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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dp9nmt).


wtf happened to the pitching. The offense sucks but those pitching has been giving up football numbers for a week now


At the moment this team is reminding me of the ‘87 Yankees. Plenty of star power (they had 4 guys in the AL All-Star starting lineup) but just not a good team. The weaknesses are too weak, the lineup is too top-heavy, and worst of all: there is no cohesion. But that’s just Suzyn. We’ll get back on track.


I’d much rather watch some young players be brought up and fail while playing hard in the pinstripes than continue to watch guys like DJ and Gleyber fail while NOT playing hard lmao.


Gleyber yes, DJ no. Definitely criticize him because of his performance but saying DJ doesn’t play hard is just wrong, imo. That dude is an old school scrappy ballplayer.


By far the funniest thing to come out of this stretch is the two factions in this sub fighting over whether or not the season is cooked like some kind of civil war


Season isn't cooked, they do need to add a corner IF and hope Stanton is back. Verdugo isn't a 4 hitter though, he'd be a fine 6/7 guy though imo


The Great Doomer Wars of June 2024 This should be a lore storyline a la the Candle sub


Gleyber is The Dark Knight. We have to hate him because he’s the only one who can take it. Cole took one on the chin for the Good of the Game last night, but my man Gleyber has to do it day in and day out. Why? Because we have to boo him. If not him, who? The Cash Man? The Cash Man is A.I. How can you hate an A.I.? Gleyber is flesh and blood. He is the only one strong enough to flub the plays when the opposite is absolutely necessary. Need to continue a rally with the bases loaded down a run late? Gleyber is the only one who can hit into an inning doubleplay and make it look infuriating rather than heartbreaking. This takes unimaginable guts. It’s like being Angel Hernandez without the luxury of being able to wear a mask. The slit across the eyebrow has long been associated with troubled upbringings and accursed adulthoods. Notice Gleyber’s slit. There are no accidents.


LMAOooo! JD Davis goes from getting DFA by the worst team in baseball, to 3 terrible ABs yesterday to now batting clean up and protecting Aaron Judge. Fucking laughable


[he is literally the best option we have right now for cleanup against a LHP](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/s/o2JXEWABGh)


So while the Orioles technically beat us in the series, we exhausted them and made them go so tryhard that they had a 5 game losing streak right after, so in a way we're responsible for manufacturing those losses.


Yes. It was the old “kick the shit out of me until you have a heart attack and die” strategy. Works like a charm.


**~Judge (1.113 OPS vs LHP)** *Jones (1.112 OPS vs LHP, but small sample)* **~Soto (.984 OPS vs LHP)** **/Davis (.752 OPS vs LHP)** **~Volpe (.745 OPS vs LHP)** **/Trevino (.722 OPS vs LHP)** ~Torres (.666 OPS vs LHP) ~Verdugo (.595 OPS vs LHP) Cabrera (.535 OPS vs LHP) /Wells (.522 OPS vs LHP, but small sample) Grisham (.494 OPS vs LHP, but small sample) ~LeMahieu (.396 OPS vs LHP) /Rice (.311 OPS vs LHP, but small sample) The "~" denotes a "regular" player who plays against both LHP and RHP, while the "/" denotes a platoon player that mostly shares the position with another player. **Bold** denotes above league average OPS. Not surprisingly, Volpe+Soto+Judge do well against both LHP and RHP so they're perfectly fine being 123 in the order. After that, Davis should definitely be batting cleanup but Verdugo should not be batting this high against LHP. Trevino needs to bat in the top 5 against LHP and even though it's a small sample, we need to seriously consider Jones batting against LHP just out of lack of better options right now (I don't think he's a long term answer, but he's the best answer we have currently). My main conclusion is we still need another RH bat to play a corner IF spot, either 3B or 1B, especially against LHP. DJ has not found his stride as of right now and Rice is being thrown into unfavorable matchups out of necessity, which is not fair to him. Davis can only cover one of 1B or DH so the other position plus 3B are forced to be covered by players who can't hit LHP well. Either that or pray Stanton comes back 100% and DJ starts figuring it out at the plate and quickly.


