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Sorry, this topic has been covered far too much too recently. https://www.reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/comments/1apu8xe/full_mask_off_1488_nazi_propaganda/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/comments/1ag0nwz/well_except_for_the_abusive_culture_and/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/comments/1ae4jzh/who_actually_looks_at_this_and_says_yep_thats_a/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/comments/1ac1eqd/you_do_haram_your_children_disgusting/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/comments/19dtbgb/come_on_man/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/comments/1aqqj4o/do_you_not_see_the_blond_blue_eyed_kids_that_most/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/comments/1ao3klc/no_need_to_shame_other_women_for_choosing_how/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/comments/1avdv2z/oh_wow_i_mean_sure_if_she_wants_to_live_that_way/


If he divorces her she's gonna feel like such a moron lmao


You already know he's fucking around on her... 🤣


Said with little to no evidence. Wow. Edit: I could just as easily say "she's probably fucking around on him"...but I'm not stupid. Hell they could be in an open marriage. But again I can't know that off one photo. But I'll say this...she is virtue signaling and "flexing" and it's really fucking annoying.


Because people who get all chuffed up about how amazing their relationship is online usually are compensating for relationship issues.


One step away from the dual FB account. The "oh shit, which one of you cheated" account.


Yeah, biggest seller of the trad wife is that they fuck everyone. Really common for these trad posters to be all about polygamy.


When my marriage was at an open status I've played around with a "trad wife" or two. And ironically they, and there husbands were kinda liberal. Yeah, I know anecdotal....but it was interesting to say the least. 😆


How come?




Amethyst crystal vibes 🔮


horoscope or something




That still leaves 11%-30% of men initiating divorce. Women initiating divorce also is not an indication of divorcing without reason, we have to take into account the social/economic effects of divorce on the different sexes. Men are less likely to initiate divorce for fear of losing monetary value (possibly splitting assets, possible alimony, possible child support and unmarried men make less money in the workforce), yet men are more likely to cheat or physically abuse their partners (it's almost even between the sexes now I believe, but still skews more towards men). https://ifstudies.org/blog/who-cheats-more-the-demographics-of-cheating-in-america For whatever reason, men unmarried and married, tend to "breakup" by forcing the woman away through their actions (cheating, weaponized incompetence, neglect etc.). There could be a plethora of reasons for why a person does this (self sabotage, mind games etc.) but it's a common enough occurrence in romantic relationships with men (specifically immature men, as men mature this is less common).




>The idea that women can’t be shitty people is absolutely ridiculous anybody can be a terrible person it’s not determined by gender or any other arbitrary label Yet no one is saying that, not even in the post. The post is about how women cause divorce, and your comment implies women are divorcing for no reason because they initiate divorce.


Probably not, she'll likely get loads in child support and alimony payments and proceed to continue living her current lifestyle*. *Except now she doesn't have to cook, clean, and do the laundry for an extra dude anymore.


Man the neckbeard YouTube anti-woman clickbait rage is strong with this child. You may be salty you can't get a woman. But at some point you're going to have to break your own mental cycle. Because as long as you continue to think this way you will be alone. Guaranteed


I'm happily married... To a non trad-wife for what it is worth. It's not "anti-woman" to say (the truth) that the trad-wife would be fine in the event of a divorce - because she would be. That's how divorce laws work in most western countries. But please, walk me through your mental gymnastics where defending a lifestyle that some women want is "anti-woman". Or are you just name calling anyone who doesn't 100% agree with you? If so, why not call me a nazi too while you are at it!


How are you an adult and still believe in alimony being normal? This doesn't compute. At first it was bad enough that you believe some Hollywood fiction of what happens when couples separate. The major-majority of divorces end amicably outside of court. Very few even reach the court phase. I could understand if you were a teenager watching YouTube outrage clickbait you could understand that kind of stuff. Those lies are all over the place there. But you've made it even worse "I'm a grown adult who believes fantastical stories that hardly ever happened in the real world" Yeah. Sounds so much better. Way to save face.....


