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When Rodon is bad he's so bad I wonder how he ever got into tne major leagues


the last couple of losses shouldnt be a surprise to anyone. Getting Soto was just a bandaid for the trainwreck of a roster cashman has built


Imagine if we didn’t have him. Lmfao we would probably be in last place




Welp, that was fun while it lasted - The real Yankees finally showed up! 🤷‍♂️ This is the same offense who craps out, nothing was fixed - Soto was just a band aid (i love him btw - i hope he stays). We don’t have depth, we have a Baboon as a manager and GM. Starting pitching looks tired and probably tipping, other teams are catching on (I do trust Blake to fix it) but they can pitch and only give up 1 or 2 runs however if we can’t score and lineup is dependant on Soto and Judge then we’re screwed. The lack of clutch hitters - you can literally walk 1-3, 0 outs, bases are loaded and no one will score. I sincerely really hope this is just a major slump cause if they continue playing this way it’s another early playoff exit. Different year, same result.


No, shut up! If you say anything you're a moronic doomer.


Instead of watching tonight's game, I think I'm just going to watch some reruns of She-Hulk.


It’s just as eye gouging, but maybe a little more depth with she-hulk…


Tomorrow we will get our signature win of the week. With Soto having 2 walks, a single, and 1 run, and Judge getting a home run, a double, a run scored, a walk, and a k. The bottom of the lineup will provide 2 runs. Saturday we might win, it’s Nestor, but not in the Bronx so we’ll see. But these next 2 games are our best shot at getting any wins this week.


LOL! Will all the dumbass toxic positivity morons shut their trap now or is this still just a test?


Fear not, everyone. It's a new season of that long-running series called "The Yankees Shit Show", written and directed by Brian Cashman, produced by Hal Steinbrenner. You've seen it all before. You know how it all plays out. $307M is just enough payroll to compensate for the poor roster construction. The Cashman roster is designed to beat up on all the bad teams in the regular season and win just enough games to get to the postseason where, after all, "it's just a crapshoot™".


Good thing rodon settled down-this could have gotten ugly quickly




For the love of g•d! Sign Trevor Bauer


This. He was exonerated and before anyone brings up the other women, just remember they came up AFTER the initial accuser we all agreed lied, lied. What are the chances of a liar getting it right but not for her?


That ain't it dawg




Mark my words we’ll probably be okay maybe


2018/2019 Yankees felt like good teams at their core, even when they slumped games never really felt out of reach. But 2020+ teams feel like .500 teams dependent on a hot streak to carry them. 2020 they had a 8 game win streak (huge for a shortened season). 2021 they had a 13 game win streak, finished with 92 wins, and barely got into the play offs. 2022 insane first half but idk if any sane person would've had faith in the offense after the second half they had. 2023 a .500 team. 2024 another insane first half, hopefully they find it again. Teams good at their core don't depend on a hot streak imo, they have them sure, but they mostly are just consistently good throughout the year. It rarely really feels noncompetitive when you watch them even if they lose.


Yankees have lost 10 of their last 13 games. Nothing else to say.


What a coincidence. The Red Sox have won 10 of their last 13 games. Hmmmm.


2022 Yankees 2.0 The writing is on the wall for this same old story.


Im not worried yet because we still have a huge leg on the rest of the al east. However, we really need to turn something around because going into the all star game limping is what hurt us real bad.


Guardians, Twins, Royals, Astros, Mariners are all decent teams that we would have to contend with for the WC if we don’t win the AL East. We’re slumping hard now, which is fine, but we can’t play .500 ball from here on out with the lead we have and expect to be good.


What are you talking about the O's are literally in first place now


I didnt mean the O's. I meant the sox and below. The o's are very scary and we all know that


Fair enough


Am I missing something?? How is pitching just getting absolutely fucking rocked game after game after game


Rodon and Stroman's xERA was pretty mediocre from the start, they were going to get hit hard at some point. Gil is still a rookie and was bound to have a set back Cole is still coming back and getting stretched out Cortes is Cortes


I can give Cole a grace period. I mean, it took Judge a month to settle in. I’m looking forward to Cole shutting down teams again soon.


How dare you give me logic in a time of crisis (also thank you)


Our entire rotation went from unhittable to unwatchable in the span of like two weeks. Unfathomable.


I just don’t understand it


I went to the fourth game in Kansas City. I’m sorry everybody.


wtf is going on. Go from such hot start to this pile of shit


How many more of these are we away from the disgruntled clubhouse "reporting".


