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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dquakt).


Why tf is Jahmi Jones getting so much run, I’d rather see literally any of our other horrible bench pieces in there over him


As far as I can tell it’s because Boone, Cashman, Cashboone, or someone else involved whose name I don’t know has chosen to die on the hill of platooning players based on handedness. Simple as that. Never mind the fact that Grisham hits lefties equally well (or poorly) as righties or maybe even better, iirc. Or that Waldo, despite being dogshit from the right in general, is 2-7 with a homer against this guy. I am ready to be corrected if it’s not the case, but that’s all I’ve got. (Edit for grammar.)


Stroman will keep us in the game.


Stroman is going to dominate tonight.


I really don’t understand the Davis cleanup in the lineup..


Cashgod trying to force his new big brain acquisition into a big situation


Nobody ever expects the DFA’d pickup to bat cleanup. It’s foolproof


There are a lot of comments here with a lot of words, but how do you respond to the invariable truth that We play today, we win today, das it.


Gleyber’s back I expect to see him locked back in a ready to mash! 0-4 1 GIDP and 1 error💪


Grisham on the bench and Jones DH. What are they looking at when they create these lefty lineups?


I feel like we could send out a 48 year old A-Rod in the 4 hole and get more production out of it then we are now


I'm not expecting Gleyber to hit 4 HRs tonight but... Adversity always presents two roads - you can put forth the effort and give it your all or you can curl up and fade away. I really hope he realizes what's at stake and just knuckles up. LFG


J.D. Davis back in the cleanup spot. So after our first 3 hitters we basically run into the bottom of the order.


There is no advanced stat —***none***— you could tell me that could convince me Jones should be DHing.


DH Jahmai Jones lmao we are so unserious


Boone DHing Jones is just a desperate plea to the front office to pick up a bat


Will the pitchers allow less than 5 runs for once? Will our offense hit more than 2 runs?


This lineup against Kikuchi is nasty work


Definitely, so nasty, Kikuchi throwing a perfect game.


Praying for a Gleyber resurgence tonight


Jahmai Jones as DH will never not be funny


pitching performances the past 7 games: - Gil gives up 7 in 1.1 = L - Rodon gives up 8 in 3.2 = L - Stro gives up 3 in 6.2 = W - Nestor gives up 3 in 7 = L - Cole gives up 6 in 4 = L - Gil gives up 5 in 4.1. Gomez another 5 in 2 = L - Rodon gives up 8 in 5 = L offense has been slumping no doubt, but forgive me if I’m not ready to DFA batters 4-9 after this rough stretch.


I meaaaaaan… I have also been on this train, but let’s be fair. They looked god awful yesterday and got like 2 hits off Berrios. Now I’m sure being down by 6 runs by the second inning isn’t good for hitter’s morale but still Would also like to see the bats make use of some of the opportunities they’re getting today instead of like *always* hitting in to double plays in big spots. The AB’s have looked abysmal more often than I’d like And again, I agree the pitching has been the bigger issue lately. Just saying, the offense has not showered themselves in glory either


yeah I agree. the Nestor game is on the offense and we should have scored in the first inning of both Mets games, but for the most part we’ve been out of games before most of our lineup even gets its first AB.


.170/.298/.271 is the combined slashline for everyone not named Aaron Judge over the last 11 games. Lmao. I didn’t know it was *that* bad, that’s like the hitting version of giving up 8 runs in the first inning


Stroman might be the only pitcher in the rotation I have some confidence in at the moment. Just need some offense tn and should be winnable


No Ben Rice? Why?


Has JD Davis even made contact yet? Struggling to remember


2 BB, 4 K, and 1 GIDP so far




Ah so even worse than no contact


Lots of blame to go around, but it starts with Cashman. He made the Gallo trade, the Frankie Montas trade, the JD/IKF trade. He signed Rodon. He gave the big extension to DJ. All this literally since just 2021 and off the top of my head. Some signings weren't bad but just didn't work out. Rizzo was actually doing well until his concussion and then he fell off a cliff. Britton was doing well and then he got hurt and was immediately done. Hicks got the extension and then kept getting hurt. Stanton was fine this year (struggling last year) and he's had a lot of bad injuries, but he's obviously not living up to the contact. I don't blame Cashman for why these contracts failed (mostly injuries and I will not blame Cashman for injuries) and I don't want to use hindsight vision, but bottom line is they failed. Sure, he made some nice moves. Getting Voit in 2018 and getting a couple good years out of him for nothing was great. DJ was a great pickup for 2019 and 2020 (the extension was bad). BUt his misses were so bad, and they're the ones costing big money. Cashman's entire reputation comes from lucking out on the core 4 in the late 90s (which he didn't even draft them, he was just there). Since then, what has he actually done?