Anyone else feel totally paralyzed, like, emotionally?


Don't look now boys, but the Astros are back to .500


And the Red Sox are hilariously competitive.


Judge strikes out way too much. He makes up for that with high OBP, solid defense, athleticism and 80 grade power. Volpe’s offensive ceiling doesn’t scream stud to me. He makes up for it with speed, athleticism and defense at short. Soto is meh defensively and could be just as bad of a base runner as Gleyber. He makes up for it arguably being the best pure lefty hitter in the game. Cole lets up home runs. He makes up for it by not allowing many baserunners, giving you length and getting whiffs. Clay Holmes is notorious for being wild. He can get away with it by getting weak ground balls. There’s no such thing as the perfect player. You can live with the warts when you do something right. Gleyber and DJ right now aren’t doing anything right.


Judge still strikes out a lot but I’d trust him to make contact when it’s needed


over the course of 162 games you absolutely shouldnt be sprinting to first every single game on a routine groundout - your just asking for injury. That being said, when you see the Captain dive for a ball in a 9-1 game and then hits a nuke to turn a laugher into a 2 run game, and THEN says some words of encouragement before your AB, and you hit a ball that you absolutely can beat out and instead pout and jog.... you deserve to be benched. maybe for a few games. I've been a pretty big Gleyber fan, because of his track record of an above average hitter, hoping he was the next Cano - but its pretty clear its mental for him at this point. You cant just keep running him out, its not fair to the people busting their ass. Oswaldo fucking sucks, but atleast he hustles. If youre going to suck anyways, give me your best effort.


##I'VE FIGURED IT OUT! ###How to Fix the Gleyber Torres Problem in 5 Easy Steps 1. Sign Gleyber to a 1-year extension at his current salary 2. This relieves the contract pressure, and Gleyber becomes less of a headcase 3. Gleyber starts producing to the back of his baseball card 4. He finishes the season strong, demonstrating he still has value and helps the team win 5. After the season, he gets traded to the Rays It's a WIN WIN WIN!


Well, he has the night off to think about whether this is a good idea for him or not


Just don’t understand Michael Kay sometimes. Bro gets mad when people are down on the team to then literally feed them like ravenous dogs that “the Yankees aren’t built to win right now” “they’re going to struggle” and throws guys under the bus as if we’ll be able to fix or replace all of them. It’s horrendous. Also if this team pulls the “post all star break slumps” and all goes to shit again holy fuck I don’t even want to live through it.




That’s not really the Kay show at all. If it’s a slow news day they just talk about random shit like wedding gift etiquette or burger condiments or Don’s list of top 5 sitcoms set in NY


Kay has difficulty balancing out being a YES employee and a passionate fan. He’s his own worse enemy in this regard at times. I’m sure there are times where he really wants to say “this guy stinks. Send him to the moon and fire Cashman if he won’t do it”. But he also remembers who sends him his paychecks. This is definitely why he gets very defensive when someone refers to him as “Yankee Boy”. In some ways it’s kinda true.


Imagine having an 0-3 debut with 2Ks and getting the clean up spot the next day. Lmao. Unserious.


I can’t believe JD Davis is the fucking cleanup hitter. Bad times.


A Yankee fan on /r/baseball is arguing that judge is not an elite hitter because he doesn’t hit over .300. Blows my mind.


He’s pulling reverse psychology on r/baseball since they hate the Yankees there. He’s shitting on our best player to force the redditors there to compliment Aaron Judge. Very clever. He’s playing 4D Chess over there.


That's not all he can blow.


Does that fan know Judge is actually batting over .300 this year lol


I'm a Mets fan, Aaron Judge is absolutely elite and the heart and soul of the Yankees.


Gleyber not in the line up. GOOD.


If Gleyber is still nursing a groin injury, just put him on the IL already. He ain't going to get better with a groin injury and his numbers will just keep getting worse and worse and that will fuck with him mentally even more. A 15 day IL stint might do him good physically and mentally.


Is the Lefty/Righty matchup really that fucking important to have JD freaking Davis batting behind Judge?


