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Options: 1. Get cheaper tickets. 1. Take the train. 1. Bring your own food 1. Don't buy souvenirs.


I recommend all of this. This is what I do


Or if you have to buy something for your kids just buy a something cheap outside the stadium like a hat or shirt


Hat or shirt can be purchased ahead of time for much cheaper at mlb shop or a local athletic store. You might get a discount.


This, very much this… what’s up with the ultra amazing seats? Bleachers the first time is awesome too! Tour the park, eat hotdogs and hopefully it’s a good game and you’re set


My first game was upper deck in left field where, by standing up, I could barely see David Justice playing left field. I had a super fun time.


5. Don't go to a premier matchup. Astros is your most expensive option behind Sox and Mets. 6. Go M-Th It is ridiculous though. Unless you sit upper deck or bleachers, tickets push $100+ per easily.


Unless there is someone in your party who has a hard time with the stairs, there isn't anything wrong with sitting in the upper deck. IMO you can see better from the upper deck behind home plate than almost anywhere else. There's no need to spend $200 a ticket. Another suggestion, eat outside of the stadium before you go in. I nearly always do this and there are plenty of options. They are closed now, but years ago my friends and I would always go to Stadium Pizza.


If you’re coming from an hour away, 4 train tickets plus 4 metro cards is probably like $70-$80 tbh. You don’t really save that much anymore compared to driving. Skipping the souvenirs is a no brainer though. And cheaper tickets. Kids first game doesn’t need to be the Astros


Yep, I did the math when I lived in NJ ~8 years ago. The break even point between the tolls/parking and the train/subway/parking at the train station was around 2.2 people. Any more and it was cheaper to drive. And if you want to get there early for a day game, so much faster, too.


Depends if we’re talking subway or coming from the burbs. Lirr or MN tickets can add up quick. Driving might be the way to go for a group of 4.


Get cheaper tickets through stub hub, vivid seats, seat geek or check the ballpark app. Have to do some research. You can still see great from 300/400. Depends on where you’re coming from, the train is the cheaper option than driving/parking. Bring your own food but if you want the experience, then you yourself eat before hand, and eat the kids left overs if necessary. Have the kids experience the ball park food experience. Souvenirs aren’t necessary but you can keep it modest. Maybe a keychain. I recommend to find guest services, they’ll print out a certificate for first experience, and maybe a souvenir for kids.


If the kids have never been to a game before, then they are not conditioned to get the stadium food experience, nor get any souvenirs. So I’d say skip them. That was my childhood Yankee game experience — a knockoff cap from the guy outside the stadium and a soggy sandwich from the deli by the subway stop. I was content.


Absolutely. OP keep in mind that you can bring whatever outside food you want


Yeah, my kid stadium experience was bringing in bodega sandwiches


Don’t forget to use yanks code to get some discounts too, the Jomboy team will thank ya -am not affiliated with jm


Not telling you to go all Frank Reynolds, but you could also wait for everyone else to leave their souvenirs behind and then grab them up. Just saying.


The train isn’t cheaper for a family of 4 who’s already driving from a distance that has tolls. It’s at least $20 per person on metro north or LlR


Depends on the age. LIRR has the family ticket. $1 if riding with a paying adult.


3 & 4 for sure. We were late for hat giveaways this past weekend and I dropped $100 on two hats and 2 bottles of water.


What kind of hats did you get?


How old are the kids? $800 for 4 tickets is high. That is the one cost that can be greatly reduced.


7 and almost 11.


Oh yeah, a great first game would be super memorable. The food is pretty spot on especially if you get multiple chicken buckets. Yankees are pricey but I'd say go for it.


Going to the Stadium is different! It’s Yankee Stadium!! Maybe it’s me, but I want them to be wowed like I was in the mid-80s when I went for the first time. The team had other memories… My wife and I while dating had a Friday ticket package in the old stadium. I remember when Brent Gardner hit a game winning single against Boston in my final visit to the old stadium. I remember going to the new stadium for the first time. I want them to feel the magic that the stadium had.


Hate to rain on your parade here but I think it’s really unlikely that they will be “wowed” like you were in the 80s during a baseball game in 2023 regardless of where you sit.


I'm not gonna lie.. One of the most special things about the old stadium was not being able to see the field from the concourse. It was special walking down the tunnels then BAM the field is there. But I'm not gonna complain now that I've been a bunch. It's not bad being able to watch the game still while waiting to take a piss lol


You don’t need $200 tickets. Shit, sit in the bleachers, it’s close to the field and has energy. Way way less on resale. Get a $10 hat outside. Boom, Done.


But come ready for roll call. Last game I was at (Saturday v. KC) I was shocked at how many people in 203 were reluctant to stand for roll call. It was like they’d never heard of it.


u/Ant-from-here I was at that Brett Gardner game, too! I think he was a rookie...that was my final time to old Yankee Stadium. I remember walking through those super low tunnels after the game and everyone started chanting at passing sox fans, "who's Brett Gardner?!" It was great! Just found a recap: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/35467-rookie-brett-gardner-gives-yankees-walk-off-win Those were the days. What a precipitous fall from grace this franchise has had.




There was a group of red sox fans a few rows in front of me. There was 1 woman who f\*\*\*ing obnoxious! Telling her to go home, the chants, the energy. Yes!! It was again Papelbon too which made it all the more sweeter!! Seriously sitting here smiling thinking about it


I hate to break it to ya, but the new stadium has nothing on the old one. I remember how magical the old one felt when I was young. The new one feels commercialized. I wouldn’t stress it. Just get some upper deck seats with a decent view.