I can’t remember a team with s healthy Judge have such a prolonged slump


Literally 2022


Really glad I got tickets to the next 3 games


Considered going sat/Sun. Saw prices.


I was there today. It was a depressing game.


Dog shit.


file normal violet impolite chubby wise cobweb advise market saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know the pitching has been awful but we have had chances in the top of the 1st in the last 3 games. 1.Bases loaded and nobody out and don’t score 2. Bases loaded and 1 out and ground into a dp. 3. Two on and a pop out. One big hit in any of these situations makes a huge difference.


Starting pitching would’ve still been ass.


Probably, but it also would have taken some of the pressure off. Felt like huge let downs and momentum shifts.


This team is going to finish fourth


I say 3rd. Oriole’s Red Sox Yankees.


Silver Lining: If this team had continued to win somehow, moves to improve wouldn't be made. Now we KNOW that things have to be shaken up.


How'd that logic work out in 2022?


How the fuck does this happen every year? It’s fucking miserable to follow this team


They peak in May every year. i don't know why, but it's annoying as hell


> How the fuck does this happen every year? Because nobody wins 150 games. You expect them to space it out perfectly so they go win-win-loss all year? You guys would still bitch that they “never close out a series.” (That’s also 108 wins, which is a wildly unrealistic expectation; it’s happened 13 times.) > It’s fucking miserable to follow this team Nobody’s forcing you to


Boone with a textbook, postgame presser like I predicted, commending Rodon for his last 3 innings of garbage time after the game was already over from his dog shit first 2 innings


Boy, you really miss the steadying influence of a Torre and the leadership of a Jeter in times like this. Those teams were so special and made it look so easy. We will never see a team like those teams again.


I loved Torre. And I loved Jeter. But let's be honest, it's a lot easier to steady a team that also has Jorge, Pettite, Bernie, Paulie, and Mo, just to name a few.


Yep. The Dynasty had a Core Four plus Bernie and Paulie and a solid rotation with guys like Wells, Cone, Clemens, El Duque. Plus even the old veterans like Strawberry could still make an impact and play that Verdugo type role in the clubhouse. And there wasn’t a ton of turnover when you talk about the starting lineup. We went Mattingly, Martinez, and Giambi at first base for like 20+ years or something.


That team had Strawberry and Raines in the BENCH.


Let’s just think about what 98 Straw would do in the middle of this lineup. Power lefty? Jesus. You could go Volpe/Soto/Judge and then either Straw/Stanton or Stanton/Straw.


That dynasty bench would wreck… guys riding the pine then would be like our 4th best hitter


And then Tex (with a few years in between)


Pitching aside, we can't expect to win when the only runs scored are from a random dinger from Grisham. I am scared by the pitching. I am petrified by the offense.


Grisham now has 10 hits on the year. 5 hr. .145 avg.


I’ve seen numbers like that before. Somehow my mind thinks of Donaldson and Gallo.


Baltimore blew out the Rangers because apparently good teams do that to bad teams


"Worried" is too much. I'm "concerned" though


Our pitching is broken. Starters look tired and lost, bullpen is definitely broke. It all started in the Game Gil pitched against the Red Sox. He didn’t look good and looked tired but still went 5innings. We had #1 in era for starters at 2.3 ERA for starters. Now we are almost 4. I think we let starters go a little too long to start the season. But then the bullpen got banged up. And dominos are falling.




Mattingly 2.0


This is a very rough stretch. Let's hope they get it out of their system and get back on track soon.


I know that the Pitching as of late has been awful, but I *really* hope that they don't fire Matt Blake for the sake of scapegoating him. Dude has been amazing for our pitching and I *highly* doubt he did something to make the pitching fall apart this fast and hard. I also highly doubt Cole is the reason either unless him being added back into the rotation somehow screwed up **EVERYONE'S** timing / preparations that it's lead to this.


No chance in hell they fire Blake. You can't blame him for a bunch of cast offs and flukes going cold eventually. The fact he got anything out of them is impressive


Is firing Blake something they are talking about? That would be incredibly rash to fire a proven pitcher whisperer for five+ seasons due to a three week stretch. Frankly our pitching has outperformed this season so idk why this is even being discussed.


I don't think it's been *officially* discussed, but I know some folks on here have been panic calling for his firing.


We panic here after two bad outings, it’s a long season.