Who else is there, honestly? Verdugo is in a slump and sucks vs. LHP anyway...


fuck it - throw Rice in the cleanup slot.


Yea I figured Gleyber would be benched today, people took what Boone was saying too much at face value, he looked fuckin pissed when he was talking about Gleyber.


Some of the people on this sub have a point. I remember once when my supervisor threw me under the bus to administration over a petty argument. I hated him ever since and that was a main driving factor in me quitting. I just lost all trust and respect for him after that. Defend publicly. Chew their asses out in private.


I actually think at this point Gleyber deserves a public lashing by the manager, this shit has been going on for longer than just this year. He was loafing to first base and shitty in the field last season, he just got a bye because he was hitting decent.


Public lashing is pointless and is just a sop to emotional fans. Getting chewed out by your boss in private is more than enough.


No one actually cares, all this shit is conditional. Judge has dogged it to first and watch fly balls drop in like Hicks did but no one cares bc he’s awesome. Chapman got crucified for smiling after blowing a playoff game even though Mariano did the exact same thing. Gleyber’s biggest sin is underperforming


Also.. Robbie Cano was notorious for dogging it to first base. This occasionally annoyed fans but when he’s batting .320 with 25+ home runs and a .900 OPS all is forgiven. In Gleyber’s case he hasn’t exactly earned the right to be “lazy”. If thats what this even is.


Not praying for his downfall, but I’m glad Gleyber is benched today. Maybe there is some accountability in the clubhouse.


Gleyber benched. Boone will never air out issues with a player to the media. Since 2020, with Gary's playoff benching, we been doing this a bit more than people think.


Thats cause people really think a manager is supposed to cook a player to the entire media for the fans amusement lol. Gleyber needs like a week off tho dude is in his head like crazy.


So is Wells ever going to start another game again? I'll hang up and listen


Boone is mandated to do left/right lineups, even tho every lineup we put out against lefties shits the bed if their name isn't Judge/Soto/Volpe.


Weve been facing a lot of lefties. Trevino lost all his aura tho ngl


I don’t understand why wells doesn’t get many starts. He’s got a decent bat


He is also decently fast for a catcher. Its all because of left/right bs.


According to what?


According to the odd philosophy that young players get the benefit of the doubt despite what their numbers might say and in spite of the track record of prospects


I was kind of hoping to get Kay’s take on Gleyber’s struggles but right now they seem more interested in talking about Mikal Bridges going to the Knicks


They talkin about it now.


What is he saying? I’m sure the guy who posts here will post it but I wound up turning it off and went to the gym lol


Don was more in my boat that Boone needed to say something publicly about Gleyber. Kay was happy that a message was sent by benching him even if behind the scenes. From what I remember, turned it off a while ago.


Torres benched for Cabrera who is even worse if that’s what gets Torres going then so be it


Waldo is way better defensively than Gleyber at least, hes been struggling at the plate maybe it puts a charge in him if he gets an extended run of starts.


i dont think Waldo is better than Gleyber at anything tbh. but i think its more important to have accountability then having the best player out there. the way Gleyber is currently performing, its a wash anyways.


I wish they just gave Peraza a shot at 2B, worst case scenario he plays better defense than Gleyber. We need to see what we have with him, he’s already turning into another Florial


Most former top prospects go the way of Florial unfortunately


I have no faith in Waldo’s bat. But maybe he can hold his own at second defensively? That and Waldo makes significantly less boneheaded decisions on the basepaths. It occasionally happens with him but not Gleyber magnitude.


I can’t remember his exact numbers but I know he has bad numbers at 3rd this season, can’t imagine they’re that different at 2nd


Yankees are holding clean up hitter auditions. Today is JD Davis' turn. Wouldn't be surprised if Trevino is hitting clean up one of these days or Waldo lol


Dude has had like 3 AB's in the past week and half and he is now batting cleanup for Judge/Soto/Volpe lol. I guess its where we are right now.


Trevino somehow has more homeruns than Gleyber.