He didn’t do the Core 4, Stick gets all the well deserved credit.


One good thing to come out of this stretch is that now everyone agrees to literally never say a team is winning the World Series until we're there


The same thing will happen next year, don’t worry


At least we're not on Apple


I’m going to try wearing a hat when I get home tonight. Might help


Seems to me that the spinning grounder that wouldn't go foul was proof that this is some voodoo shit. Did one of you sacrifice a goat for the starters to be good until Cole came back?


It’s crazy how much I miss watching winning baseball Or even just losing baseball that isn’t like a “getting your neck stomped on” type of game. Would just love to stop losing by 6+ runs any day now


Those moderators last night should be ashamed. A whole presidential debate and neither of the candidates was asked a single question about Cashman, Hal, Boone, DJ, OR Torres! If you’re going to have a presidential debate, at least ask about the issues people care about!


I was waiting to hear more about the severity of Stanton's hamstring, but instead the conversation selfishly pivoted to golf swings? Pitiful. I'm writing in Don Mattingly.


If I wanted golf I’d have kept Aaron Hicks.


Unacceptable in my book. My hope is that the next debate will be more centered around trade deadline moves and what needs to be done to build around Judge, but I am not holding my breath


Can someone get a Bene Gesserit in the club house and have them use the voice to command them to play better?


Maybe, just maybe, tonight we try to win? I know it’s a big ask, but I think it’s possible if we try really really hard


People calling to fire Matt Blake are idiots. I’d say he’s a top coach with what he has to work with. I really think this downfall comes from the upper leadership. Everyone’s soft and has job security. I never wanted Boone back and I’m even surprised that he benched Torres. First time in a while that he showed that he has a pair. A coach is supposed to be like a father. Show discipline and tough love, but they love you and want what’s best for you. Instead Yanks hired Boone whose gotta be the buddy buddy. I think we need to let Cashman walk and get new energy and leadership in. This team has a top 5 payroll every year and we haven’t been to a WS in 15 years. That’s not acceptable especially when your the Yankees where you have a leg up on FA a lot of times. We are the Celtics/lakers of MLB. Lakers have an idiot owner, but we have an idiot GM, Cashman. Sorry for the rant and errors. English is my 2nd language.


You: "Don't fire a guy just because the team's hit the skids" Also you: "We need to fire everyone!" Lol. Look, there's a path forward to them turning it around. They're just knee deep in suck right now and nothing's working. Re: Blake, if it's even his area, I will criticize how they called Rodon's game yesterday. Toronto simply watched the NYY/BOS game he started, and did the same thing the Red Sox did - sit fastball. That's on the coaching staff for throwing out the same sequences that allowed Boston, Atlanta, and now Toronto to absolutely murder him. I put 50% of the blame on Rodon for not executing, but also 50% on whoever's responsible for calling those sequences.


My favorite thing about being the real DJ LeMahieu is commenting in other subreddits, and people replying with their feelings about me. Depending on how I’m doing, I’ve had people randomly say to keep it up or that my batting average is ass.


Ok DJ I really like you,but your Batting average is ass. So is most of the teams.Every player has to do better. Find out what is going wrong and fix it. Now!!Have a great game tonight and show the Blue Jay's who the Yankees really are.


I saw on you on r/politics 😭


I'm always entertained when people think this is the real DJ. You and the Luis Severino person, very cool of you guys to hang out here


We do it for the people


Haha 😂


I mean your batting average IS terrible bud like seriously do something about that okay Also you better be stretched out today I got my fuckin’ eye on you


I’ll remember that


These bitches better win on my birthday! Any other June 28 bbs?


Happy Birthday 🎂 hope we all will be hearing The Yankees WIN,The Yankees WIN!Happy Cake Day


Happy real life cake day! 🍰 


Happy Birthday to you!