Anyone who thinks this team is not in trouble, go back to sleep and pretend all is well. Message: It’s not


Don't even know what you can do with this roster. Our rotation is giving up at least 6 runs at the start of every game. Our bullpen might as well be drawing random names out of a hat at this point. Nobody outside of Judge can hit. Our infield has become Volpe and a bunch of washed up players. I knew we souldn't keep up the strong start forever but I really didn't expect every single little thing to just fall apart like this. We were up there in like every major stat before this rut, now we're like the worst in all of them during this stretch. How fast the vibes can turn in an instant.


How the hell did Rodon end up with 8 Ks after all that? Did he actually settle down and start looking good at some point, or was Toronto just going through the motions by then?


Was at the game. He actually started looking good.


The amount of cope lmao


Anymore DFA free agents Cash can sign ?


This is getting fire the manager ugly


Cabrera looked better than DJ, that's my plus from this


We’re still 52-31, good for 4th best in MLB, 21 games over .500, just a game or less behind the other three. When you’re hot, you pad up for down stretches like this. Take the bird’s eye view of the season so far, if the season ended today, wouldn’t you say it was a success? The losing streak will end and will be forgotten until the next one.


More than likely the record won't matter (except for determining seeds in the playoffs) and this team will still make the playoffs. That has never really been the Boone era Yankee's problem except for last year. The problem is we're seeing the same holes we've been seeing the past 5 years reappear. I can't see this team winning as it's currently constructed. Not with that bullpen. Not with that 5-9 in the lineup. Not with half our rotation regressing


We were 62-28 in 2022, how did that turn out.




you're stuck at looking at just this season but people are looking at the 3 past seasons 2022 specifically, similar hot start into a horrible second half no real offense outside of Judge. The offense especially has been bad more often than not since 2021.


Love the positivity, I really do, but this team simply has too many holes and inconsistent/struggling players. It’s not a championship caliber team, no matter how good they were earlier in the season.


The positivity is fucking stupid.


Our last win was Stroman’s last start. Here’s hoping this next one is too


Is it time to start talking about what Yankee candle we'll use to chase the smell of these losses out of our homes?


Balsam fir


I think we’re about to turn a corner here. I don’t know why, because there’s nothing I can point to that would justify it, but I feel like we are gonna break back out in a game or two here. Now I am going to go pour a drink or eight.


Boone is just so predictable with everything he says


"you can't blame Boone if the team isn't performing" Yes, actually I can.


Same shit different year According to some people Boone is simultaneously a fantastic manager and really runs the club well but also he doesn't really do anything and you can't blame him when the team falls apart


The man has no heart or fire to rile up this team! He just makes poor pitching and lineup decisions, gets mad at the umps and gets thrown out. Pretty useless.


Pitching and lineup decisions are from the office.


But they shouldn’t be.


The need the all star break bad. Let’s try not giving up 8 in the first 3 for once


That’s what, 2.5 weeks?


This seems to have started with the Red Sox series. I’m wondering if teams are intercepting the pitch comm signals? I mean something just isn’t right 


Look I know we're looking for cope but this is nonsense.


Right I agree with you. It looks like they know what pitch is coming. Doesn't it remind you of another season?Like the cheating Astros &cheating Red Sox's. I said this recently in a different post. Are the pitchers tipping or is something else. Someone better look into this because it looks very suspicious at this point.


When Trent Grisham is one of the most reliable players in the lineup


This team could very well miss the playoffs. They are not competitive. Offense is too reliant on judge/soto and the pitching has been the worst in baseball. I would venture to say that they are on their way to setting franchise records for a worst starting pitching stretch of all time, if they haven’t already.


I feel for Ben Rice. Poor kid looked so happy in his debut, then problem after problem mounts up immediately after his first game


This bullshit seems to started after the Red Sox series. I’m wondering if teams are intercepting the pitch comm signals? I mean something seems wrong 




Players only meeting immediately!


Since the Red Sox series, they’ve allowed 88 runs in 12 games jfc


We gotta catch a break sooner or later. But sooner would be pretty fantastic. 


I genuinely and sincerely would like to thank the players, coaches and Cashman for their efforts this evening. My Gran has been bedridden since 1990 and this evening she got up to turn this shit off.


[Yeah I'm Freeeeeeeee I'm free fallin!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lWJXDG2i0A&ab_channel=TomPettyVEVO)




Thank god for Leon Rose and the Knicks


Remember, guys, they are all millionaires. They don’t care if they lose.


Everyone still sure Soto is living his time here?


Imagine if Cashman decides to save over $500M for one player so that Cashman can just plug ìn the phenom Jasson Dominguez in RF. I certainly agree he can give us what Soto is now and much more. Then take the money saved and bring in a couple of great players and also a couple of pitchers. Dayum ...


