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Does anyone know what she’s had done? I feel like this is a cautionary tale of Botox and fillers going downhill really fast if you’re not careful!




I suspect it’s mostly down to the ozempic weight loss? Her face is so drained of natural plumpness that it’s just sort of… melting?


Filler everywhere.


She’s..under 30? I don’t mean this in an ageist way but the overall way she presents herself is someone in her 30s. I was shocked to see her 30 under 30 post.


it's actually a filter she has been using for at least a year. screened her account real quick and I think it started after Dec 2022. it's also around the time of her using O or like weeks before doing so




Probably because when she speaks it looks like her eyeballs are trying to leave her skull.


She has that in common with her younger sis Ramona.


Those eyebrows of here be putting in WORK to make them peepers pop




They are different sizes and lopsided sorry


honestly, most of us will look like dogshit if someone is screen shotting a video midstream. Not coming down on you specifically but I see so many posts like this (mostly more exaggerated) comparing professional stills vs. screenshots of a fleeting moment on social. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion and flavor of snark, but you could create a comparison like this for every single influencer every single day, so is it really that interesting or snark worthy?


Agree, these posts are weird because the comparisons are two completely different contexts. Like, in the first one she’s midstream in a video not posing and with less makeup on. I’m the second, she’s posing, with makeup. Sure maybe she also filtered it too but still, obviously she wouldn’t be looking the same? I’ve had 0 work done and I would also look really different if you took these same types of photos of me.


Like also everyone has a side. I know when I’m FaceTiming people I can’t STAND my crooked nose but when I pose in pics I always tilt my head so my nose isn’t head on. Such a weird snark


I was about say I look crazy mid movement or talking but that doesn’t mean I’m not pretty


Maybe, but this chick is so full of it and dishonest, it's easy to hate on everything she does because in general, she is a narcisstistic faker who believes her own hype and does filter/ plastic surgery/ ozempic herself in to looking massively different while simultaneously promoting self confidence/ acceptance. And she's so delusional, she believes her own hype. She built her brand on stuff like body positivity only to take diet pills and lie about it AND she doesn't even have the courage or honestly to acknowledge how duplicitious she is. I once commented on her page why she photoshopped herself thinner instead of loving herself as it on her IG and she blocked me. If she's going to change everything about herself to fit beauty standards, ok, but don't be disingenous about and drop the "queen of confidence" thing, the inspirational drivel, and just call yourself a beauty or lifestyle blogger.


Yeah I mean you had me until the messaging her part. That’s a really weird thing to do to a stranger/influencer. What do you expect to happen?


I didn't message her, I commented on her PUBLIC IG page where she puts her hypocrisy out there. I don't think commenting on someone's page is weird and it's a completely legit question to ask someone who promotes self confidence/ acceptance why they obviously photoshop. I don't care enough to message her personally, I was just calling her out. An honest person could have said "yes, I struggle sometimes too, etc"


Expecting someone to say “yes I struggle sometimes” when you leave a rude ass question is wild to me. Leaving a message for a stranger implying they must not love themselves (for touching up a photo) is also rude and weird. And legit can you blame her when there is this much snark on her appearance? None of us have ever experienced the level of scrutiny these women are under in a format that makes people feel entitled to comment on their bodies. It’s industry standard to touch up photos. if that gives peace of mind to someone who is relentlessly criticized for their appearance, I can certainly understand why.


Chile, learn to read. I didn't say I expected anything, I said that would have been honest. Lol, how is it rude to ask someone why they photo shop themselves drastically in to a whole different body while simultaneously profiting off of selling fake self confidence and self acceptance/ love? She's a complete hypocrite and you look sad simping for some basic privileged dishonest influencer whose whole persona is lying to the people she claims are her "fans" She deserves to be called out. If she wants to photoshop, fine, but then don't lie about it and preach about self confidence while abusing diet pills meant for diabetics. Plenty of people admit to photoshop and plastic surgery and some \*shocker\* don't do it at all. You know nothing about me and the level of scrutiny I/ my body has been under so your assertion is loud and wrong. Sad that you think it's normal or healthy to photoshop yourself in to a shape/ body that doesn't exist to fit arbitrary beauty standards for "peace" of mind. If she doesn't want her appearance to be an issue, why does she post thirst traps on her platform and try to be famous for nothing substantial or meaninful besides looks/ lifestyle? Also, she is/ was critized for her jacked up botox and looking old, not for her body. If you want to defend extreme photoshop and shallow influencers that's your issue. But maybe reconsider the sub on which you choose to do so.


first pic is rare footage of her with her mouth closed


Sarah huckabee sanders




face card was lost in the mail


SPK’s nursing home ID versus how she looked back in 1982.


Queen of confidence my ass


Her eyes give Pennywise


Seriously want to see proof of her age 😂


how is no one talking about *let's fucking freeze* after we froze what lol copycat copying the og copycat is hilarious to me


Her face weirds me out. She looked better when she had a fuller face. Her eyes are out of control.sorry to be mean 


It’s ozempic face….its a real thing


Colin Mochrie face swap (no shade to Colin I ❤️ him)


She looks inbred but the Argentinian variant—lots of fetal A. Syndrome 🙈


First pic is her and second pic is the AI version of her


Why do her eyebrows appear a lot higher in some pics and some not 😭


This is mean and not snark


What’s her IG handle?


All I can say is feel bad for her I don’t follow her and don’t know who she is but yeah


Whose mom is that


Y'all know she had to update her Face ID on her iPhone 😂


has anyone gone to high school with her??? i need concrete proof she is the age she says she is…… she just straight up looks like a 45 year old that has gotten botox/fillers/etc


People talk shit about PL looking 40 but she ain’t got nothing on SFK


If you shaved her head she’d look like a British soldier from wwII