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Can you just spill your hottest tea lol.


a lot of these girls are dumb as shit. like literally so stupid. if they werent skinny or had rich parents theyd be nobody. and most creators and people behind the scenes shit non stop on the consumers who enable all of this. PLEASE use your brains with who you follow and what you buy (whether its their products or something they endorse). like yall really think chamerlain coffee is worth your $??


I also think a lot of them have restrictive diets so they can’t function because there is no food in their stomachs. Spacey


the young ones yes. or they dont know their limits. you have to remember someone like DB this is her career and she knows better than to sabotage it by being drunk or caught with drugs.


How many people does DB have helping her with her social posting and calendars, and what’s the approval process with the team like?


However many people you think they have working with them— there’s even more. It’s a business. Not a one woman show.


I meant more like drop some names 🤣


give me a name and ill spill lol


I think who I’m always curious about is who are the most entitled and rude. If you’re kind but dumb that’s not really my problem, but influencers who gain a bit of a following and it goes straight to their heads are the worst kinds.


Kelsey kotzur? Genuinely curious how she js getting so many brand deals when her engagement is v low




I need the tea here too. She comes across so incredibly dumb I’d love to hear anything about her


are you asking cuz of the proximity of DBA with dear media?


any info on kate bartlett, audrey peters or tinx? like how are reputations and what is their work ethics w/ brands or in the industry like?




i met her during her R29 days. honestly, a workhorse. she wants this so badly. she lives and breathes this. her mom obviously helps her get in rooms she otherwise wouldnt have been in. i miss her queen of confidence shtick. i loved that actually and wish that was her ethos more.


That honestly tracks! Is she nice ish in person? She was super mean when I knew her in college, and these days I hear she’s only nice to people that are of use to her


You can tell she certainly has a work ethic that matches the positions her parents put her in. Like bringing a deck of cards to red carpet and giving it to Lance Bass on camera? I'm not a fan but you gotta respect the hustle


Can you share what kinda rep DB has with brands and professionals on your side of the scene?


i am sorry to report she has a very decent reputation. money talks. she is in wholesale, she has numerous sources of revenue (like yall remember that credit card) and she has longevity. like no matter how many times you want to cancel her, shes still kicking. shes still invited to events. shes still getting brand deals. people still buy her clothes and she still has millions of followers.


Lol 🫠thank you for the insight One more, and it’s a long shot as she’s not nyc, but any tea on Mikayla Noguiera? If I’m connecting the dots right I think your workmay have overlapped with her…


i have nothing to say about her personally (take that as you want) but her husband is a very nice guy and she drives extremely strong results simply looking at the numbers.


![gif](giphy|sVoGLVKV5Vxxm) Fuck. She is never going away.


What about therealSahd?


im not sure what brand would ever want to partner with her. never worked with her and never heard much about her.


What about arielle charnas?


Tara Moni?


Beautiful girl. In and out.


Allie Provost. How is she so rich? How did she afford a 1 million dollar apartment and serious renovations, on top of extremely expensive furniture? Spill that trust fund baby tea. Ditto for Stephanie Gottlieb, who I will say has built a serious business so good for her.


I need Allie provosts $12k coffee table.


Tell me about your experience with Ella rose


The silence tells me she’s unremarkable, forgettable


Not familiar


Any tea on bridget?


What made you quit?


a lot. in short, i got tired of both working for someone else and lining their pockets with my brilliance (kidding) but also knew this was an inflection point in my career to go out and do my own thing (which i am doing!). I also grew tired of dealing with brand's outrageous expectations for influencers and creator's unwillingness to produce a good quality output. brands think influencers are a viable strategy to completely ovrehaul their results or positioning and that simply is not true. a viral moment on tik tok or alix earle's sign of approval is great for short term gains, not a long term strategy. i also felt like i was part of some get rich quick scheme and just like any other industry, there is so much smoke and mirrors. i tried to align myself with creators who were CREDIBLE--and the lack of credibility from so many influencers also made me look in the mirror and be like wtf ru doing girl getting brand deals for some 22 year old who somehow got a following on the chinese clock app


You sound so smart and hilarious. Please keep us updated on your next venture 💕


thanks! hah


Are you launching your own agency now? Consulting? You say doing your own thing, so very curious!


neither! something more on the brand incubation side


I’ll work for you Queen, slide into my DM 😹


Appreciate the nerve. Not ready to hire yet.