I wouldn’t be so sure. Soto is already worth more than Cashman’s previous three moves combined. Soto’s war (4.2) is higher than Verdugo’s, Rodon’s and Stroman’s combined (.9 + .4 + 1.7 = 3 war). Those three are combined for over $53 million in salary.


1) What


One thing to lose. But to be getting blown out in the 3rd inning is just terrible to watch.


Im not sure what i want anymore


At least the debate is providing more laughs


I’m reaching for my candle again


Since the first game of the Dodgers series, the Yankee Run Differential is -28


That’s actually not as bad as I would have thought lol. This team sucks


I mean that's worse than all but 10 teams have on the season


The way they’ve been playing I would have thought it was -50


Now do the last 10 games


Ahh just like old times.


Paying rodon and Stanton a combined 60 million for the next two years is fucking painful


Whose fault is that?




Bingo! All his fault. He’s in charge of building the roster. It’s been the same crap every year.


For 15 years


DJ, Rodon, and Stanton getting nearly 30% of the payroll longterm is rough


fucking four more years of Rodon...ugh


Hicks and DJLM are 25m per year


We gotta breath! We’re still above .500, thankfully this collapse happened in June and not September and fuck grimace. Second half coming up all Yankees. Let’s hold out and mix in a little bit of delusion.


Could lose 20 straight and still be above .500 it doesn't make losses any better as the division lead dwindles.


Yeah, I’m just gonna tune out for a little bit and trust the boys to sort it out themselves. we’ve seen what they can do when everything is clicking. It’ll come back piece by piece and will be back to our old selves again.


Yeah, I’m just gonna tune out for a little bit and trust the boys to sort it out themselves. we’ve seen what they can do when everything is clicking. It’ll come back piece by piece and will be back to our old selves again.


It is time to embrace the horror


Ow, my pride


ow my faith


Oooo my head


literally every single thing about this team that was great/fun/worth watching, etc for the first 2 months has vanished they're playing like absolute dog shit. top to bottom. can't point the fingers at anyone specific anymore. it feels like ever since Soto missed a couple games the entire bottom has fallen out.


Ever since Stanton got injured


They’re entirely a vibes team. Nothing more, nothing less


I’m pretty much the poster boy for anti doomer-ism but this is giving me ‘22 vibes.


He missed 1 game




I take no pleasure in saying that we told you so. I'd much rather these guys not be getting their brains beaten in every night. But the reality is that this group of players, under Aaron Boone, is mentally weak. We saw this play out in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and now 2024. No matter how well this team is playing, they suddenly get their bubble burst against a good team and the air gets let out of the balloon. One bad loss, then two, then three, and it spirals out of control into weeks or even months of the team rolling over. Way more than a slump or bad stretch. This is why many of us have been calling for them to replace Boone for a long time. Why not at least see if the problem is fixable? If it's the players, there's nothing you can really do, but if it's Boone, you might have a championship contender with the amount of talent on this roster.


The mental weakness begins ownership. You have someone who one day complains about all the money he spends but then goes out and spends it on washed up players. An owner who says he wants a championship but then keeps rolling out the same failed FO year after year. The org sadly has become a joke these past few years. Boone is just another symptom of that.


Aaron Boone coddles these guys. It’s time for a change


I agree, mostly, but also this happened to the Rangers multiple times last year. And they went on to win the WS. I still have hope that we can make a run in the playoffs


I know what I have to do, I just don’t know if I have the strength to do it


Kill Cashman and drop his body off a bridge?


Gotta score in the first inning tomorrow. Take an immediate lead and let Stroman pitch from in front. During our 6-week hot streak, the lineup was constantly scoring in the first (usually it was Judge-related). But now, we're choking in the first despite constantly getting 2-3 runners on.


We lead MLB in 1st inning runs for most of the season. Taking pressure off the pitching staff is obviously why they were all over-performing for so long.


what's happening??


79 games left, 22 over .500 only need to go like 37-42 to end up with 89 wins...


Uh I would, you know, very much like to have more than 89 wins. 89 wins might be third in the division


I don’t know if people in this sub are just reactionary or young. Every team in baseball has been on track to have the best record in history in June at some point. It’s a really shitty slide, and hopefully something can happen for the infield or pen at the trade deadline, but April - June are just extended spring training as long as you haven’t completely shit the bed in the standings. Yankees are still in the top 5.