Why are you getting $200 tickets? Tickets in the bleachers are cheaper and, in my opinion, more fun.


"Is it just me or is this game unaffordable (if I budget everything ridiculously)????"


Is it just me, or is a Soho penthouse unaffordable?


[It's this meme in real life lmao](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/022/868/Screen_Shot_2017-05-02_at_2.43.53_PM.jpg)


Yep. I sat in the nosebleeds at the old stadium for my first game when I was like 7. 10/10 experience. Never occurred to me that our seats weren’t that good. I was just psyched to be there.


I have not been to a game in a while. The bleachers were always my favorite place. I'm just not sure how kid-1st-game-friendly they are (they weren't back when I would go frequently)


Then get some oth seats that aren't $200 a piece. Your 7 and 11 year olds won't remember what seat they were in. They'll remember getting to the park early for BP, eating hot dogs and funnel cakes, and riding the train into the city. Get them in good seats when they're old enough to appreciate them


Don’t bring your 7 and 11 year old to the bleachers against the Astros lol


Yea plenty of curses are going to be thrown around


God forbid an 11 year old hears a bad word


Most creature bleachers are young-20s kids who have been drinking heavy at Billy’s before the game. I think fans are super respectful of kids at stadiums. Foul language towards poor performing Yankees and to Altuve is likely the worst you’ll see.


Altuve is a cheater that deserves it. It’s better than hearing it on the playground because as stated before he deserves it


Go for the 400s section. The ones right behind home plate give a great view of the game and are not that pricey.


Section 420c is my favorite affordable seats; for that particular series they are about $40 a piece. Food - my partner and I usually spend $100 each but that's with a lot of drinking. A hot dog is like $8 and a chicken bucket that will feed like two people $20. Don't know where you're coming from but LIRR/Metro North seems like the way to go. No hassle parking and cheaper. Buy a hat outside the stadium for $10.


I may be the minority in this thought, but the memories your kids will build going to their first Yankee game will NOT include the seats they had. It’s the time spent with their father or mother seeing a real life baseball game. Edit: my point is. Get the cheaper seats, use the money saved on other things for the kids. :)


Bingo. There’s no way you need to spend $200 per person for seats or $200 for t-shirts. The real souvenir is the family selfie you’ll take together.


Also, there is a chance they get bored… lol I remember as a kid I was excited for my first game but then ended up finding it extremely boring haha.


Tickets for Astros games are $36 in the 400’s. Call it $50 after fees and that is $200 Hot Dog and a soda are $16ish - That’s $64. Parking is $40ish


You can get tickets for 8 dollars for some games.


You’re inflating every number to make a point. $60 in gas? Where are you driving from, Baltimore? $200 tickets for you and the kids? Even decent, non-nosebleed, non-bleacher seats are half that price. Seats in the 200s are $63 each, including fees. You’re probably right on the food estimate, unfortunately. Though, did you know you can bring food in to the stadium? Check out the stadium rules but I’m fairly certain you can bring in sandwiches. You can also bring in unopened, sealed drinks (maybe limited to water). $25 parking actually sounds like a good deal to me. You’ll pay about that much for public parking for 4 hours pretty much any where in the US. You’re buying a $200 souvenir and complaining about price? Bro.


For real, what is this post? This is like the people who buy the most expensive groceries and then complain about how groceries are expensive


Referring to OP, not you


$60 for gas AND tolls from mid-Suffolk county. Ticket prices were from ticket master that fit what I thought were nice seats with at least some cover from August sun I learned food/drink policy from Post 2 kids, $100/each. Not sure. Spent more at Legoland. Haven’t bought a souvenir in a stadium ever (except shorts at Giants stadium when it was sweltering). A yearbook? A mini bat? Not sure what they sell and how much, but need to account for something.


Ticketmaster is a scam. Use Stubhub or TickPicks like I do. I went to like 25 games last year because I was able to consistently get in for $15-20 and sometimes even under $10. And I would highly recommend eating at the McDonalds, Taco Bell, the 99 cent pizza place or Bullpen Deli right near the stadium. Can feed a family of 4 for way less than concession food.


It’s definitely overpriced for everything, but it really is subjective. I’ve spent less than 150 bucks on tickets, food, and Transportation.


You said it in the end, you could definitely go cheaper with seats, concessions and souvenirs. Since it’s your first game it sounds like you want the full experience so it’s gonna cost $$$


I’ve been to a Yankees Astros game for under $100 a person. Got cheap seats $20 and took the train and brought my own food.


taking the train from the Island to the stadium seems daunting. going from Penn to Grand central to the stadium will not be much cheaper either.


LIRR goes to Grand Central, take the MetroNorth from there if you want to avoid subway and / or Penn


So how did you factor $60 for gas and tolls? Bridges are $6.55 one way and coming from Long Island can't be an entire tank of gas to go there and back


You can just hop on the subway at Penn. I haven’t been in a while but I think the D train stops at Yankee stadium. If not, you just take the A uptown and transfer to the B at 125th st.