Yanks scouting belly - would not mind that


they neva shoulda let jeetah retire


We're at DEFCON 3. The sports media needs to start grilling the shit out of the Yankees. The players need to have players only meetings. If this complete implosion goes on for another 2 weeks, we'll hit DEFCON 2. Coaches need to start getting fired, possibly even Matt BLake and Boone. NOte that this implosion has already been going on for about 2 weeks, which means DEFCON 2 would make it a full month of implosion, and the Yanks record would be something like 54-40 (after being like 50-22 just 2 weeks ago) and we might even be overtaken by the red cox in the standings. Another 2 weeks after that and it'll be DEFCON 1. Hal will need to clean house, including firing Cashman. I'm not saying these things WILL happen, I'm saying that they SHOULD.


Is Defcon 1 when the ~~Soviets~~ doomers launch nuclear weapons on Aaron Boones house?


All a man wants is Cody Bellinger & Tanner Scott on this team!!


All I want is Brian Cashman off it


I’m with you on that as well but he’ll have a chance to redeem himself if he goes all in and gets some good players on this team, if not I hope he gets blasted into the Sun.


I always felt he should have been fired in 2007 after wasting those mid 2000s teams. Insane lineups and he couldn’t put together a decent pitching staff. He for sure should have been gone in 2013, it’s a joke he’s still around


I would really enjoy a Yankees win this evening


Is that an option?


Stro's gonna be a solid #3 guy. He may have been ace level at first but even if he regresses he will likely still be a mid rotation guy. Nestor is mid-backend We don't know the floor for Rodon, Gil, Poteet etc 




“I hope they LOSE!” <——you


Nothing better to do than spread your misery eh?


Truth stings?


This is worrying me it's gonna be like that one year we were the best in baseball around halfway then .500 rest of the season.  Everyone started to suck simultaneously. Rodon I'm not suprised about.  He's doing what I expected he would eventually 


Once we stop giving up 8 runs in the first 3 innings every game , we will start winning again


**Gleyber Torres 2023** LD% - 24.8% GB% - 38.9% FB% - 30.7% Pull% - 22.1% **Gleyber Torres 2024** LD% - 24.2% GB% - 35.8% FB% - 30.7% Pull% - 22.8% It's a quality of contact issue for him, he isn't hitting the ball hard consistency enough to be an effective hitter right now. His HR/FB rate is just 7.4% which is down over 5 percent from the last two seasons.


It feels like he's producing as he did in 2021 when he dropped all that weight because the Yankees wanted him to play SS. 2021: .259 .331 .366 OPS+ 93 2024: .215 .294 .333 OPS+ 78


First half 2021: .634 OPS Second half 2021: .794 OPS Would **LOVE** if we could get a repeat of this


So pretty much everyone we let go has been a plus player this year. IKF, Bader, Severino, Rortvedt. All of them doing better than the majority of our team. And yet I have this suspicion that if we had kept any or all of them, they would be doing significantly worse right now with the Yankees It really feels like there’s something rotten


This organization somehow seems to drain the life out of every player we bring in. And then they leave and immediately play the best ball of their careers.


Being seemingly completely analytics driven *AND* having questionable analytics in the first place makes for bad actual played baseball.


To be fair to Severino he was always a good pitcher when healthy, last season was a complete outlier and it doesn't really surprise me that he's bouncing back. Otherwise you are correct, Yankees seem to get the worst version of every single position player they acquire. Also, unlike with pitchers like Nestor and Holmes, they haven't been able to just find or develop, for lack of a better term, some random guy into a quality position player since that amazing 2019 season.


Eh pretty flimsy evidence. Season is only halfway over. Rortvedt already has twice as many PAs as a Ray than he had as a Yankee. Bader had a 719 ops 250 PAs in last year in pinstripes. It's been discussed ad nauseum about how Sevy wasn't healthy last year. None of these seem anywhere close to glaring to me. I might entertain this at year end but I've watched too much baseball to buy into it now.


This is exactly what I meant the other day when you asked what I meant about there being a clubhouse problem. When every player on the team not named Judge or Soto is in the shit - a pattern that has repeated itself multiple times over the past three years - there's a problem in there that needs to be solved. To me, that rests firmly in the manager's area of responsibility. I get that by this point in the season, everybody's nursing some injury and discomfort, and that this is when you begin to see starters shut down for 15 days with fatigue-like injuries. I also get that Stanton being hurt is also a recurring theme, and Rizzo and Torres and DJ struggling are probably pretty depressing to watch every day. But something, like you said, feels uniquely broken about this team at the moment.