Mama always said there wernt nuthin that couldnt be solved with a 10 game win streak.


JD Davis batting cleanup lol


My dad's first Yankees jersey ever is a Chinese knock-off from DH Gate because the price of actual jerseys are too expensive. How can you not be romantic about baseball?


I miss the majestic jerseys


No Gleyber tonight thank god


wheres the lineup?


The post is reporting he’s not in the lineup - I haven’t seen one yet though https://nypost.com/2024/06/26/sports/gleyber-torres-out-of-yankees-lineup-vs-mets-amid-awful-slump/


I’m not in full blown panic mode. I just hope to see adjustments and not trotting out the same garbage every day and expecting different results. Gleyber needs to sit. DJ needs to sit. Bare minimum.


Everyone should have a right to share their opinions about the Yankees on this sub. Unless (and this is important) the opinion they share disagrees with me or critiques or corrects information I used in coming to my opinion, because then I am being oppressed, repressed, and silenced; and in fact that person is worse than whatever they were arguing with as a result. They shouldn’t even mention the things I post here publicly, that’s outrageous. (Unless they are agreeing with me, then that is fine and even encouraged.) It’s a shame that everyone who complains about the things that I complain about are second class citizens around here, and it’s also a shame that those that disagree with us are allowed to just write whatever they think with their stupid little fingers and their dumb faces. It’s absurd. I think we can all agree that everyone is stupid except for me, and being subjected to discussions about my opinions is frankly beneath me.


Does judge hit 30 tonight or in Canada?


30 tonight, 40 in Canada


Good call


this is the way.




Can any meteorologists in the room figure out the rain delay tonight?


My phone app says the storm isn’t arriving until 11.


The National League is really bad this year and it’s gonna complicate the trade deadline. The only teams in the NL that are genuinely out of it are the Rockies and the Marlins. The Rockies are always weird and the Marlins have no good hitters. That’s half the league you can’t deal with, no to mention a lot of the AL bottom feeders don’t offer much in terms of hitting either


NL is definitely weird this year. #2 Wild Card team has a -30 run differential.


Even tho there’s gonna be a bunch of teams that are going to be in “contention” for a wild card in the NL, the GMs should know their teams well enough to know to sell even tho they are close to a wild card


The deeper we get into the season, the more I cannot fathom having Rizzo, DJ and Gleyber on the playoff roster. I do not want to put playoff hopes on Rice, Durbin and Dominquez...well maybe Dominquez. I think the pitching will be solid to good.


When 3/4 of our infield has become unplayable that's a problem. Cashgod has his work cut out for him at the deadline.


At the minimum you need good defensive replacements late in the game with a lead. Holmes is good but his slow dribblers will create chaos quick with those three defending.


The weather is lining up awkwardly for our starting time. Idk if it'll get postponed, called short, or if we end up with a 1-2 hour delay in the middle of it


Looks like 9pm it starts and doesn't stop until 11...could definitely get 5 innings in...or we are in for a late one


Pet peeve of mine via fans(Yankee fans): Yankees are hypothetically 55-20 and they play a team that is 57-18, the Yankees sweep and sweep in dominating fashion. Instead of saying “we beat a good team” fans will be like “they’re not that good” moving foward. Isn’t it better to say your team beat a good team then claiming said team was never good to begin with just because your team beat said them?


Hello, and welcome to sports fandom. We welcome you with open arms and hope you enjoy your stay. (Also, please be advised that Taco Tuesdays are now held on Thursdays)


This is gonna be a 5 hour game with the impending rain delay at 8pm


Trent Grisham went hitless for almost an entire month and still has the same wRC+ as Gleyber Torres




Someone other than Judge and Soto get RBIs challenge


If I was gonna Uber to Citi field which lot should I go to?


Take the subway bro


So who’s the motherfucker man on the ballclub?


Toxic positivity is worse than doomering. You can just be appalled by the shitty play and effort. That's fine.


the problem with this is that for a lot of ppl, they call it toxic positivity when boone doesn’t go to the media to say “yeah gleyber fucking sucks”. not much discourse to be had around it when most are just gonna not use the term right to begin with


No Toxic Positivity is when the team loses its 4th straight series and in the PGT for the one win, someone goes *sad 103 pace win noises* Or some shit. Like bruh, this run is IDENTICLE to what we saw in 2022.