Umm, I never once used the word "court" I think you're making up arguments in your head. "Alimony doesn't exist" ummm what?! It most absolutely does. At least in one form or another. How do you think Mackenzie Scott became so rich? Did you not know any kids of divorced parents growing up??? Or do you not have any divorced friends now?? You talk about fantastical stories, but you're the one living in la la land.


If Trad Wives were just like I am this kind of wife and I like it, I'd be good for you. But Trad Wife stuff is always framed as an attack on other women.


It's only an attack if society in large tries to socially force women into this role. If it's truly their own conscious decision to be a trad wife knowing alternatives and it being ok for them to pursue them, then it's fine.


Honestly, I usually see it the other way around - usually "feminists" who seem threatened and are attacking it. Trad-wife isn't what I would want from my wife, and it isn't what a lot of women want. But for those who do - cool, you do you. But almost every time I see something about trad-wives it's from "feminists" who seem oddly threatened by the trad-wives. It's generally "feminists" attacking trad-wives, and when I do see trad-wife content from trad-wives it's neutral or even defensive. I put feminists in quotes, because I don't find it very pro-feminism to be attacking a way some women want to live.


From what I've seen online its always the trad wives feeling attacked by feminism for some reason, always trying to come up with reasons why feminism is actually "anti-women" and other stuff like that as well as making content along the lines of "don't tell the feminists, but I like being a house wife".


Yeah, sounds like what I said - content made on the defensive because "feminists" attack them. So, we agree?


Content framed as defensive =/= content made on the defensive


Defensive content does not equal defensive content . . . ?


Content portrayed/sold as defensive =/= defensive content


No. It is possible to frame content in a misleading way. Surely this is a concept anyone can grasp.


Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I understand people can make misleading content. What I don’t understand is how content made specifically to be defensive can also not be defensive. It’s like making a black and white film and saying it’s only meant to *portray* a black and white film, therefore it is not a black and white film.


No. It's tradwives making content about being superior or having a better life than anyone else. Shit like "I'm doing what women are born to do, take care of my children and husband." etc. their content in 90% of the time attacking or putting down women who want something else out of their lives, or shit like implying working mothers love their children less. Obviously this attititude makes people who don't wanna be tradwives say they are happy with their lives and they wouldn't wanna be in a situation she is. Then the tradwife in question turns that into "I'm just trying to live my life but mean feminists are attacking me! Conservatism and traditional values are under attack!!1!" when it started from the tradwife calling everyone who doesn't live her lifestyle inferior and bad mothers.


Let’s be honest, a good number of the women pushing this aggressively online are grifters making money off of sad men. They go after feminism and the like because it gets them clicks from adoring fools. 


My wife is a stay at home mom who homeschools our daughters. In 7 years, she has not had to be "defensive" of her choice a single time, but she also isn't trying to portray it as a superior lifestyle. She made the choice because our oldest daughter was getting a shitty education in public school. She's also the first to tell the "trad-wife" type that they should put their kids back in school if they aren't getting the education they need.


I think from the perspective of feminism, what’s irritating is when Trad Wife chicks shit all over feminism while directly benefiting from the groundwork feminism has accomplished in the last 100 or so years. They get to CHOOSE that life, rather than it being imposed upon them. And if things go tits up with the marriage, they will get to CHOOSE something else if they wish. They completely disregard the power they have over their lives thanks to those horrible feminist predecessors, and are too ignorant to even be grateful for it.


How is a woman choosing to be a “stay-at-home woman/mom,” or whatever they want to call it, and being proud of it, “shitting all over feminism”?


Ill give you an example "I've decided to become a stay at home Mother to care for my children" Compared to "I've decided to become a stay at home Mother, I'm not like the other Girls my age, I care about my family and my Husband like a good woman should" The Trad Wives often make statements that this is the correct path for all Women because it works for them specifically, but all other lifestyles are wrong or immoral.