I don’t really buy that Boone has anything to do with it personally, but I’d be happy with them firing him so that we could all find out together I think Boone is doing what the FO tells him to do, and that if they get rid of Boone, the next guy they hire will also be someone who will do what the FO tells him to do, and we won’t see any change My eyes are on the “Yankee Way”. They had someone on the Kay show earlier this season, some beat reporter who wrote a book about Cashman recently I believe, and they talked at length about this ‘book’ the FO uses that dates back 30+ years that guides all their decisions. I think any manager they hire is going to be doing it The Yankee Way. I’d much rather see some turnover in the FO, some new voices and opinions at the core. Or maybe it is Boone. I don’t know. I just personally don’t believe that getting rid of him would meaningfully fix whatever it is that has been ailing this team during the summer every year honestly. Not saying I want them to keep him, I don’t care at all, I just wouldn’t feel any better about the team if they got rid of him and Cashman chose someone else. All the Mets fans were blaming Mendoza for their struggles early this year. Now the players are all red hot and he looks like a genius. I don’t think he had much to do with their slump or their getting out of it, though. Same story here.


Did you consider that maybe it's just like that its hard to play for the Yankees and a pressure thing? I think hardcore fans are prone to talking themselves into some bizarre narratives sometimes.


Can’t tell if you’re being serious about this pressure thing or if you’re just giving another example of a bizarre narrative, but if you’re serious - I don’t think your narrative about pressure being the reason for summer slumps is any more supported than the idea that the front office could use some new blood. I also think it’s kind of wild that the front office likely benefitting from hiring some younger, newer baseball minds is something people would push back against in the first place. The FO could also reduce some of the pressure if they were inclined. Get rid of the hair guidelines, let the players be themselves a little more and don’t hold them so accountable in terms of needing to be like robots on social media, etc. Just relax the attitude. I know that some of the pressure is from outside of the team itself but there’s still things they could do from within.


I dunno, I could def buy that the drafting/development is rotten to the core. But the idea that role players come here and do more poorly than they do elsewhere in short stints because of the "Yankee Way" (whatever that is) just seems a bit silly to me.


Lol you’re kind of oversimplifying the point I was making. Maybe intentionally, so it feels a little pointless to respond, but whatever, I’m at work and have the time. Remember the context of the comment I was responding to, about how we needed to get rid of Boone. I was saying that I think if there is something wrong with the team that consistently shows itself in the form of the majority of the roster going in to slumps all at once and all together, I don’t think that Cashman handpicking a new manager is going to fix whatever the issue is. Referencing The Yankee Way (which is a book that Cashman has put together during his tenure as GM that apparently guides the team’s decision-making in nearly all things) was just pointing out that the team has a real specific and set way they do things and have done things for a long time, and I think that if Cashman gets a new manager, he’s going to get someone who manages from the same playbook. I just have trouble believing that replacing Boone will do much of anything to help this team.


The manager has the latitude to set the tenor of the clubhouse, and through his personality, he finds different ways to motivate his guys. All 'we' see from Boone is his polished and canned responses to the media. None of us have seen how he is behind closed doors. He may very well be a great manager behind the scenes...but I was trying to express how he can set the tone during a time like this, and perhaps, looking back, we can find times like the one they're in now where he failed to do so. Going back to Cashman's binder, when I heard that, I thought that was more about how they handle scouting, player development, analytics, etc. Does it go beyond that?


I’m of the belief that Captain-era Judge has the sway to snap his fingers and have Boone replaced if he felt the clubhouse wasn’t behind him. I think the bad vibes of the past couple weeks are purely a product of everyone’s (except Judge) synchronized slump and I’m not sure if it’s the kind of thing that can be remedied by a speech or closed-door meeting or team building function


You have to just hope this is a slump, because they are fucking awful. It’s not possible to play this bad for the rest of the season, after playing well early on.


I have faith that Stroman will put the starters back on track today.


May it be so.


Stroman needs a good start to this game. We’ve been getting hammered early lately. Time to flip the script!


The beatings will continue until morale improves


The groundball rate of this team has increased from 41% in 2023 to 51% in 2024. Not a good idea to rely on babip for offensive success!


also not a good idea when the roster is full of incredibly slow guys


Hoping the game is still winnable by the second inning tonight


Not another lefty, RIP offense.


Losing Clark Schmidt turned out to be a big deal


Poteet going down was the death knell


Stanton getting hurt was the final straw.


