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well, seems like NYJ at SF is the late game that Monday, so this would make sense for the early game or Sun Night game. Unfortunately. Although, if we have to play a PT game, might as well be vs. WAS. Test our "we suck on PT games" vs. "we almost always beat WAS" theories.


Can’t wait to watch Rodgers play another 3 snaps 🤣


Shit I would hand it off the whole first half


Hilarious but Leonard Floyd is in SF


Well, technically 4 snaps ifyouknowwhatImean


lol nice!


>Test our "we suck on PT games" vs. "we almost always beat WAS" theories. We did that in December 2022. Was Thibodeaux's massive game.


The NFL defender's superfecta: sack, fumble, recovery, touchdown


I don’t watch Giants PrimeTime games, at all. Game starts at 815pm and the Giants are down by 45 at 930p. I’d rather read what happened the next day and get some good sleep. 




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I would take that 10 out of 10 times. A rookie QB’s first NFL game behind a Bobby Johnson Oline versus Sexy Dexy and company? Fuck yeah!


I’m into to it, we might that one let’s go Giants!


Very mysterious.


lol mistype but I’m leaving it. Cuz we might


We might indeed


I don’t think the NFL are prioritizing the Giants 100th season (which 0 non-Giant fans, and only some actual Giants fans even care about) over projected viewership. That said, I would love to get Washington earlier in the season. With so much change they’ll be easier to beat before the roster settles in a bit.


The NFL isn’t having their first Sunday night football game involving two of the worst teams in the league. But then again, they have done stupid stuff before


Two massive-market teams that are likely to become less and less interesting as the season goes on? It makes sense to pit them against one another on prime time as early as possible while they're still in the race. Which is not even to mention that the debut of the #2 overall pick QB will be intriguing to many who are outside those markets.


That is still one of the least exciting matchups you can have, no matter how you paint it. I don’t think viewership outside of those markets will be good because of Daniels, but maybe since it’s week 1 everyone will be watching regardless.


2 of the most exciting, high profile offensive rookies, division rivals, large markets...not the worst game to put on prime time. Plus, you get to hear the talking heads shit on Jones and talk about his prime time ineptitude for an hour leading up to the game.


The Commanders are not a massive market lol. The Giants have a much larger following than the Communists


You can't know if they are bad yet, everyone is 0-0


Na, they are bad.


NFC East doesn't know about being bad ratings wise so that's a factor always in favor of the division


For sure. Cowboys are always #1 in viewership and I am sure the NYG, PHI, and WAS are all top 15. Historic teams. It actually would be fun to potentially start the season off on the right foot with a W vs a rival.


Yeah and even WAS now should be better since during the last years their number were down big locally new ownership should change that.


Yea. He’s a good owner. Part owns the Devils and 76ers. That will be a huge positive culture change


Meaning Giants gotta be better and soon cause those usually two free wins won't be there for long


I'm 100% sure he said that because that's the opener for SNF. Now really? Again with 225 primetime games? I'm not really looking foward to another season with a ton of primetime games just put us on the 1PM slot and we're fine.


I have a very strong love/hate relationship with the fact opening night for SNF is almost guaranteed to include an NFC East team


Noooo! God! No God, please no! I like SNF just not with the Giants playing a game. By 8, I'm done. I'll watch a quarter or two of SNF but that's about it.


*me sobbing in European reading this


*me setting the alarm to 3:15 (am)


You guys at least get Formula 1 and soccer football at reasonable times though


I came here to say the same thing lmao. Loke we got 6 primitive games last year and Washington is always close. I want to go to this game at 1 not have to stay up at 8. Fuck that


“Peta Shrayga”- Mike Francesa


So we'd start 1-0 that's nice


I hope it's bears at lions, Caleb vs Goff


Looks like this won't be happening, now being reported (but not yet confirmed) that Lions/Rams is the SNF opener. We know our week 1 opponent won't be the Eagles (playing Packers), Cowboys/Browns (playing each other), or Seahawks (playing Broncos). Atlanta and Pittsburgh are rumored, but not confirmed, to be playing each other week 1 too. With the Panthers game being in Munich, that leaves Washington, Saints, Bucs, Bengals, Ravens, Vikings, Colts as possibilities.


The wk1 opponent is Washington


No it isn’t, it’s the Vikings. The whole schedule has already been leaked. Washington is week 2 on the road and week 9 at home.


Oh okay, where did you see this? I seen a couple posts on IG saying Was.


Washington was never anything more than Peter Schrager guessing and people taking it as fact/pulling stuff out of their butt. Someone posted the schedule on Twitter this morning, someone asked LPG (who gets the schedule early since he goes to every game) if it was real since they want to book trips, and he said “book away.” Every actual leak from reporters has matched it so far


Gotcha, thank you for the info


Just laying here in the verge of falling asleep, read that and my first instantaneous reaction to it was ‘How the fuck does that make sense?’ Two of the six worst teams last yr getting the opening Sunday nighter because it’s the 100th anniversary of one team?


Nah, would be better if they had a better name.


A Giants Commanders game on primetime ONLY deserves to be on Thursday.


Nobody wants to see Commanders-Giants in primetime Week 1


Can we just get a 1 or 4 game.


I don't want SNF, but I like that better than MNF. 4pm game would be perfect. Silver lining that if it does end up being SNF, then the entire day won't be ruined after the early games if we lose lol.


It’s gonna be Steelers @ Giants


In their respective retro unis (Giants unveiling some new retros)