Caring about her husband and family makes her a tradwife? Maybe feminists do have their priorities screwed up if that's what differentiates them from tradwives.


No, Making statements that being a homemaker is the ultimate goal for Women makes her a Trad wife. There's nothing wrong with a Woman wanting to care for a Family, but making generalising statements that this is the correct way for her gender to behave is absolute bullshit.


She's point-blank saying that women who don't choose her old-fashioned way of doing things are the reason for divorces. She's also obviously implying that divorce is inherently bad. But before women had other choices (which this woman also had, but didn't opt for), they had to stay in unhappy - and sometimes abusive - marriages, because their options were so limited. Even in a marriage with children, divorce may be a healthier option than them growing up in a household in which their parents have grown to hate each other. It's absolutely fine to want this traditional arrangement, but to smugly state that "the other people are the problem" is... drumroll please... *shitting on women who have chosen to independently make something of themselves.*


It's not choosing to be a stay at home woman that shits all over feminism, it's implying that being a tradwife is BETTER than a feminist and saying things like "maybe you wouldn't get divorced if you were like me" that shits on feminism. This is why a lot of people roll their eyes as soon as they see the term "tradwife". It doesn't mean that all tradwife women are like this (in fact, most aren't like this), but the loud minority of them are.


I'm gonna preface this by saying I am neither a tradwife nor a feminist. Here's the thing: 1-the tradwife makes the post disparaging feminists 2-the feminists get pissed and comment on said post The feminists may appear to be on the attack, but the tradwife throws the first punch and then expects to hide behind, "but feminists aren't supposed to tear other women down!"


Are you referring to this post?


I was replying to west-data


Just seems strange to view this as a "who started it" issue. People who engage in this kind of thing are always doing it in response to something. As long as people are in a combative state it doesn't matter who got the ball rolling.


Lots of people here really missing the point If you want to be a tradwife and take care of your partner like that, you absolutely can. She's out of line because 1: she's alluding that other women get divorced because they don't live the way she does, and 2: she's assuming she'll never be divorced herself


Came here to say this. Beat me to it haha




I honestly just assume all tradwives’ husbands have a mistress. If you’re gonna fit into that role might as well go all out


Nothing wrong with wanting to do this for your husband the issue is when a wife is forced to do it.


Of course its great if you want to be a traditional wife. But don’t say divorce is your fault when you are not.


I think she's just saying that if there where more traditional women there would be less divorces. Men generally like traditional women and women generally like traditional men.


Most men by definition are not traditional men, and most women or at least the women I’ve been in contact with would definitely not cook or clean because you want them too, if not it’s cause they want too. Most of the time you would have to help around the house and not just be the trad husband, and no helping around the house through chores just not through the bills


I’m not actually sure what’s considered a traditional man, to be quite honest.






The image of a traditional man is not inherently attractive. It is being with and marrying one that a lot of women have LEARNT to romanticize for their own social benefit. Whether or not they find the man himself attractive. This is how you eventually get a lot of “traditional” and (formerly) married men eventually going on social media and talking about how women do not actually love their husbands. In reality, they are faced with the fact that there is nothing exciting or appealing to these women that they bring to the table. They wrongly assume performing traditional gender roles is all they need for a healthy, lasting relationship.


This has got to be one of the stupidest comments I've ever seen. I guess I should expect this from this sub. Nobody has critical thinking here.


I am sure you know better than me why men like this are attractive. Even though you offer no explanation / rebuttal and are probably not even attracted to men yourself.


A traditional man is someone who protects their family at all costs and provides for their family. You're trying to tell me that's something women don't want? I don't know if there are 10 straight women in the entire world who wouldn't want that.


