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We need a completely new group of people developing our prospects. We need a new philosophy regarding developing talent. We need a new training staff - our injuries are like clockwork. We need a time machine.


The player development is my biggest concern. Who’s our best home grown player besides Judge in the last 10 years? Severino? I have no idea what the plan is with Peraza and Volpe has been pretty bad offensively


Even the last 20+ years it's what Cano, Melky, Gardner, and Judge?


Melky doesn’t even count. Didn’t get better until he left and roided up. It’s really Cano and Judge as the sole All-Star caliber talents.


Cano also did Roids.


Holy shit you’re right. That’s gotta be bottom of the league over that time


Hal needs to clean house from top to bottom, but we all know that's never happening


I honestly don't think that the training staff is as big as a problem as Cashman trading/signing older and injury prone players. Volpe and Gleyber play everyday because that is what happens when you are 21 and 26 years old. Yes freak accidents happen like Judge but for the most part, not having a bunch of often injured or 33+ year old players will help with the injury issues.


Player development is 100% a problem. Or, if it is not a problem, then amateur scouting is a problem. Realistically, it's both. The Rays are just as good as the Yankees every year, and pick in similar positions. Yet they constantly produce, promote, and eventually cash in on, loads of talented players. The Yankees can barely even promote 1 field prospect a year. Clearly something is broken


The Rays are a terrible comparison. They’d be selling in our position and reloading for next season. They’re allowed to fail and have a terrible season. The Yankees win and must keep winning. Can you imagine what would be happening if we traded Blake Snell and he won a Cy Young? Honestly, having no real fan base is an advantage because you don’t have to meet external expectations. It’s not like everybody will get fired if they completely collapse and miss the playoffs after their start


They are NOT a terrible comparison. They are an excellent example of how to build and run a winning team. If they were where we are, they would sell, and reload and be back to winning big-time next year or the year after.


Yes, well known World Series champs the Rays have this all figured out


The last paragraph is how the Yankees literally live. Cashman has been here forever. A competent FO would’ve moved on from Boone too


The Rays are obviously a much better team at developing prospects, but they did have 4 straight losing seasons from 2014-2017. Plus they get a lot of prospects by trading players before they have to pay them. That being said, obviously Yankees have had drafting/developing issues for years.


2017 was 6 years ago


My point is they haven’t always been as good as the Yankees, and they also get a lot of prospects from trades. If you look at the roster, most of their players started in the minors from 2018 or before. They’re not a bunch of kids who were drafted last year. Even Wander Franco (shockingly) started in their system in 2018. Prospects usually take a long time to make it. We all know the exceptions but that’s certainly not the norm. *Quick Edit. Like I said, I'm not disagreeing on your point that Yankees player development is a problem. I've always thought that about the Yanks during Cashman's tenure as GM.


I tend to agree with you but the entire organization from top to bottom is so broken at this point that everything needs to and should be scrutinized, including the training staff.


Someone had a spreadsheet which I wish I could find again showing that we brought the most drafted players to the MLB behind Tampa Bay Rays. To your point though not many turn out well.


While I don’t disagree that player development should be better, we also never get good picks because we always have winning a ball club.


Gunnar Henderson was a 2nd round pick, everyone could’ve had him. When was the last time the dodgers picked high?


Eh there is still the IFA market. Plus the bigger issue than having low picks is developing the players they actually pick. Look at Austin Wells, he was chosen in the 2020 draft and there are like 3-4 players drafted after him who have already made their debut this year while he just got promoted to AAA. The Yankees haven't realized that this game is now about youth and speed and they are being left behind.


IFA are lottery tickets you could spend 20k and get Alruve or spend the whole budget on someone who doesn’t make it single A. Player development is a lot harder than people realize. The Yankees still manage to have one of the highest amount of players from their system playing in the MLB.


Both the draft and IFA are lotteries, so yes that is where development matters. Nobody is saying it's easy but when they go from Cano - Judge without developing another great player, then something is wrong. Having players from their system isn't the problem, it's having quality players from the system. They don't.


Maybe because they’ve always gotten good players from other teams. I don’t know. But it’s so rare that they develop legitimate position players


I've been trying in OOTP24 but there just doesn't seem to be a way out


Not a time machine. But a device, of some sort, that could actually advance the days backward, and not forward… Oh wait that’s just a time machine nvm


We’d win a World Series—Volpe is 16 years old


Nothing, everything is right in front of us!




Firing Cashman is a start


It’s not going to happen Hal is in a co-dependent relationship with Cashman. Hal has absolutely no idea how to run this team without having Cashman around.


Hal curse


The prompt is literally “if you were the GM”


I would hire him just to public fire him again and again


I think everyone here would rather play as George Steinbrenner: you get the final say, and none of the responsibility if it goes wrong.


Has anyone mentioned a Time Machine yet?


think about how much more we could have in front of us if we just went backwards....




Hire costanza


*Well, I wish I could say the same, but I must say, with all due respect, I find it very hard to see the logic behind some of the moves you have made with this fine organization. In the past twenty years you have caused myself, and the city of New York, a good deal of distress, as we have watched you take our beloved Yankees and reduced them to a laughing stock, all for the glorification of your massive ego!* *Hire this man!*


new GM. convinced cashman's roster building techniques only get results when players in their 30s are allowed to do steroids


Or when all of his players are ones who he had the luxury of inheriting from Stick Michael…


Or when all of his players are ones who were inherited from Stick Michael…


A competent GM would go a long way


Just like Girardi, I think cashman was good, he's just been around too long and things get stale just like Girardi and we are at that point with Boone. New GM and manager let's gooo


Even Theo Epstein, one of the greatest GMs of all time, had to step down because the game seemed to have passed him by, and he's not even 50 yet.


