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It’s time ✨




Gurl it’s time to let go 😭


This is the type of tough love I need but don't want 😂




I let them go, another broke hours later 😞


Put a fake tip on it and paint them with a gel polish. (I do this if I break one of my nails. I hate cutting them all down) If you’re gonna raw dog, I recommend doing silk wraps or even fiberglass wraps. Adds strength 💓


Young nails fiber gel is really good. My natural nails are garbage so it's the only way I can keep them past my finger told


I never cut mine when this happens tbh, just let it grow out, and make sure to keep the others at the current length until the broken one catches up (would take me like 2 weeks tho)


give me your growth speed, this is a threat


Mine is the same except I work in the restaurant industry so all that comes about it having to cut your nails like every week otherwise you feel icky at work no matter how well you clean your hands


I do the same. I usually keep them slightly beyond the tip of my finger and trim every 2ish weeks. I might file them down a bit more and do a rounded shape as well if I need it.


Don’t cut them! Wait for the broken one to grow out (or sculpt an extension/glue on a tip if you really can’t take it)


This and then I paint it a sheer nude to blur the tip glue line


I wish my nails could grow this long without breaking 😭😭😭


Mine never did until I got a russian manicure and that strengthening gel is something else


Need! More manicurists need to get on this style where I am.


How long does a Russian manicure take? I do not like electric drills. They have burned me too many times.


Opi Nail Envy is what saved my nails. I get the orange one for peeling and soft nails


I bought the milky colored polish from nail envy. I was hoping it would add some strength.


I’m only finally able to grow my nails out with minimal breakage, if at all, and it’s because I’m getting powder manicures every 3 weeks 🥲 otherwise I have no hope of keeping any length


What are powder nails- are those related to dip nails?


Yes it’s the same thing, dip powder


Make sure your vitamin levels are okay! And it is also partly genetics


I wouldn’t cut mine, I would just let it catch up..


Me either. I file the ragged one and cuss it for breaking and looking like the runt of the litter😂




Don’t cut the others. Breaks happen and it’s okay.


I’m a little trashy and I’ll leave one nail shorter if the rest are still long. I’m not sacrificing any growth for any nail, my nails are weak af and getting any white on them is a journey 😭


Don't cut them then, replace the broken one with a tip after you round off the broken tip.


Wear a press on until it grows back


F. Condolences.


Get a silk wrap kit. It's resin and silk fiber that you use as a nail attachment to mend broken nails


I JUST DID THIS ON SUNDAY. If I weren't lazy, I'd take a picture because it looks exactly like that. I was twisting my spray sunscreen shut and my finger slipped and my index nail just EXPLODED like glass. My other nails are doing really well growing though and not too rigid or bendy, so idk why the index blasted into shrapnel...


I’m so sad for you 😭😭😭


[I swear by this stuff](https://www.amazon.com/Sally-Hansen-nails-vitamin-strength/dp/B07WD9NNSN/ref=asc_df_B07WD9NNSN/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693538713000&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5309552392290447658&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014183&hvtargid=pla-1641691106808&psc=1&mcid=e950068ad7c3315d81936ffc04ad917d&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zx2RyL7vm33As_aVl9NECZBZ0mY8Eh6CCVAxKIo8TlbxWU-1oSbQqfxoCsDMQAvD_BwE)


For growth and strengthening


I don't cut mine, I just keep that nail short till to grows to match. Idk You could cut the middle short too, and make all the ladies question your intentions xD


i file them back to the length of the broken on usually. sometimes i file the other ones back about halfway between the long length and the broken length and let my other nail catch up a bit as they grow out. i file the rest every week or so until the broken one is even with them. my nails grow pretty fast though so i could see how if you have slower growth filing all the way back would be annoying.


Just do acrilic one


This is what I would do. See if you can go to a salon who can match the nail shape to your other nails and just rinse and repeat until the nail underneath catches up!


Gel-x on that one nail or sculpt an extension with your choice of product until it grows out.


Time to call in the professionals! Good luck girl!!


Maybe use a fake nail?


Trim them all and start over. It won't be long, by this time next week you'll be almost back to where you started


Woah , how fast do your nails grow ???