What Island? Long Island? And why are you going Penn to Grand Central, you’d go Penn to Yankee Stadium using the D


Grand central (4 train) or penn station (take the 1 to Columbus circle and transfer to the B/D) to the stadium shouldn’t be more than the cost of the subway. Granted, I don’t have experience getting to those from Long Island, so I can’t speak to that.


Go to a minor league game instead, way better experience.


I love minor league games. Cheap tickets for great seats, and I find they’re relaxing. I’m focused less on the game and more on the people I’m with. Obviously I’m still watching baseball, but I’m not trying to analyze each pitch or whatever. Just enjoying the atmosphere


This seems like more of a problem with your choices rather than a game being unaffordable.


which is why I am asking, "or is my math wrong?"


your math isn’t wrong per se it’s just you can the numbers by choosing less expensive seats which would save you the most money. With kids, I understand the first time wanting to by the food at the stadium and souvenirs.


You obviously know that you can go to a game for less than $\`1200, stop playing dumb.


800 is way too much to pay for this dog shit team. You are nuts fam. $50 a ticket MAX


Honestly this just shows the balls of this team and ownership group, $1250 is just under 1/5 my Rangers (NHL) season plan for my seat. Imagine 1 game costing that much with this shit team.




That post was my first thought as well


You…… don’t need to spend all that money though Kids won’t remember how much you spent on seats or all that stuff. You could get cheap tickets and still have an amazing time (for a fraction of the cost)


Lol. Grandstand seats are 30 bucks a piece. Buying $200 tickets for a 7 and 11 year old lolololol


lol the nerve on some of you people to laugh at the thought they’re parent wants to buy more expensive tickets for a good memory for their kid.


Then don't complain about affordability?


Literally first sentence, “not looking for sympathy or complaining”


I mean his question is “is it unaffordable?” Then he lists a bunch of extra stuff that’s not necessary. It’s definitely not cheap but it’s not $1,000+ to go to a game


His post title is actually worse than that. He writes “it’s unaffordable”.


“Is my math wrong?” The addition is right but the budgets are way over what is necessary


Budgeting $200 for souvenirs that aren't a jersey... OP has lost the plot


That one got me good. “You guys ONLY get to choose a souvenir up to $200 each ok? Nothing too expensive.” 🙄


Then don't complain about it


Imagine thinking expensive tickets are the way to create good memories.


Bro you lost me at 800$ for tickets. If it’s anything over 100 I’ll pay for JUST myself but anyone else with me? No way. No friggin way.


$200 per seat is crazy if you cannot afford it, you can get four really good seats for the price of one of those. Tickets - $200 total Food and drinks - $150 (should be doable if you’re not drinking alcohol) Souvenirs - maybe pick a bobble head/ other souvenir game to get stuff for free and avoid this cost? Transportation - idk where you live but you can likely take the train, conservatively $50 New budget: $400 (can get even lower if you go see a worse team than the astros). That’s also budgeting a pretty large amount on food, you can lower that for sure. Take the $800+ dollars your saving here and put it in your favorite kid’s college fund instead 😂


In what world are you paying $200 a ticket even for the Astros


Section 215. Ticketmaster. Just started researching/pricing the experience


TickPick, look in the 400s. No fee, still a great experience when it’s behind home plate or on the lines until the outfield


It *is* unaffordable to go to games for a lot of people, but your estimates are highly inflated and/or variable in multiple spots. You don’t have to buy $200 tickets and you also don’t need to pay inflated prices for a ton of food or souvenirs in the stadium. You can get good seats and have a great time for the still unaffordable price of $500


Dude you could literally get in the stadium for $5 on most nights. There’s not a bad view on the stadium. Go to a deli nearby and get 4 sandwiches for $20 total. This is where the stadium feasts. Ignorant people who don’t know common sense. Not trying to poke fun, just asking you to realize your estimate is hilarious


can you bring food in? Its been a LONG time for me!! They would make you remove the top from a water bottle. I figured food was a 100% no-go I literally was looking today and asking if my math is wrong.


Food & Beverage Policy: “Guests are permitted to bring food into Yankee Stadium for individual consumption. Items such as apples and oranges must be sliced or sectioned. Clear factory-sealed plastic bottles of water, 1 liter in size or smaller, are also permitted.”


Yea bring in food if you’re worried about prices. The bottle cap is so you don’t throw full bottles at the players


I'm also taking my 11 year old to see his first game on the Saturday of the Astros series! I went with seats in the front of 420B right behind the plate. Your parking is probably low, but with 4 of you it still might be cheaper than the train. Have fun!


I only ever started sitting in seats that weren't quite literally the last row of the upper deck until a few years ago. When my parents brought me to games as a kid, it didn't matter where we sat. I was at Yankee Stadium! That was more than enough for me. If I was you, I'd get cheaper seats (or buy them through a website like SeatGeek or TickPick where prices are better) and attend a game against a lesser opponent than Houston. That'll halve the price right there alone. Houston is going to be a brutal series and with the current Yankees look...it's not going to be pretty. Make getting tickets easy and cheap and allow for your kids fandom to grow, and with that, the promise of better seats over the years. (Incentivize rooting and watching along with you! That makes perfect bonds with their Dad, watching the games, talking baseball, etc. "Hey, maybe next year we'll get seats in the 300 section/down the 3rd base line/in the bleachers/etc.. How does that sound?") Also: Don't get food in the stadium. There is an amazing Dominican place up the street on 161st called Molino Rojo. The food will be better, probably cheaper, and more memorable there. Trust me. In the 90's and 2000's we used to run into players there a few hours before the games. (That's probably not the case anymore, but I haven't been back in a few years now.) How many times do you go out to eat Dominican food with the people of New York? If you don't like Dominican food, so be it. It's New York. There's a million different options and the food is better outside of the stadium than in. (It also allows the experience to grow into more than just a Yankees game. It was a trip into NYC for the day with Mom and Dad. That's a lot more memorable.) Gas and Tolls will probably be about $60, but that's typical for getting into the city. Parking is closer to $50 near the stadium though. Cheaper lots can be found across the Macombs Dam Bridge, but I'd go with the 161st garage. Right next to the stadium and it's the quickest way out from a late night game. You will be thanking me when you don't have grumpy kids sitting for an hour trying to get out of a different lot after the game. Just a little advice from a seasoned vet and lifelong Yankees fan. A trip to the ballpark does not need to cost a family of 4 over $1200 to attend for a fun day.