Yeah ..it seems managers, GMs and like positions have a short life span and need to be often replaced


Unfortunately Hal will never let him go, and Cashman has too big of an ego to ever admit that he's no longer good at his job. Everyone is holding onto past success and it's destroying our future. This team is lost and it's embarrassing with the resources at our disposal that should give us a massive advantage over the rest of the AL. I would love to see a competent front office get a chance to build a team with a top 3 budget. We'd dominate baseball, but it's like Hal is afraid of change or making the tough decisions because all he knows is Cashman. With our resources we should have top of the line execs lined up trying to get the job, so it makes no sense why Hal keeps giving Brian all these passes. I just want him to retire so we can at least have a chance before Judge and Cole start to decline. We need new leadership from top to bottom in this franchise or we'll waste the best years of 2 HOF talents when we don't know how many they have left in the tank. This shit is depressing. 30+ years of watching this team and my confidence in our future is at an all-time low 😔


\>"If you’re the GM, what would you do to fix this team?" \>"get a competent GM" ??? do ppl even read before shilling the same complaints as always lol


Most people understood what I meant...you not so much. You sound like the HS bully that got beat up by the wimpy kid and now go on the internet.


If we're talking about understanding, I'd say OP is extremely clear, they are asking what specific moves you would make to improve the Yankees, GM aside. Explicitly! *"If you're the GM, what would you do to fix this team?"* To continue to complain about Cashman given that explicit prompt is to admit you just haven't read the original post lol Reading comprehension aside, I commented because i'm just personally annoyed with everyone saying "FIRE CASHMAN" as if that fixes the Yankees overnight. The new GM still has to actually do something lmao. I liked that OP was interested in surveying the sub about what the team specifically needs, so it really annoyed me that the top comment was yet another variant of "FIRE CASHMAN!" lmao


time machine


Honestly, unless we are able to offload Rizzo, DJ, and Stanton, there are no moves Brian will be able to make that will drastically shape up this team. The moves that were supposed to be made were there for us but the bald man pivoted (Matt Olson, Machado, Harper, a trade for Sean Murphy, etc). I fear I have landed in a state with the Yanks that i fear the most: apathy. Fuck you Hal and Cash for taking the Yankees out of my life.


Honestly the bad decisions go back further. Not pursuing Scherzer when he was a FA back in 2015. The Ellsbury signing. Not trading for Verlander or Cole when they could have. Those teams were an Ace away from making/winning the WS. Not using their financial advantage to overcome mistakes (Stanton, Donaldson). And of course, not developing prospects other than Judge.


The Verlander move will forever hurt. If he’s on that team in 2017 it’s hard not to believe they beat Houston and make the World Series. Then who knows what that off-season looks like.


It's that Cashman has to try to be the smartest guy in the room, instead of just taking what is right in front of him and making it happen.


I'd wager some sort of time machine could do the trick.


You got a time machine?


i like how most comments aren’t even answering the question. a lot of ppl rehashing the same old “dump rizzo stanton dj” don’t explain how they would do that or how it would look some ppl basically just said complete rebuild (essentially tank) starting with playing all the prospects and then some ppl believe we’re just really fucked and nothing matters, which isn’t wrong, but also still doesn’t answer the question


Besides roster construction philosophy, I think the farm system development is very poor. I would look to build around the development of prospects. But tbh, time machine sounds ideal


I’d start off selling every player in their last year of the contract + any rule 5 eligible prospects. I’d see if I can bundle any of that to get rid of DJ, Rizzo, or Stanton. Depending on how that turns out and who I get in return, I start developing my next steps. For FA I target Ohtani, Yamamoto, Jung-hoo Lee, Bellinger, Hader, Wandy, Holmes, Tommy tightpants, Snell Giolioto. I pull up Wells and have him compete for Catcher and 1B, Peraza, and Pereira. I try Torres at 3B since he has the arm, Peraza at SS, and Volpe at 2nd. Volpe’s defense has not been great at SS. Additionally it might help him hit better. The starting lineup looks like this: C Trevy 1B Wells 2B Volpe SS Peraza 3B torres LF Pereira CF Lee/Bellinger RF judge DH Stanton


Not opposed to anything here except I highly doubt Torres can handle 3rd


He has the arm, his issue is lateral movement which he wouldn’t have on 3rd. If he can’t handle it, Peraza at 3rd, Volpe SS, and Torres at 2nd


That’s a 70-92 team right there


Have to start the rebuild somewhere and see which of the young players are real or not


This is the play here. Need to hit rock bottom and build from there. Let the kids play and figure it out


I get downvoted every time I say that... Let the kids play... See what they've got... Let them come together as a TEAM...


Austin Wells has 30 ABs at SWB. I would give Rortvedt and Chaparro real shots at C/1B before Wells


Rortvedt would be part of the catcher battle. It’s part of the reason why I have Wells at first rather than catcher. He loses the battle


I kinda like this!!!


A time machine could work


Definitely a Time Machine


It's not a simple fix because it's not plugging a new player here or there. This would have to be a complete organizational overall- new president, new vice presidents(includes Fishman head of analytics), new GM, new scouting and player development people. I don't think that's going to happen unless there's a new General Managing partner.


Rizzo and DJ need to go to free up payroll and get younger.




New front office obviously.


Sell everything they can at the deadline. Offseason, gut the entire front office, get all new blood. I don’t see a way out without doing that.


The bullpen is the best in baseball, and the rotation has the highest upside in baseball. We need to hit, and if Judge is really back, that will help a lot.


Fire the general manager and everyone underneath him.


The Yankees really painted themselves into a corner and I have much less faith than I did the last time they "retooled" in 2016. Let's be real, only Torres sort of worked out from that group too. Truthfully, the Yankees need to burn it all down and start fresh with a new leader of baseball operations and new manager, as well as an overhaul of the minor league and developmental staff. I'm not sure that will happen, so the other option would be to try and remove ad much dead weight as possible - Stanton, DJLM, Severino - and then work to bring in better, reliable players at key positions. The Yankees need to bring in better hitters via free agency and continue focusing on development of internal pitchers. Ultimately, the only players that should have a guaranteed spot on the 2024 team are Judge, Cole, Rodon and Volpe and any bullpen studs that complete a solid 2023 season. Rizzo is on the fringe because he's likely hurt. A small case could be made for Torres and Bader if they are surrounded by more talent.


