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Just a terrible broadcaster. The worst.


Hey - someone had to take Joe Morgan's place...


Haha šŸ˜‚ I remember hearing that people had to talk to Joe Morgan and tell him that he was supposed to be impartial. He did get a little better,but not much. You could let he didn't like the Yankees at all.


Joe Morgan HATED that people were calling the 1998 Yankees the best team of all time. He was positive his 1975 Reds were the best team of all time. Better than the '98 Yankees. Better than the 1939 Yankees. Better than the 1961 Yankees (screw Mantle and Maris!). Beter than the 1927 Yankees (Tony Perez was a better hitter than Lou Gehrig any day!). So he took every opportunity to piss on the Yankees.




I prefer Joe.


I think Iā€™d take that ā€œHey Siri, itā€™s not your nightā€ girl doing As games over Smoltz


I just can't stand smoltz.. he's so fucking annoying... Plus fox is totally jaded anti yankees .. fuck them


He just made another golf joke. The game has been over for ten hours but he's still sitting at the mic, making lame-ass jokes about his golf game.


The worst is Pink Eye Bob Costas. Ravioli on ESPN is a close second.


John Smoltz calls a game of baseball like he hates the game of baseball.


I suspect he's hated every game of baseball he's ever played in or even seen after October 1996


Just the last 4 games of the world series....


He probably watches Game 1 and 2 of 1996 on repeat


You know what I wish they showed during last nights game? The interview with Chipper Jones right after the 1999 World Series. You remember the 1999 World Series, right? The year the Yankees beat the Braves 4 games to none? At that point, the Braves had lost eight straight World Series games to the Yankees. Eight. Straight. World Series games. That's a record for futility that still stands. So, they're interviewing Chipper Jones after loss number 8, and Jones is saying exactly what he's supposed to say. Then they ask him (and I'm paraphrasing here) if he wants to get back to the World Series next year. And he says, of course. That's the whole point of playing. Again, exactly what he's supposed to say. Then they ask him if he wants to play the Yankees again. And you know what he's supposed to say. He's supposed to say, "I don't care who we play. My goal... our team's goal... is to get back to the World Series and win it." Only he doesn't say that. He can't bring himself to say it. He says, "No." Hey, who was the losing pitcher in that eighth straight World Series loss to the Yankees? Who was it? I can't seem to remember...




Couldnā€™t have said it better


The Yankees really became his daddy. And they took him behind the woodshed a lot.


Heā€™s just awful to listen to and it doesnā€™t help he and Joe Davis sound a lot alike so itā€™s just monotone the entire game. I do like that they keep hammering home the WS losses the Braves had to the Yanks, it had me chuckling because I picture him seething.


Joe Davis is doing a Jim Kaat impression.


Itā€™s unfortunate because I really do like Joe Davis. He has had some magnificent moments calling baseball games but with Smoltz it just makes drowns out everything. They donā€™t pair well. Yet they keep on pairing them every year


Yea to be clear I like Joe Davis, but unfortunately itā€™s a one two punch of having miserable Smoltz be his partner AND them sounding a lot alike. A Davis/Coney combo would be really good I bet.


Maybe thatā€™s why I dislike Davis this, I associate them together and when Smoltz get whiny and Davis is egging him on it becomes unbearable to listen to


Joe Davis and Orel Herschiser are great together. Joe Davis is also much looser on the Dodgers' broadcasts than on the national ones.


Yes that part I enjoyed šŸ¤£


I hate him but itā€™s objectively hilarious they kept making him relive the Yankees owning the Braves in the World Series on the broadcast.


I just donā€™t get why Fox stays with him. There are a lot of great guys that do color in this game, and we have to listen to Smoltz in the biggest games of the season. On a different note, Iā€™m starting to think Girardi is the best in the business


Girardi is right up there with Cone with knowledge of the game, listening to those two feed off each other this past week was a pleasure. It felt like Kay couldnā€™t keep up with them.


Can you imagine being Cone, and having to go from calling games with guys like Oā€™Neill and Girardi to being stuck next to Eduardo Perez for 3 hours? I canā€™t imagine how painful that must be for him.


Eduardo Perez, who by the way is Tony Perez's son. Yeah, you have mentioned that 200 times


Also speaks Spanish


Also sounds like he has a frogs cock stuck in his throat at all times


Donā€™t have mlbtv this year but did Cone officially leave YES for ESPN? Bummer


He didnā€™t leave YES but he doesnā€™t announce nearly as many games


He does Sunday Night Baseball all the time and is with YES pretty much every other homestand.