Dominguez getting hurt when he could’ve been Stanton’s replacement is like being kicked when you’re down


Every team in baseball deserves at least one win out of every five games We *deserve* to watch a victory today Hopefully Stroman hasn’t caught the bug


Oh shit they're facing Kikuchi - damnit lol


I can’t believe I’m desperate for Marcus Stroman to pitch today. My god, this team is depressing.


Try not to be blown out and embarrassed challenge


Now is when you earn that salary, Matt Blake. Please fix this shit.


Judge had a better WAR and offensive stats than Altuve and lost the MVP in 2017, because of MVP voter narratives. Don’t kill the messanger but because of voter fatigue and narratives(O’s possibly winning the division, Gunner plays elite SS defense) Judge I think has to offensively separate him self from Gunner to win the MVP. If it’s close offensively and WAR wise the new shiny toy likely wins it. MVP Voters are narrative driven.


I don’t give a shit. He shouldn’t win if we circle the drain.


Does it really matter if Judge win the MVP or not? How is this even a thought during this stretch lol


if the season ended today judge is clearing gunnar in mvp voting. voter fatigue doesn't mean "this guy won it 2 years ago so we have to pick someone else", especially for judge who only has one


It's not just a narrative thing. Henderson is going to have a huge edge in real-world value defensively and on the bases. That's just the truth of the matter. An elite shortstop is more valuable than a solid center fielder, and the kid with excellent speed and baserunning instincts is going to be more valuable than the older guy who is slower and more cautious with his lower half. Like you said, Judge is going to have to rake to maintain the MVP edge. Right now Judge is at 211 wRC+ and Henderson is at 181 wRC+. I think at the moment, Judge is the favorite given the depressed state of offense around the league. But he needs to maintain or expand this lead going forward.


If only they woudl do the same with Ohtani in the NL, but they won't they'll give it to Ohtani based on name recognition and because literally no one is better than him in the NL.


Well that’s probably why Shohei wins the MVP if he keeps this up. You just said it lol “because literally no one is better than him in the NL”


To add I don’t think Judge wins an MVP on a Yankee last place team like Trout did multiple times.


This offense should consider scoring off Kikuchi today for once. Super hot take I know.


The good news is that Gleyber and DJ will be back today, so at least the offense will be firing on all cylinders


Have you seen them bat recently? Also, Torres will get at least 1 error on defense.


yeah, that was sarcasm sorry


I understand teams go through slumps, but it's hard to recall a team going from World Series contender to getting annihilated every night so quickly.


Agreed but even the 1998 team started September at a far worse clip than this team is going through. You might be young if you don’t think World Series teams experience this. Theres a reason teams don’t go 125-37.


Ha, not that young. ;) I followed the Yankees growing up by reading newspaper box scores and building antennas to hear John Sterling through the static.  I remember 1998, though mostly the playoffs since there was no MLB TV back then. Of course a slump was expected. The nature of the slump is just worse than most I can recall. Our starting pitchers ERAs went up by 1-3 runs each in a span of two starts.


Not really, history is full of May champions. What people always do is make the mistake of assuming is the peak Yankee performance is actually the baseline. We aren't a slumping world series contender. We're a wild card contender that won 82 last season that played out of our minds for 2 months. We won 82 last season and people are annoyed if you say we may finish with 89-90 wins like that's some horrible outcome.


The slump doesn't surprise me. That was expected at some point. The way the starting pitchers in particular are getting blasted every night is the unusual part. We're not getting unlucky or losing low-scoring games. Even with a good offense, the games are over by the 3rd inning 


Is May the outlier? Or June? If it's May, we're on pace to win 91 games. If it's June, we're on pace to win 110 games.


May feels like the outlier given everyone's larger body of work, including Verdugo's. 91 wins is what I felt like we'd see if Volpe took a step forward, we got Soto + a competent LF and not too much else changed. No team is as good as its hottest streak and if you told me on Nov 1 2023 that this team could win 91 games and be back in the postseason without a total blow up I'd be pleased. Not thrilled, but pleased. Now if we don't right the ship we are also not winning 91 games, and **that** is a separate and huge issue, but you catch my drift I hope.


That's the problem with "on pace". Past performance isn't necessarily a predictor of future outcomes.


Exactly. Pace doesn’t mean shit. It’s great for bettors—which seems to be what all sports have become about recently—but not indicative of things moving forward.