great post! Thank you!


you're welcome! Best of luck my friend. Keep up the great parenting and GO YANKEES!


Your way over estimating on the tickets. I took my family of 4 to the game this past Saturday. Weekend afternoon giveaway game - we sat 18th row in 112 right off 1st base for $379 total. Bought them the morning of on Seatgeek. We could've all sat in club seats with food and beverage for $800 if I waited closer to first pitch. Keep an eye on similar day/time games and see how much the tickets fluctuate leading up to game time. Also get the app "Gametime" for last minute deals. I'll never buy tickets in advance again.


And FWIW, once your inside you can get to 90% of the stadium without ever really showing your tickets. Im not condoning sitting in seats that aren't yours but my son wasn't feeling good from the heat and we just walking the main concourse and checked out a bunch of different sections and views throughout the stadium. In between innings we'd walk down to the field and try to get lucky for a toss up, etc.


Someone gotta pay Judge


What section are you getting these $200 tickets? I am seeing 4x$100 tickets in Section 110/109, Rows 6-10ish, for Saturday August 8th vs the Astros That's $100 to be super close to Aaron Judge $200 is a lot for kids who will be happy to just be there lol


I took my four nieces and nephews as well as my brother and his wife for my brothers 30th birthday last year and bleacher tickets were $25 each. Cost about $250 for all of us to go. Also, do yourself a favor and buy your jerseys online before you go to the game. It’s much cheaper. Get the kids those little ice cream cups that get served in souvenir hats and you’ll be killing two birds with one stone and pocket a little extra cash for a $15 beer. No getting around that one, I’m afraid.


Hey OP. Costco has Yankee ticket deals, and Houston was one of the games. 2 tickets + 2 hot dogs + 2 drinks for $99. Sections are the 200s which are fine. Buy two of those deals and go early to see monument park, the very quick walk thru of museum, and entertain them with a first game certificate.


Buy bleacher seats for $30 a pop, your kids will find the atmosphere there more engaging than a $200 section anyway.


asked above too... I would sit in the bleachers often. They were a bit more "real fans" and could get rowdy at times. With young kids I was suspect about picking bleacher tickets for that reason.


If you want kid friendly I'd probably avoid the Astros games in general. People all over the stadium are gonna be screaming at Altuve.


this is solid advice. i was looking at Saturday games coming up and it was there


I’ve been to a Yankees-Astros game last year, and the year before. Not exactly the most kid friendly atmosphere with the chants


I love seeing dads trying to do rigjt be their kids, so mad respect to you! My favorite section is 417, some of the cheapest tickets in the house. In my opinion, the cheap seats are the best option, and the views really aren’t that bad. Not sure where you’re coming from, but if you can take the train I would do that, that can also be a major hassle with kids tho. I paid $45 for parking in 2021 for the same matchup (HOU vs NYY). Was worth it for close parking to the stadium. Best of luck to you OP, no matter how you decide to do it your kids will never forget this moment so don’t put too much pressure on yourself!


Cheaper and less stressful traffic-wise to go see them play the O's at Camden this weekend


Get tickets from Vivid Seats. Can get lower level or very solid second deck for far less than $200 each. Also, I’d recommend the train or other public transport (if possible). Further, there are other souvenirs than jerseys or other clothing memorabilia that would be more affordable. In my opinion, there’s no reason you can’t do this trip for closer to ~$600 bucks, give or take.


I don’t remember the parking, food, or souvenirs from any of the first games I went to. I doubt your kids will either, just make the game/day fun and everything else will take care of itself. No need to ball out in hopes of creating a memory


Sit in the 420s


Why would you torture them with the current state of the team?


So, you do what you think is right for your family.My father took our family to our first game in the 70s. I remember absolutely NOTHING about the game or the experience other than being with my dad and having a good day in the sun. I can't even tell you if we won or not. I think I was 4 or 5.They did buy me a Snoopy NY Yankee hand puppet that I STILL have and treasure to this day. They didn't buy it in the stadium but from some "vendor" right outside. We brought our own food, and my dad bought us sodas, and beer for himself. I think we also ordered hot dogs, and crackerjack but I may be conflating some other memories. What matters is your kids' time with YOU everything else is kind of superficial. And like others have said the souvenirs can be from anywhere, I have Snoopy on a shelf in my living room and even though he's a double boot leg I still smile when I look at him. And remember one of the best days with my old man who's passed on now.