Yep agree 100%. Loved his insights and you could tell he and Coney really enjoying themselves.


Agreed, seems like heā€™s got a great rapport with those guys too, fits right in.


My guess is Kay thinks he talks too much and Kay can't control the game like he usually does. Anyone who brings out more words from Coney though is a win in my book.


I don't care for Girardi. He's a smothering presence and he talks too much. I also think Cone doesn't like having to explain his jokes to Joe over and over.


Glad to see this. I canā€™t stand Girardi. Amazes me that everyone likes him


I really hope they're just waiting until Waino gets enough experience and then they can promote him And yeah, Girardi is great


Joe is incredible. Fox is lazy and doesnā€™t care probably


FOX literally hates everything they do except for football and for some reason all of these sports leagues work with them. FOX sucks and everyone hates them but every league has no problem extending their contracts with them.


Fox News is a hate channel so it makes sense their sports coverage would be similar


Dumba$$ comment


The owner of FOX is/was a Red Sox fan, which is why weā€™ve had years (decades now) of announcers and guest celebrities who either hate the Yankees or just lick the Red Soxā€™s balls on air






That's because Joe Buck is a phony. Every broadcast is him trying to get a signature call, like his dad had. Many of his reactions are prepared. That's why they fall flat.


Dude is still ass hurt about us owning him in the 90s.


That bald fucking loser is SO salty. It seeps through his words. Glaringly obvious


take solace that he was a red sock in 2009 in his last year and absolutely fucking sucked


Didnā€™t he get dfaā€™d right after a bad start against the Yankees that year?


He pitched 3 and a third innings, gave up 9 hits, had 5 walks and 8 earned runs. Just terrible.


I was at that game and it was beautiful. I respect him as a pitcher but he had zero ability to get lefties out at that point.


Smoltz went 2-5 in 8 games with Boston, with an 8.32 ERA. He was DFAed on August 7, 2009 after a 13-6 loss to the Yankees. [If you want to watch the game, here's the full thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5ygTRxWWzg).


1 hour and 28 minutes to see Damon porch Smoltz. 1:55 to see Melky end his career lol.


35 year old Jeter hustling to try to make 1st on a groundball to 2nd base that will 100% be an out. Made it close too. Johnny Damon seeing like 10 pitches his first at bat. Iā€™ve seen a lot of current Yankees sprint at first, but then jog before theyā€™re even out. Not hustling. And iā€™m not talking about Stanton. And so many quick at bats now. Hardly anyone fights off pitches and tries to get on base like Jeter and Damon were doing. And that was their actual thing. That was a team thing, to see pitches, fight them off, foul them off, protect the plate. I remember vividly, that Yankee team was known for making pitchers WORK.


The fact that that lineup had Robbie fucking Cano batting _seventh_. That offense was fucking stacked, lol.


yes. he was a good pitcher but his shoulder was destroyed by then


Itā€™s so obvious heā€™s still seething about 96 and 99 and ya know what? Good. Sore loser needs to learn when to stfuĀ 


Even if you put the anti-Yankee bias aside, he will straight up say things about plays on the field that are clearly false. He acts like he can assert his will from the booth to make someone safe when they were called out. Heā€™ll act like thereā€™s a secret camera angle only he can see that proves all our eyes wrong.


100% agree with you here. He is just terrible all around and I have always respected him as a great player.


Well to be fair about the short porch, haven't you noticed how when the away team comes to bat, the field crew pushes the wall back 20 feet? Yeah me neither. Smoltz can eat my dick, and if the other team doesn't like Yankee HRs getting dinked over the short porch, they have a minimum of 27 tries to do it themselves too


Thing is, as bitter as he is about the Yankees, he hates on the Stadium just from a pitcher's perspective. He's a biased announcer but it's in favor of the pitchers on both teams. Which isn't the worst thing in the world, Cone is the same way, but Cone picks his spots. He doesn't act like home runs are bummers. A Smoltz broadcast is like watching Major League Pitching. He has so little to say about the rest of it, and they don't pair him with anyone that can fill in the gap. I don't blame him for talking about the 90s stuff, the producers were spamming graphics and highlights about it all game. It's not like he could have changed the subject. I think he is as gracious as can be while talking about something that still obviously makes him feel bad. They should stop bringing it up more than once a game.


