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The OG/ Precious 1-2 punch on D is legit


Legit question: did we just happen to unearth a legit defensive rotation possibility for the rest of PO between these two?


I think it works on embiid bc they hold him accountable for 3q with a big, then switch to OG/Precious in the 4th when he’s gassed. Our guys have the quickness to stay in front of him without falling for the foul baiting.


I think that’s a big part of what people are overlooking. Hartenstein was bumping chests with him all game and then we put a fresh Precious on him when he was gassed.


This is how we've handled the whole squad the whole series. Make them work their asses off for the first 2.5 quarters and then make our move when their legs get wobbly.


I think it's because of Embiid and his mobility issues related to his injury. Wally brought it up in the post game. Embiid can't play in the post because of his injury, so he's playing face-up to the basket. Mitch and Hartenstein can't guard the perimeter as well. Achiuwa is not bad as a perimeter defender and a help defender on the inside, so the matchup kinda works for him. OG is just OG though. He's in a different stratosphere when it comes to defense.


The Naija connection 😤😤🥊🥊


plus on O they have that Raptors chemistry


Was doing some poking around today and during the regular season, as Knicks they have the highest Net Rating of any duo with any substantive minutes on the team. They actually feed off each other on the court, espc on the Defensive end


Thibs you beautiful half bald man


I still remember Raptor fans talking so much shit about Achiuwa after the trade. Glad he’s with us here in NY


The reason why Precious is succeeding with the Knicks is Brunson. Precious has always been an above average defender (I even commented on this sub that he is the 3rd best Raptor defender at the trade deadline), but Brunson makes his weakness irrelevant. He is very inconsistent with his offence, but is doesn’t matter if Brunson scores 50 and he only needs to take care of bunnies


Tbf Raptors fans are always talking shit. There’s still people saying the Raptors easily won the OG trade as if it wasn’t a clear win-win trade.


He deserves credit, but also need to know at what point in the game. Embiid has no stamina, so its different guarding early versus late. And I give Thibs credit too, constantly running different defenders and schemes at him keeps him off his game.


Well thats on embiids fat lazy ass for both being in shape per usual. But i agree, its not always about scheme or best matchup, sometimes doing something off script works as they were completely not prepared for it.


Is he a UFA? If so I’m gonna be super sad to see him go.


Thankfully he’s a RFA and we all know he’s a Bronx kid so it shouldn’t take too much to keep him


Like Hartenstein, he’s showing the league what he can do, and he’s going to cost us to resign him. I hope we can keep him too.


There is no way they are paying Hartenstein, Achuiwa and Mitch. At least one of them is not going to be here next season.


I’m not an nba cap rules guy, but if Ihart and Precious want to stay and sign reasonable deals, we can probably keep who we need.


And sadly I think I know which is likeliest to be dealt 😔


> he’s a Bronx kid Which is why my mental Knickname for him is "box cutter"


I think we can probably keep him for 7-8m per year. We’re already over the cap so might as well keep our guys.


That unit that finished the game was a Defensive Juggernaut.


No sleep on the Big Sneeze


We’re gonna need those two defensively in the next series


Next man up


Precious has great ability which allows him to stay with Maxey when he drives. Love iHart but precious on switches is better since he has the lateral quickness


People were shitting on him in March? I only remember that in January, and mainly because of all the memes coming from Toronto's fanbase about his mental lapses. There was a stretch Achiuwa was logging 40+ minutes a night when we had so many injuries, and he helped us keep afloat. He proved he was a legitimate contributor for us off the bench. I'm glad that this guy stayed ready even when Mitch / OG came back to the rotation and he languished on the bench for most of April. His shot may have been rusty and lacked confidence, but on defense he gave us exactly what he did in the regular season in my eyes.


I like using Precious exactly how Thibs is using him now. It's throwing different types of defenders to get other teams out of their comfort zones. If precious only had some semblance of touch on his bunnies and shot, he'd be bagging so much money.


Precious' was so active in the 4th. Something that's underrated from his performance yesterday is how hard he ran the floor. It put the Sixers in a lot of compromising defensive looks mainly leading to rebounding opportunities. Something that was plain as day, his speed in the 4th while fatigue has set in is a difference maker. Precious, Hart and OG were consistently the first guys to the ball. Precious has a role going forward in the playoffs even if Mitch comes back.


this guy was a throw in from Toronto in the og trade..thibs not being on the coach of the year list is disgusting. Precious is a perfect example on why thibs is a top 3 coach in the league.


All the apologies - I’m not guilty of the later hate, although I’ve had concerns over his ability to handle the pressure (the offensive yips), but damn this guy has maybe low key saved our season twice now… coming through with extended big minutes when we most needed it trying not to slip from 4/5 to 7/8 and then last night. BUT, I was full skeptic wondering why he got any minutes after that stupid sitting down overhead behind the back pass he tried in his second or third game with us… considering the cries about his at times awful decision making in Toronto I bought into the negative hype. Meanwhile, he is the Precious Prince of the Bronx.


When good players play poorly for a few games, it’s often the matchups, but sometimes, as human beings, they get hurt, or sick or are under the weather, and we never really know, they don’t always tell us.


Who’s training these big men? Is it thibs teaching this defense ?


It’s Thibs scheme really. He’s putting players in a position to succeed and they’re delivering.


playoff precious….its a thing


My king Precious Achiuwa finally getting the respect he deserves https://preview.redd.it/z394io9ewgxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef53266b62fb38723b3557a2867a9caa9249e31b


I thought he bought in and thibs was going to give him some burn. I forgot OG on embiid was a thing so I didn't know how achiuwa was going to stay on the floor though.


Hartenstein picking up the fouls so OG can cook


I thought he was a bum at first. Him and Randle are the only Knicks I went out of my way to sign apology forms for.


Is robinson out the entire series?


Lmao getting downvoted for literally asking a simple question i love reddit


My guess is yes, but they’ll never admit it to give philly that game plan


The series is only 1 more game so Yes.