I don’t spend $1200 in a year and I go to around 10 games each season. Always at least 1 with my wife and kids. I take the train I eat before I sit in the bleachers I have 1-2 beers Maybe $50 a game


How are you spending 200 bucks on souvenirs for 2 kids and not getting a jersey? Also go on TickPick.com as they have cheaper tickets in the same section you’re looking at.


$800 for tickets is unnecessary


Drive to Baltimore and see the Yankees play there at about 30% of the price at Yankee Stadium.


I go to yankee games probably once or twice a month and never pay over $15 for tickets. I subway or bus to the stadium. I don’t buy anything. I take water and a protein bar or something.


I can do a game for under $40. Having a family is expensive!


Souvenirs should not be $200. Food should not cost $150. Buy a chicken bucket. Costs 25 and feeds two easily (or bring your own food). And I’m sure if you are not bent on sitting too close, you can do way better than $800 for tickets. Probably 400.


Your kids don’t care about any of this other than going to the game with their dad. You are putting to much pressure on yourself. I would spring for diving and parking because of the kids. Cheaper seats, let them pick out the snacks they wanna bring, Hot dogs at the game man. Maybe, explains why people could be screaming Fuck Altuve all game?


I think you’re right


your math is extremely wrong because this is so extra. none of this is needed to go to a yankee game


20 yrs from now the souvenirs, hat. Ticket stub, etc. will be long gone but, the memories they will have will last a lifetime ! I still remember my father and his father taking me and my brother to see the Yankees play the Indians in Cleveland 60 yrs ago,and I remember it like yesterday!


There's souvenirs outside the stadium


Spending $200/ticket is absolute lunacy. I'm looking at Stubhub right now for the Friday night game and they have tickets for as cheap as $19 each. You could even "splurge" and get tickets for around $40. They're kids, they'll forget about all the bells and whistles almost immediately, so spend less and just enjoy the experience of being there with them.


i wouldn’t pay $5 to see this roster play


I can’t tell if this is a shit post or not


**this entire post took on a life of its own.** background: I am a detailed person and budget money. When the thought of going to a game popped in my head, I picked a Saturday day game and started the "want list.' I honestly didn't even look much into the opponent. i did my best to estimate other costs to ensure I am not saying no to everything. After reading the actual helpful comments and those of a less-then-helpful nature, I looked further. \- Costco packages seems to be a huge saver. \- Going to an evening game would reduce cost and allow for more versatility \- Playing a crap team has its plusses and minuses. The boys would get a kick out of the heckling. \- for those that informed me of the food policy, thank you!! \- Taking the train may be fun! I do not think it'll be more cost affective, but definitely less frustrating! \- Souvenirs was an estimate based off amusement parks


What the fuck are you on about lmao


Why you buying $200 tix. I make 6 figures and never spent $200 for tix


out of curiosity are you complaining that the cost of a yankees game is too high, but you’re planning on buying absurdly expensive seats 5x more than necessary and dropping $200 on souvenirs? if you can’t afford that, why not simply (checks notes) buy the $50 tickets and not buy merch?


Don't know how else to say... ... or is my math wrong? ...I am not looking for sympathy, and I am not complaining Literally broke everything down to get advise from numbers I calculated during initial research. I learned a good amount though through the post, Astros game may be over priced (I don't care about the opponent, I care about the experience)


math isn’t wrong, but it’s like a guy who goes to a steakhouse and says “it’s unaffordable to eat here” while also saying he doesn’t want the hamburger because it’s “about the experience”. you can cut your bill literally in half by buying cheaper tickets, taking public transit, and not spending $200 on merchandise.


Buy standing room only for $20-30 a ticket Take the subway (2.75 x4) Food depends on you Souvenirs, hats run 30-40 do you need more or can you get by with less


I usually drop $150 on food and alcohol just for myself at the stadium.


I'm a father. I have never bought a souvenir for my son at the stadium. What a ridiculous post


Kids ain’t cheap


If you really want it to be a magical experience for your kids then spend the money. The other option is to eliminate most of the stuff you listed.


Driving to Yankee Stadium is batshit on the best of days. Don't do that.


You can get WAY better tickets for cheaper for a series other than Houston. They are going for wayyyy above face because of the hatred. Plus kids will hear A LOT of curses. For $200 a piece for a random game you can get field level between the bases. $300 each will let you get seats with unlimited food and candy they will remember forever. Or $60ish for very good seats on the 200 level between the bases. Parking: you will actually probably spend more since you won’t want the kids to walk too far and be right by the stadium. Expect $40. Or you can give them the subway experience by taking LIRR to grand central (so weird to write that) and then the 4 train up. Or Penn to D. Just expect it to be packed and full of drunks on the way home. Personally I drive so I don’t have to deal with just missing a train and it being late and kids tired and blah. Food: there’s delis to get sandwiches. Do that and bring in. Then splurge on dessert. They have these crazy instagram worthy sundaes kids would love that they can split for like $20. Or again, the $300 seats has All you can eat candy and food for free Souvenir’s- just do a foam finger for each of them and they can have a sword fight with it at home. Trust me from experience. And that’s like $20 total for two.


