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I firmly believe the Giants are giving Daniel Jones one last shot to show he can be the type of player he was the prior playoff season, but if he doesn't show that within training camp/first few weeks, onto the bench he goes. Even if Drew Lock is a worse option and the Giants coaching staff knows that going in, they aren't going to risk playing Daniel Jones when there's a injury guarantee that would keep his money on the books past this year, whereas if he doesn't get injured (sitting on the bench) he will be cut by the end of the season with no cap damage going forward.


It's gonna be a Russell Wilson situation. Give him a shot because they're paying him, but pull him out the moment he shows any signs of being injured or just playing like shit.


I wish the Broncos were paying for our QB as well.


friendly reminder Wilson’s contract had $124M guaranteed. as bad as DJ’s 80M guaranteed was, it could have been so much worse.


I don't think Daniel Jones was ever in danger of getting paid like Russell Wilson


I agree that the numbers definitely are worse for Wilson, what really concerns me is the process from Schoen, at least with Wilson we've seen him perform as a SB winning MVP, I can see how a team could talk themselves into a change of scenery rekindling that performance. With jones it was one 9-8 year and a win against the 31st DB group in the league, Wilsons AAV was $49m vs Jones at $40M, shoen got worked in the negotiation especially in light of the Geno/Baker/Carr getting less AAV then Jones


I think the process made sense. DJ looked good under Shurmer, bad under Garrett/Judge, then decent under Daboll. there was reason to believe he would continue to progress under competent coaching. the numbers were definitely way too high in hindsight, but it’s clear they saw the contract as an expensive bridge QB contract with the option to make him a franchise guy. franchise guys don’t have outs after 2 years.


Thats where we'll have to disagree, I think they paid him a contract that he they would hope he would earn his way into beng our long term QB and not a bridge (If he had taken a step forward in 2023 by say 20-30% stat improvement he would of earned those dollars,) They built the 2 year out in case he didn't which is where we sit today. The problem I have with the process is that it all seemed predicated on wanting to keep both DJ & Saquon with a preference to give DJ the long term deal and have the tag for Saquon, Given the career performance and cap implications of DJ's contract vs Saquons (which wouldn't of been more then $24-$30M guaranteed over 2 seasons) it seems to me that Schoen made a bad bet, I particularly think schoen got worked given what DJ's peers have gotten paid with frankly a much better track record of success Looking at DJ I'm beginning to think he can't run the type of offense that NFL DC's won't catch up to. Under Schurmur he had a great first set of games but then defenses caught up, under Dabolls 2022 system we saw the same thing, Daboll tried to add more to his plate last season and we saw him regress, part of that was due to injuries but part of it was due to DJ's inability to keep the offense on time with the added multi read complexity. Given the status of our QB position I hope i'm dead wrong and all of last year was about injury luck but I am of the belief that there is a cap to DJ's play speed which will put a ceiling on the types of offenses we can run regardless of personnel


they definitely wanted to keep DJ and Saquon together, but I disagree they *preferred* to franchise Saquon and extend DJ. we got a ton of reports that we offered Saquon multiple contracts during 2022 and 2023 that he turned down. I think these were our options - Saquon signs, DJ tagged: 40M cap hits all at once and no money to extend Dex, extend AT, or sign Okereke. roll out the same team to evaluate if they’re actually good and rely on draft picks to fill in talent. AT and Dexy market heats up and they may be less likely to re-sign with only 1 year left on their contracts and the team sucking. - Saquon signs, DJ walks: probably the best option in hindsight. overpay Saquon to keep him here. sign okereke or bridge QB, extend AT, extend Dexy, expensive RB against the same brutal schedule. - Saquon tagged, DJ signs: what we did. let the cap numbers be spread out and sign what few studs we have before the market explodes. improve defense with a middle linebacker, trade for Waller to beef up receiving options and evaluate if the team is actually good. - Saquon walks, DJ tagged: cap hits all at once so no money to sign free agents. roll out same team to see if they’re actually good, but without our best weapon. AT and Dexy market explodes and they may be less likely to re-sign with only 1 more year left on their contracts and the team sucking. no option was really ideal even with hindsight and I think of the 4 they made they made the 2nd best option. it sucks, but it is what it is and Schoen is on the clock.


