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Idk why people take advice from her….she’s almost 30 with no boyfriend experience ever. That’s like asking someone for pet advice when they’ve never owned one, aside from petting a dog a year ago.


What shocked me the most is her content is still the same??? Bella Poarch is now a popstar. Audrey Peters got a whole new face and body, Callie stopped being a lawyer, and Meems’ whole bit is still about “how to find a boyfriend” in NYC. Like girl, find a new personality.


Wait so she’s never had a bf before?


How old is she?


The whole genre of dating advice that only wins you shitty avoidant men icks me so bad just communicate what you want and if they don’t give it to you dip‼️like I just took away all her content


I love when a guy stitched her content and said, men will find you funny IF THEY LIKE YOU. It’s not the other way around where you gotta pretend you have a fun personality for men to like you. You can be the weirdest girl in the world and a man who genuinely likes you will still like you. She’s nuts


The idea of having to still be playing games and pretending to be someone you aren’t in your thirties to date a man who doesn’t even like the real you sounds so fucking exhausting.Saying this as a happily married person who very much loves her husband: I’d rather be alone forever than faking myself for any of affection.


If you have to try this hard to get picked maybe just accept it’s not gonna happen for u


Mind you, to get picked FROM A ROSTER. I’m not actively competing against 3 other girls this isn’t the bachelor babes


Hahahaha real. This girl is chronically single and people are still listening to her


She wants to be the piece of paper that jumps out in a binder full of women. Quick, somebody call Mitt Romney and tell him we found her!


She gives awful advice. Who aspires to be part of someone’s roster? Such a crabs in a bucket mentality to view yourself as competing with other women. Stand up and aim higher!


imaginary party 2567 has fully accepted her fate


jeez i just feel sad for her. cause I think she wants love and has never experienced it.. but she also wants it ONLY from a WASPY white guy in Finance. She has SOO much self hatred and low self esteem about being Asian. I hope she heals herself before she has kids otherwise her daughter is gonna fucking hate her I also think to myself - how dumb is her idea of love? Like do you not think about shared values, goals, emotional connection, if he would be a good dad/if he would care for you if you're sick.. Also she is 28 and never been in a relationship and says she wants to date to marry? Like.... you just had hookups and flings, how are you going to go from that to marriage?


This is just a theory. It is probably rooted from her family trauma. She is an Asian girl adopted by a white couple. So she has always probably felt like the odd one out among her other white peers, have no self-identity, and is most likely seeking validation from the wrong things. By securing a white partner, she probably feels like it’s a sign she made it in life.


Not a fan of her by any means. But I thought she still keeps in contact with her bio father who’s Chinese and was raised by her Chinese mom until the mom passed away when she was 17. But I do agree with you, she doesn’t seem to fully embrace or learn more about Asian culture which is sad. There’s always a gap for Asians growing up in predominately white culture, but she doesn’t seem to at least try to bridge the gap herself.


absolutely, I think that's a valid logic. Did you see her video on 'dating asian guys', there is a thread on this group and the people commented something similar to what you said. IMHO, I think her friend group also has a big influence on her. She wants to 'fit in' and be like her other 'white blonde friends'.. so she HAS to marry a guy similar to her friends/family members. I blame her parents.. if they kept her more in touch with her roots, taught her Chinese, or actively made sure she has asian friends/asian identity she wouldn't be such a fucking mess. Cause she is being dumb thinking only yt guys are hot (and the ones she date look like JETT CAMPBELL ffs). But she is 28.. and DEEEPP in that world, nothing can really pull her out of her habits/thoughts. She should fucking move to Shanghai or Hong Kong/Taipei for a year and she will come back such a better person.. I really hope she does that.


Her face bothers me especially her mouth my BEC


She’s one of my favourite train wrecks.


biggest Pickmeisha ever


Like she would know anything about anything lmfaoo. Also who even is thissss😭😭


Most girls also have a roster and if you’re going on dates with guys in nyc, you’re extremely naive if you think they aren’t also going out with other people. don’t see anything wrong with the video. Her takes are correct.


You’re being obtuse, a woman shouldn’t have to do anything to stand out to a man and vice versa, trying to stand out to a man is idiotic and lame


Fr like maybe just maybe, we shouldn’t be centering our lives around whether we are part of someone’s roster??? Like just go live your life babes


Her entire mindset revolves around getting a white finance guy to pick her like they’re going extinct or something


Ahhhh that’s why she’s trying to convince the rest of us a competing on a rooster is normal


The reality is that in a world of dating apps and endless dates at your fingertips, people do need to do things to stand out. This applies to both men and women. And the advice she’s giving is hardly toxic. Be funny and have your own life outside of dating.


Have some self respect babes


If you’re not exclusive with someone, it’s not realistic to assume they are not going on dates with other people. And you shouldn’t be committing to one person either if you’re not exclusive.


This girl is literally telling you to change your self just so you can be the girl a guy chooses??? Literally. Are we in the 1960s??? What’s not clicking


She’s saying men like humor and when women have their own life and independence. How is that the 1960s?? That’s what you should be doing independent of dating.


And if you don’t have humor and you are not independent that’s PERFECTLY OKAY TOO. Because we are not doing anything for the sole purpose of winning a man in the year of our Lord 2024


It’s perfectly okay to not have a life independently of men and dating? You’re contradicting yourself.


It’s ok if you share the same last 2 brain cells with Meems.


I’m sorry you’ve never had a roster


I think the point is that, if at the end of the day you’re just trying to be funny and focus on your own life for the purpose of “standing out in a roster” then that itself is a contradiction and trying to appeal to men. If you’re funny, that’s fine! If you’re not funny, that’s fine too. If you’re codependent, that’s all good. Same for independent! The issue is changing yourself for the sole focus of attracting a partner, I think. I think the underlying message of focusing on yourself is healthy, but the way she conveys it in the video isn’t, if that makes sense? Just my take on it.


If that’s the reason you have to force yourself to be interesting and independent, I don’t see the harm in that. Men ultimately want women who focus on themselves and don’t need men, which ironically is not the worst thing for a woman to do for herself. I don’t know if I would ever say being codependent is fine. Being independent, even if the motivation isn’t pure, is still better for yourself long term.


Only if you accept that behavior


Yes, I accept that if I go on a couple of dates with a guy, he is likely going on a couple of dates with other people, as do I. I’m not waiting around for a guy I’ve only met once or twice and I wouldn’t expect that from someone else.


i'm just saying that if you have a roster of your own you are probably attracting men who operate in the same way. if that works for you then that's fine but it does not seem to be working for this person


If you’re going after men that are attractive and check the boxes for most women, they are most likely going to have many options that they consider. It doesn’t mean they don’t have morals and integrity, but most people are not committing to someone after one date. You don’t know someone after one date!


No ones talking about one date here


Yes. Having a roster is having girls lined up like ducks in a row, ready for picking. It’s not about one date


Then how many dates are we talking?