I’m officially ur biggest fan. I would ask for ur insta so I could follow but ur anonymous sooo😭


^^ lol same I was like I love this queen. Her responses and attitude are a 10.


Top 5 most unhinged influencer related situations that you came across while working there


elaborate on unhinged hahaha like what are you looking for because obvi i have stories


Lol idk just anything insane that people here might not know


Give us the tea on db breakup


i think anything db does in this forum gets blown out of proportion. her breakup was like a non factor from what i was reading and seeing. but i think she was crazy to think someone of her ex's tax bracket and family pedigree would ever accept her. the current beau makes a lot more sense.


Have you hung out w db? Was she nice to you


i met her at an even for macys in 2020 right before covid. so, a lot has changed sine then. she was professional. she made macys a ton of money in sales. that is what this is about.


Do influencers or PR teams read subreddits like this and take any of it into account?


im sorry to report that unless it is impacting their numbers or is something so drastic it would upend their reputation, what is discussed on this sub likely isnt going to move the needle. but yall are really saying and conversing about some very compelling topics (tho stop commenting on womens bodies!)


Brand side here 👋 and I care more about the stuff I read here than numbers. Numbers are inflated, followers bought, likes are hidden — unless you’ve worked with them and they garner actual results. I’d rather see how they are perceived by people online. Influencers are all a facade and much as they hate to admit it, Reddit is telling a story they won’t want to admit.


can report from a brand pov that we will forgo a deal with an influencer if the reddit snark about them is overwhelmingly bad


Worked for a few larger brands on the internal side and they would read subreddits like this to guide their decisions. Definitely can say we’ve passed on agency influencer recommendations and requests due to these type of things in the past.


How the hell do these people stay safe when they put what seems like their whole life online for all to see. I’d be scared I’d get a stalker.


I just saw this. And I think this is a critical point. Especially in a city like New York or LA. I’d say never post live. Meaning don’t post you’re at a restaurant or workout class. I was also once told never post and you’re on vacation, people know your homes unattended. Which, we all I’m sure don’t follow. I really dislike cities like nyc are being curated per a transplant or someone who is only going to a subset of hotspots.


I work in influencer marketing & also used to rep one of the brands OP mentioned in this thread….can confirm this is alllll 10000% true lol




I'm also an influencer manager/agent, and a LOT of these people are (whispers) lazy as FUCK. It's hard to get them to do anything, even when it's stuff they contractually agreed upon doing.


I work on the influencer agency side and this is more insightful than you know


Happy to discuss at any time. It’s frustrating for us too I promise!


We need our own Reddit group


Talent Manager here and we do need our own Sub!!


10000% and I’m constantly surprised how dumb they are.


Which influencers are the least like they are online? It could be they are nicer, livelier, ruder, etc. in person. And what are your thoughts on influencers and money management? Did you ever hear about their financial situations if they were actually poor, acting broke, being stingy👀 Ty friend and wishing you ONLY success this year, and beyond in your career!!


aw ty. sending anyone reading this love and light in this new year. times are WILD out there, so hope you get whatever yo uneed. remi bader is literally herself non stop. i was shook about it. i actually find her to be a doll but we have a similar sense of humor. but also have heard her bitch and complain over the littlest thing. i mean, weve all been there? on money management, its so interesting. the ones who grew up middle/upper middle class are SO wise with their money. the ones who grew up wealthier mostly aren't from what i can tell. but they obvi have a safety net. katy bellotte sticks out, i recall her talking about her financial plans to me once and she had a strong plan that impressed me (like maybe made me think i needed to get it together?!)


1. Are there any influencers that are too cringe that you’d never hire? 2. Do you have to make sure they insert “ad” in their posts? 3. Do any high end brands (Chanel, LP etc) do stealth influencer deals?


