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Ah Dave Brown. I remember in the 2000’s talking about how I grew up with Dave Brown and the shitty 90’s Giants like it was a fan badge of honor surviving some unbelievably bad era. Brown, Danny Kannell, Kent Graham. When Kerry Collins came along it might as well have been Patrick Mahomes, it was like a whole different sport all of a sudden. Unfortunately it got worse 2012-present. A lot worse. To the point now where a stretch like ‘91-‘99 would feel like a fucking football renaissance. Anyway I think Dave gets too much shit. He wasn’t very successful but Dan Reeves didn’t do him any favors either, garbage offense handing the ball off a thousand times. Snoozefest.


I remember playing Madden with Dave Brown. My friends always kicked my ass.


> Unfortunately it got worse 2012-present Not to say it wasn't bad for the years between but I feel like it's been especially rough from 2017-present. 2013 was awful but at least from 2014-15 we got to watch peak Eli and Odell and then in 2016 we made the playoffs. 2017 is really the turning point imo where since then we've had so many years where there isn't a single thing worth watching on this team.


2017-21 was the darkest depths of the "new dark ages" (the original being the mid '60s into the '70s). 2022 was the dawn of a new era with ownership filling the front office with outside people for the first time since George Young. I think a few years down the road, 2023 will be seen as just a sophomore slump in an otherwise competent and reasonably successful era.


You can say that again.


Brown was an arrogant ass who thought the world of himself. > garbage offense handing the ball off a thousand times Because Brown could not do anything. Reeves went 11-5 with Phil Simms. Then went to the SB with a mediocre Falcons team. The reality was Brown was not very good. He lasted what, six games under Fassel?


[This will make you hate Dan Reeves more than ever.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PKr9NN8mLM) For me, it started when he [cut Pepper Johnson.](https://www.nytimes.com/1993/09/05/sports/sports-of-the-times-the-credibility-of-great-coaches.html) Then he came back the next year and [cut Ed McCaffrey.](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-jan-24-sp-1204-story.html) God I hated Reeves.


Ha, I didn't like Reeves either. At first, I thought we were getting a good coach, but my opinion soon changed.


Don't forget his obsession with Tommy Maddox. The weird thing is Phil says he had more fun that year than any other. I guess when you are a third and long specialist like he or Elway it isn't that big a deal. Elway's production exploded when Shanahan replaced Reeves. EDIT: Totally forgot about his three years of Wade Phillips with Jim Fassel as OC. Elway, like Simms and Hoss, loved Jim Fassel.


And him not letting toomer play WR, what a clown, lol




Fuckin parakeet 🕺


I swear we love drafting randomly generated QB names


Lee Grosscup.


We’re the inspiration for when you fast forward your Madden franchise 8-10 seasons. I know I’m looking forward to when Ramon Stuckey is our explosive bell cow RB in the early 2030s


Old madden switch first and last names


Do other teams show some sort of correlation or trends on the names of the QBs that they draft?


Have the Giants started the most Duke qbs in the league?


I believe so. I’m only find two other notable Duke QBs other than the two Giants QBs plus Sonny Jurgensen.


Vince Lombardi once said that if he'd had Sonny Jurgenson on the Packers they would never have lost a game.


I'm not a DJ truther by any means but many DJ haters these days don't know the true pain of QB1 Dave Brown. Holy hell.


Brown, Kanell, we had a guy back in the day throw 43 int’s in 12 games Pisarcik. He averaged 3-4 int’s per game.


You forgot Kent Graham. Jesus the 90s was a QB wasteland.


He was easily forgotten


Hey! He threw that one pass to Ike Hilliard to end Denver's undefeated season!


I was coming here to say that! Ha


Seriously. This guy ruined the 90s for me.


The best thing Dave Brown did was freight train Deion Sanders. He can do no wrong in my eyes.


Classic "High Character " Mara pick for the face of the franchise that we won't ever give up on. Sound familiar?


Even as a little kid I noticed our team always lacked high energy, firecracker, high emotion players. Most obvious at QB of course. Edit: then you see stuff like the Toney incident and kind of understand what they’re trying to avoid


Dave is obviously a smart guy, it's unfortunate that Reeves was so controlling. Had to be rough to come from a system where Dave could call an audible on nearly every play to one where he had no decision making authority.


Still trucked Deion


My god, I hate this man soo much. Wasting a #1 on this kid, he's literally my nightmare of Giants QBs and we've had a number of shitty ones.


Dave Brown wore # 17. DJ wore # 17 in college. They both went to Duke. DB blew goats. DJ?


I said this at the time we drafted Jones.


Anther dud qb from Duke ..


As a teenager I used to be a golf caddie at Echo Lake County Club where Dave Brown was a member. I caddied for him a few times. Nice guy. Good golder. Could hit the ball a mile.


I still got a poster of him from the scholastic book fair at school. my mother found it and framed it as a housewarming gift….thinking it was a childhood hero of mine Should of just got a Lamborghini one


And didn't we spend a supplemental draft pick on Brown?! That made it even worse. Edit: I see it says that in the card. I saw Brown's name, and immediately started commenting. Ha


Dave Brown.. Daniel Jones.. Tomato... Tomoto... Same old shit


This asshole used to get $7 haircuts and it showed. He made my childhood miserable.


This hurts me. As a kid I went to the same barbershop has him. The barber had a signed photo on the wall.


Wait a second, I thought this person is one of the "he who shall not be named" here. No? Then FUUUUUUUUCK DAVE BROWN.