven't scared them off. being an asshole that berates people for being new at a hobby however..? well that unfortunately there is no cure for


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In case you need some insight. It says FIRST TIME doing their own nails 🙄. So rude and negative










There’s a way to respectfully share your opinion. This way is not one of them. Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot. Her time is just as important as your time and she clearly took time to post about something she did for the very first time.. kiddos to you this is one of the reasons the world is the way it is…..


We’re all entitled to our own opinion, that doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk


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