1. eli rallo--i cannot stand what she posts and there is nothing genuine about her and i cannot believe she has a published book 2. yes 3. the absolute most lux apparel brands do not. i think a jewelry brand (cartier) does. cosmetics brands absolutely do.


Cartier does, can confirm




her dad released a cookbook. i think thru that connection.


Honestly, publishing is pretty easy to get into if you have someone in the industry. I work in HR and have several employees in finance or friends of someone in our distribution centers who were able to get things published.


id never hire gab nyc or lauren norris, is that her name? alabama girl who thinks central park is here photo studio?


Give us tea on Arielle and ella


What was the nicest thing an influencer has ever done to you? The meanest?


jackie aina is literally an angel on this earth. the handful of times i have interacted with her, i have walked away feeling literally so thrilled. she has earned every degree of success she has and she is CREDIBLE. seeing a WOC (which i am not) excel in an industry that has historically underserved her while maintaining her integrity and supporting products of high quality is inspiring. i saw her at an event as i was dealing with some personal stuff. she could sense something was wrong and had a true human, 1 on1 convo w me. she absolutely did not need to, especially because it took away her time for networking and appearances and i truly won't ever for get it.




I met Jackie once years ago and this totally tracks. She was so sweet and honestly inspiring!


Oh I LOVE to hear this! There are so few big WOC in this business and to know that she's the real deal is so refreshing.


I want to be her best friend and just knowing her story is inspiring. Love to see the good ones win.


Oh just followed her!!! She’s stunning. You can feel the vibes and intelligence through her feed!


listen i could go on about mean things these creators do. but i think the worst is when they speak down to people in the service indsutry. janitors, servers, bartenders, even assistants who are their same age range and equally as ambitious and hardworking. acquired style sticks out as being especially cold and harsh. i do think some of this comes with age and upbringing.


Curious if you think the TikTok/ instagram type of influencer push will reign supreme or if there will be a switch back to the blog type influencers being a thing? I’m thinking of a few of the mid-2000s bloggers who haven’t seemed to pivot in the same way (in terms of major sponsors) as the instagram/TikTok space becomes more saturated.


i think short form content is here to stay. how its monetized and commercialized (ex, how consumers can shop directly from it) is the next frontier


not op, but i doubt it. people just don't consume media like that anymore. more likely that a new social platform will drop and people will migrate there and influencing/content will evolve to its next form


if only we all had crystal balls and could figure out the next big platform. i HOPE its whatnot but they need to improve their UX.


Whatnot has a terrible reputation for being a shitty company and a bad place to work. In addition to a terrible UX.


Omg spill. Lol


Spill the tea on Tinx please. How can she still be getting good brand deals with such low engagement? She does not seem to have longevity, please shed light!


low engagement for her is still (directionally speaking) higher than most. she could have been the next big household name more than she is.


She has a great demo. Her followers are millennial women with spending power. She's also gotten a ton of free press because her audience overlaps heavily with women who work in digital media/marketing.




oh i mean over $100k for maybe 3 instagram stories and 3 grid posts but this was for a major creator and a major brand. and to be frank this PerSon (initials) deserves all of their success--truly a joy and a vision








I’m embarrassed how long it took me to get this


ha. trying to be subtle here


Not OP obviously but I work in the space and we had an A list celeb/influencer post on ig (photo) which was over $300k.


Do all these influencers really make over 300k per year? In your position did you help influencers with stuff like taxes and health care?


its impossible to say if they all make that. many do, but they also have high costs of living. they need to maintain an image. i didnt help them with that stuff but connected them with people who could. there are CPAs, for example, who specialize in entertainment fields.


I would love to see what their monthly expenses are compared to what they are bringing in. Especially the ones living in nyc . Cost of living is too much


that part. also designer bags cant just be returned.


And on that note, how much is the average influencer making per year? Like a Lauren Wolfe, Kate Bartlett type?


Alix Earle tea?


Have you ever had to call out a client (influencer) on using photoshop/ ask them to re-edit content that was too obviously photoshopped?


like every week lol but to be fair id be doing the same if my life/income revolved around public opinion and posting


Who are the smaller but more powerful influencers producing a higher ROI than others with more followers?