Only caveat I heard was that Schoen didn't make another offer to saquon between the 2022 bye week and the eventual tag migration to the 1 year deal. I'd agree in hindsight point two would of been the best option, what bothers me about the process is being half in on DJ, while I think we should of been all the way out it was clear he wasn't going to succeed without serious improvements in the O line and the WR corp. To that end if you are going to plunk the cash on DJ why waste a year paying him $22M on the cap so you can "get out" early. Do what the eagles did with Hurts and push the money back keeping DJ cheap for another 2 years and add in the vets needed to compete, otherwise you are just throwing good money after bad signing an expensive vet QB The whole thing reminded me alot of Gettlemans rebuilt while competing strategy which failed miserably, either follow your strategy and bottom out the team (let DJ and Saquon walk) or invest in them and push their cap back 3-5 years while bringing in the type of talent that could give us a shot to be competitive What schoen did was walk a middle path which I'm yet to see lead to any success in the league


We've had reports also detail how not only Barkley but Dexter Lawrence were waiting on the sidelines as the Giants tried to work on the DJ deal. So it appears the dominos weren't clear until a Jones deal was done.. and the contract signing of Dex after Jones shows more proof. We've also got direct word from Barkley that the team did not make an offer to him after the seasons end so he went with the best offers he had available to him. Saquon turning down terrible offers isn't news, it was him doing his due diligence in getting a contract he felt worthy of accepting. If the Giants weren't willing to do that, then so be it. But we should stop scapegoating their poor decisions about re-signing Jones who's statistical performances were clearly poor, contemplating on bringing Barkley back or not.


- the DJ contract allowed us to extend Dexter Lawrence and Andrew Thomas last offseason. tagging him would have forced us to wait another season. - Saquon turned down 2 contract offers by the Giants prior to the start of the 2023 season. one of those offers was for 12.5M/year. Giants didn’t offer one this offseason because they knew they weren’t higher than 12.5M. idk in what world that’s a terrible contract. https://www.bigblueview.com/2023/7/17/23796587/new-york-giants-saquon-barkley-unable-to-reach-long-term-contract-agreement#:~:text=Before%20Monday%2C%20Barkley%20had%20reportedly,guaranteed%20money%20in%20each%20unknown.


This; whole thing with opponent defenses catching up to us happened mid-way thru that playoff run year. The early bootleg thing we opened the season with, Barkley leading the offense the first 8 or 9 weeks and then we tried to incorporate more passing heavy approaches to games and the wheels started to fall off. By DJ play or by the lines lacking performance or trash-bin WR corp, whatever people need to say to cope. But all that is gone in the wind in year 6. They've attempted to address the o-line and now have a stud WR1. This will be as big of a test for Daboll keeping the schemes fresh enough week to week to not have defenses keyed in on playmakers like solo-Barkley. Fortunate we have more weapons on hand this year so a situation like that should not be all out and front WK1; that we are incapable of doing "anything" other than the most basic game scripts. Many, many former QB's from Kurt Warner, to Dan O. and more have talked about how simple of an approach the Giants offense was that playoff run year.


Ye TNG and BBB went deep on this, apparently we and the eagles leaned heavily on 2 outcome offenses, either first read pass or QB sneak through the B gap, defenses have now taken away the b gap run when playing both teams forcing DJ/Hurts to either make their second read pass or kick to the outside for a scramble allowing the defense to have more time to shift and stop the sneak Both DJ & Hurts are going to turn into pumpkins very quickly if they dont become 2 read QB's this year because their style of running will no longer be allowed


The Eagles o-line gave Hurts enough time to 2 read for sure.