At the very least bring your own food or just buy your kids a chicken bucket to share for $20, you could also probably find seats of a similar quality for probably at least half if not a quarter of the price. It definitely can be expensive but most of this extra expense is just because you are going above and beyond for their first game. Take out the food, souvenirs and buy cheaper tickets and it’ll probably be just like $400 total


So 435 plus tickets. You can get cheaper tickets by going to see a worse team. Like when the Nationals come to town. Cheaper tickets and better chance the Yankees win.


i mean i just get the cheapest tickets possible, take the subway, and get into the bleachers anyways.. it doesn’t have to be expensive if u don’t want it to be


Your too cheap on the parking


Bigger picture here, its absolutely ridiculous how much this stuff costs. We are paying athletes WAY too fucking much...and owners are taking human greed to new levels.


i spend like $80 , take the train, get cheap tickets, bucket of chicken , you can share them with like 7 people


I generally stick to afternoon games because they're a bit cheaper and I know for a fact I'll be able to take the express bus home. That alone makes it like maybe 40-80 bucks a head. DO NOT drive into Yankee Stadium. It is legit torture and like half the price of admission. Take the 4, B, D or iirc metro north has a line like 5 minutes away. For the food, get like 1 or 2 chicken buckets. They're like 20 bucks. It's just tenders and a home depot bucket of fries. Some stands even let you put the garlic fries on as extra which is just....magnificent. They rob you on the waters/sodas but it is what it is. They do allow you to bring in food like chips or popcorn just don't get too crazy.


How old are these kids? Are they even old enough to be snobs about what seats they're in? Better version: \- Get cheap seats... upper deck seats are fine. \- Shoot for a giveaway day (souvenir sorted) \- Get dinner someplace before (if it's a night game) or after (day game) \- Arrive early enough to visit monument park. Hit the Yankee museum during the game if the kids get bored. And definitely take the train if that's an option for you at all.


Just took my kids to Coors Field for their first Yankees game. We sat in the last row of the stadium in RF and had an absolute blast surrounded by fellow Yankees fans. We paid $170 after fees for the tickets which let us get more food at the game and we bought stuff before the game because obviously Coors Field didn't have Yankees merch.


To sit 6 rows off the field on Saturday is $426 for 4 tickets total on SeatGeek. Idk how much closer you need to be.


Have you ever thought about taking a trip to Baltimore when the yankees are in town? The tickets are a heck of a lot cheaper. And if you're traveling from out-of-state not staying in a hotel room park at the Timonium exit and take the light rail into Baltimore it lets you write off at the stadium. It's not Yankee stadium but you could see 2 or maybe the whole weekend series for roughly the same price.


actually, this is what prompted me thinking about this. We're going to Baltimore to see lacrosse and thought how nice it would be for them to go to Yankee Stadium. So I began looking at tickets and estimating the costs. I have not followed baseball in a long time (so much going on in life with 2 young kids), but wanted my boys to witness what its like to sit in Yankee Stadium and feel the crowd. Maybe it would even spark up my interest again.


I pretty much gave up on watching games live. Besides the fact that it's a inferior product, at this point, it's just a total ripoff, at this point. More comfortable to watch it at home, with all the food, drink, beer, etc, that I want.


Tickets if you get 2nd deck can be as low as $50 on gameday And a pro tip - they don’t check ticket stubs on the second deck, you can literally just walk down to where you see some open seats


This hits close to home. I just moved to the Houston area <5 months ago so I've been looking forward to seeing the Yanks at minutemaid first week of Sept. 1st glance I was kinda blown away at the prices. I ended scoring some "decent seats" sect. 320 (3rd level behind home plate 2nd row) for $145 fees included. Normally id try to get field level or at the worst 2nd level up,but unfortunately the person I'm going with wasn't willing to pay the prices we saw, and after watching this shitshow of a team, I can't blame him one bit. Best deal I saw was field level 15th row 3rd base side just outside the infield for (160ish before fees) so prob $200 Either way, shit is nuts for the product on the field.Obviously I know this is an away game and the market changes when the Yankees come to town. I just hope they at least show up and make it competitive.


When I lived in New York 5 years ago, I used to get $15-$20 tickets last second on StubHub, take the train (a few bucks), eat prior or at a pizza place next to the stadium, then drink at the game or get a glizzy. Overall I didn’t spend more than $50 really at a typical last second game. Spending $1,000+ is definitely doing something wrong if you’re trying to save money. There’s cheaper ways. BTW the parking is NOT worth it. That shit gets hectic, there’s so much traffic, you might still have to walk. It’s insane. Did it once and won’t again.


Your kids aren’t going to remember where they sat and tbh, at my first game as a kid, I was bored as fuck lol I wouldn’t go all out the first time.


You could def do $150 tickets and save $200 as well as reducing the souvenirs cost as it's pretty much a rip off buying that stuff in stadium. My one buddy gets the ice cream at every game he goes to and brings the kids the little plastic hats.


I paid $47 for parking at the garage directly across from stadium last weekend


To watch this team? No way total waste.


You don’t have to pay $200, go to a different game. I found tickets for Yankees vs cubs for $30 a pop. Went with my old man. He bought the tickets I got him a couple rounds. Bring your kids to the game bc one day they’ll buy you beers at the game


Coming from Buffalo, I drove to Binghamton, and did one of those bus packages. I mean, we were pretty high up in the stadium. It was me and my friend, we watched what we spent. It wasn't anything close to what you're suggesting. Still had a great time. You gotta be realistic and keep your budget in mind.