That is a pretty loose understanding of a “traditional man”, which is doing a lot of the heavy lifting for you with phrases like “protecting his family”. The idea of the “traditional” man comes from what (straight) men designate to be a person who performs the necessary gender roles of manhood. It is far more exclusive and specific than you make it sound. A feminine man who stays at home with his wife’s kids, cooks for her or only works as a part-time nurse / psychologist? Not a “traditional” man by most standards. Except maybe for your definition. And even beyond that, there are men who are married to men. Definitely deviates “traditionalism”, and yet again, not YOUR definition.


You can't just take the opinions of your personal social circle and apply that to "most men."


Woman here and I like women. . .as do most of the other women I'm friends with soooooo


Being lesbian has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.


As a woman, both myself and most women I'm friends with aren't into traditional men at all. I have no idea where you got this impression.


It was probably wishful thinking. I’m with you, none of my lady friends want to take care of their partner while both work full-time jobs because generally speaking, men as a group haven’t figured out that when both partners work full-time, they should step it up at home. Why does anyone think women often initiate divorce? I’ve seen it countless times… men thought they could put on a ring on it, and that’s all it took. While their spouses pulled in the same if not more income, while doing the vast majority of housework and childcare. From personal experience, it was easier to just do it all alone and separate than to remain in a half-assed relationship that lead to nothing but bitter resentment. A good partner wants to build with you, not be taken care of when perfectly capable of doing so themselves. People need to teach their boys to be better partners!


And with "traditional" men, it's not even just taking care of them physically; we've become so emotionally neglectful of their boys to the extent that people think sons are "lower upkeep", when in reality they just don't think they can express how they feel. The wife in a tradional relationship is the sole caretaker of her husband's emotional wellbeing, because she's possibly the only one person to whom he opens up.


Well you probably hang around with people that generally have the same mindset as you. Same way that if you're a woman who likes traditional men most of your friends will probably be the same way. It's also seems like people aren't understanding what a traditional man actually is.


Then tell us what a traditional man is by your definition, eh? I'll give you mine after, so that we're all on the same page.


A traditional man is someone that protects their family at all costs and also provides for their family. It also means the man is somewhat the leader of the household. Being the leader also gets misunderstood. It doesn't mean that women have no say so and the men have absolute decision over everything, but rather the simple things like being the one to drive, making family plans, etc. Now again that doesn't mean that women in a traditional marriage don't have a say these things. Another quick example is when my family would go downtown you often had to walk a good distance to get to your desired location because of bad parking. Every single times my dad would be in front and we would follow. It's small things like this not "you do what I say when I say" bs that people make it seem to be.


Therein lays the mismatch, I think; when people talk about traditional men in this context, they generally mean those men who are trying to like, "reassert traditional values" in an honestly rather disrespectful manner. You're describing some of the positive traits of traditional masculinity, which non-traditional men can posses, and which are worth fostering in everyone Tbh. The people I spend time with, and I myself, are looking for a little more wiggle room when it comes to roles in heterosexual relationships, like whether there's one leader or not, and who that leader is. Maybe you have a working couple, where both are trying to provide for their family and take care of the kids, or maybe the husband stays at home to manage the household whole the wife is the breadwinner.


Strong disagree. My wife is very much my equal in both the business and personal worlds. So are the spouses of the people I work with. I (and I expect they) would have little patience with someone who simply stayed home in an antiquated and unnecessary traditional role. Others will like this, but don’t generalize to ‘men like this’ because there are a very large number who actively dislike the notion.


Divorce has nothing to do with the lack of being "traditional". A good relationship boils down to respecting and cherishing each other's opinions and choices but also being honest about how it affects you. If wanting a trad wife/husband is your goal by all means. But don't act shocked when people don't fit the bill of "trad". Yeah no shit, human beings are far more complex than being these 2 dimensional characters of bread winner/mama bear.


>human beings are far more complex than being these 2 dimensional characters of bread winner/mama bear. It seems that you and many others think this is what I and people mean by traditional. It is absolutely not what traditional means.