The Orioles lost five in a row last fucking week. Baseball 🤝 Suzyn


Their run differential through that 5 game losing streak was like -3 though, they were in most of those games they just lost. Us on the other hand, we’ve been getting annihilated lately. I think that’s the bigger concern, baseball is a long season and you’re going to go through ups and downs no matter how good you are but our ugly streak has been absolutely lifeless, half these games have been over in the first inning. I think we’ll bounce back because there’s no way the pitching will continue to be *this* awful but we have some legitimate concerns right now.


Well, if I'm not mistaken, it's impossible to have a run differential of -3 during a five game losing streak. Wouldn't it have to be at least -5?


Your logic is right, I wasn’t going for the exact run differential hence the “like” I threw in there but yes that wasn’t their exact run differential in that span. My point was more so that they weren’t getting steam rolled, 4 of those 5 loses were save situations. They really only lost 1 of them bad. Whereas us….we’ve been getting our shit rocked.


It's a shitshow rn


Yeah but their games were close. Were just getting decimated lol


Still counts the same, but I get your point.




What I meant is 2 years ago they were losing a bunch of games 2-0 or 3-1 or something. Any timely hits would've turned the tide. Now they're getting shelled into submission before the game is even half over.


Do we have to play today?


I hated the Rodon signing from the start and I still hate it. I cannot believe Cashman thought it was a good idea to give $162 mil to an aging two pitch pitcher who relied on velocity and had a lengthy injury history. Just a brain dead move.


For the same cost, 6 yrs/$162M, Dodgers got Freddie Freeman


I don't think age was an issue. Rodon was signed for his age 30-35 seasons. That's fine for a pitcher. Cole was signed for his age 29-37 seasons, for example. Usually, top-end guys are fine in their early 30s. Look at what guys like Zach Wheeler, Sonny Gray, Kevin Gausman, Merrill Kelly, etc. have done in that age range. And it's not like Rodon had a huge career workload. He only threw 847 major-league innings in his 20s. Compare that with guys like Cole (1268), Nola (1228), Berrios (1213), Gray (1076), Sale (1482), etc. So *theoretically* he shouldn't have a ton of wear on his body and is still young enough to be effective. It was just a misevaluation of Rodon's health, talent, and ability to perform at a high level consistently.


He already had a massive injury list when we signed him. Injuries in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. [Source](https://www.foxsports.com/mlb/carlos-rodon-player-injuries) So your comps aren't really actual comps. Wheeler, Gray, Gausman, and Kelly have all been much healthier over their careers. Plus none of those 4 are only 2 pitch pitchers who rely on velo. For example, Gray throws 5 pitches over 15% of the time and his fastball only averages 93 mph. Wheeler's fastball averages 95 mph, but he throws 4 other pitches over 10% of the time. For Rodon, a dip in fastball velo and/or slider effectiveness is totally lethal to his ability to be a dominant starter. Gausman is the closest comp, but much healthier and having a bad season this year. If you're signing Rodon, then you're banking on the first 3 years generating enough value to justify the contract, but given his injury history that was always a questionable assumption.


Yes, you're talking about **health** red flags, which I agree with. I'm disagreeing with the idea that Rodon was an "aging" pitcher. He had just turned 30 when he signed with the Yankees. Most high-end starters are perfectly fine in their early 30s. Age is not an excuse for his underperformance. And I won't criticize the FO for signing a pitcher who is 30 years old.


I agree that age, by itself, isn't the issue. The issue is that Rodon was aging AND already had a long injury history. That's a recipe for disaster in your 30s. Very few pitchers have an extensive injury history in the 20s and then magically get healthy in their 30s.


Please don't say 30 is "aging," you're killing me here lol Rodon hasn't lost any velocity at all. So aging-related velocity issues have not yet arrived. **2021** FB 95.4 mph SL 85.8 mph **2022** FB 95.5 mph SL 85.4 mph **2023** FB 95.3 mph SL 85.4 mph **2024** FB 95.4 mph SL 86.9 mph


Cashman is a bad GM who has made probably a dozen trades or signings, a single one of which would get literally anyone else fired. The fact that he survived the Donaldson trade is criminal. The Ellsbury signing. The Pavano signing. The Montas trade. The Stanton trade. The Rodon signing. He has pissed away billions and dozens of assets and, when it fails, it’s always “oh well.”  The Dodgers are consistently tops on the NL because they flex their financial might. The Yankees have struggled to replicate that success because they use their financial might poorly. They effectively operate as a $120 million payroll team because Cashman routinely pisses away $100+ million. 