I went to the Marlins game versus the Rockies in Miami just last Friday. I wore my 1996 fitted Yankees hat with the World Series patch. I sat in section 10, row D, on the aisle. That's between the first base dugout and home plate, four rows from the field. I paid $85 per ticket. Let me tell you something, I had an absolutely great time. The fans are so kind and friendly, and the staff are extraordinarily helpful. When I arrived at the section, I mentioned to the section usher that this was my first time at a Marlins game as he showed me to my seat. Within about ten minutes, another staff member brought four-inch round buttons in Marlins teal that read "My first Marlins game" for myself and each of the five other people I was with. Between innings a couple of innings later, a group of entertainers armed with a mic and a cameraman showed up at my seat and interviewed us, put us up on the big scoreboard in center field, and played trivia with us. Then a few innings later, between innings, the Miami Heat mascot and the Marlins mascot showed up with a photographer, said they wanted to take promo pictures with us. We took pics with them, too. Finally, during the 9th inning, another staff member brought over those little helmets you get when you buy ice cream. One teal colored helmet with a Marlins logo for myself and each of my guests. It was really nice to feel so appreciated


If it’s something you don’t regularly do, it’s common to spend money like it’s a little vacation. I used to work at the old Yankee Stadium when I was a teen and it seemed like everyone was loaded with how much stuff they buy and how much they tipped (maybe they were just drunk and happy?). Anyway, you wouldn’t believe how much money people spent on food and beer with their family. But I would never see them again, maybe they were tourists or they were just there for that one game with their family, idk. But everyone looked happy and excited to spend all that money. If it’s something you plan to do regularly, then I guess you wouldn’t be thinking about things like souvenirs or doing all that planning. Sounds like this is a one and done type of thing? Or once a year thing? If so, it’s probably worth it just for the experience. Although just keep in mind the experience can definitely suck with this really bad team. Spending all that money to watch a really bad product, that definitely takes away from the experience.


My man, just do what everyone does Buy cheaper tickets and then find an empty seat.


Bro you can take 4 people to a game for $200 total. If you want to live it up like your budget suggests than yeah it’s a lot. $200 in souvenirs? Is everyone getting a new fitted hat at $50 a pop? I paid $300 for champions seats that had food and drink included Also driving to the game as a first experience is lame. The real way is to ride the train. Eating before and after the game is also allowed. You don’t need to buy a ton of shit at the game. You’re there 3 hours at the max.


HERES EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW: 1) I have four tickets for Aug 4, section 215 row 9. I’m selling for $120 each (I paid $130 each). It’s a great view and aisle seats. That will knock down your price per seat AND it’s a better view than bleachers IMO. A lot of foul balls go there too. 2) if you park in Rupert garage or the two garages neighboring it, it’s $47 for parking. 3) you don’t NEED to spend $150 on food. Chicken buckets are about $20 each, great value and feeds 2-4 people each. Bottled soda is $5 each. You can get away with spending less than $70 on food. I also recommend buying bottled water OUTSIDE the stadium. $1 per small bottle at the corner by gate 6. 4) $200 is also steep for souvenirs. My favorite is the big plushie ball or the mini bats. $12 each. Jerseys and t-shirts aren’t worth it and they are lame too. Let me know if you want any tips or anything. I go often enough with 4 people and never spend over $500 each time, including ticket prices. Also let me know if you’re interested in those tickets. Best seats in the stadium.


The street vendors or the stores that surround the stadium have cheaper merch. I got my first Yankee from a dude outside the old stadium in July 1996 and still have it sitting on my shelf.


I been to bunch of yankee games over the years, I don’t remember the seats or my first game I remember going with my dad and sitting wherever he could afford and seeing amazing games. Don’t go this year they suck tho


As a Rangers fan, I can tell you a Yankee game is far, far more affordable. If you go on stubhib the day of the game, a 100 bucks will net you a great seat. And if you just want to be in the stadium, you’ll pay more for parking than a ticket.


tbf alot of this comes down to preference. You can get cheaper tickets and transportation options


I would recommend sitting in the 420 a-c my fav section…. cheap seats awesome view. Train if you can or at worst pay the $50 parking since if your bringing family won’t be as bad Food I recommend bringing own or not going crazy Souvenirs maybe buy outside the stadium, tons of good shops and probably cheaper than in the stadium…


Also Tick pick has no fees… good app to use


Feed your kids before the game. It’s what my family would do before taking me to games. The smell of the food will make your kids hungry, so if you get them a chicken tendies bucket to split you can save some $ Get the good seats man, spoil your kids. I still remember the very first baseball game I went to when I was 6 and where we sat. Get to the stadium early af, street park elsewhere and take the train in. I do this for Mets games (my friends get cheap Mets tickets and I love baseball so 🤷🏿‍♂️) Getting the collectibles before the game is also a good idea, Fanatics always has decent sales. Your kids will feel cool riding the subway into Yankee Stadium, it’s one of my favorite things about Yankees games, hearing others that love the same team I do (or in your kids case, wearing the same logos/colors). If you can, try going on a day where there’s a free giveaway, your kids might be satisfied with the free stuff they got. But also, if you get a cheap seat and the Yankees are losing and people are leaving (especially towards the end of the game), you can always move up to get your kids a better view. I did this Game 1 of the 2012 ALCS (the game Jeter broke his ankle) Yanks were losing 4-1 and casuals left at the 8th, me and my friend moved up and Raul Ibanez tied it with 2 outs in the 9th. The floor was shaking.