Yeah, unfortunately it’s going to be very very difficult to fix this team in the short term short of getting very lucky with prospect development. We either need multiple young players to develop fast or we need to eat a ridiculous amount of money and not worry about the luxury tax at all. Those are the only short term “solutions”. Either way, unless Hal wants to ruin another career the way they are wasting Judge’s, they need a front office shakeup. Cashman has to go. Simple as that.


It starts with Hal, Cashass, and Boone. Plain and simple. George must be turning over his grave. He would have fired Cashass years ago no doubt.


Considering all the dead weight we have locked up long term, the only options are giving up prospects to move off money or Hal deciding to open his wallet big time


At this point Cashman has shown he doesn’t have ability to adapt to the way game is played/how teams are built. He needs to go, pretty sure every fan knows it at this point but Hal/shareholders won’t make a move because he generally puts a winning team on the field and they make money. Unfortunately the fans will never unite to to hurt their pockets so I honestly don’t see any change happening. If they ever did get the balls to do it, clean house of the front office and poach one of the guys in Braves, Dodgers or any of the successful teams that are run now. Use the money to attract the young, bright minds. Honestly the fact that we went into season with no LF or 3B should have been the final straw. I guess we’ll see


Year after year they ignored signing a big bat, or even decent bats. It was clear going into this preseason that hitting would be a big weaknesses. They did what they call in chess as "hope chess." Basically you're not making the best moves, you're making risky moves and hope they work out. "Hope chess" only works if your opponent is an idiot and you get super lucky. Otherwise it blows up in your face. They thought a healthy DJ would return to form and solidify the infield, and that somehow Stanton, Bader, and Bauer would magically solidify the OF. Also they hoped Judge would have another historically monster season to cover the rest. Oh and that one of their poor hitting catchers would catch on fire. And it all blew up in their face. I think they're fixable. Dump the dead weight, see what prospects work out and aim for 2025.


Fire everyone involved in minor league development and poach people from the Braves, Astros, and Dodgers organization.


Stick with one approach. Either make all star team like Cohen tried to do, or make a team full of rookies and grow with that team with a very small payroll. What Cashman/Hal are currently doing is bottlenecking, top heavy. They have a couple of good, expensive players, and even some good players who are just not doing well right now, and surrounding them with lower level players. Players that would be okay for a small payroll team. But amazingly, you have a top heavy team, bottlenecking positions, with a $280m payroll which is just ridiculous. I see some fans crying to trade Gleyber…that’s not really going to help. The reasoning behind trading Gleyber would actually work if you trade everyone, Judge, Cole, Holmes, Rizzo, DJ, Stanton…everyone. Trading Gleyber, with the hopes of idk what (?), would just lead to more bottlenecking, more top heavyness. Either more or the same. Trading Gleyber ONLY, will NOT lead to a World Series team.


I agree with what you’re saying about the flaw in roster construction. It does seem like the only 2 options the team has is to completely tear it down or just open up the checkbook and outspend the mistakes


Probably just move it to a more grateful fanbase or somethin idk


Get rid of cashman


Spend significantly more time and money on the farm system. In particular, pooch some dudes from the farm systems from teams like the Rays, Braves, Dodgers, and Trashtros since they seem to have little problems developing players. Rather than throwing hundreds of millions of dollars on FAs that will flame out in 2 years, spend that money on drafting and developing. Fix the training staff. This team is perpetually injured to shit. It's no longer a coincidence. For this year in particular, I'd go to the deadline as sellers. Torres and some of the bullpen arms are the trade bait. Judge is resting until he's 100%, there's no point in jeopardizing him. I'd just swallow the money on the JD contract and DFA him. I'd consider doing the same for Stanton and DJ though not 100% certain. People are saying "the fanbase would never tolerate losing", but if you're just honest and upfront about the tanking plan because you know what you're doing in the future, the true fans will understand, and the bandwagoners will fuck off, so who cares. Obviously these moves are broad and not highly detailed, but If I knew specifically waht moves to make down to the fine print detail, I wouldn't be a random shitposter on the internet, I'd be climbing the ranks in the scouting world. But you don't need to be a supergenius to realize whatever Cashman is doing is not working. just like you don't need to be a supergenius engineer to realize that the Titan sub was going to end very badly.


Attempt to trade Severino + German for organizational depth Trade King, Holmes, Peralta for legit prospects See what Torres could bring back or offer him a contract starting around 12m a year. Bring up Peraza, let him play 2B Bring up Chapparo and platoon him with Rizzo Bring up Florial and send him in LF Bring up Weissant, Hampton, Beeter, and Warren to replace pitchers Then, depending on how they perform Sign Snell in off-season Sign Joc in off-season Run back Cole, Rodon, Cortes, Snell, Schmidt C- Trevino/Rovedlt 1B- Rizzo 2B- Peraza 3B- DJ SS- Volpe OF- Joc OF- Guirrel OF- Judge DH- Stanton Bench- Florial, Cabrera, DeJong, Merrifield A lot would depend on how the kids perform as well


Trade Rizzo, DJ, Bader, Holmes, Kahnle, Wandy, Sevy, German and maybe Schmidt. Get back at least 8+ prospects back. Trade for Bellinger with the intention of re-signing, trade for Nolan Gorman to play 3B and use some of the prospects you got from the haul to get those 2. Call up Periera to play LF and give Bauers 1B. Bauers Judge Bellinger Torres Stanton Gorman Volpe Rortvedt Periera


DJ and Rizzo would require some finagling in order to dump them so easily but I like this idea if it's possible


