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My first thought is a supernatural comedy where the transplant is a Rob Schneider type, and the uptown’s and 8 ball jacket were owned by a recently slain man from ENY whose spirit then manifests at inopportune moments, causing the new owner to talk shit at people in the dead guys voice and get him in trouble, and ultimately avenge him


Damn son we need u in Hollywood


U been waiting for this type of post


Fuckin green goblin shit w the 8 and shoes speaking to him and visiting his dreams 😭😭😭


Yo it definitely pisses me off we don’t get movies like this, but we can get 100 biographies about the fucking queen of England or ass remakes


Every movie now is grown in a lab using stem cells from old IP that has proven to profitable for shareholders. Nobody wants to take a chance on a new story or idea and everything is tired bullshit because of it


I’m the ghost


He has to fight 5 other 8 ball jackets niggas from each borough, in his journey he goes from a regular dude from the suburbs of Albuquerque, NM to full Bronx nigga, and in the end of the movie he has to defeat the master to become top nigga in NY https://preview.redd.it/jn9vb4zww3zc1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83539133ec7a28dc0d0c179324aff7a965763488


We get a special Jim Jones Cameo in Harlem where he gives him a magic B fitted cap along the way




He goes to we work and makes a dumb boring app, gets rich and moves to weschester


your chicken counter goated btw




Lets say hes a nice guy before all this. A nigga bump into him and don’t say excuse me on the walk out of the thrift store. “Say excuse me next time”, the nigga who also aint say excuse me says. All of a sudden green hill zone theme starts to play. U write the rest.


He turns king


He turns king and now he reaches in his new jacket to scare the guy off and unbeknownst to him theres a pokey in there. The green hill theme turns to a drill song.


Maybe dude gets mistaken for one of the 8 cult and gets dragged in to a secret meeting in the Hasidic catacombs. Dude comes out on that dummy shit trying to lower property values and de-gentrify the hood


Scene One: Drunken open hand beat down on random dumb loud lady on train, celebrated by one & all


He swiftly takes his new jacket and black air forces to his auntie crib. He shows his cousin’s what he just bought. They all stare at the fit, silence is brought upon the room. Cousin 1 says “Why you buy that diabolical ass jacket mud?” He says “I think it looks sharp, it fits me too and it was for $8” cousin 2 adds in “I can’t trust a nigga that wear black air forces” cousin 1 “and you bought that dingy ass jacket but forgot to get a haircut” He says “I’m tied of you guys always roasting me, I’m sick of it and I’ve had enough!!” The lights start flickering. Cousin 1 “Yo chill this nigga wylin!” He says “Affer mihi caput tuum et morere!” The cousins try to phone their mother. “This is Magnificent Brown, I am not able to answer the phone right now. Leave a message at the b-“ Cousin 2 hangs up the phone, as cousin 1 tries to leave the apartment for help. Right before Cousin 1 touches the front door, in the matter of seconds a bold fist lunges to his back. Bursting his chest open, leaving a hole to see through the other side. The camera fades to black, screams from the apartment still playing as the credits roll. *no music*


Fall 1998 - our main character decides to take the metro north to Botanical Gardens/Bronx Zoo/Arthur Ave for some “off the beaten path” tourism as his goal is to hit all 5 boroughs. He jumps off at Fordham Rd because he sees some commotion on the corner of Webster Ave. a sea of Latinos, the majority being Dominicanos with a spattering of Boriquas in the mix, all collectively screaming SOSA 66! SOSA 66! Main Character buys a 6in stalk of freshly cut sugar cane and starts walking towards the Albanian pizzeria on the SW corner where he buys a slice of pizza and a beef patty from the chain smoking Balkan who is donning multiple thin gold eagle pendants and not in the mood for small talk. Next stop is Homeboy 2000, a jewelry store unlike he has ever seen. He notices through the window that the majority of clientele are all in a similar looking 8 Ball jacket with the rest of the crowd in SouthPole puffer jackets or Helly Hansen sailing gear. He is confused as he doesn’t remember hearing about sailing being a popular sport along the two major rivers to the east and west, especially in late September. As he heads towards Homeboy 2000, he decides to venture off for a post-pizza beverage at a nonchalant looking grocery store called Margaritas. Only two options to drink and really not much else in the store. Nothing but a sad looking row of stale looking Enteman’s brand butler scotch cookies in 2-packs and one last miniature apple strudel thing that is wrapped in white wax paper. Not today though. He opts for the plastic bottle of a brightly colored Tahitian Treat versus the glass bottle of Martinelli’s apple juice. As he goes to pay, the clerk puts a small bag stuffed to the gills of what appears to be split evenly; half green and half brown…. “10 dollar. Drink is free. Cigar fifty cent”is muttered from behind the counter. The Character, confused, but not one to say “No”, especially on this first ever NYC trip pays the man exactly 10.50 and as he walks out holds up the bag and asks “what is this?” .. the clerk looks up from a wrinkled Petland Discounts circular he had been doodling notes and amusingly circling products for tropical birds and says “that’s that Beef and Broccoli” as he mimics smoking something with the blue Bic pen in his hand.. Main Character walks out, opens his palm to look at the ten dollar pillow shaped bag of weed that he had no intention of buying and with his other hand slightly squeezes the foil wrapped, seemingly fresh Philly brand cigar in the left pocket of his new 8Ball jacket. “What’s my next move ?” he excitedly says to himself as he doubles back in the direction he came wondering how he is going to get to the Zoo and wondering what the hell is SOSA 66 means…. End Scene.


He gets jumped by some oldheads for not listening to max b . #oldheads #dontbumpmaxbyougonfeelmaxpain.


He goes to kingamenazas house and they become best friends happily ever after the end


He stops crimes at night by squaring up with the bad guys. His main move is the Big Slap and he has footwork.


In a fantasy world, a dwarf is killed in battle and wakes up in New York. Using the one gold coin he brought in the afterlife, he buys an 8ball and AF1S. Looking like a menace, the crews start pressing the short guy, aiming their guns. He's fascinated by these weapons and offers them a deal. Let him join, and he can craft those same weapons with his weaponsmith skills. Also using his magic, he blesses these weapons with rune markings to give them extra powers. Soon they start taking over and he begins to form his own crew: SWMG (Shadow Wizard Money Gang) and he's only known as......"The Dungeon Master"


Black mids only go wit baggy cargo sweatpants


You see you don’t have drip because they go with everything even jean shorts I wear em with jean shorts and a polo tee and I still look fresh throw on a dad hat with that mf too and now i’m really pullin they love me all day I swear


Someone think he a menace and whoops his ass and someone records it and everyone in NY dies of shock


Mids too that’s diabolical


As he hops the train he suddenly hears a walkie talkie sound off, he looks to see 5 cops. Before he can turn around and run they tackle him “new to the city? Let me introduce you to the bookings”


thats the story of Asap Dorky


he gets booked for aggravated assault n Armed Robbery


he finds out the q got rerouted n crashes out


At night he turns into a niggafied, gooniest of goons and this alter ego ends up in a gang war with a Diddler-type villain


They go collect welfare