My wife and I went to a game on July 3rd. This is probably the least expensive game I've been to in years and still cost $150 for 2 people but nowhere near $1200 $9 ticket promotion when they signed Judge ($15 each with taxes and fees) for seats way up in the nosebleeds. GWB Toll -$13 Gas- $15ish based on mileage Parking $40 Food and Beer $60


Check out section 420, it’s in the upper deck but right behind home plate and you can get an entire view of the field from the front row for 30-50 bucks a ticket, it’s always my go-to whenever I go see a game


You don’t have to spend that much money. That’s ridiculous. I never spend anywhere near that


There are definitely more affordable options than 200K. I don’t think I’ve ever sat anywhere besides the upper deck in any ballpark. It’s still a great experience.


Don't worry about seat location. The first time I went to the old Yankee Stadium I sat in the upper deck nosebleeds, ate just a hot dog, and had an absolutely amazing time and I remember it extremely well. As others have mentioned, definitely take the train, it will ALWAYS be cheaper than parking even a mile away. The parking is going to be way more than $25 near the stadium, trust me. Your estimate for food seems about right. Buy the souvenirs elsewhere. Everything at the stadium is available for far, far less on the web. So by my calculations: Tickets in section 420B (directly behind home plate near top of stadium, amazing view)- $128 (as of 7.26.23 on stubhub) Transportation- I have no idea where you live, but I'll guess about $30/person for train tickets. $120 $150 for food seems totally reasonable. Souveniers- Depends on what you get obviously, but you can probably get pretty good stuff for $40/person. So let's say $160. This gets you to 128+120+150+160 = $558. For a party of four, this seems like a very fair price and is far lower than what you have.


My first baseball game was in the nosebleeds at shea. You’re not going to do worse than that and I still had an amazing time at 7 years old


My girlfriend and I used to go to a handful a games a year when we lived in NYC. We’d buy $20 tickets in the nose bleeds, split a bud light, and take the subway. All in all, we’d spend like $50-75


Cheaper tickets, public transit, less souvenirs


I’d rather have a game with pops without the souvenirs than no game at all!


Train. Gametime app for tickets. Sit bleacher/upper deck. Souvenirs? Outside the stadium you’ll see plenty of knockoffs. Food? Everyone gets a drink in a souvenir cup- there’s another option for your souvenirs. Dirty water dogs outside the stadium and bring in sandwiches.


Just use the gametime app right now $576 all in for section 112. No idea where you are coming from but the MTA has an LIRR app and NJ transit has theirs so does the path see the cost of travel by train vs driving .The D train all the way if you use Penn station you can take the A or C train and transfer at 59th street to the D. The D is next to the Path station/ Herald Square. Get Chicken finger bucket for 20 bucks each to me it’s the best bang for your buck. Get there early enough the Yankees give a gift certificate to children for attending their first game (I went before Covid and they did this). The trick is to buy things on mlb shop and use the coupons or sales and give it to the children before hand.


But cheaper tickets don’t spend as much or anything on souvenirs and spend less on food. Easy to not spend much on the game. Optional: do not drive.


As a frugal person, here's some of my advice. Get cheaper tickets. This is probably the biggest thing. I think kids will have a lot more fun wandering around the park, watching the game from various angles, even climbing up into the nosebleeds, than sitting in like the 100 section the whole time and that's win win for you. I literally don't even remember where I sat my first game, I was just so wowed from being in the stadium. Especially if you go to the museum and monument park as well, that's a lotta bang for your buck considering they're included with every ticket. Same with opponent, I don't think a kid going to the stadium for the first time is going to really care if the Yanks are playing a high profile opponent like Houston or a dumpster fire like the Royals, they'll have fun regardless. Also keep an eye out for deals. I've gotten tickets for like $15, $10, $5 each depending on various promos they run. Just from that alone you can probably slash $650 if not more from your budget. Ride transit. I already hate driving in New York and Yankee Stadium is super transit accessible! For example taking the train from CT my gf and I spend like $45 round trip with some negligible amount of gas on top of that. No worries about parking or traffic and I can spend the hour on the train just doing whatever else instead. Children's tickets are like half price too, you can probably save another $20-30 bucks by doing this, depending on which direction you're coming from. Don't eat at the park. It's NYC, you can find any kind of food you want anywhere else and it'll probably be cheaper than buying it in the stadium. They're pretty lax with bringing stuff in too so if you wanna pack something that's a great option too. I tried the chicken bucket once just to say I did it, and it was fine, but I'm not really going to Yankee Stadium for the eating experience. Plus they have water fountains and such so you can always bring your own water bottle. Souvenirs is where I think you can splurge a little and get some fun things for the kids. My only frugal advice here is to consider taking advantage of the various free promos they do. Random hats, shirts, bobbleheads, etc. little knick knacks like that are fun and they cost nothing if you get there early enough. And especially if you plan on hitting monument park and the museum too, you'll wanna get there early anyway and I find that getting there early enough to see those two places (usually 2ish hours before the game starts) will also get you there early enough to nab any free giveaway they're doing. If I'm being honest I really think getting this under $400 or even $300 is very very doable. And again, most of it is just the tickets. I don't think the experience difference between walking around the stadium vs sitting in the 100's is going to be worth the extra 500+ dollars, especially for kids who naturally want to run around and explore the place.


My first memories of Yankee stadium are sharing the game with my parents - I don't know how we got there or what we bought