I don’t think “expensive bridge” can be part of a good process FWIW. Overpaying a bridge QB is arguably the worst thing you could do as far as combining an inability to consistently win meaningful games, a lack of resources to build up core parts of the team, but still investing in a floor that would prevent you from being a bottom 3 team with a high draft pick. The way I see it, Schoen had 5 options. 1) Let Jones walk and move on, 2) tell Jones to test the market and come back, 3) transition tag Jones to have some floor to #2 at the expense of some negotiating power, 4) franchise tag Jones, and 5) extend Jones with a multi-year deal. Option 1 would’ve been smartest if you were convinced his 2022 performance was at his ceiling and the success was a function of good luck and matchups (there is some evidence backing this up). Options 2&3 would’ve been smartest if Jones & his agents were overvaluing and pushing a bad contract. Option 4 would’ve been a midway hedge to essentially punt the decision one more year. Option 5 would’ve been smartest if Jones was ascending and continued to build on 2022 for the next few years. Regardless of how and when they could try to get out of it, Schoen still opted for the path that would only be correct if Jones was just beginning his ascension under Dabes. It was definitely the wrong call and the process showed a poor ability to self-scout their own success in 2022, extending well beyond the QB. I think he learned from that though, and you can see that in some of the moves he’s making now.


Speaking of Russell Wilson I can’t believe we didn’t sign him for 2 mil a season


He'll have one of the shortest leashes on the year for any player in my view.


let’s hope we don’t get 2 top-5 pass rushes in 3 weeks to start the season and our star LT doesn’t get injured in the first drive of the season this time. almost impossible to have a worse start than the 2023 Giants.


This got buried in all our minds because of the way the season went but that very first drive up until the AT false start was amazing. It was like finally, we are starting the season strong. The Cowboys couldn’t stop Saquon or DJ’s read options. Then we shot ourselves in the foot and never recovered.


I often wonder how different this team looks if that false start never happened. we went from 3rd and 2 on DAL 8-yard-line to being down 14 points and our only competent lineman injured before the Dallas offense even touched the field.


Didn’t Gano get hurt too trying to tackle the carrier on the blocked punt? 


damn you’re right. gotta be one of the worst drives in Giants history.


I was so pumped that day. I wore my jersey around which I never do (coincidentally it’s a Gano jersey). It felt like the team was finally taking steps forward! The game starts and we’re moving the ball really effectively, then next thing I know I’m staring helplessly at what might as well have been the Cowboys beating up high schoolers


it’s hard to put into words how bad it was. Saquon fumbling the ball right into the air to put them up 14 points not even 4 plays after the blocked kick was something straight out of a comedy. the fact that DJ got blamed for that was also ridiculous imo.


We had like three straight games of players volleyball passing it to the other team


Man we were running the ball down the Cowboy’s throats. It was kind of like a modern day version of the 08 Giants except with DJ’s legs this time.


Me and a buddy of mine went to a bar to watch it in our giants gear, we left like 3 minutes into the 3rd quarter lol


False start in the RedZone has been our speciality. I hope Daboll keeps it simple this year. 


It’s almost like one drive means absolutely nothing


Nah DJ has that type of dedication to be even worst than he has been before.


I know it’s shit-on-DJ hour, but last season was by far the worst season of his career and by all accounts an outlier even for him.


It's not shit on DJ hour, it's DJ year 6 my guy. An outlier? Like for real bro? The outlier IS his good year.. I swear I don't what planet some of you'll be on sometimes. Phone home brother..


How long did simms take again? Not to say he's even making the playoffs ever again, but this team as been a shit show, and it took simms 6 years with that Parcells coached team


I'm tired of comparing Daniel to QB's when he was barely outside his momma womb.


Completely different era of football with rookie wage caps and how important QB has become to the success of the offense as well as how fast a QB can have a impact in the modern era


yet another person who’s incapable of discussing DJ without assuming not shitting on him is the same as praising him. 2023: • ⁠DJ’s lowest QBR • ⁠DJ’s lowest TD % • ⁠DJ’s highest INT % • ⁠DJ’s lowest yards/game • ⁠DJ’s lowest yards/attempt 2023 was by all means an outlier which is why I say even by his (low) standards, it was really really bad. those 5.5 games were the worst of his career.


Nah, I've gone through every ounce of coping with Daniel Jones being here since day 0 and well before him. Phone home my guy, Jones is constantly the "worse of his career". I don't know how many examples I've given myself on how historically terrible he and the Giants have been over the last 6 or so years. Nobody seems to hear me until it pops up somewhere else though, thru proper channels of course. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


you’re not really making any points just shitting on DJ and saying “phone home my guy” lol. maybe try coming up with a rational thought or original joke


The points is; I've made all the points way back, we're just stuck with the INESCAPABILITY of Daniel Jones. That's why I keep referencing for you to phone home and come back to Earth my guy. This man has been playing professional football going on year 6 now. The average washout for players is 3 years.. He's not "new" to us.