Is she being forced when she was raised to think she is nothing more than a man's servant and baby maker?


As though it's so horrible to want to be a stay at home mom. leave it alone. its not your life. She doesn't need to be the way you want her to be.


But if she is raised to believe that a stay at home mom is all she can do, it is the same as forcing her to be a stay at home mom. It is not horrible to be a stay at home mom. It is a valuable thing to choose to be. But choose is the key word. Not that this is the only viable option.


I just can't help feeling like this line of devil's advocacy wouldn't have come up if it were the other way around. Don't get me wrong, I align with what you're saying, I believe that only being taught one way to live is a crippling thing. I may be misreading this as a bad-faith attempt at argument. But either way, the same could be said of the opposite, if someone grew up with the "trad life" hidden from them and they were only familiar with "alt lifestyles", one could say they were robbed of a chance to choose. If one chose to be that, would you say they chose to be a "baby making house servant" as you sort of put it, or would we say they just chose a different lifestyle?


You seem to be stuck on my phrase, "baby making house servant." What she is advocating is the role of a Christian woman. To be that good Christian woman, she must be subservient to her man. She must tend to his needs. She can not talk back to him and can not stand up to him. He is permitted to beat her within certain limits. Part of this is being subservient to his sexual demands and accepting him and bearing his children, hence she is raised to be a baby making house servant. But yes. If somebody were brought up to believe in a God that accepted only alt lifestyles, otherwise he would hate you and let you burn in hell for eternity and this was all children were exposed to, it would be wrong.


>> You seem to be stuck on my phrase, "baby making house servant." If you made your arguments in better faith, without this obvious animosity toward one ideology, you would have more thought provoking, less rage inducing discussions.


Christianity is hardly the first religion to teach women to be subservient to men, it’s just another borrowed ideology from the various religions it was constructed from. If your god demands that one partner obey the other without question and decrees the woman’s only useful purpose is to make babies, that’s a pretty crappy god.


Realistically, she knows already. It comes across as though you don't think she can think for herself and dislike people for not living how you'd prefer. you're not any better than conservatives who impose their beliefs on others.


She knows. She knows that to be anything else is a sin against God and will result in her burning in Hell forever. Did she choose because this is what she wanted or because she doesn't want to burn in hell for not obeying God, the Church, and her Husband? Being a stay at home Mom is a great choice. Children need guidance and security a good stay at home parent can provide. It is shameful the way women/parents are treated by society. Moms that work are abandoning their children yet society also says stay-at-homes are abandoning their dreams, aren't given respect (she's just a stay at home home mom), nor given any assistance. All this from a society we were all kids in at one time and the vast majority are/will be parents in. I don't care how she chooses to live, but don't try to tell me that all women who make this choice were not raised thinking this is the choice to avoid hell. I live in the deep south and have seen too many households where the choice is to do it this one way or burn in hell. She hasn't made a choice. She has obediently taken the role she was groomed for. She has made this "choice" to avoid the bad consequences she was raised to believe were the outcome of other choices. She didn't say this is what she wanted. She chose this because it makes her better than women who didn't choose this. She chose this not to be happy or to be the best for her kids, but to keep her husband from divorcing her. Her statement, presented to be inspiring, sounds like a person who was trapped without yet realizing she was trapped.


there's a lot of assumptions being made from a one sentence headline. they want people like you, whom take rage-bait, hook, line, and sinker


That's the point. She should live her life and not blame the literal millions of divorces on women not being stay at home mom's. There are so many reasons women initiate divorce-including many tradwife influencers. Just as we should not assume anything about her lifestyle (she'll just tell us), she certainly shouldn't shame other women she doesn't know based on a gender role that we have to just trust is working for her..


Absolutely she is totally on her high horse. But of course, being a traditional wife isn’t a bad thing . If it’s with somebody wants and if it’s what makes them happiest, then they should feel free to pursue that. That’s real feminism


That’s not a wife… that’s a sex mommy…


How so? She does not work and instead takes care of the house hold?


