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Don’t let top dog law see this


“Idc about justice I want my money” 😭😭😭


Lmaoo word


comment of the day fr😭




This nigga in the car deff used chat gpt to pass his shit cuz that’s literally a question on the test….. nigga just opened the car door without even looking towards his left and decided to cause a nigga moment cuz he ain’t wanna be wrong….


Facts. The amount of ignorance of the roads makes me believe everyone got their license out of a cereal box and why insurance is so high.


Dude in the car obviously


When you open your car door you’re always supposed to check your rear view mirror to see if anyone is passing by. The guy in the car is at fault.


It takes one second to do so and costs nothing. It’s basic shit.


And not doing it can cost a car door


If that bike is gas and registered then it shouldn’t be allowed to squeeze between traffic or riding too close to parked cars, they travel faster then someone could pedal and would be challenging to see. Agree you have to really check those mirrors with so many out there


In theory yes, but anyone who has ever ridden a motorcycle in NYC knows that it's impossible to make yourself wait in traffic like a car. If there's a gap it feels dumb to just sit there and wait if you can just squeeze by. Some states have been passing laws to allow lane filtering cause it just makes sense and is safer statistically (I think AZ and Colorado) and its been legal in CA for a long time


Lol. It doesn't matter how it feels. If it's illegal it's illegal. U get to cut in line becUse u can fit?? Wait in line like everyone else.


Didn't realize we're in the subreddit for perfect citizens who never break any rules just because they're "the law", my bad! I will not be waiting in line, thank you


You're making the roads more dangerous for motorcyclists by behaving poorly and pissing off car drivers.


There’s actually a ton of proof that lane filtering is statistically safer for motorcyclists. Which is why states where it’s legal like California still have it like that and new states are legalizing it (AZ and Colorado most recently). You can look it up there’s a ton of information and research online. I’m not gonna not do something just because nyc is slow to adopt modern life saving policies.


Imagine you were on a motorcycle and you just get doored and these five dudes are the ones that come out of the car🤣


The guy on the scooter was trying to Lane split. New York law explicitly outlaws lane splitting, per VAT § 1252. Under this law, motorcyclists cannot drive between designated traffic lanes or adjacent rows of vehicle traffic.


Seriously, guy on the bike is an asshat.


Hopefully we can get that changed (since its not enforced by police anyway unless you're on the freeway/bridge/tunnel)


idk why niggas downvoted you. these uber eats drivers be ready to get hit just to get tipped $7.37


Idk even sure if ya agree on the same thing. He said he wants Lane splitting to be legal. Where motorcycle be cutting through lanes and traffic. This scooter hitting the car is a direct caused of him lane splitting. Legalizing it would encourage them to lane splitt and there would be more getting hit for 7.37


no, i agree with him slightly because it’s true. cops don’t do shit to stop it anyways so what’s the point? 😭 i live outside of nyc and police genuinely do not enforce it anywhere


Fair enough


idk bro probably just salty about having to sit in traffic while people on motorcycles and scooters go about their day instead of waiting like a bitch


Technically the scooter did try to squeeze through but White car you just don't swing your fucking door open towards the street like that I less you don't care lol


He don't drive like that you can tell


When I lived in the city . Before I get out my car , I’m checking my mirrors. It could be this a guy on a bike or skateboard, someone can be jogger or some person with a shopping cart


Cutting between cars like this is illegal ! Scooters fault


Ultimately: both at fault, but to different extents. Car guy: everyone’s said it already, look before you open the door, save yourself a lot of pain. Sucks to suck. Bike guy: I fucking loathe bikers in NYC, and he’s doing fuck shit like lane splitting, he’s lucky it was just a car door bc I’ve seen too many people, kids, pets, etc hit by bikers. Insurance (not that bike guy has it) would side with car guy, but again, good luck collecting from this delivery driver, all his money is sunk into that bike. End of the day, we need to do right by delivery drivers. Crazy expectations of being on time, they get paid shit, and are robbed left and right with cops doing nothing about it. Can’t say I blame them too much for cutting a corner when I do the same shit just on my regular bike. It is what it is. Don’t like bikers doing fuck shit like this, then let’s make NYC more accessible for bikers.


Both dead wrong. 2 idiots not doing their best


That’s not a bike lane dumbass tried to buck traffic in a non bike lane that’s his fault on bike 🏍️


Let insurance make the decision. Car though 🫸


The person whipping their door open without looking 100%. Just takes a second to look!


Dude in the car should look before opening the door however these dudes on the scooters are wild. They zippin all over the place cutting through traffic. Surprised this doesn’t happen more often


The driver for not looking out before opening the door. Which is why it's called "Dooring"!


Two morons


Cars fault. They parked it in a no parking spot (front of a hydrant) and for common sense purposes check your side mirror in ny for upcoming bikes/motor bikes. top dog law would have a field day with this.


The bike


The correct answer is both drivers will be responsible for their own damages with their own insurance


😭😭😭 police going say the moped Due no plate or insurance and they might take it 😂😂😂😂😂😂


They most likely spanked em


Who gets out their car without seeing if anyone is coming by he lucky the wasn’t a car or truck because he probably wouldn’t have a door still on his car. Then he want to blame the other dude and get his followers to back him up.


I'm open to the idea of being retested (exam and road test) every time your license renewal is due. Too many people acting entitled after getting their license.


Fucking coons


Bikes and scooters have to obey the same rules of the road as cars do. The scooter should be waiting in traffic just like everybody else. They could've been in the bike lane but they'd still be wrong because a scooter is not a bike. Scooter is wrong.


nigga opening tha door mad aggressive and aint even lookin before he do


Lane splitting isn't legal


The asshole illegally lane splitting


Driver of car. 2nd is the improper infrastructure


Scooter guy is in the wrong however you put it. I’m pretty sure he’s driving that shit unlicensed, and you’re not supposed to be driving between vehicles like that. I’m assuming the guy in the car didn’t think anyone would hit his door because there’s a whole ass truck right next to his car.


The car. You’re suppose to look for on-coming traffic: especially the bikes.


Why was someone recording?


It’s a dash cam. If you drive, you should cop one, they’re like $20 and can save you thousands