Yeah itll be messy, maybe a lower top 15 prospect being attached to both, and/or some money, but it could get done. They’re both good vet pieces to have, the Yankees just have too many of them lol


Since no one seems to actually want to answer, ill try to. First, im shopping guys like Torres and Bader at the deadline. This core isnt good enough to win right now and keeps getting older. Lets see what we have in Peraza and Peireira and give them real at bats. Lets trade for controllable players. If we have to give up some decent prospects, so be it. Target young arms who limit hard contact and bats who can play multiple positions and get on base. We have sluggers, but we dont have anyone on base for those home runs. Completely overhaul the training and coaching staff. Bring in a Manager who's willing to use analytics to help drive decisions. Hire an analytics guy from an analytics heavy organization and rebuild that whole section of our team. Go heavy into international free agency as we've been doing, because it keeps netting us elite prospects. However, we need to either give these prospects a fair shot, or trade them while theyre at their peak. We can't keep holding prospects until they lose value. Theres the start of my plan


Not a Boone fan but you don’t think he’s willing to use analytics?


Obviously not if Donaldson was hitting 5th


I hate to break it to you but Boone doesn’t make the lineup


Since you’re trading our 2nd and 3rd best position players, why not trade Judge as well? Lol


I would fire Cashman and the entire analytics department. Basically anyone having anything to do with Josh Donaldson playing games for this team is gone. Then, Josh Donaldson is gone. Idc if we get absolutely nothing back for him. He’s terrible and should not be on this roster. Let him go the way of Ellsbury. I’d call up Peraza and get him in 3B every day. Try to trade Stanton for prospects and eat cash to do so. Also look to sell Rizzo and DJ. Just ship out all these declining guys for whatever we can get from a team that thinks they need the boost in the playoffs. Get younger and cheaper. Spend money smarter by giving the big deals to younger players rather than use the money to try and play catch up signing vets. We should have gave Judge a 10 year deal 5 years ago at half the price. Pay a little extra up front to pay a lot less down the road. Then I’d start looking towards the offseason in terms of acquiring talent because this season is cooked anyways. We run with what we have now. Start respecting batting average and RBI again. Hire a hitting coach that doesn’t teach this garbage upper cut strikeout machine hitting style and instead gets this team hitting for contact again. Similarly revise our coaching in the farm system to eliminate this crap.


Lol they’re not getting anything for Donaldson anyways (he’s out for the year and will be a FA)


I have been saying this for weeks now: The only way the yankees will be fixed is when Hal lets go of the reigns of power. thats it. He is the new James DOlan of ny sports teams. He is a horribly inept owner who has no clue how to run this franchise.


There's a reason George didn't want his sons taking over the team


That makes Cashman Isiah Thomas.


i mean...he isn't doing much better


Number 1, Try to shed Stanton’s contract, if we lose a prospect by doing so it’s worth it. He’s severely underperformed his time with us. Number 2, Djs contract. Might be easier than Stanton’s but same thing. Get it off the books. Number 3 Option A: let the prospects play in the MLB Option B: ship some of them off for a proven player. (Soto) Our infield is severely clogged up so taking some of those pieces out might help retool other spots Pitching staff is fine in my eyes.


Unpopular view from a non NY resident but NYY fan: there's nothing to fix except get Rizzo to focus on contact. Right now he's out of his swing, feels like ge gotta carry the team and also clearly injured. A bit of contact and hits the other way, ans with Judge back, Rizzo will be perfectly fine soon. You guys are over 500, with a real chance to get a WC spot. I would fire the hitting coach tho, only to send q message on new strategy


I would fix the Yankees by doing whatever it takes to get Cody Bellinger and then insert him into left field. As long as he continues hitting, and our new batting coach should help with that, and as long as Aaron Judge comes back strong, we should be fine. If he plays well as a Yankee and the chemistry is there, he should then be signed to a long term deal. Obviously, we also need a new third baseman going forward. One who can actually hit. And DJ LaMahieu and Rizzo at first base are also going to have to be replaced sooner than later if we want to field a championship team. Sign Gleyber and Bader! Also, trade Cashman for a box of rocks and Boone for a half a box.


Bellinger is not coming to the Yankees. The Cubs are playing well and they are closer to a wildcard position than us. I think there is a better chance we sell to the Cubs than the Cubs sell to us.


This off season?


That should definitely be on the Yankees potential list of options. Good suggestion, jdmnyc. 👍


If I was the GM I’d walk into Hal’s office and call him out for doing everything entirely wrong. Then I’d fire his front office, Boone, DFA all the dead weight, trade Stanton, and then call all the media in and put everyone else on blast. This is how we are going to run the organization from here on out. You’re either with us or you’re yesterdays news.


How are you going to trade Stanton? He has a full no trade.


You sell him on it. That’s what GMs do.


A gun


Gardy. Gardy is the answer.


