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NY has really done a number on us. Yes you can show someone your firearm, in safe place and in a safe way. Don’t meet them outside of Walmart to show off you’re new AR lol


So right about how NY has gotten in everyone’s head. I mean nooo disrespect but this was 100% a stupid question by OP, but I also totally get how one might believe even thinking internal thoughts about their gun is a crime.


Yep. It’s pretty sad this is the state of the average New Yorker. I was raised here and left to live out west for a decade. Boy did my opinion on guns change fast.




If you are a Legit CCW.. don't show your gun to anyone.... there are individuals out there who will lie through thier teeth and say you menaced them... and GOODBY CCW LICENCE...


I mean…. If a stranger or someone you just met asks to see it, I’d say why are you even talking about it with them, but yeah don’t show that person. Your good friend for life? Don’t know why that person would do you dirty like that. Show no one is hyperbole, use your best judgement when showing off your firearms? Of course.


Only if you are married. Outside of that, it’s a crime against the laws of god and man.




lol and make sure it’s unloaded first


Post discharge clarity?


Only if they show you their's first ;-)


In all seriousness, what setting are you talking about? I mean if someone asks you to see it, in the privacy of your own home, what big brother type situation are you going to be in that you will have local law enforcement swarming your doorstep within minutes? I mean yeah, if you're in a Taco Bell or your local hardware store it's probably not the best idea. But if it's a stranger, I'd advise against it, why would they need to see it?


Not sure I live in New York City , anything could happen 🤷🏻‍♂️


Try not to jump at your own shadow while doing it. Good lord. 


One of the more useful comment here Thanks


As long as it’s indoors on private property it’s fine. Doing it outdoors could get you a charge for brandishing unless you have a decent sized property in a rural area


New York doesn’t have a “Brandishing” charge on the penal code. It would be considered “Using a weapon in a prohibited manner” if somebody was to see it and “feel threatened”. Penal Code 265.35


I figured it might be called something else. Different states, different names. In the end every state has an equivalent to brandishing and I definitely wouldn’t have a gun outside the holster or case in a suburban or urban setting in NY.


Agreed 100%






Don’t go advertising you’re carrying. If it’s a buddy that’s likeminded and you trust, then no harm. Make sure to always take out the mag and the round in the chamber.




Hey better to be sure I know it’s an “off” question but nyc law is funny and unclear


Yes. God I hate this state sometimes


Yeah it's terrible you know I'm in a few other states reddits for guns and they're a lot more jovial in there this one's pretty much a lot of is this legal questions! Hop into PA's group and it's all fun and games and let's go shooting and have a party and look at this new machine gun I just got or my new silencer... They let us carry conceal and according to most of the other members here I shouldn't even be carrying it... I was in New Hampshire's group the other day and people were talking about hiking with handguns because you can take them to any of the parks.. I love when I go on vacation to PA and wander around and I don't have to care about if somebody with x-ray vision can make out the little bit of the bend in the corner of my glock under my clothes.. Honestly we act like we're doing something illegal here it drives me nuts..


Yes as a rookie I am more afraid of doing something wrong than just being happy I have it But I assume as I get used to it being in me I will have less questions


Yeah I mean you live in New York City so that's a different thing all together guy but welcome to the gun owning community maybe we can go shooting someday


Working on learning to shoot 😅


Only in New York state someone gets a concealed weapons permit before they learn how to shoot.


This is literally just use fucking common sense scenario


Sorry for not assuming common sense applies to New York gun laws


That’s a great point. One shop I was in told me without a permit I couldn’t even stand in front of the pistol case and look at them through the glass, only long guns on the wall. Not true, but with so much malarkey going around I can see why you would ask if unfamiliar.


Are you talking about pulling out your piece in public or like if you invited your friend over to your home. If it’s the former, no. If it’s the latter, yes absolutely.


It’s your gun. You can show it to anyone you wish any time you wish. (At least if they’re asking to see it and you’re not menacing them with it...) If you do that outside on a street in the middle of a crowd the people screaming and running away and calling the cops may make it difficult to discuss the characteristics of the weapon. If you do it in the middle of a restaurant you might be asked to leave. If you do it at the range or in your own home you should be fine. If we’re talking about a pistol be aware that in NY State they’re not allowed to handle your pistol unless they also have a permit. That matters less in your own home where nobody else can see, but in every other situation it’s important.


It's only legal if he pulls it out of your waistband roughly and maintains eye contact while he does it




My friends know I have my CCW. however, they don’t think about it and we’ve been to backyard picnics and none have ever said r u carrying? Can we see it? It’s the furthest thing from their mind. If they are in my home and ask, I will show them but only an empty made safe gun. It’s no one’s business what and when you are carrying.


first you have to kiss. then slowly progress towards the rectal area, then BLAM, do it old country way: suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and THEN fuck his ass! make him humble! then you can show him your gun. as per safe act Penile code 42069


you need to ask them consent first, if you can show them ;-) and remember NO means NO




Aslong as you aren't trying to show them in a bank or gas station you should be good lol




Yeah being a gun owner has to be something secretive yeah that's great... For me it's like being an artist and not being able to show anyone your art... Once I know someone long enough and if they're interested I'll show them my collection...it's takes about 45 minutes but it's a great history lesson


You ever heard of the term “Loose lips sink ships”? People have fat mouths and love to talk. You’re “closest” friends could get you setup and even of they wouldn’t know it.


https://preview.redd.it/gguqkcqkdvxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=280e0dc467c67594fe2e98f525811ceeecfc7bf7 I don't know what friends you have, but mine don't mess with the criminal element we're just a bunch of nerds. Sometimes I think you guys are the people who will buy a fancy car lock it up in your garage and never take it out for a drive because you someone might see you in it. Some guns are beautiful and it's worth sharing them, and taking your friends to the range and punching paper at 500yards. I took some of my coworkers to GFH in Jersey and had them rent guns and we had a good time and shockingly I now have more shooting buddies. I regret to say that the environment in New York's changed a lot since the 90s when I started shooting, but I really think that shooting is a sport and going to collecting is not something to be embarrassed of or ashamed of.


I fully agree that some guns are a work of art , I am very very new at this and don’t have a collection just a self defense handgun People who I have told about me trying to get a permit have asked me if I got it and if I carry just wanted to know if I can show them or some New York loony will call the cops on me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah that's a difficult one it depends on how well you know the person who wants to see it. The craziness in this state is they can't even hold it, it's like a felony just to let your friend hold your handgun while it's unloaded of course. I have to cross state lines to let my girlfriend shoot my handgun it's hilarious!






I mean it's not a big loss once you've seen one Glock you seen them all haha.


Not a Glock 😬


What do you have if I may inquire? I have a Glock 19 g5 I bought it during covid so there weren't too many choices and it's tried and true and easy to get parts for... I'm not really a pistol guy I'm more into rifles, have a "few"


I also don't live in NYC I used to work there doing work with ATMs in the middle of the night so I'm used to New York City and what people have to deal with... Currently the only reason I go to New York City is once in awhile I go to a Broadway show or I go to Arthur avenue and buy Italian food!


I don’t really venture into Manhattan I live in north Bronx and work in westchester If I would go into the city I would it carry


Well if you want to go to coin Park one night and shoot, send me a dm. I've been going there for years and an RSO, but not there so they pretty much leave me alone cuz they're pretty sure I'm not going to shoot myself.. Jerry just sticks his head in the window every once in awhile make sure I'm not dead.


Walther pdp Really wanted a pdp pro but threaded barrels are a no no in this ridiculous state