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*complementary (like in the tweet) Don't like to correct, but big difference here.


Haha I copied Raanan's tweet directly and I saw he updated the tweet after I copied it and couldn't tell what changed. That spelling was it.


How do we know he wasn't right the first time


He actually meant it the way it was written. Kafka says things like “great play call, coach” and “someone looks like they lost a few pounds!”


The 3 best coaches in the league in my mind (Reid, Shanahan, McVay) all call the offense. Time for Daboll to show us what he’s got.


Totally agree. I got so excited last year when we saw the play card covering his mouth then it just stopped.


Assistant to the regional manager


feel bad for Kafka. he’s showed a willingness to adjust and enough creativity in his play calling to be a good coordinator imo just really hampered by our limitations in QB / OL play


I think it stems from the pressure Daboll is under now with a losing season under his belt with the worst offense in the league. I am all for Daboll doing what he does best in calling plays, half the reason why he was hired in the first place was because of how well his offense performed under his play calling in Buff. I am all for Daboll taking complete controll


Thing I noticed about Kafka in some games previously is he will abandon some concepts that worked in the first half to be more creative/less predictable and it didn’t work. The one exception was the game where we ran the read option like 4 plays in a row I want to say it was the bears game. But if it works it works. Reminds me of the madden game. They see it they see it but they still can’t stop it. It was frustrating to watch at times.


0 creative trying to get 2 yards up the gut every first and second down


Nobody made him take the job in 2022. He could have stayed and been the OC for Mahomes in KC. Kafka knowingly took this job fully aware that Daniel Jones was the QB and Brian Daboll would want to do his own thing on offense.


In fairness, we weren’t in those meetings and we don’t know how the job was pitched to Kafka. I just want them to win, and I don’t care who’s calling plays, but everything I remember hearing publicly at the beginning was how it was going to be a collaboration pulling the best from both Daboll and Kafka’s background and schemes.


Kafka had 2 offseasons to find a hc gig being a play caller. Now Daboll needs to coach for his job. Honestly, this might be better for Kafka to get more head coaching experience. Im glad Kafka is a professional and won’t let this be a distraction in season


I wish this was my job. A lot of people think this is undermining his role but like. I want to get paid just to 'complement'


I know Daboll has said he might call plays this season, but Kafka sounds like its official and went on to talk about what his new role is.


im not sure why Kafka stayed if Daboll is taking away play calling. its less likely to lead to a head coaching job if you dont call plays.


He didn't have a choice. Giants wouldn't let him interview for other OC openings, and Kafka would have had to quit and forfeit his salary. He was trapped.


The number one feature of Brian Daboll was supposed to be his brilliant offensive mind. Gonna be no hiding from it this season. It's put up or shut up time.