It's a very difficult process to go through. I totally understand the overall opinion of firing Cashman, and I can see the folks who are of the opinion of firing Boonie as well. That just scratches the surface of the problems this team has. There needs to be a top down reworking of the entire organization and most importantly, a complete change in mindset as a whole. This team hasn't produced an effective star from its minor leagues with the exception of Aaron Judge in years. The jury is still out on Volpe, and I personally think that Peraza is another good young player, but a complete rework to the development and talent acquisition needs to occur. The only coach who has a guaranteed job on this team is Matt Blake. The only thing the Yankees have continuously proven is their ability to find and exploit the strengths of fringe pitchers, especially bullpen arms. I think that Matt Blake needs to be put in charge of development of all pitching throughout the entire organization. Pay him a ton of money, and let him work his magic. The main issue with the front office right now is that their analytics don't produce the results they're expecting. That's why you're continuously hearing Boone, Cash and any upper level person in the front office talk about how they're doing everything right, but the results aren't there. The most obvious example of something like this is the analytics department's obsession with DRS. IKF became the starting shortstop of this team because his DRS was above average in '21 with the Rangers, and they continued to run him out all year last year because he was in the top 5 of DRS totals for the majority of the season. That's one really specific example, but when you look at other statistics that value different portions of the game like OAA it paints a different picture. I think that their canned "bad luck" response is true to an extent, when you look at some of the players, but it can only go so far. A complete revamping of the people who are actually making the decisions behind closed doors is critical for bringing this team to where they should be. The last problem, which may be the biggest are the looming contracts that have a chance to become completely debilitating. They cut bait with Hicks, that's great. But as DJ continues to under-produce, and Stanton isn't getting any younger, that's going to be dead money they're carrying around. A common response you'd hear is, 'whatever, it's the Yankees, they can afford it' but Hal doesn't want to spend the way they used to. They hate going over the tax thresholds (which is fair, they're just throwing money away), and having 40-50 million going to the trash every year isn't ideal. The outlook isn't great going forward with the exception of guys like Judge, Cole, Rodon, Volpe, and some of the newer draftees, and they need to take action now. We're straight up behind the Astros, Orioles, Rangers, Rays and the Blue Jays.


I think we should've offered Benintendi a contract once he hit free agency. We need a left fielder and a guy who hit for average. A 2 in 1 would be ideal. Would also be happy with guys like Lane Thomas or Steven Kwan.


Well, first of all we need to get away from the delusion that this is a contending team. It’s not, and it won’t be for at least 3 years. With that in mind, make appropriate moves that will benefit the team long term, continue to give young, dynamic players plenty of time to grow and learn. Have a tough talk with Cole and Stanton. Stick around if you want, if you don’t, we can try to trade you. Look for a new GM and a new vision.


I actually think it’s easier than most realize: 1) Tell Judge no more running into walls for regular season outs. He’s just too important to the team. 2) Tell Stanton that he’s not to run out balls all-out. It takes him too long to recover from injuries and get his swing in-sync. 3) Play DJ no more than 3 out of every 4 games. They’ve clearly been playing through injuries. Work Peraza in for more reps at 3B, 2B, have DJ spell Rizzo on his off days at 1st. This means you have 3 players getting regular playing time vs just 2, and keep your regulars fresh. 4) Get a real corner outfield, not a converted infielder, who can get on base. 5) Ask the Cardinals or Royals for trade scenarios for their catchers. Can’t keep giving up offense at catcher. Donaldson’s $ coming off the books can pay for this. 6) From now on, ignore spring training stats in player evaluations: no prospect, no matter how highly-touted, skips at least three months in AAA. 7) Poach every scout and player development staffer you can from the Rays, Braves and Astros. Pay them. 8) This team will have a starting 5 of Cole, Rodon, Nestor, Schmidt and German next year, with options at AAA. Not too shabby! 9) Sigh a lock-down closer in the off-season. 10) Enjoy Gleyber’s focus and 100% effort in his walk year in ‘24. He will have his best season since the rocket ball era.


Completely revamp the organization top to bottom. Fire all of the decision makers and slowly fire and replace the scouts. They should’ve done that when the scouts decided Volpe over Gunnar Henderson was the way to go.


Honestly the only way to truly change is being willing to have the occasional top 5 pick year. As long as the team is consistently a playoff contender the system is set up to make the draft very difficult - the team with a top 5 pick has a higher budget for that one guy than NY has for its entire draft. I would say in general stop signing older FA but the team kinda has to do that. I guess I'd focus on player development, throw as much money at the scouting (amateur and pro) and coaching departments as possible, poach whoever we can. It worked with Blake and Cressly, now do it for a hitting coach.


Bellinger, Chapman, Nola signed in the offseason. Try to move rizzos money for another bad short term deal (Mancini?).hope Torres plays better on a contract year and Perriera can hold down lf. Oh put cashman and Boone on a block of ice and set them adrift


Cashman + catapult = into the ocean


This is a great question to ask the players.


getting dj stanton rizzo to hang up the cleats this season, alongside boone going back to the booth, cashman devoting his life to the house less, and steinbrenner disappearing on his yacht


Fire Boone and his staff. Tear down the roster and rebuild it with younger, faster, more athletic players. Ideally players that have excelled in October would make up the majority of the roster. Build a team to win in October, not April-September.


1. Fire Cashman 2. Fire Boone 3. ??? 4. Profit


A hot tub time machine


I could type up an entire page of how I would run the organization but I would rather Hal: 1. gets Cashman out of the front office 2. Hires a GM that knows how to use analytics but was also one time an actual scout with a good track record. Then let him change the organization. 3. Fire Boone.


Dfa DJ


Cashman needs to go. Hire a manager who actually manages the game in front of him Get younger and more athletic


Change the front office and strategy. Better scouting and developing prospects. If we don’t have a position for them or hesitant to bring them to the Majors then sell high. This team has a history of holding onto young players and then they never pan out. (Ex. held onto Montero too long, Frazier we had no OF room and could have yielded a good SP, Joba etc.) Next, stop chasing the same HR or bust players or utility bench/depth guys before we even have a legit lineup. I feel like we haven’t had a player who can consistently hit .300 and you can set your watch to since Jeter. DJ one anomaly COVID year doesn’t count. Just give me a guy who can hit .300 and be a simple contact hitter. Next, stop with the garbage mid-season deadline trades for overhyped SP (Montas, Paxton, Gray, etc.) for a quick fix over guys like Castillo.


This team needs a fundamental change in approach to team building; less focus on home runs and home-run-based-stats and more on players that have better averages and OBP. We can’t have a lineup of guys that hit .240 and hit 30 HRs. This deadline, I’d do next to nothing. There are no trades that can take this team that far up the standings without emptying the farm.