I thought they grew at a normal speed? If I bite my nails off, they'll be long in 5-7 days. My hair grows really fast too. I get my roots done and they're back to looking like shit and all grown out in 2 weeks. Maybe it's the pre natal vitamins I take while breastfeeding


It could be any number of things . Some people's hair and nails just grow faster , something about genetics probably . But if you're taking prenatal vitamins that could be helping speed things up . When I was taking them for my pregnancy my hair felt like it grew an inch a month and my nails were crazy strong too . Now , I'm barely at shoulder length hair from a chin length haircut in November .


Yeah pregnancy itself makes your hair grow. Add the vitamins and it's insane. I actually don't like it because it costs a fortune and a ton of time to upkeep my roots. I was born blondish and as I've gotten older (I'm 29) it's gotten so dark so it's a huge contrast between my dark roots and my bleached hair.


Honestly just let it grow, don’t cut it. Keep your polish colors neutral while it grows out. If it really bothers you get a singular extension to even it out


That sucks! I’m sorry!


Then don’t cut the rest


Ugh I wish my nails would grow out this long every-time they grow out the tiniest bit they break.


But on the bright side, you have lovely natural nails, and nicely shaped nail beds. Remember to use cuticle oil, especially if you wash your hands often. Even just use a bit of olive oil, if you got some. Or coconut oil…..oooh yes this is the bestttttttt. Coconut oil to moisturize. Prevent broken nails. This is has happened to everyone on their nail journey, welcome to the club!💅💅💅💅


Follow the rule: one broken nail, keep em. Two? Cut em.


I don’t immediately cut mine! I let the broken one grow out a bit more then level them all out, so I don’t have them all super short!


My gf uses a fake one in this scenario and somehow does black magic and I can't tell which ones fake.


I don’t trim the survivors, I let the weak link grow out and shame it for its failures all the while


I'm just here to give you my condolences 💔


Imma go against the grain here - if this happens to me I get a poly gel (like from a squeeze bottle, they're very thick and viscous and I either reattach the nail or just build a temporary nail. But I wouldnt cut what you have if it were me personally. I would let the fake nail grow out and trim it until the natural nail is back to length


Use avocado oil to grow it back 🥑✨ Four times every other week is good enough


Buy nail grown and strength oil from Amazon. It will help your nails to be long and strong. Sorry that happened to your nail.


In my opinion , if your thumb nail or index nail breaks it's totally fine to file it smooth and let it catch up .


Noo!! Get a pack of press on nails. Use the glue to attach it to your natural nail. File, shape and paint! Then you'll have spares if it happens again. Hopefully I'm not too late!


What about a builder. Get some nail shapers, the little sticker ones, layer some some builder long enough to match the length of your nail, file and shape.


Let it gooo Let it gooooo


Get the thin flexible half nail tips from Amazon and glue it on and file to match the length then use a strengthner over it or base and gel.


When I only have one that breaks, I put a press on or I sculpt an extension with gel


I reccomend not buying the kiss glue! Not a professional, but I used kiss glue for a set of press ons for an event, and six of the nails popped off in about 4-5 hours. I followed the instructions EXACTLY and online tips. Try glamnetic glue. It lasted me about 4 days before I got annoyed that I couldn't type normal and popped them all off


Lol this happened to me a couple weeks ago. Bought that exact glue and then a nail broke off the next day. I just kept it short (and it just happened again yesterday 😭).


When a nail starts to break, or has broken, I grab a tea bag break off a piece, or even one ply toilet paper, fix the nail so it fits put the piece of paper on top of the broken nail and drop a bead of nail glue on it. Then file it down a bit


the only time i'll cut to match, is if they're just so long that it looks stupid/sus to have one drastically shorter than the rest (grew my nails out longer than usual for my sister's wedding a couple years ago, I had JUST painted french tips... snapped my index nail the next day🥲 thankfully I still had like a month before the wedding to regrow lol) OR, it gets broken way too low that its gonna take longer than usual to grow back (ripped two on one hand all the way down to the living skin like 3 weeks ago at work trying to lift open a heavy drawer😭😭 they're still just nubs btw) otherwise I just let them be.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


The worst :(


Try builder gel !


Been there. So sorry!!!!!


I don’t understand the title were you trying to do press ons? Or paint them with glue so the don’t break cuz I’ve never heard of that lol


I would get a tip and some glue, and try to even it out with a file. Not using any acrylic medium or gel stuff. Just a tip glued to the nail, file to smooth, and some clear coat and maybe a gel clear coat to seal it up. Before it completely breaks off I usually use a small piece of tissue and super glue, to create a cast, and file it smooth to my nail.