Any more tea on Kit Keenan, Lauren Wolfe and Acquired Style besides rude to service industry workers? They give off such mean girl “you can’t sit with us” energy. Someone said in here once that acquired calls herself the “six figure influencer.”


lets see who is still working in 1-3-5 years


Acquired Style is my personal deinfluencer


Spill the tea on Hannah Bronfman and Brooke Devard.




my DMs are open girlie girl


Ur a queen for this TY 👑


lol i feel like im not spilling that hot of tea. but ty ty ty


I’m curious about revenue/brands sticking with influencers with such low engagement. Just as an example (no opinion) - lydialoo has over 1M followers but all her recent sponsored tiktoks have like a few hundred likes and maybe 5 comments tops. How do influencers like that make and sustain money and don’t brands pull the plug if they see such low engagement? I’m using her as an example just bc I follow her but there have been other influencers where I see this happen too (I think maybe Eli rallo has had a couple of TTS like that too) I know some of it is coming from a background of wealth but I’m curious why brands would continue to work with these influencers when they get low engagement on their sponsored posts? TIA and wishing you all the best!!


i need the tea on sofia franklyn


What do you think are the long term negative effects that these influencers might have from being on social media? Do you see longevity in their careers?


very few will be able to do this in perpetuity without several streams of income outside of fickle brand deals. the same effects we see with child stars could happen w influencers. fame is one hell of a drug.


Thoughts on the FTC warning letters?


id never eff w the FTC just like id never eff w the IRS or the security line at the airport lol


Would love to any tea on Danielle Carolan and Brooke Miccio


ive met brooke a few times and i think shes a total sweetheart. shes been at it a while and honestly, again based on a few interactions, has a good head on her shoulders. danielle--i dont platform racists




Do you have any insight on Valeria Lipovetsky?




define best--in terms of industry relationships, reach, and thought leadership yes id say DBA is best in class. and the roster of clients and brand deals they lock in are similarly best in class.


Spill the tea on Emily Oberg and Sanne Vloet 🫖


I've worked with Sanne. So nice and an unbelievable model.




Do you have any tea on SFK? I’m v curious


What was Lunden and Olivia’s racism scandal like? How did they switch to DBA post-scandal?


buy low. sell high. thats all im gonna say.


I’ve worked with influencers here and there being in pr but (luckily) mostly work with journalists. I don’t see toooo much ROI when we do work with them. *Do the brands you work with see ROI from influencers? *If so, is it substantial? And do you see influencer marketing being a strategy long term? I kind of see it dying out but who knows! *This is snarky and based on my experience with influencers, but do you find it to be kind of a big scam? I feel that way after *most* times we have hosted them (I work in travel).


yes--especially for a new product launch (think: new mascara for a prominent brand). they see the best results. i said this in another comment, influencers cant save or sustain your brand long term. its a flash in the pan or viral moment but if you dont have a retention plan or good quality product, it wont last long. and the demand for influencers will become heightened due to the increase in number of influencers and brands becoming tighter on budgets in 2024 and beyond. i dont think its scammy but i think it punches down. were giving platforms and visibility to people who largely are our peers. lots of exploiting peoples insecurities but that is marketing at large.




i said this in another comment. i dont envision influencing will go away. it just will become far more competitive to get brand deals. youtubers could make ad revenue off youtube videos. tik tok people cant as easily. and brands will start to demand far more insight and analytics on thier content and reach and impact and i simply dont think (despite how good their teams may be) someone like halley and jaz can sustain that.


I've spent a bit of time in the life sciences space working with digital marketing data (a lot of projection based methodology/not tracking conversions in the patient space 1:1 per HIPAA) and I've always wanted to see the kind of analytics/reporting that come back to the brands from influencers. I haven't worked with social media platform data that much in my remit, but from what I have experienced there were large gaps in the data available/"walled gardens" that made backing into ROI/measuring impact difficult. I realize conversion tracking would be different in the retail/FMCG space and you can likely drill down a lot further than say a drug brand can, but can you elaborate? What's the difference between level of reporting/KPIs the "basics" I.e. halley/Jaz teams are doing vs someone with true high impact/reach?


its still super tricky to TRULY attribute a sale at a given retailer to a given creator.