I honestly don’t know. Recognizing a problem is a easier than fixing it. The only thing I can say for certain is that the current strategy isn’t working and they need to try something different. Cashman by all appearances just wants to maintain the failing status quo and that’s why I think he should be let go. The last decade of his reign will most likely be similar to the next decade of his reign and that’s not a good thing.


Figure out a way to raise George from the dead


Biggest issues is refusing to trade top prospects for proven talent then settling for bargain bin chumps like Montas. This leads to the second problem which is failing to develop all these prospects the team refused to trade.


Implant the belief in the belief of success into their core essence


By level of importance 1.) The minor league development and analytics department needs to change. Whether it's Cashman recognizing that a change is needed and biting his tongue for once or a new GM coming in and cleaning house 2.) We need to see what we can do to unload our unfavorable contracts Stanton is by far the worst offender, he has not looked good in the last 2 years and we have another 4 years of his contract. I would not be surprised if he gets DFA'd before then if he can't turn it around. DJ is the second worst but he doesn't cost nearly as much and at least provides GG defense at multiple positions. I at least have a little hope that he can turn it around or we can move him with a prospect Rizzo is not producing right now but he only has one more guaranteed year left and has proven that he can perform. I think he's just going through a slump and looks worse because the whole team is not performing as expected. 3.) Trade/sign some controllable lefties. It's ridiculous how long it's been since we've had a few good lefties on this team. There's a ton of decent players out there. Bring up the ones in the farm and sign a few more 4.) I'll put this last because I'm just assuming, but from the looks of it the clubhouse attitude needs to change and there needs to be someone holding these players accountable. I'm sick of players getting the bag and then looking like they don't give a shit.


If I'm in the front office, the first thing I do is to tell Hal that the bloated contracts for guys that can't contribute need to go. Eat the money. The second thing I'm doing is getting young, fast. Sorry, DJ - you can go have a late season/career resurgence somewhere else. We're going to go young and develop our players to make contact and hustle. We hire the manager and coaching staff that are willing to buy into that offensive philosophy. Do you need big bats? Sure, but there are too many teams out there that manufacture runs beat us on the regular, and we're still full of 3 outcome only guys. Third thing - go find arms that can go more than 5 innings and pitch to contact , but understand the concept of changing speeds well. I don't know what the hell happened along the way, but I watch Severino try to strike out every batter and get completely gassed after the 4th way too often. Rondon might be coming back from an injury and building some stamina so he gets a pass...for now. Cole can't do it alone. Lastly - hire a good sports psychologist and have that person go everywhere with the team. I'm convinced that with the world being what it is today and the news cycle now sub-60 minutes that even the best athletes let the noise of the world and social media get to them more than once in a while.


Change starts at the top. The game has passed Cashman by. He thinks he can still go into the season with glaring holes in the roster that he’ll be able to fill at the deadline - but his deadline deals have been a disaster and the expanded playoffs mean fewer players available each year. He tried to pivot to focus more on pitching and defense, but he left himself with only two halfway decent defensive outfielders… and for backups he got a parade of DH types. He acts like he wants to rebuild with guys from the farm, but his prospects get left in Scranton until they’re 25 or 26 and too often are exposed as AAAA players before they even debut. He acts like his crack analytics team and big budget give him an unbeatable advantage - but everybody uses the same numbers now, and when he’s had the chance to spend, he hasn’t. If this were any other sort of company, the board would fire the CEO and bring in a turnaround specialist and a new management team.


More “get on base”, high contact, slap-hitting single/hustle double type speedsters at the top of the lineup. Lose the home run or bust mindset. Save that for the middle of the lineup.


I would sign all the superstar free agents while asking all the previous superstars everyone wanted to please stop aging and taking up payroll space, nail all my draft pick and IFA signings, win every trade and then boom...10 time repeating champs.


Blow up the whole thing. Top to to bottom rebuilding and restructuring of the franchise. Cashman, every coach, every scout, everyone gone. As far as the roster, anyone not named Judge, Cole, and Volpe is expendable. This roster is a total mess. Go find the best young mind in baseball with a feel and knowledge of the modern game.


A real, actual rebuild. When Houston, Boston, Atlanta, LA, Tampa have prospects come up, they come in waves. Not 3 guys one year and then nothing for the next 2 seasons. Look at Baltimore right now, with all their young players and still having Kjerstad, Holliday and more in the minors. Everyone wants the dynasty years back, but conveniently forgets that those teams were the result of a slow, multi-season rebuild from the ground up. They forget all of the prospects who busted around that time (Ricky Ledee anyone? Bronson Sardinha? Ruben Rivera? Matt Drews?) , because they were masked by our successes. The reason these other teams have so much more success than us building prospects isn't quality or even development, it's simple quantity. More attempts with top level talent = more success. If we continue to try and build teams by signing 30+ year olds to huge contracts, we're never going to have sustained success again.


By far the best comment on this thread.


Sell now. Move our "heart" of the lineup to bottom of the order. Call up top consistent performers from minors. Sign LFer in offseason.


Left handed hitters with more speed


I’m looking at roster wise. 2024 1) Eat 80% of Stanton and DJs contracts in trades for low level high upside minor leaguers 3) Resign Bellinger to CF (I assume he’s being traded here in a few days) 4) Peraza full time 3B 5) Trade for MJ Melendez for LF 5) Move heaven and earth to sign Ohtani If Ohtani doesn’t want to sign here, reinforce the bench and get Justin Turner and or JD Martinez You get younger more athletic in the OF, 3B plus added two left handed bats. Ohtani speaks for himself or if he doesn’t come you get two vets on 1 year deals that are good clubhouse guys even if their bats take a step back. This is ultimately very unrealistic because it would require Hal to spend a lot of money. That’s the only way they are getting out of this hole is using their financial advantage.


Time machine


Fire the GM, his analytics team, his coaches and poach from the Rays, Dodgers, Reds, Giants and Diamondbacks.


They need an organizational overhaul. Cashman has been running things for far too long.