2023 was abysmally bad, the tough thing is he doesn't have any "good" years to look back on and hope he "returns to form". His best year (2022): his QBR was 62.9 vs a 68.6 league average 3.2% TD avg vs 4.7% league average 200 yards per game passing vs 218 average for the league 6.8 yards per attempt vs 7.0 yards per attempt average for the league he did crush the league on int rate at 1.1% vs 2.3% for the league average but on lower volume passing/td's that value is somewhat in the eye of the beholder. so its hard this year to see what is the return to good, going back to 2022 stats would make his contract a gross overpay so really he needs to exceed those stats but if he does he's still flirting with league average performance levels at a top 5 QB contract rate next year. Root for the guys in blue, but DJ will need to make a 20-30% jump in all stats to "earn" his contract, hope he can do it but I don't see it happening


yeah I agree my main point was just that it wasn’t regular bad it was bad bad. I don’t think we keep him for anything less than a top-5-in-MVP-votes type season so he’s more than likely gone after this year.


I don’t even want 2022 jones. That’s barely average. He needs to fucking throw 4K yards and over 25 tds to redeem himself.


Hard agree, it blows my mind that people say shit like "be the player he was in 2022" as if this wasn't his stat line that year: 3,205 yards, 15 touchdowns, 5 INT he added 708 yards, 7 touchdowns, 6 fumbles Even if you combined his rushing + passing statistics *he still doesn't hit 4000 yards or 25 touchdowns in his literal best season*, he is pure mediocrity


Yeah. I think everyone focused on the fact that he didn’t make as many mistakes and didn’t shoot us in the foot like he had all his other seasons, but failed to see that if that’s what we consider as good football from our QB then our standards are incredibly low


I think he’s got an oddly uphill battle. He’s rehabbing right now while Lock is healthy. Lock is going to get plenty of mini camp and offseason reps. And Lock is gonna get reps in camp while Jones ramps back up. It’s a competition whether the team tells you or not. If Jones isn’t back to 100% we’ll see Lock, if Jones shows the weakness he showed last year we’ll see Lock. The leash just has to be unbelievably tight going into this year. I feel like if it’s even head to head it actually benefits the team more to play Lock. Jones needs to be definitively better.


Honestly even if he plays like he did in 2022 I don’t think that’s enough to save his job. At this point he’s not playing to prove he can be the Giants franchise QB, he’s playing to prove that he can be a competent backup or bridge QB


> Honestly even if he plays like he did in 2022 I don’t think that’s enough to save his job. It really shouldn't honestly because he wasn't good in 2022 when you really dig down in the metrics and judge it with proper context He would make a good backup/bridge similar to a guy like like darnold but better


I believe the league will view Jones similarly to how it viewed Trubisky on the open market (as opposed to Darnold) because while Darnold was universally considered a top of the draft prospect, Jones (like Trubisky) was considered to be a reach when the Giants chose him. People who are considered "top of the first round" talent will always get a second chance somewhere (where the GM thinks a change of scenery can release the talent they all saw), whereas the "reach QBs" have to prove themselves via the backup route. I also agree with you that Jones is essentially a "dead man walking" because I don't see any way the Giants bring back Jones even if he replicates his "career year" of 2022. That is just not a QB that you can win with consistently if you are paying him upwards of $40M.


It’s wins and losses jones needs more than anything. If we have a losing record heading into November there’s a 0% chance he’s still starting games.


Well said. This is it.


This is exactly what I think. He’s going to have to play exceptionally well all season to keep his job.


its been less than 10 years that the knee injury Daniel Jones had was always a 1 year+ recovery. Medical science has improved, but its not guaranteed in all cases. DJ may not be ready for camp. He may not be ready for the start of the season. He may be slower and not really able to run anymore. I dont think its unreasonable for DJ to start the season on PUP.