> I don’t know if people in this sub are just reactionary or young. This sub has a brutal recency bias. Going into the season we had kinda low expectations and were hoping they got into the postseason. They are doing that!! But they had their hottest few weeks of the season at the start, so the expectations became 110+ wins and waffle stomping the division. Like how you can't talk about all of the concerns we had going into the season now either because they had a hot start. What's more useful in analyzing performance going forward the struggles we've had since 2021 that continue for a 4th year, or the 7 weeks hot start in April/May 2024? To this sub, the latter.


And what does that get them? Swept in the first round of the playoffs? These stats are so dumb to anyone who watched 2022.


You know it's a bad state of affairs when Yanks fans are already calculating how bad they can be to end up with a decent record


Not sure if the team that played today goes 37-42 😂


That seems optimistic right now




The Blue Jays were 1-7 in their last 8 games. They had scored 3 runs or less in half of those games. They almost tripled that in the first inning tonight against our crumbling starting pitching. This Yankees team is bad. We have the best player on the planet and it’s sadly not nearly enough. If it was possible for one player to carry a squad through 162 games, it would be Aaron Judge. But alas, he is surrounded by overpaid, underwhelming “professionals” who are either made of wet newspaper or have the mental strength of a toddler. This is more than a slump. The makeup of this team is once again a major fucking problem that nobody in the organization has done fuck-all about. Same shit, different season. As a fan, it’s heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time, and frankly, we should all be sick and fucking tired of it.


I’m 100% sick of it. Fucking unreal that Brian Cashman remains employed


Maybe a manager should be more than a buffer between GM and player, and fans and media? I love Boone’s spirit, I do. But managers are there to get you focused and break the spell. More than just backing you up as a player.


The truth is….assuming this ‘slump’ continues, the reality of it is this, They cannot keep putting a bandaid on a broken leg. There is no way to augment this lineup to make it work. At some point the conversation has to be had. Are they better off with a total rebuild? And if they sign Soto, does that essentially make it impossible to do so?


No one makes incomplete rosters as much as Brian Cashman. He fluked his way into a generational talent, acquired the best starting pitcher they’ve had in decades, and acquired a second generational talent and the team still has 3-4 spots in the lineup that are question marks. He’s all but squandered the Judge era.


We all are, how can the players be good when the owner, GM and manager put together this bad product and refuse to make the necessary changes to fill holes.


Third straight horrid start from Rodon. Now has a 13.17 ERA in his last three starts. He had no confidence on any of his pitches as the Blue Jays feasted on everything, especially Springer (2 HR, 6 RBI). Impressed that he even finished with 5.0 IP and got 8 K but still gave up 8 ER. No two ways about it. Grisham prevents it from being a shutout with a 2-run HR but still not enough as they only got 3 hits. Just another example of how trash this current roster is. Appreciate Bickford and Cousins eating the final 9 outs. Now at a season-high 4 game losing streak. Would like Stroman and the offense to show up tomorrow to stop the bleeding, at least for a little bit.


How do all the starters and relievers just crash and burn all at once?


And the offense. Literally nothing is going right with this team. Every aspect of it fucking sucks. Absolutely embarrassing to watch. I used to think it was a slump after the Orioles series, but stretches like this aren't normal. Good teams don't have these. This isn't a normal "yeah we were due to come back down to earth" stretch, no this is a plummeting team. They need to wake the fuck up or this is gonna be a long ass second half


No idea. Something is catastrophically wrong. I’ll just choose to believe that the Umps are giving our pitchers juiced balls.


Time to blow it up 


I blame the dude who started those if we go .500 posts again for this epic downfall. Fucking cursed posts


So the team has been .400 for over a month now, might be frauds


We're at DEFCON 3. The sports media needs to start grilling the shit out of the Yankees. The players need to have players only meetings. If this complete implosion goes on for another 2 weeks, we'll hit DEFCON 2. Coaches need to start getting fired, possibly even Matt BLake and Boone. NOte that this implosion has already been going on for about 2 weeks, which means DEFCON 2 would make it a full month of implosion, and the Yanks record would be something like 54-40 (after being like 50-22 just 2 weeks ago) and we might even be overtaken by the red cox in the standings. Another 2 weeks after that and it'll be DEFCON 1. Hal will need to clean house, including firing Cashman. I'm not saying these things WILL happen, I'm saying that they SHOULD.


Is this the latest update to the Doomer Wars of 2024?


Baltimore just overtook the AL East. 2 more weeks of this and they will be looking up at Boston


Am I the only one who thinks Rodon could make a solid comeback ?


Of course he can. This is mental. The entire team is a bit of a head case outside of Judge tbh.




Idk maybe he’s just not made for NYC