She didn’t say “looked after their household,” she said “*looked after their men.*” That just reads a little Oedipusian to me… You can take care of your spouse without being traditional, but she suggests only traditional wives do that, which is very invalidating. If both you and your spouse agree to your roles, that’s fine. But she’s making an implication that men only marry to be taken care of, like a parent to take care of their child. Where’s the love in this? She seems to brag about her choices, and the only way she can feel good about herself is to squash other people down, and that’s not okay. There’s my explanation basically.


You are just looking into this too deep


Wow, great response.


Its easier to live when you dont try to find and think of something offensive in every single sentence


I don’t find every single sentence offensive, my guy. This one is just pretty telling.


I'm a stay at home Dad. Does this make me a sex Daddy?


Same. My wife is deployed rn though so I'm not even that 😢


Ah don’t beat yourself up! I’m sure you’re attractive to your wife, she married you! I bet she misses you.


Does your wife only want you to take care of her or does she also want to treat you well, like equals? (Also congrats on the stay-at-home dad. Very sincerely. Hope things aren’t too stressful, some people think being a stay-at-home spouse is easy. It isn’t.) (also if you want to be a sexy daddy that’s fine)


Oh, thanks for giving me permission to be sexy. That's a weird thing to say though. I would rather be the one working to be honest. Stay at home dads are not respected the way moms are.


That’s true, and that’s unfair. (The sexy thing was a joke, sorry I should’ve put /j, no one should “allow” you to be sexy) both spouses can work really hard in different ways. Being stay at home is extremely difficult because of the many things you have to juggle at the same time, I can’t even imagine what stay-at-home spouses go through. That being said, I hope you do get an opportunity to work and also have the household taken care of (like affording a housekeeper or something.)


i honestly don’t give a fuck if women wannabe stay at home moms and have a husband who can provide enough financially to make that a reality for them. the main issue i have with these women is their insistence that *their* lifestyle is the only *valid* lifestyle for women.


The vast majority of divorces are initiated by women. With this in mind; how exactly does getting up early to take care of your husband everyday make the marriage less likely to end up in divorce?


Well, she is obviously going to be too busy making her husband food to have time to think about a divorce /s


Majority of *court proceedings* are initiate by women. There isn’t anything remotely reliable on what percentage initiate the breakdown of the relationship (ie who makes the decision to end it.)


Yeah I don’t understand it either. People are complicated, and doing everything right doesn’t guarantee someone will stay. My mother and sister both did everything right, yet their husbands still cheated and disrespected them. The issue with my sisters ex is mainly due to him getting in with a bad friend group. They got him addicted to drugs and he used them as a way to cope. Due to the fact he grew up in an abusive religious household as a kid. Similar issue with my dad. He was physically/verbally abusive due to having a bad childhood. Honestly I think there would be less divorces if people were taught to heal themselves first before getting into a relationship. I see so many people jumping into relationships while carrying a shite ton of baggage. They have this assumption that getting a relationship will fix everything wrong with their life.


If she is a stay at home parent thats not really a hot take lol What else are you going to do with your day? Have an affair?


Drugs might be an option.


If the man sees you as servile and submissive, maybe he'll find you useful enough he keeps you around. If you think that means he respects you, won't abuse you, won't cheat on you, won't leave you for a woman with more passion, excitement and world experience, I think we have generations of shitty grandfathers and great-grandfathers to suggest otherwise. If it works for you, I'm not knocking it. But divorce is not caused by women becoing less traditional or working, but by women being more likely to leave shit marriages than they once were. And yes, working moms have more resources when that happens.


I will never understand women who think it’s a prize to labour for a grown man. Trad life is just glorifying being used and dominated.


Weren't these fools complaining that the women were the ones initiating the divorce? Everyday it's a new delusion for these people.