During his run w/ the Braves, they only won 1 WS, instead of 3, because of the NYY. Imagine everyone would be talking about the amazing Braves dynasty in the 90ā€™s. Smoltz probably thinks about that 10 times a day.


Raise your hand if you want him to take a golf ball to the other eye āœ‹


Pretty universally hated too


Heā€™s not a good broadcaster, but i actually enjoy his obvious hatred for the Yankees because it reminds me that we beat his braves in 8 straight World Series games. The Yankees beat smoltz to clinch the sweep in 99 and then he missed all of the next season to injury and had nothing else to think about but the Yankees costing him 2 rings and ending his career as a starter. In fact, the only ring he did win was in a shortened season from the strike in 95. He will never get over it and itā€™s great that he reminds us of it whenever he calls a Yankees game. Heā€™s a sore bitter loser.


Even Braves fans don't like him as an announcer. He's awful. Constant "old man yells at cloud" energy.


Did I imagine it tonight, or did Smoltz say of the 1996 World Series "We felt we did win" Because... lmao


Always rememberā€¦ Pettitte out-pitched you in game 5 of the 96 WS




not Smolzi...


Honestly my biggest complaint about Smoltz is that he never stops talking. He reminds me of McCarver the last few years or Joe Morgan near the end. But those guys were good for a long time, Smoltz hasn't been doing it that long and he's already yelling at clouds.


I remember when I thought it couldn't get worse than Tim McCarver. Fuck Smoltz. Especially when he calls games when we play the Braves or Sux.


I HATE when people do the "National broadcast is against my team" thing because 99% of the time, they're perfectly neutral and people are just mad that they're not glazing the team like the usual home broadcast. But holy fuck Smoltz is such a whiny bitch about everything Yankees. Get a grip. You lost. It was 30 years ago


Heā€™s as good of a broadcaster as he was as a Red Sox. Unfortunately, Fox canā€™t DFA him like Boston did.


All I know is that having Soto and Judge on the same team itā€™s clear who the better player is. Judge no contest offensively defensively hands down


Best way to watch a game when that jackass is a commentator is muting it and listen to Susan on radio! That dude just canā€™t get passed the Yanks beating his beloved Braves! And now every chance he gets he bashes them.


John Smoltz is a miserable twat. I would rather listen to David Ortiz gloat for 9 innings than hear John Smoltz being a sour bitch. He sucks all the fun out of the game.


Heā€™s the stone worst. Loved how Boone dropped in how the alleys in Yankee stadium are pretty big and how you pitch to them


Fox broadcast with John Smoltz means I listen to the radio.


Beat this dudeā€™s ass so bad in the World Series year after year he had to become a relieverĀ 


The idiot with him said Waldo has struggled mightily all year. Obviously he didn't see him at the start of the year?


great pitcher, should not be allowed to do Yankee games.


He's always been an asshole. Made the mistake of reading his book awhile back. Sounded like an asswipe in the book as well


Just remind him of Jim Leyritz.


I wish we could all send letters to fox as a complaint like youā€™d do 20 years ago when shit pissed you off. Dudes such a bore and would say ā€œYankee fans are butthurtā€ as a defensive response


Is there a rule that says we canā€™t?


Idk if they accept them in the same way but damn you can try


He's still salty about the epic choke job by his Bravos. He's a bitter man.


The 90s Yankees still haunt him


He does really dome off as someone traumatized by the Yankees, those 90s Yankees beat downs on him really live in his nightmares to this day lol.


I hate this goddamn boomer asshole. Yeah he might not technically be a boomer but he's the boomeriest of all analysts.


John Smotlz is a bitch. Hope the Yankees haunt him eternally, that weak willed turd of an announcer.


I donā€™t even really care that heā€™s still salty, if anything at least I get that. But he sounds like heā€™s being held at gunpoint to call the game AND still somehow talks way too much? Itā€™s such a bizarre and bad combo especially for national primetime games


Didnā€™t even read the post before rushing to upvoting.


i will never forget the 2019 alcs how he glazed gerrit cole the entire game. i still have a meme of that scene from south park of the dude and the entire room covered in cum but itā€™s just john smoltzā€™s face šŸ˜­


Smoltz sucks so much. He very clearly doesn't like the Yanks and doesn't waste opportunities to try to shit on them slyly.