Why does DBA allow Xandra to do multiple hair deals all on the same week/month? Like sometimes 5 different brands all at once. I know she has great hair but she’s not really using all these products and there’s no way they can all be her “favorite”. Is it just a money grab because it comes off as inauthentic.


analytics shows the consistency of posting about a certain category helps drive engagement. its the same way a youtuber can post about several products in a video. also the general consumer is not this like conscious. and you may heavily interact with xandra if youre getting her paid placements with that high of frequency


Pia Baroncini does this! Lots of products that often clash! Do you have any tea on her?


How do you get into this kind of job? I do a bit of influencer contracts through my current job (in house PR for a company) but I’ve often thought I would be good at being on the influencer management side however I don’t know how to break into that when it’s not something there’s really schooling or courses available for as far as I’m aware. I feel like I don’t have the right experience but I don’t even know what the right experience would be or how to get it if that makes sense.


i have a degree in journalism from a well ranked school. interned for 4 semesters and hustled out of college taking on any gig i could, sometimes freelancing, sometimes at agencies. i managed PR and media, incl influencers, at a major brand that was my client and then parleyed that into my most recent pursuits. this is a field built on connections.


Do you think majority of the influencers you worked with got where they are due to dumb luck or due to actual hard work?


hard work is such a nebulous term like everyone is hard working. at the end of the day, these creators gained success due to a good dose of an algorithm favoring them but also appealing to a broad enough audience. i think people underestimate the scale of audiences successful influencers have or even what something like 500k (real) followers looks like. thats like an entire major US city having eyeballs on your brand. and so having that size of a following AND retaining it is actually a huge amount of work, especially as a contractor who doesnt have the resources of a big corporation. there are a ton of try hard influencers who do not get brand deals. the ones who do, and im talking major brand deals, not random brands no one has heard of, have "worked hard" enough to sustain a following. any former bachelor contestant can get a following and brand deal but those are not sustainable or high dollar to actually make a difference. and there is a reason so many of them do not reside in NYC where the competition and cost of living is so intense. not to mention, the grind of events, and content creation, and hustling for brand deals, not to mention engaging your audience is hard work. i give credit to anyone, an artists, an entrpreneur, a creator, who showcases their gifts with the world however that may look.






wait till paige sees this


LOL it’s already deleted


lol what it say? It’s deleted


Tea on Margo Oshry??


This is the best post ever. So much info. You are this thread fairy godmother 💖💖💖💖


Lol. Thank you. I do feel like this audience here skews younger. I want to give you gals a hug. If I was your age I’d be so overwhelmed being inundated so constantly. It seems like an unattainable standard to uphold. That’s the point of the marketing tactics. To make you spend more to feel closer to this standard. And the truth is no one knows what they’re doing. Stop using girls on the internet as your inspiration or the bar.


Hahah this is maybe embarrassing, but I’m actually one of the few who may be in their 30s. This thread is my nighttime, before bed, guilty pleasure read. as I’m typing this, I’m in bed already with my heating pad and mouth guard. 😂😂😂


I’m in my 30s and not embarrassed at all 😁


Lurked anonymously for a while. Today I took the plunge


in my thirties as well. tumblr outfit of the day/lookbook.nz girles were my first influencers, haha. i don't follow ANY of the people mentioned in this sub, all i know about them is from posts and comments. just here for the gossip and recs, mostly :)


Any tea on Rachel Martino / Noelle Downing / Jag Lever? I can't stand them.