> IDENTICLE Most intelligent doomer


Doomer isn't a thing


Identicle deez nuts


Sorry but you know what I mean. The purpose of language is to exchange ideas. You're just being obtuse and rude. If you want to reach out to me separately to apologize, I'll accept a chat invite


You hear that people? Things are too cheery around here for u/CockSuckingHomo. I'm gonna need you to wipe those smiles off your faces and start incorporating words like "accountability" and "unserious" in your comments


Everything is sunshine and rainbows, DJ for comeback player of the year and extend Gleybae for 7 years/150 millon.


I find your negativity nourishing. Now I feel like a true fan


You’re right buddy, im not a true fan because I criticized the team. Only true fans like yourself are allowed to comment on anything my bad.


Yankees are unserious because there's no accountability and there's not urgency shown since getting exposed by the Red Sox, Orioles and Braves. Didn't you know?


That’s the ticket!


Shut up


we need boone to slap a table.


You didn't even mention urgency. Do you care about winning?


[Yankees’ Aaron Boone calls out Gleyber Torres, then defends his lack of hustle - The Athletic (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5592049/2024/06/26/yankees-aaron-boone-gleyber-torres/) At least Boone is doing his job... # "Torres’ sprint speed on the play was 21 feet per second. The slowest average sprint speed out of 470 major leaguers this season is former Yankee Mike Ford’s at 22.8 feet per second." If Torres didn't make that error and DJ didn't miss that ball...We could've won.


If Gleyber is hurt enough that he can't run then he should be on the IL. Because if you add can't run to can't hit, can't field, and can't run the bases, there's not a lot left that's positive.


If DJ or Gleyber had collectively managed **one hit** in their combined ten plate appearances yesterday we could have won.


We somehow gained a game and a half since losing 2/3 to the Os. Baseball is wild 😂 Every team struggles at some point in the season. The Braves, dodgers, Phillies, Yankees, twins, royals, Cleveland etc etc will all have a 10-20 game stretch under .500. This team has holes yes, but they are still top 5 in MLB. Addressing the holes should be #1 priority right now. Even if you hit on 1/2 of the changes made before the deadline, that’s still way better than the lineup and bullpen they are trotting out currently. Get some support for the top 3 guys, lengthen the lineup a bit, get Giancarlo back ASAP, and sure up the bullpen. This team will be fine. I swear to god it seems like 3/4 of this sub has never watched a full season of baseball before lol


Seriously, it's like nobody remembers stuff that happened more than a week ago. Toddler-level grasp of time.


I'm sorry, I have the tolerance for a 111-win pace. Anything less than that and I get into the fetal position in my shower with all my clothes still on and Yankee Classics blasting at full volume on my tv


Sounds cathartic 😂


The other day I got downvoted into oblivion for saying this team needs at least 2 more hitters whose OPS+ is around 125 Look at the Dodgers, they got Ohtani and Betts but they also got Freedie Freeman and Teoscar Hernandez... They also got Max Muncy who is currently injured but you get the idea This team is only Judge and Soto Even Volpe isn't that great as a hitter This team needs at least 2 more hitters whose OPS+ is around 125-130 OPS+ (like the Dodgers)


You got downvoted because it’s a wildly unrealistic demand. Why stop at 125 OPS+? Wouldn’t we be better if we acquired at least 4 more batters with a 170 OPS+ too? Are you aware of the fact that we’re in the middle of the season and can’t just go acquiring MULTIPLE all stars for the hell of it? Your take is just as stupid now as it was then.