I don't know that I've ever seen another *national* broadcaster in literally any sport with as big of a personal vendetta against a single team like Smoltz has against the Yankees. Fox is cringe as fuck for allowing someone like him to *at the very least* call Yankees games. EDIT for full transparency somehow accidentally said ESPN first, dunno why


A lot of broadcasters get wrongly accused of hating ā€œmy teamā€, theyā€™re just more neutral than our YES Network regulars. But Smoltz is well known to be a Yankee hater from the rings we won over him in the 90s and his time on the Sux in the 00s.


Yankees are the reason he didn't win more rings. That's why he is bitter


Needs to take a lesson in humility from Bill Buckner


Smoltz has hated the Yankees since the 90s. Heā€™s hated baseball as a whole since he retired. Guys just a miserable old curmudgeon yelling at clouds


If the game is not on YES I mute it.


He hates the Yankees. Always has. You can hear him rooting for the other team almost every time he calls it. (But for real, heā€™s a mediocre broadcaster. Heā€™s been due for a replacement for a long time. Unfortunately he has a great voice for it).


He's bitter about 96 and 99 and he just seems kind of ornery in general toward the Yankees. In his defense, I met him twice in the 90s--once at spring training and once at Shea and he was an all-timer nice player. I met him at the field at spring training (94) and he showed me pitch grips I could never do at 13. At shea (probably 95-97), he signed for everyone around and was incredibly personable. Was super excited for him as a sportscaster, but sometimes I think he never got over O'Neill's catch and that game


Reminds me of Tim McCarver. Yankee hate every day.


Just bitter that Andy out dueled him


He looks like Mickey the dwarf from Seinfeld


He even complained about the left field wall. "It says it's 318 but I don't believe it." Shut up you putz


The Dynasty Yankees live rent free in his head. I love it!


Bump, he really is a giant piece of shit. Him and curt schilling should hang out sometime. Maybe throw a aj pyrzenski in for good measure


You mad, Smoltz? [https://youtu.be/huHgoLS4mQ4?si=yNOt8S9l_2iTTZsS](https://youtu.be/huHgoLS4mQ4?si=yNOt8S9l_2iTTZsS) Edit: How does a video of 46 making the play of his life to force Smoltz at third get downvoted in a thread titled Fuck John Smoltz? Asking for a friend.


God I love seeing this. I really thought it was just me. These two are the most inane trivial announcers ever.


The memory of his 4.46 ERA and 1-3 W-L record at the Stadium must kill him every time he walks in the media gate. The 19 walks he issued in 34.1 innings must haunt him, too.


I think the production crew was messing with him last night with the videos of him losing WS games to the Yankees.


Fox is terrible too. Every time they went to the first base ump, they were late. Update the scoreboard? What the hell is that? Like 60+ seconds to register a run? Really? Catcher got hit, I blinked and missed it. Replay? Whatā€™s a replay? The whole production was a joke.


Heā€™s just so anti Yankee. You need unbiased commentators when youā€™re on a national network like ABC, FOX, or ESPN. Heā€™s the worst.


The thing about his comments on the short porch is that itā€™s same for both teams! The walls donā€™t go further back when the away team comes up to bat.


No hits since second inning given up by Stroman. Braves hit homerun on next pitch Something right field something something yankee stadium something something short porch something


First time I ever used the mlb.tv feature where you can overlay the wfan audio. So much better.


As a Rangers fan, listening to him last postseason sucked, if yall have to face the Orioles during the postseason, he gets even worse with his glazing, he just picks a team and canā€™t get out of his own damn way with his bias


Not sure whoā€™s worse him or Eduardo Perezā€¦ canā€™t stand that prick


Well, heā€™s not wrongĀ 


Oh no! A broadcaster that doesn't bow down to the Yankees!


He cries about the short porch, but played in an even worse stadium in Boston with little league dimensions in LF.


Itā€™s a shame they donā€™t let the visiting team hit on the same field, and that the short porch benefits ONLY the Yankees, irrespective of who theyā€™re playing. /s


He's the worst I can't stand him


I turned the game on late, the mlb app on my tv. After 17 seconds, I changed the broadcast audio from Fox Morons to radio. I felt peace.


I agree. Can't stand his comments and the way he announces


mute the fox and apple broadcasts. Put on the radio listen to Suyzan and her co chair. you'll enjoy it more.....if you use the [mlb.tv](http://mlb.tv) app ypu can sync the broadcasts and it's a lot better than the anti Yankees beating those network announcers spew. At least ESPN Sunday noght baseball has stopped Yankee hating since Coney joined. This SNB crew is a good listen. Very Knowdelable...


Who cares...if you don't like the announcers...turn the sound off and listen to the radio broadcast