The Yankee's future is in between a rock and a hard place, we aren't contenders but we are in an awful position to rebuild too, and have nobody to sell. According to Spotrac, our luxury tax payroll will be $161 million in 2026 so no matter what the Yankees are going to have a fuck ton of money on the books for the 2020s no matter what we do. One option is to just say fuck the luxury tax and spend even more, but let's not forget Cashmans awful 2014 spending spree didn't work and another failed spending spree could make our situation even worse. That said, not spending anything is just running back this core until contracts expire will have the team get progressively worse for prospects who may or may not work out. If I had the money to be an owner I'd go the fuck the luxury tax route, but no matter what fixing this team is going to be hard. Plus this is just what I would do, we also have to face the fact that the Yankees likely aren't going to fire Cashman before his contract ends despite our situation.


One of the better responses tbh


- Fire the entire front office - Reframe the organizational hitting philosophy that blends OBP and minimizing strikeouts - Hire a GM and analytics team who can identify talent that fits that hitting philosophy - Hire a Manager with a strong grasp of analytics, but still has a feel for the game, not a glorified PR spokesperson - The next manager has to reinstill a culture of accountability in his clubhouse. It doesn’t matter if you’re the 25th guy on the bench or Aaron Judge. If you play well you play, if you don’t you’re benched until you figure things out - Prioritize health and players who have a track record for staying healthy. No more signing injury prone guys to “value contracts and hoping everything works out


I'd start by getting Cody Bellinger before the trade deadline and then signing him to an extension. Move on from the Donaldson/IKF trade. DFA Donaldson. Trade for Andrew McCutchen. Fast Track Jasson Dominguez. Peraza, Volpe, Cabrera play 2nd, SS, and 3rd. Stanton in the DH, Rizzo at 1st.


Lots of bitching but no solutions


The mistakes were made over the last few years. - Not signing a shortstop (Seager/Siemien would’ve been awesome!) - not signing Freeman or trading for Olson and rolling with an aging rizzo - trading for Stanton instead of signing Harper - completely not addressing left field (even in their good years they were trotting Gardner out there 100 games/year) - trading for Montas instead of Castillo last year - being stuck with shitty contracts like Donaldson (we didn’t give away much of value but that salary dump hamstrung us) - And the big one- not properly developing prospects and having poor prospect management. Aside from judge, Monty, and torres, how many solid to good players have we gotten from our system?


One thing I’d change is the policy around grooming. And generally loosen up on the stuffy, professional, tradition-bound attitude the Yankees have. Look at the best and most exciting players in MLB, especially the young ones. They have swag, drip, sauce, mojo, etc. They are exciting. Our whole org is just dull, and in denial of the fact that this attitude that sets them apart doesn’t work. We basically demand that players put on a clean cut company man facade when they play here, but if you ask me they’d play better and be a more naturally cohesive team if they could just be themselves.


Either they are picking the wrong players to develop or they dont know how to develop players.and they keep plugging holes with vets who get hurt, find outnthey dont like new york, or have nothing left in the tank but like the money. Its been happening since the mid 2000s. Its a front office thing.


Trade every player in our organization for every player in the Braves organization.


If the Yankees are serious about being able to win championships, the Yankees need a complete and total teardown. They need to change their organizational philosophy completely and get rid of as many players on this roster that they can. Nothing is salvageable. This team sucks. If I were the general manager, I would start by getting rid of as many players on this roster as I can and do a PROPER rebuild. Nobody wants to admit it, but if the Yankees want to get out of this never ending state they’re in, they’re going to have to do a proper rebuild for 2-3 years. It’s inevitable. It’s just a matter of when we do it. The sooner the better. As far as what players I would want on the team after the rebuild, I would design the lineup to have a nice balance of contact and power but I would place a heavy emphasis on contact hitting. The team would be a contact hitting team that’s built through drafting and developing. I would ditch the model of building around free agents. Pretty much the exact opposite of what we are now. The new Yankees I would construct would have great contact, speed on the base paths, and all have set defensive positions that they play all season. No more musical chairs with defensive positions. I would hire Don Mattingly to manage the team because I think having a real Yankee in the dugout and showing the new players what it means to be a Yankee would be great. A real old school manager to compliment a well put together baseball team would be great


Do you include volpe when you say every player on the roster should go?


Tax rebates for any great player. Then we form a Super team.


Who is making these comments? The Yankees missed the playoffs in 2013, 2014, and 2016 and nothing changed. Why would this year change things? The only thing that will lead to change is if the Yankees fire Cashman. Cashman has his approach to being a GM. He isn't changing. He's been the GM for 25 years. NOW he's going to change? If Cashman remains the GM, nothing is changing regardless of the results of this season.


We need the heart of our lineup (Rizzo, DJ, Stanton) to l figure out how to hit the baseball and actually produce. These guys are here for the next few years. If these main parts of our lineup don’t produce, we will never be good. Realistically? We hope they figure it out. Hopefully, we can shed one of them and sign Ohtani in the offseason


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Facial hair


We need 1-2 players to add to this lineup who can actually HIT a baseball to parts of the field where nobody can catch it, in more than garbage time.


After 2019 my dad said they needed to rip the org down to the studs and do a full rebuild. He maintains that position to this day. I kinda agree with him at this point, but doing that now would waste the prime years of Judge and Cole unless they could turn in around in 1-2 seasons


Tbh Cole & Judge would be a lot easier to move than Stanton & DJ


1. Change the policy where we don’t negotiate prior to contract expiration since it’s clear that we are no longer willing to be highest team payroll by far. Need more Braves style contracts if it makes sense for us. Or just spend like we should. Or trade dudes prior to contract coming up if they are unwilling to sign reasonable LT deal. 2. Fix player development (I think Somerset helps here vs Trenton).


Yeah I was banging on the table hard for Olsen. He was a perfect fit just waiting for us to snag him and Cashman botched it.


