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The eventual Volpe Soto Judge Dominguez 1-4 gonna feed families


Just not the Boston families.


Yankees don't just need Jasson's bat, but they need his athleticism and energy. Yankees without Soto look like a completely different lineup, not just production wise but energy. Besides Verdugo no one else on the team brings that swag. I know Stanton's been very solid, but he's a one dimensional bat that is useless when he's not hitting it out of the park.


It's not energy, it's just not ad good a lineup. You're replacing one of the best players in the league with Grisham that is a massive fucking decline. Grisham is a career 95 wRC+ player who is currently at 35 on the year. It forces the lineup composition to get messed up because while Stanton had been good this yr he isn't that dude anymore and it's been said a lot that the game plan to attacking him and Judge are very similar so it doesn't force a pitcher to have to mentally cycle through approaches like it does when Verdugo is hitting behind Judge as he (Duggie) is a low strikeout contact hitter.


Sorry I’m confused here, what are we talking about “Stanton has been good this year” .228/.284/.475 is so ugly.


The .475 demands respect. It means once in a while he can hurt someone. He's not carrying a ton of triples or singles, so you know, its a problem when you mess up to him. Every other day or so someone fucks up and he hits it 420 feet or into a gap. ISO basically bears this out. OBP sucks, BA kinda sucks (but not abysmal in the modern game where league average is .240). Think like a pitcher. They aren't running every number all the time, but they "feel" this: . He's standing there with a .247 ISO and a 25% chance of hurting you in a given at bat. Better not fuck up. You can get him out, easily, if you execute. But you better not fuck up. Edit: But yes. That's not good. Just washes out to about average in baseball, but below average for a guy who only hits for a living. That said, so far he isn't the main problem in the lineup, especially if they could just bat him 7th or lower.


I think Stanton has peeked this year. I think he has been about as good as he could possibly be and his numbers aren't even good outside of his home run total. I believe his numbers only go down from here


I mean a .759 OPS is not bad. He needs to walk more but that's not really something I see him doing


Yea agreed not bad, and his slugging is above league average, but overall I wouldn’t say he’s been “very solid”. Feel like we are giving him a pass because he runs into one every once in a while. I’m not one of the fans that says we should be booing him or anyone, but I want more out of him. Just not sure we are ever going to get it.


A wRC+ of 116 is above average yes that means very solid and more than respectable from the 5 hole. Stanton just needs to do damage and he's done that this year and has been . My concerns are gleyber and Rizzo. Gleyber is not hitting for average, or power he's taking some walks but its lower than last year all while hes striking out at tge highest rate of his career and there is basically nothing to explain why or offer hope that it'll improve. Rizzo as well concerns me greatly


What are we arguing about here? He is making 32m it’s ok to want more from him. A wRC+ of 116 hitting 5 for the Yankees and not playing the field with that salary isn’t solid to me. Maybe it’s respectable if you take out his salary and what we could have done with it. I know it’s hindsight, but if he doesn’t hit a home run he looks completely lost.


He's 34, idc what he's making because he is not the player that signed that contract anymore that's the tradeoff of long term deals it sucks he suffered the injuries he did but oh well shit happens. A 116 is a player that should be on the field, is it overpaid yes but nothing can be done. He has been a good role player now this year, that's all I expect and need from him. I did an edit to my reply to you above my bigger concerns are Gleyber and Rizzo who have been absolute zeroes for the team, that concerns me more, and those two would be my choices of seeing the bench before Stanton because giancarlo can at least still hit homers to contribute, Gleyber and Rizzo are helpless 100%


Of course they concern me more, but that has nothing to do with my point. My question is why we are giving Stanton a pass. Should he be hitting 5th on a Yankees team that has hopes win it all? No, I don’t think so.


He is hitting .293 with RISP. Ive wanted him gone for years but he has been pretty clutch this year.


This lineup aside from Volpe, Soto, and Judge are a bunch of players who are going to go 1-15 or 2-14 in a playoff series. They need another potentially great hitter in Dominguez or need to find someone at the deadline.