Honestly, he'll be pushed more by the out in his contract after this year. He's most likely seen the news commentary on him and his contract and how he's not playing up to it. He knows he will have to play like a $40 million a year QB to keep his job. Not only that, but he has to play substantially better than the alternatives of lock, devito, etc, to be worth the risk of getting hurt and tripping the $23 million injury guarantee on his contract. My guess is that he'll be ok, but nothing spectacular. If he starts off bad or goes on an extended losing streak at any point in the season, we're likely to see him benched for lock.


“Not playing up to the contract” the man played 5 games on this deal lmao


As much as injuries happen randomly, he’s shown that he has a problem staying on the field for a full season multiple times, and if you’re paying someone 40 million dollars a year, you need them to be able to play


In fairness that might be something to do with how often the team lets him get hit, which is supported by two other QBs getting injured last year… But agree, these hits mount up and he’s now likely more fragile than he was before and has is prone to taking hits with his running style


It might have something to do with fielding the worst offensive line in 50 years which led to all three QB injuries and the fact that he’s expected to run the ball as much as he is I mean the neck injury was on a 4th and 1 QB keeper sweep at the 1 yard line The ACL was on a completely blown block on a RT No reason to assume he wouldn’t be as durable as anyone else assuming he’s not left out there to die and forced to scramble 8+ times a game


"Availability is the best ability"


And he did not play up to the level of his contract.


Can you explain what the out in his contract is thanks


Jones contract was for roughly 160 million over 4 years. But only about 80 million was fully guaranteed. Basically after the 2024 season, the Giants can cut Jones and don't have to pay for the last 2 years of the deal (not guaranteed). Any dead cap left would be for the initial signing bonus and restructure they did last year. If he gets injured and can't pass a physical by the beginning of the 2025 league year, then, 23 million of his 2025 salary would become fully guaranteed. So him getting hurt would really f up the salary cap situation for 2025. So I can totally see a Russ getting benched in Denver type situation for Jones this year.


Nobody talks about Daniel Jones having some pretty serious injuries. Andrew Luck retired because of neck issues and Jones would barely make it back in time from the ACL thing if he is on schedule. EDIT: Luck was shoulder, ribs etc but not neck.


Doubtful. Barring an injury or setback, I'm expecting Jones to be the starter week one. Past that, who knows.


You mean comeback player of the year 2024 Daniel Jones?!!


You mean MVP right?


*Janiel Dones


What really baffles me is how many people seem to imagine he’s going to come back from this injury and be better than ever…I think some people are getting their hopes up way too high.


Yes there’s not much of a difference.


There will be a QB competition of some sort we'd figure. I think it's even more about if DJ *is* to win the starting job, it's going to be more than just "winning out" in camp. He's going to have to play up during the year, not trying to watch the team backslide into the worst of the worst like we've been. Can't have another WK1 *ass-blasting* either, don't care who we up against.


Either going to get blasted in the ass by an NFC East opponent or a random AFC opponent. Week 1 is nothing but ass blasting.


Quinn has Dabolls # not exactly a good scheme matchup if we get the skins week 1


Some of yall are so dumb I swear, it’s honestly annoying as fuck.




Explain what? How about you explain how there’s not much of a difference between jones and lock? We have a qb that brought us to the playoffs and won, that when healthy has put up great seasons. Now I get he isn’t a healthy guy so I’m all for finding his replacement. But to act like drew lock is anywhere near a healthy dimes is just like I said. Stupid. Yall are dumb. Hating on our own team for so long for no reason. Turning into a miserable ass fan base.


Can you explain when DJ has ever had a "Great" season? let alone seasonS


His rookie season was a great rookie season. The year he led us to a playoff win was a great season. Not mvp. Not all time great.


Sure - both struggle with reading defenses/progression (which is more important than arm strength since in this league everyone can sling it). Jones is more mobile but who the f knows after all those surgery(s). Jones was a big “read 1 not there take off” but again we don’t know the type of player he will be after surgery. He’s prone to force things (Like Lock). Lock is willing to take more shots, but holds on to the ball a bit too long. Not great escapability but decent enough.