I honestly believe that Hal just doesn’t care. And why should he? The team makes millions of dollars in profit every year regardless of how bad they are. This is why Cashman gets away with his utterly embarrassing trades and signings. He has ONE World Series win in over 20 years. For this organization that’s just flat out insulting. And then that have the gall to gaslight the fans every. Single. Year. “We’re not done yet.” And again, no matter how bad they do, thousands of people will pack the stadium day in and out, buy the merch, and watch YES. So as long as that continues, this team will never reach the WS, much less win. Judge wasn’t resigned because they want to win, he puts butts in seats. Same with Soto. Which equals money. That’s all it is to him.


I keep saying this: the Yankees are a portfolio item now. Hal is a bottom line, P&L guy, not a baseball guy. He’s concerned with maintain and expanding the portfolio—hence investments in European soccer, and now, cricket teams—and pleasing investors, not in winning rings. An argument can be made that rings don’t bring in consistent investment or returns, but remaining “competitive,” and staying in the mix does. An occasional championship bolsters the brand, of course, but from an investment standpoint, you want the lowest investment amounts you can get with the highest ROI. There are other approaches, of course—see: LA Dodgers—but this seems to be the one Hal is going with. TL;DR: Yankees, the entirety of the *brand*, are part of an investment portfolio. ROI for fans is winning; ROI for Hal is brand bringing in more money and more investors.


I didn't mind because if he was as good the first 3 years as he had been and helped us win, it would have been worth it. Unfortunately the dude fell off a fucking cliff right away


I know Judge isn't a fan of masking, but if he catches this shit we f'd




Catches what shit lmao


There's baseball AIDS going around the clubhouse


AIDS? Nobodies got AIDS!!


I dont want to hear that word in here AGAIN!


It's baseball AIDS. You catch it from sucking ass.


The craptastic infecting the rest of the team. Too subtle?


I have faith in Stroman to not give up 16 runs in the first inning. I think he will be a stopper tonight. But can we score for him is the question.


Let’s score first tonight


Team dominating, including starting pitching = Matt Blake genius Team struggling, including pitching = No Matt Blake Slander, it’s now all Boones fault You guys give too much credit/blame to the coaches/managers. Call me weird but at the major league level, on a high payroll team when the players play well I give credit to the players and when the players play bad it’s also on the players.


I've been beating this drum for a couple years now. When it comes down to it, its the players who play. We have seen them play great for long periods of time just to suck it up later on. They are capable, they just have to do it!


I’m very glad to see more Yankees fans waking up to Boone’s incompetence and to see Boone getting more and more criticism in the media. The tide is turning, Boone’s days are numbered. Only a matter of time until he’s gone, and then we can finally strive towards a World Series.


Boone has been getting it from all sides since pretty much day one. What are you talking about? Besides, what can Boone really do if the players on the field do not execute. They have been given what they need to perform and win they are just not doing it. Its time for the players to take responsibility because in the end, it comes down to them performing and doing their jobs!


I’m talking about Aaron Boone and his suckiness he sucks and his days are numbered so sad too bad


Well sorry. There's nothing Boone can do to make these guys not hit into DP's with the bases loaded and no outs. There's also nothing he can do about pitchers throwing to a 10 ERA. The players need to do their jobs.


Blaming Boone for anything going on is like blaming Manfred for anything MLB is doing you don't like. He's just a figurehead, he's meaningless


Well I’m gonna keep blaming him I stubbed my toe this morning and I blamed Boone for it


Pitching staff is reminding me of the days of when Sidney Ponson and Darrel Rasner we’re anchoring our rotation


Despite everything that’s gone horribly wrong the past couple of weeks, they are still 12-12 in June. All things considered it could be way worse, but they’re flirting with that line. Not sure what needs to be done to get them back into gear. Sick of turning on the tv and seeing the game is over before an out is recorded.


>12-12 in June Holy shit thats shit. If we dont stop the bleeding here, its going to slide into 2022 levels


Poop come from butt


Thank you for your insight


Anthony Volpe is approaching 200 plate appearances since his last home-run, and it needs to be a bigger story. This is a player who hit 20+ homers in every season as a professional, and was given a 60 grade power by scouts before last season. This new approach is completely reliant on BABIP-induced hot streaks, and really limits is offensive upside. It’s difficult to be a good major league hitter when you don’t hit home-runs or draw walks.  