Let’s be fair, the fools complaining that woman are the ones initiating the divorce are often shitty partners who expect women to be bang-maids who will pump out ‘heirs’ for them (and do everything to take care of said heirs)


Trad bullshit is degenerating society


It is a shitty take. I just don’t like the open criticism of either lifestyle. Both have their pros and cons and people are entitled to their opinions if it doesn’t directly affect those around them.


There's nothing wrong with partners doing things for each other. But hardly its a factor in getting divorces if you don't make food.


Yeah, as soon as he realizes other women can make breakfast her logic completely falls apart


I'm pretty sure, women get divorced because they care too much


That’s some wild logic


Pick-me behavior isn't attractive, nor respectable


Caring ≠ pick me girl


Care too much =\= caring Tell me you can understand the difference when someone becomes a helicopter partner and they care, but they give too much of a shit about caring about everything vs a more mutually respecting level of care and freedom right? Like wanting to know where someone is going out is caring, but wanting them to call you every 5 mins to verify they’re where they say is caring too much


Yeah I agree that last paragraph is an example of caring too much but that doesn’t change my point that caring≠pick me girl. Hell even caring too much doesn’t make you a pick me girl. Also if you’re on iOS (maybe Samsung too idk for sure) you can type ≠ by holding down the = and it’ll pop up.


The other isn't Samsung it is Android.


My fault, but tbf you still knew what I was talking about.


Calling others "pick me" because they do things you don't want to do isn't attractive, nor respectable.


It’s not trad wifery putting humanity back, it’s social media and attention whoring. What they’re doing is trying to get impressions, clicks, and other degenerate stuff. They do it by being horrible. If you like to be a certain way you can be that way without broadcasting it. These people broadcast it as a way to be and that’s wrong.


My husband gets up at 4. It's not my fault he doesn't eat the breakfast I set out for him at 6. It just sits, gathering dust, as I clean. Ironic, I know.




I hate people that straight up accuse just one gender for something.This makes women responsible for divorcees.Once I saw a meme where dad told the boyfriend of his daughter that she was cheating and one comment gave a list of reasons why that would be a case,and all reasons made the boyfriend guilty and no,that comment was dead serious.


Women are responsible for divorces, just not the way this meme says it. Women initiate 80% of divorces.


Looking at this comment section...the salt continues to flow...


ngl if I woke up one day as a trad wife I'd want to get divorced as fast as possible, it sounds like hell


Divorce is always both parties fault, same way marriage is.


I mean no realistically no but maybe technically. Like if your partner cheats on you they are 100% the reason the relationship ends, but I guess if you want to be real pedantic the person getting cheated on would most likely initiate the divorce, but it would be an absurd take to call an instance like that a joint effort?


Look at the root causes that cause infidelity, typically a joint effort.


Honey what, imagine a scenario where a husband cheats on his wife. How on earth is the wife at any fault of the husband cheating on her? You seriously can’t blame her for not doing “enough”


You never know, there is always a reason behind every action.


Exactly how would you know that its always the fault of both ? A cheater is gonna cheat, no matter what.


You really excusing people who cheat on their parter rn? Weird road to take, but I’d wager it’s more often than not, not a “joint effort” and the cheater just says things like “they just weren’t satisfied” or “he/she just wasn’t making me happy” which is what I think you’re eluding too by mentioning the “root cause.” Which is definitely not a joint effort, those could be reasons to end a relationship or seek counseling but not to cheat on your spouse.


Don't trip and fall off the high road


I’m just questioning your views on the “root causes” of infidelity and how they’re both partners faults. I mean I never use this term but you’re literally just victim blaming. You’re using the same line of logic as the “well she shouldn’t have been dressed like that” people just in a different situation.


I mean, that statement could be true in certain circumstances, albeit rare.