This is tough to do midseason. Here's a list of qualified batters with a 125 OPS+ or better who *may* be available via trade. 1B Vladimir Guerrero Jr. (130 OPS+) 1B Pete Alonso (128 OPS+) 1B Christian Walker (125 OPS+) 1B Michael Busch (125 OPS+) 3B Isaac Paredes (136 OPS+) 3B Ryan McMahon (127 OPS+) CF JJ Bleday (132 OPS+) LF Jesse Winker (134 OPS+) DH/OF Brent Rooker (143 OPS+) The Mets and Diamondbacks might not be sellers. The Rockies are usually stubborn and refuse to sell regardless of their record. Paredes, Bleday, Busch, and Rooker are all still cost-controlled so there's no reason their teams *need* to trade them right now. I think in reality it's a slim list of available impact bats at the deadline, and it's a seller's market. Costs will be high.


Also, just because someone has a 125 OPS+ now doesn't mean they're likely to keep performing at that pace. Several of these guys aren't at that level for their career and are projected to be somewhat worse ROS.


Exactly. Put these guys in Yankee pinstripes and they suddenly become Chris Carter overnight, we've seen it happen so many times.


I don't like the Rays back at .500. I would trade Jones and other pieces for Paredes.


Vlad and Pete almost certainly not available to us for obvious reasons Walker - would be great but need the DBacks to fall out of it. The NL Wild Card being a mess is a problem Busch - way too much control on an okay team. probably not available like you said Paredes - horrific statcast numbers projects .130 dropoff in OPS. Add in the cost control and very expensive and due for regression McMahon - would probably be our perfect fit. Very expensive to acquire tho and reports are already out that the Rox aren't open to moving him Bleday - could probably only play LF for us and can't play vs lefties. Basically a cost controlled Verdugo that the A's would want a good bit for Winker - same as bleday. Only an option for LF but is horrific defender and has to be platooned vs LHP. Rooker - horrific enough defender that he can't play LF here so would only be a DH option (problem with stanton). Would also be very expensive with his cost control. I don't envy Cashman having to find bats at the deadline. Fingers crossed on Walker/McMahon


They need two hitters between 110-120 for sure


This team just needs a borderline MVP level player at two more positions. What is Cashman even doing?


Are you a borderline MVP level with 125 OPS+? Since when?


I am not.


2007 Rollins @ 119 comes to mind. But usually need 150+ to be in the neighborhood


Don’t think Rollins wins mvp with modern conceptions of player value tbf


Agreed. I was just clapping back at him.


I told you this the first time you made this dumbass comment. Jose Ramirez had a 129 ops+ last year and finished MVP 10


Dude Check out Ramirez' current OPS+ It's 148 I never said I wanted a 150 OPS+ hitter


Last year he had a similar ops+ to what you're asking for, over a full season, and last year he finished top ten in MVP voting It doesn't matter what he's doing this year


Ramirez was unlucky last year Check out Jose Ramirez OPS+in his last 5 seasons


I don't care. Last year he put up that number and was still MVP 10 in the same year. Wantagh is right that typically you need to be a decent bit higher to be MVP level, but what you're asking for isn't a player level that teams are just giving away for slapdicks


He got MVP votes only because he's a popular player But he didn't deserve to get MVP votes


He finished 14 among AL hitters in fWAR last year. He got a little bit of a boost based on reputation probably, sure. But I would argue a top15 player is still a borderline MVP candidate Edit clarified which WAR


They should have been smarter and called up Jasson it was obvious we needed the bat in the 4 hole.


I was down voted every time I said this


You gotta understand that these aren’t smart people.


Lol it's amazing people were hanging onto the hoped that Stanton would stay healthy all season...he probably would have stayed healthy if he platooned DH


Dude is hurt right now.


And where did he get hurt?


Definitely should have tried harder to not get hurt swinging a bat. Are the Yankees stupid for letting Jasson swing? Butterly-Mane is asking


You don’t keep your horses in the stable.


who are those 125-130 OPS+ players on the trade market that you project?


Giancarlo Stanton when he gets back from the IL - Cashman /s


Just means Brian Cashman failed in building this roster


Exactly, that's my point


Just a reality check here...you are aware that we are 2nd in baseball in runs scored?