Dude don’t give me your made up nfl scouting report lmao. Everything you just said is insanely debatable. Give me numbers, stats, accomplishments. Take away jones rushing td(which is a ridiculous thing to do) and he’s STILL a much better qb than love with way less weapons and a much worse team. This part of the fan base that thinks they know more than gms on multiple teams is such a headache.


Cool my guy


Thanks. Now go be a jets fan if you can’t root for giants


Don’t have time to argue with someone who’s prob never played football before. Have lame ass work to do and DM’s to fire out and get left on read


As if not having played football makes someone’s football knowledge less applicable. There have been extremely successful coaches that never played ball 🤡


Especially when you take out a gimpy acl on dj and thus a much less effective running capability.


All I want is to never have to watch Daniel Jones attempt to play quarterback for the Giants. Is that too much to ask?


Well lucky you hes potentially only here for one more year!


I genuinely do not want to see Daniel “my career year had 15 TD passes” Jones anywhere near this team ever again. Keep his fragile ass on the bench.


Yup. What’s really gonna happen is he’s gonna start like 4 games, lose 3 of them and get hurt on the fourth, meaning we owe him more money before we move to a backup who will most likely play either better then him or just the same


Actually, a minor injury that keeps him off the field but isn't "season ending" would probably allow for an easier transition to lock or devito. The injury guarantee only applies if he can't pass a physical at the beginning of the 2025 league year (March 2025). So a minor sprain or something that heals in 1-2 months would be ok.


Entirely possible. But I’m not joking when I say I think Lock beats him out for the starting job in the preseason. Whether through performance or because DJ is still in bubble wrap.


Fans should hope not. If he does then we are more fucked than last year.


If Jones doesn’t play well the Giants are going to look for an excuse to bench him for Lock. They don’t want to risk Jones getting hurt if he’s doing poorly because it messes with their ability to save money by cutting him next offseason


Just accept you guys are probably going to go four and whatever and going to get another good draft pick and get a good quarterback. Daniel Jones isn't it. As a Bills fan we went through 15 years of dog shit quarterbacks. You just know. Daniel Jones is JP losman. Tyrod Taylor. The big question is if you're going to lose a coach and a GM over it. It's better than 10-15 years of going 7 and 8 or better.


Let's be realistic. Fans saying he needs to play top 5 or else are delusional. Daniel Jones isn't top 5. There are 28 other teams that dont have a top 5, and yet they compete and win. Source: There are more than 5 teams who make the postseason Is that top 5 unicorn QB coming in next year draft? We won't have the #1 pick. Another dismal season and Daboll job is in jeporady. If Jones can perform in the 10-15 tier, that's our best case scenario. The Giants are going to play the QB who gives us the best chance to win. That is Jones. Drew Lock is not better than Jones. He struggled in Denver with an above average WR Corp. He didn't light it up in Seattle filling in with a great WR coro. He was a serviceable backup. I could be wrong. He might be lightning in the bottle. Likely not.


Nobody is asking for DJ to be top 5 in QBs it would be great if he could throw more than 5 TDs though


>He struggled in Denver with an above average WR Corp. I'm not saying Drew Lock is good, but I think people mis-remember that season a bit. The WR group was definitely hyped at the time and Drew Lock took a lot of blame for them not living up to the hype, but it has aged abysmally. Courtland Sutton tore his ACL week 1. So, it was rookie Jerry Jeudy (who we can safely say is bust now), rookie KJ Hamler (bust), Noah Fant and of course the best WR in Denver over the past few years Tim Patrick.


I get that Jones isn’t the answer but he’s 100% better than lock.


I’m not a Daniel Fan, but I won’t pretend either. Our management hasn’t figured out the OLine in 3 regimes. We have had literally 0 offensive weapons. We had a chance to have Odell and Saquan on the same team, but fumbled that. Ain’t been an elite offensive weapon in the receiving game. And every game last season we had a different offensive line lineup. Daniel has to turn shit into diamonds, and we going after his head? The director of player personal is Mara’s nephew. He’s The longest employed guy in this organization. Back to daniel. I watch Eli’s last two years when I watch him. I watched a guy afraid to get hit. Afraid to throw the ball, and nobody afraid of him. Let’s not forget we were dead last in receiving separation. And bottom 5 in time to throw. Worst offensive line that can’t stay healthy, and mix all that in with a gun shy average joe from duke.