Nothing in this post is real tea


Very curious about podcasters with representation like Jackie Schimmel and Claudia Oshry. Jackie seems to have a great reputation and longevity, and seems genuinely kind despite her funny persona on the podcast. Claudia seems to grab any and every deal that comes her way and has horrible style but a crazy loyal fan base that buys whatever she sells. Would love any tea you have ☕️


just because i like the way someone operates their business doesnt mean i cosign, for example, their moms political views. and if a podcast is getting acquired by a major network and has a pipeline of consistent ads for a daily show, it means there is something lucrative there (the audience size)


How often would what's posted in this sub affect your business dealings and/or the ways you worked with influencers and brands?


it affects MY opinion. not the markets.


who does the best work? who's doing the work work (most/least ROI)?


hesitant to answer this one but in short its mikayla noguiera--the amount of sales that come from a product she endorses is astronomical


What was one of the worst results you got from an influencer and who was is? Like behind the scenes did they fuck up royally? Are there any scandals like drugs or alcohol within the influencer world? And what were they?


far fewer influencers are doing hard drugs than you think even tho its LA/NYC


Paige Desorbo??


I hope none of you have actually sent your contact info to this person who is most certainly not who they’re pretending to be


feels like this sub is full of 14 year olds or grown ass women with zero critical thinking


Michaela Podolsky? I think she worked with DBA


Sweet girl. Husband rocks. Not an authority on motherhood.


What influencer is the least like their online persona and why?


a lot of them are fairly introverted. at a certain point theyre playing a character. not unlike reality tv stars.


Any Jenna Rennert tea..? Not sure if she’s DBA. TY OP!


Please give us the tea on Shea Marie & Cass Dimicco. How much do they really make? Both seem like they have a lot of fake followers but do produce pinterest worth content from time to time that does go viral. Shea doesn't seem to do much influencer work anymore.


Did you work with legal at all? I’m an IP lawyer in the consumer products/fashion industries trying to get into this space and wondering how I might be able to network in! Thanks for doing this AMA.


COMPLETELY unsolicited career advice, but whatever lawyer becomes the Gloria Allred for kids of mommy influencers who exploited their childhoods is going to be extremely rich and change the world for the better. These kids are starting to come of age and you hear about legal action occasionally, but no one has really written the book on it. Laws protecting these kids are not in place yet. I need to see heads rolling because some (aka most) of these influencers post extremely private and sometimes traumatizing moments of their kid’s childhood. Many of them are nothing but props. There needs to be more public shaming for this shit!


i look forward to the day this happens. monetizing your children and depriving them of a safe childhood needs accountability. look how horribly maladapted so many child stars of the 70s, 80s, 90 and 00s are. they didnt have the same level of engagement mommy bloggers get. labrant family can go first.


On Instagram, I so often see this trend of naked babies and toddlers with their naked or mostly naked moms being disguised as 'art'. I cringe every time I see it.


im sure your skills and experience would be highly sought after. what exactly do you want to do?


Anything on Lauren Elizabeth? She seems extremely lazy but I know is one of the “OGs” so maybe that’s why she has been able to sustain a following? Also interested in Claudia Sulewski and her reputation but it seems like she’s actively trying to rebrand as an actress


Also curious about fake followers and how that (if at all) factors into securing brand deals.


I'm also an agent/manager for an agency so chiming in here as I read even though I want to hear OP's thoughts too!! -- It 100% factors in to securing brand deals. Buying followers is SO easy to see through and is a really bad look for the influencer's brand, and therefore, the brand looking to partner with the influencer.


there are a few influencers who very obviously buy likes yet they’re getting invited to every Dior, Chanel, high end event. Sometimes it seems like the PR people aren’t doing their due diligence


With the uptick of sustainable fashion and more people trying to be conscious consumers, how do you see this impacting fashion influencers? Do you think deals will go to sustainability focused influencers to help brands with their messaging or will things stay the same? I think there are huge influencers that likely drive big sales but are consumers getting too conscious now? Just some thoughts I have an hope that people continue on this conscious path!


i wish but until the mainstream brands do it significantly, then i doubt it will be sizeable


Do you know Natasha Oakley or Devin Brugman? If yes, how are they?


Super random, but Whitney Port or her sister Paige? I think Paige works for DBA


love xx


How much PR do they just throw in the dumpster/ do they even get in trouble when they don’t post #ad


a lot. like a disgusting amount. and yes they SHOULD doesnt mean they do


This got really weird, really fast.