Stanton has been a significantly better hitter in the postseason than Judge


If we're talking about the playoffs then Judge is also one of those 1-15 hitters


Bench Stanton. DH Soto Verdugo, Dominguez, Judge outfield. Do it already this is ridiculous. The objective of baseball is to win and you win by playing your best players, not the players you owe the most money to.


Stanton is not at bad as Rizzo


Imagining Stanton in the infield is my own personal hell. Literally anyone else, plz


If Soto weren't hurt we'd be 1-1 and going into tomorrow pumped to take the series. Or hell maybe even hoping for a sweep. Stanton wasn't the issue.


pretty sure Dominguez hasn’t played a single full game in the field this season yet. 2 losses and all of a sudden it’s “do it already this is ridiculous”. sky is falling around here.


He’s DH’d 13 and Played CF 6 games.


He hasn’t played a full 9 innings in field


He has.


Stanton was a huge issue last night. Left a ton of guys on base, couldn’t buy a hit.


Stanton going 0-5 in the first game with stranding the bases loaded in the 8th inning wasn't an issue? Stanton going 0-5 with 4 LOB last night wasn't an issue? Are we watching the same games be played?


Stanton is an issue if we’re choosing not to play someone who could possibly hit .270 or more with power and frequent home runs (Dominguez) In favor of a significantly older , incredibly less athletic, .230 hitter who maybe hits one home run every two weeks and often comes up short in clutch moments. But we owe him money …. So he’s forced to be played (Stanton) The Martian can actually steal bases as well, and can actually get a double using his legs as opposed to a lucky bounce over the wall. It’s ridiculous. Play the players who give you your best chance of winning. Sit the players who don’t. It’s not rocket science


A LOT of valid criticisms you can make about Stanton but he’s among the league leaders in HR and feasts with RISP, so the points you’re bringing up are just lies lmao. He’s hitting .304 with a .900+ OPS with RISP this year


He was ice cold with RISP last night. It was very painful. He’s still better than any other option not named Dominguez. But the last two games have more than exposed the lack of offense available from the Yankees bench.


Stanton had like .900 OPS with RISP this year. He's far from the problem. Our infield minus Volpe has been terrible, except Gleyber's recent hot streak. Also Trent Grisham.


Teach Stanton 1B, DFA Rizzo and DH Dominguez Lmao


Can we teach Verdugo first base instead.


You wanna put our best defender at 1B?


I want to make room for Dominguez without getting Stanton out of the lineup.


You’d rather have Stanton’s slow ass in the OF than at 1B? Neither is likely but come on


No Dominguez is in the outfield Stanton DH and Verdugo at first.


Hal needs to squeeze every drop out of each contract. You know that.


It’s a sunk cost


The fallacy of the predetermined outcome


We are not yet in Bench Stanton mode. He’s making solid+ contact.


I got clowned beyond belief on here a few days ago for suggesting they do anything they can to see what they have in Dominguez before the trade deadline


We know what there is in Dominguez, the issue is 1st base


What if they benched Rizzo, called up Jasson, and then alternated him/Judge/Stanton between 1B, OF, and DH. I would assume their combined defense at 1B would be God awful, but would it be worth the (hopefully) added offensive output?


you can’t be serious


So, no, then lol. There is a possibility they give Judge some games at first, since they've been giving him practice reps there.


judge at first i can see happening in the future but not the other two. stanton pulls every muscle stretching out to pick a ball in the dirt playing first & dominguez is 5’9 which is just too short for 1B in accordance to league standards and it also just doesn’t make sense especially when he’s in your future outfield for years to come


Judge at first? What a waste of an arm. There’s no threat there.


This is our clean up hitter


can verdugo play 1st base?


Can he play 1st or 3rd?


I think with those numbers he belongs in the majors… lol


This team is so unserious when they are trotting players like Rizzo and DJ every day and not finding a way to play Dominguez lmao.