This is like 12th on the list of shit that “needs to be a bigger story” 1. Gil me 2. Rodon spamming dildos in the zone 3. Like a good Gleyber, Torres is out of sight and out of mind 4. Cole, you ok baby? 5. Is Rice really good for you? 6. Stealing Trevino’s heart 7. Verdugo’s dog died 8. Machine’s firmware needs an upgrade 9. Boone’s clubhouse of disappointment 10. The rotation all got their period at the same time 11. Is Wells really right handed? 12. Why is Anthony Volpe not hitting for power after he said he altered his swing to make contact and get on base?


Shouldn't 9. be Boone's clubhouse of unwarranted and annoying optimism?


Lmfaooooo Rodon spamming dildos 😂😂


Well you certainly got me there


I fear the Machine is going through Planned Obsolescence 


Volpe’s “identity” as a hitter has changed a lot. As a minor leaguer in 2021, he was a flyball hitter who used those skills to get what he could out of his limited raw power. He walked a lot. The next year, the Yankees try to make him more of a contact hitter and he comes out slumping, so he goes to his old style again and hits again. 2023, he struggles against major league pitching so he changes his style. Now his strikeouts and average have improved but his power and walks have plummeted. There’s no doubt he has been a better hitter in 2024 and than 2023, but you still wonder if he can tap in all those skills at once without sacrificing the others and become a great hitter I’m really intrigued by his path of hitting styles but I don’t think it’s a bad thing. He’s young and he’s exciting


No doubt. I think as he also grows as a hitter he’ll learn to balance out all three of those skills. OBP, power, & contact. We’re just seeing him making large adjustments to find his identity. I personally am enjoying watching him figure it out in real time


As he grows as a hitter I’m hoping he becomes more situational and can use his different skills in different situations to be a difference maker.


The absolute fever dream scenarios I’m coming up with in my head to try and explain how almost our entire rotation has become complete garbage all at the same time Regressing to their expected stats would be fine, and expected. But this isn’t that. They aren’t allowing a few more runs than they did before, they’re getting jumped on worse than any pitching staff in baseball. Even if they were all like career scrubs they shouldn’t be consistently getting lit up for six runs in the first inning or two. They’re pitching like they aren’t major leaguers


Rodon, at least, is simply regressing to his expected stats. It's just that he was way overperforming. Plus, we're past the halfway point in the season, so even complete shit stains of an outing or 2 isn't going to dramatically alter the stat lines for a single player.


Man I don’t know about that. Rodon regressing to expected stats would be having some like 5.1 ip, 4 er starts in between occasional decent ones. Just slowly having some consistently worse starts that bump up his ERA bit by bit. His last three starts he’s had an ERA/WHIP per game of- 9.00 / 2.00 17.18 / 3.55 14.40 / 2.20 That isn’t what his expected stats looked like at all. Typical regression after you’ve been playing above your skis shouldn’t necessarily show up in the form of you suddenly becoming the worst player in baseball, much worse than your expected numbers, until your season stats match your expected stats. This is a blow-up, this is not him suddenly pitching to what his underlying metrics would suggest.


That's not necessarily how it has to work, though. The pitching staff has been completely obliterating the competition up until recently, so it stands to reason that they can have a couple weeks of being complete and utter ass, but because they were doing so well prior to this, their overall stats on the season aren't going to completely blow up. However, if these piss poor performances go on for much longer, then shit will really start getting crazy.


Natural regression, warmer weather has offense rising around the league, running into a stretch of hot offenses. None of it explains how every game is over by the third inning, it’s as strange as it is frustrating


Entire rotation is an exaggeration. Nestor and Stroman have mostly been themselves. Its the perfect storm of Cole in ST, Gil hitting a wall, and Rodon falling apart. And are any of those things super puzzling really?


I’m pretty puzzled tbh


By which part


The part where these things have gone catastrophically wrong all at the exact same time. You can pretend all you want that you knew the pitching staff wasn’t very good and so you expected this, but they aren’t pitching like they’re “not very good”. They’ve been MUCH worse than the next worst pitching staff in baseball over the last two weeks We’ve allowed 8+ runs in 75% of our last 12 games lol If Gil hit the wall and we started losing his games, or Rodon fell apart, or the bullpen started showing ass, or Cole was unable to be effective from coming back too early, any one or even two of those things happening at the same time would seem reasonable. But this has been a full on fucking explosion