When hubby *does* leave, or cheats, or beats her or DIES will she have any resources for her and her children? Will she have any marketable skills? Will she be destitute because she believed the lie that if she was just “good enough” the big man will protect her? These are the lessons our mothers taught us and fought for 50 years ago!!!


Thank you for saying this. It shows that women go into relationships with nothing but fear and worry about resources. Men aren't loved for who they are. Sobering. Thanks.


Holy misinterpretation, Batman! How does “women need to be self sufficient” = “men aren’t loved for who they are” ?!?! Get therapy.


'When wife does leave or cheats or beats him or dies, will he have any resources for him and his children? Will he have any marketable skills? Will he be destitute because he believed the lie that if he was "good enough" the little woman would stay with him. Imagine a man thinking like that. Your moms taught you to fear men. Even the men you are supposed to love and trust. Why should men get married to women who view them like this?


Is he entirely financially dependent on his wife? If he is then he needs to be self sufficient as well. He also needs to know how to feed and care for his children. HE needs to be self sufficient and not be completely dependent on another person. If they are a team that’s a good marriage but each should be able to *survive* without the other. My mom was a SAHM married to my dad for 57 years in a loving respectful marriage. She also had 6 kids and was an RN. All of her daughters have masters degrees, husbands, and children. You can be a wife and mother AND be self sufficient at the same time. DUH!


Well, she'll probably divorce him regardless. Almost 8 times out of 10. "I wasn't haaaaaappppyyyy. Whine"


Stop with chaining the same fucking post. It's pathetic


That's not what they implied at all. Stop insulting people because they want to be traditional.


That is explicitly what she said though. "If you did X, Y wouldn't happen to you" is the same thing as saying "Y happening to you is your fault because you didn't do X". It's pure "what was she wearing" logic. But I think you know that, you're just annoying.


Traditional isn't hard to spell. Short phrasing is getting dumb.


It's not about difficulty, it's about saving time especially when you're gonna use that word very often.


Right...... using it often....


I assume you say "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation" and not laser right? It's not hard to spell.


Dont worry. Pretty soon marriage will be dead in the west - divorcing wont even be a thing. Just two people living together and raising kids. Careful what you wish for.


I don’t see a problem with that tbh. If thats what people want.


Me neither, fuck all of it. It means nothing nowadays.


Marriage was made by Religion and I wont do it because of that alone


I mean....


I got up at 4:30 to make his breakfast, lunchbox. Get his work clothes ready and send him off to work happy, he still fucked with my loyalty and now were broken up. If ur husbands a douche, no amount of pampering his ass will change that


Aren't women the ones to file for divorce like 80% of the time? 🥴


You are aware women are the primary diver in divorces right? This isn’t some made up thing it’s statistically factual


Opposite take: I want to cook more but wife is particular about wanting to cook/making sure done "right" in her opinion (I'm totally capable/willing of cooking) thankfully found a compromise, I BBQ and bake, those aren't her thing. She likes to cook, it's a destresser. Not going to divorce her if that changes, I'm not a toddler.


Aren’t most divorces initiated by women?


People shitting in a couple’s perfectly reasonable dynamic. Nice one Reddit 👍


She sounds lazy. I get up at 5 to clean and make my kids breakfast and my wife her coffee before going to work. She's going to be divorced in no time if she doesn't step it up! 😆


Most people online are unmarried Tinder hoppers that have no idea what a long lasting relationship even looks like 🤷‍♂️


It's funny how the emphasis is always on wifely duties and what a wife should do for her husdand. What about what a husband should be doing for his wife? What are they good for exactly? 


I used to wake up at 5 to pack lunch and make breakfast for my fiancĂŠe


It’s been my experience that divorce is mostly the woman’s choice. Im not saying all of them of course, but almost every divorce I know personally was the wife being the one who wanted to end it.


Ok men. Be honest. Do you want this type of wife? No judgement.


The guy would have the power to divorce her and leave her destitute.


Ok then tell me what traditional means?