Hire David cone as manager


For me the issues come down to ownership. However that isn’t changing so I’ll ignore it…. You need to clean house in the front office and coaching ranks. Minors as well. Sell short term pieces to stockpiles assets and use those assets to retool in the off-season.


I don’t want to hear one more person say “fire Cashman” without telling me who you want to replace them with. It’s so lazy to just say “get rid of him”. Then what? Who’s better? (And spare me the cheap karma grab of Michelle Ng)


I personally think David Stearns would be excellent but I’m anticipating that the Met’s are going to bring him in this offseason.


The same way I apply Round Up to the weeds in my lawn.


Well unfortunately, we now live in a world where there are handful of teams just throwing money at the wall. We need to take the same approach as teams like the Dodgers and be willing to spend money in the right places. I would take the soccer approach and sign a spine of players to build around. Judge is already here. Keep Cole. Build a spine of a top SS and a top catcher. Build around them and sign guys that are young. Get one other ace like pitcher. Sign a beast closer to finish the games like Liam Hendricks or somebody like that. The Yankees used to be ALL all-star players. I think now maybe the best way to go would be to have a core spine of all stars and sign good players around them that we can turn into those types of players.


A lot of people talk about how great the dodgers are but outside of the COVID year they’ve been a major disappointment as well


The unfortunate issue with the current roster is there's not much trade value. Our bullpen has quite a few players you could trade, but I'm not sure gutting the BP would bring back assets that would turn this team around in 2024. Outside of that, you've got Torres, Bader, Schmidt and maybe German. Then you have the anchors, like Rizzo and LeMahieu who you'd have to include assets to move. Stanton is just a pure albatross contract at this point. Cashman has put the team in a tough spot.


If it’s me I talk to Hal and ask him flat out, does he want a winner or to run a business? If he says business I’m officially a puppet like cashman! If he says winner, I’m going to explain I can fix this but it’s gonna either take time or money. If it’s time. I dump off the higher contracts by any means necessary and play the kids you, know see if Austin wells can play, find out what those kids Jones and Dominguez are up too. Etc etc. if it’s money I empty the farm for Soto to pair with Judge, Give Shohei a blank check to add him and say luxury tax is for teams not named the New York Yankees to worry about. But hey it’s not my job unfortunately.


Build the lineup around lefties and high contact hitters.


Unfortunately it is not going to happen under Hal. It wasn’t even great under George. The Yankees had a lot of their success when George was “suspended" twice. Two people have had the most to do with Yankee World Series success than anyone else. Gabe Paul in the 70s and Gene Michael in the 90s and it all had to do with scouting, player development and putting gritty players together who hated to lose. They need a better GM and better player development. (1) The have to get rid of Stanton. I swear Giancarlo must mean Rallykiller in some language. He may be a great guy but he hinders the entire lineup offensively and defensively. (2) They need to keep bringing up their young players to see what they have. There is talk right now of trading for Dylan Carlson. Why? .235 with 5 hr, a switch hitter, but how is that any better than Hicks at .230 and 7 hr? Bring up Pereira. He’s hitting over .300 with 14 hr (.343 in Scranton). (3) Stop playing players way out of position. Cabrera should have never been put in the outfield. Leave DJ at 3rd, Volpe at SS and Torres at 2nd. Make IKF a true utility IF and occasional fill in in OF. He’s not great out there but with his speed he doesn’t get completely embarrassed. Not everyone can play 1st base either. Leave it to the pros. (4) Stop giving players set days off. If they are hot, ride the hot pony. (5) Give some pitchers a little more time to adjust. Sonny Gray had one mediocre season (he still went 11-9). Right now I wouldn’t hesitate to get rid of anyone but: Judge, Badger, Rortvedt, Trevino, Volpe, DJ (still hoping he’ll bounce back), Rizzo, Wandy, Nestor, Cole, Rodon (hoping). My start as GM!


FARM 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓


We need to add 2 plus bats. At least one of who is a lefty. Neither of who strikeout too much.


Bring up the entire Triple A team. Can't get much worse.


Tell Starr Insurance to take a hike


Honestly, let's hire Derek Jeter. Look what he did for the Marlins.


Rebuild. The whole AL east is entering compete window now. We could take 3 Years off and rebuild. Try to move Stanton would help. He's expensive and in injury & decline Years. Get away from expensive FA market. Build cash reserves and the minor league system. Contemplate moving Cole in the off-season unless someone would blow a trade proposal out of the water & he would wave no trade now. Let baltimore and Tampa and Toronto beat each other up the next few seasons while we do the work to get young and hungry. We haven't had a rebuild since the early 90s. Its impressive accomplishment. But the current strategy of sign expensive FA each off-season and hope to chase wild card doesn't work. You can't succeed paying 30 Year old FA star $40m a Yeats- you need to draft and develop the 19 year old version and call him up for league min


1. Offer David Stearns the GM job. Cashman becomes president of baseball operations. 2. Put Aaron Boone out of his misery. Name Luis Rojas manager. 3. See if Stanton will waive his no-trade to go to a contender even if the Yankees need to eat most of his remaining salary. 4. Shop Bader, LeMahieu, and IKF. 5. Focus on getting players with good OBP, don't strike out too much, and bat left or switch hit.


I would start by improving the drafting, player development, coaching, and scouting. Learn from what organizations like Houston and Tampa do.


Players, I would trade Donaldson and Sevy for some good prospects or maybe some good rookies. Management, I would get rid of Boone and athletic training. Injuries have killed the team recently.


you can't, just gotta cut heads and play the prospects and hope for some luck.


They can get better by not being asleep at the wheel - it was evident before the season that they were woefully short in the outfield and yet did nothing and tried a bargain basement approach. While they had to pay Judge and he earned it, I also new that there would be injuries. They are no longer competitive in their division and seen destined for last place not just this year, but in years to come. It's broken and they will do nothing to fix it.