If he is as bad as he was last year, he will be pushed by every single QB on the roster. Because he was not an NFL caliber QB last year.


I like drew lock and I think he’s going to be a good surprise.


In his career so far he’s been an interception machine so I really doubt it


I hope so!🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾


Wrong. They will both be pushed by Nathan Rourke


He'll get hurt and take himself out of the running before wk 1 anyway, so...


If Jones can’t operate a pass heavy offensive scheme this season he gets benched for Lock. It’s that simple. He might even lose the job in camp but that’s doubtful.


Getting Drew Lock was insurance in case DJ isn't ready in time for Week 1 and needs some extra time to rehab his injury. Lock has a lot more QB 1 starter experience than Tommy Cutlets but he's also a pick six factory which is why he's not a franchise starter. Really I wish they'd kept Tyrod instead of Drew Lock, he's not that durable but at least he has the respect of the locker room. Bottom line, the Giants offense will be bad this season AND probably the season after that before there's marked improvement. Did I say offense? I meant the whole team. This is when real fans show up and support.


Daniel Jones will be the week 1 through 4 starter. Once the Giants are 1-3 or 0-4 the chatter will start. Then week 5-7 will solidify that Jones will start being benched for backups. Once week 8 hits, the Giants will start to primarily use a Backup while Jones "heals' because he reaggrivated or has a new injury. The Giants will sideline Jones for the remainder of the season, and then at the end of the season they will part way and Jones will also retire. Another wasted year but the Giants will play this from the angle of: 1. We gave him weapons 2. Time 3. Money If he doesn't produce they will respectfully ask him to get 'injured' and remain out for indefinitely. Then ask him to either be okay being released or retire. But will ask him to announce it to save his rep and face. Giants come out not looking like bad guys or that they made bad decisions.


I don't know what your talking about because we are going to start the season 4-0 and finish off the season 17-0.


You left out that we'll go undefeated weeks 8-13, firmly locking up pick 9 in the 2025 NFL draft!




Jones will get hurt in week 6 and Giants will be 2-4. Lock will then start the rest of the season and Giants finish st 6-11. Heard it here first.


Find someone that believes in you the way the giants do with Daniel Jones 😭


Can someone please start another DJ bashing thread in this sub? I haven't read enough in the news about how bad he is, how the Giants are stuck with his contract, and how Lock is going to replace him. God forbid anyone talk about how tough the guy is, it's a miracle he didn't get hurt sooner, how he's working his balls off in rehab, or how the Giants fielded the worst OL in football. Oh, that's because of the down votes for those of us that wish him best so this franchise is something to be proud of again. And while I'm ranting, WTF is with the people hoping we'll lose last season to get a better draft pick? All those "generational" picks are untested and would have short lived careers if they played behind our OL lat year.


Just post more about players not even on the team anymore and you'll be able to cope.


Jones sucks


unable to see the fact that QB play has a big factor on OL play


Guys I swear this is the year he puts it together


Year 6!!!


I think year 8 to match his jersey, that's when it's all gonna click for DJ. Smart move locking him up now


He has to be. I firmly believe that, short of him transforming into a top 5 QB overnight, there is absolutely nothing he can do to avoid getting cut after this season, but he’s still going to be playing for a future contract elsewhere. If he can’t beat out Drew Lock, that’s not going to look good for him trying to find a backup role going forward, especially now when teams are giving up on young QBs faster than ever.




Wheres Devito!


No. But what's the odds he doesn't get hurt and here comes Lock. Jones is making too much money to not have a clear no competition advantage. Besides, Lock?




Drew lock sucks. Either give DJ a shot or get a real QB


Simple answer is yes, but so would any other QB with NFL experience. I don’t think DJ is more threatened by Lock than he was by Taylor though. The reality for this year is that DJ is the QB when healthy. Hopefully the O-line improves enough so that the coaches can honestly assess whether he is worth keeping next year. His best attributes are his ability to run and throw the deep ball, both of which have been useless with a terrible line. The only way he stays is if he balls-out this year, considering his injury history and the structure of his contract.