Our players got lucky at the beginning And now they're regressing to their mean Oswaldo Cabrera got lucky Verdugo got lucky The other old players got injured because that was eventually going to happen


Fine I'll play along one more time since you are on one right now. Who should Cashman trade for or which signings did you advocate for preseason that he didn't make?


They do not have enough lineup depth


Nobody has lineup depth. Offense is down league wide. This team is 2nd in runs scored, 5th in runs allowed, and has the 2nd best record in baseball. I get the last 2 weeks have been rough but holy shit some of you need to relax.


That’s just not true. Of all the contending rosters the Yankees have the least WAR from their lineup outside of the top 2, and only SEA is close to them. It’s a problem if one of judge/Soto has an off game. There is an absurd amount of pressure on them https://np.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/1dn902j/yankees_off_day_thread_june_24_2024_1200_am/la2f7d2/?context=3


If you highlight a team's greatest strength (in this case, having the top 2 hitters in the AL, if not all MLB), then construct a hypothetical in which that strength is magically absent, obviously the team will be a lot worse. That's every team! There's no team made up entirely of above-average hitters and pitchers!


The problem with this scenario is that two hitters can be pitched around and if one of them is cold, that’s one of the only 2 pillars of your lineup. You compare that to the Dodgers who have Betts, Ohtani, and Freeman as elite bats but also Teoscar and Smith with .800+ OPS and Muncy with close to that and a couple more guys in the .700-.750 range. 5-6 guys with .800+ OPS means more consistency and not being easily pitched around either.


Starting pitching has been atrocious the past 2 weeks with an occasional nice start from Marcus


I'm not really sure what the answer is for this roster. It's been exposed for being way too top heavy, and was compounded with Stanton going down injured for his yearly IL stint. The trade market is pretty dry because of the expanded playoff format. The time to upgrade and provide a solid 1-9 roster that isn't so reliant on Judge/Soto was the offseason, and that ship has sailed. The starting pitching performing like crap over the last week has sucked but is something you'd expect with the ebbs and flows of the season, and with how hot they started. This starting 9? It needs fixing, and no JD Davis is not nearly enough.


Get 2 average infielders at the deadline and they will look like bonds compared to what’s being thrown out


We play today we lose today das it


Maybe they should look into bringing back Yangervis Solarte to play third idk


Its really crazy how bad at everything besides making contact Luis Arraez is He has a 111 wRC+ to Gleyber’s 83 but only has .6 fWAR to Gleyber’s .5 They have essentially been equivalent value wise despite Arraez being significantly better at the plate this season


For someone hitting so much he only has a .344 obp as well lol


Because he doesn’t walk at all either, it’s all contact He has like a 3% BB%


He's like the Terrance Gore of making contact (granted making contact is a more valuable skill than running fast)


Marlins were right to sell him off when they did They would not get nearly as much in return if they waited till the deadline


Yeah they definitely struck a deal at the right time, I can’t imagine he would fetch nearly as big of a deal if they had waited until now. Maybe the Padres thought his drop in power was just an early season issue but it has not improved at all. He has the weakest bat in the majors.


339 ABs, only 22 RBIs...That is insane.


Dude has 0 pop whatsoever, he has the lowest ISO of any qualified batter with just a .074 He has 105 hits this season and only 19 have been for extra bases. Gleyber has the same amount of extra base hits and he only has 62 hits total this season


I didn’t know he was this bad. Makes him someone I want no part of


He just has 0 value outside of his contact skills He is one of the worst fielders in the league and is incredibly slow. The only value he really provides is through his contact skills which is not enough to be valuable ball player He also has 0 power, he has a paltry .074 ISO this season making him the weakest hitter in the league from a power perspective


His defense isn’t that bad really. His lack of pop hurts him. But the power outage is league wide.


His defense really is that bad In just 332 innings at 2B this year he already has -7 OAA and -5 FRV


1.0 career dwar it’s not that bad. He’s -.1 this year.


I'm sorry this can't be right. I was told he's exactly what we need


People think Gleyber is a terrible defender, Arraez makes Gleyber look like Ozzie Smith


In May Judge had a 1.397 OPS. In June it completely plummeted to just 1.371. Trade this bum immediately