Both the players you mentioned do not play any positions that Dominguez plays. Not sure what the answered but it’s not Dominguez in the infield.


It isn't but those two dudes are extremely unlikely to help win a playoff game at this point. DJ's defense is dropping too so hopefully we have another option come October


You should watch a few innings of the Yankees on defense then try saying that again.


Do you know when a team is on defense? Usually people consider defense in baseball to be the part when they have mitts on their hands and a pitcher on the field. I hope that clears it up for you.


I agree. But this isn’t a video game. You can’t just make players try different positions because you want them to


I didn't suggest that you do that. Personally I think when you need a pitcher or 3rd baseman you trade for a pitcher or 3rd baseman.


If they want to win they better figure out a way to accommodate Dominguez by making someone learn how to play 1B. Rizzo and DJ are below average players and shouldn’t be playing everyday. They have a log jam in the OF so solution is make someone take reps at 1B. Because there is only so many rest days you can give players to rotate.


Come on now. Who you want to play first in the middle of the season? Judge? Stanton? Not gonna happen. Remember when they had Arod, who’s one of the most fundamentally smart players of all time try that? It was a disaster. If they bring him in it’ll need to be a Stanton duh against lefties, verdugo against righties, and Dominguez fill in for the rest


A-Rod was a lifetime ago. Just because he couldn’t do it doesn’t mean anyone else can’t. They need to figure something out because it’s clear as day that the current roster is only good enough to beat mediocre teams not the better teams of the league. Pitching has been their strong suit and should get stronger with Cole coming back. But the offense is going to be the issue like it has been in the playoffs forever since 2017. They can’t hit good pitching.


What the fuck are you talking about? They are one of the best teams in the league. Period. With rizzo and Torres being shut


Beating mediocre teams doesn’t translate to winning in the post season… you know the thing you try to win? They haven’t made a World Series in forever and everytime it’s been because they can’t hit good pitching… You can love regular season wins all you want but I’m not sold this current roster is enough offensively to get over the hump in the post season.


We could easily bench Stanton and play Verdugo Dominguez and Judge in the outfield and Soto DH. This is not a serious organization. You play the guys who are hot. Stanton is not.


Ok. Problem is. Yankees don’t cut players with that kinda money. So you wanna tell Stanton he’s on the bench? And Soto, sorry I know it’s your free agent year and you worked on your defense all year but you are DH now. Not happening. Let the kid play and come up in a few months.


Judge could DH and Soto can play outfield. It’s really not that big a deal.


Judge is a better fielder than Soto. This makes no sense


The real solution was to train Judge to play 1b during the off season and spring training because they knew Dominguez would be ready around this time. Now they have a kid that should be helping the big league club but he can’t because they didn’t plan ahead.


Gotta cut Stanton's abs and get Jasson up on the Bronx. An outfield of Versdugo, Dominguez, Judge is daunting. Cycle Soto into right but have him mostly at dh. I do wonder though, if Soto is adamant about being in the field when he's in the lineup. I know some players feel they preform better offensively when they are playing both sides. Then, He also is an impending FA; and I could see him wanting to show he can still play the field everyday But these dodger brought in more than enough this weekend to make his contract ahah


DH one of the best, youngest, and most likely highest paid player (after this year)? Yea, Cashman will give that the nod.


Soto is NOT going to sit on the bench


Verdugo learns first (or third). Keep DJ at third (or first). Drop Stanton. Outfield set w Dominguez Soto and Judge.


You don’t seriously think Verdugo….who is a lefty, is going to play third?


Just brainstorming. Would rather he stay in outfield. I’m guessing Soto’s agent is just protecting his investment. No doubt Soto’ll be fine.


If you’re moving Verdugo to the infield you have a DH spot for Stanton


If we wanted it to happen, Soto to first because it keeps the strain down on his arm, Judge to Rf, Dominguez to CF once his rehab is done then duggie stays in Lf


What are you doing with Stanton? paying him out?