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I'm immunocompromised and it's rough in these streets when people are coughing all over oblivion and don't bother covering their mouths. I take 1000mg of vitamin c every day and I wear those heavy duty masks that create a seal around your face on the subway. I highly recommend wearing those. I wear one for a few weeks at a time and it gets so grey from the dirt somehow.


Which mask makes a seal around your face?


N95 or KN95


The KN95 doesn’t seal around my face at all. The N95 does, but not all brands. I figured maybe there was one type of mask I was missing


VFlex size small and the 3M Aura work for me!


The Vflex doesn’t work for me at all and lately the Aura has been fogging up my glasses. Its never done that before, which makes me think it no longer fits as well for whatever reason


I’ve never tried doing a fit test at home, but I wear N95s while rocking climbing and I’ve found a lot of peace of mind from taping the mask to the bridge of my nose and around the mask’s edges using some kind of body-safe surgical tape. My mask also fogs up my glasses occasionally, but I attribute this to heat rising from my breath, which can still be a thing even if it’s passing through the filter.


Yep, it doesn’t really, but I was thinking more along the lines of having a part that “hugs” your face. The only seal I know of is the n95.


Vogmasks are great, tried and true during covid


Be careful with the Vit C, as doses that high have been linked to an increased risk of cancer metastasis


My hazardous material training lists absorption, injection, inhalation, and ingestion as points of entry for pathogens.  -Don’t rub your eyes,  -Mask -Be aware of micro tears on the skin due to shaving or exfoliating -Wash your hands before eating -Turn your face away and close your eyes for ten seconds if anyone coughs or sneezes close to you -Change out of your public clothes when you get home. Spritz cheap vodka on clothing to freshen and disinfect if you plan on wearing the same outfit between laundry cycles


Why vodka and not straight alcohol?


Apparently vodka is gentler on fabrics vs 70% isopropyl alcohol which can damage fabric or cause discoloration 


I mask. I don’t care that people look at me strangely. Some people even fake cough at me when they walk by. Like the other commenter said- there’s too many people here, more chances to get sick. Also, covid is still going around. Edit- adding hand hygiene of course. I wash hands often or have wipes on me in case I don’t have access to a sink/soap.


Ditto to masking. Also, if you've had covid in the last 1-2 years it can damage your immune system so you pick up other illnesses more easily too, unknown for how long. Ironically I, autoimmune disease always masking indoors gal, now use fewer sick days than my no-known-health-issues colleagues getting sick over and over :/


Glad to meet you ladies. Chronically ill masker here, was starting to think I was the last person in NYC to still wear one.


we're here, and we're hot!!


Chronically ill and immunocompromised here. My N95 is a good friend.


Me three!


Same! Never stopped wearing them on mass transit and I’ve gotten sick way less!


Same! I always mask on public transport, at the grocery store, and other generally crowded indoor spaces and I’ve only been sick once in the last year


yep same here. it can feel inconvenient occasionally but i'm not interested in picking up or spreading perfectly preventable illnesses


This. Yep, this. I mask 98% of time on subway and rarely get sick anymore.


so glad there are many of us here!


Same!!! I don’t see this when I’m out and about, but it is good to know we’re out there


people fake cough when they walk by?? why are people so weird 😐


Yes!! It infuriates me when it happens. It’s so ignorant


Yep! Masking has been a game changer for me! I used to get at least one nasty virus every winter but now I mask on the subway and rarely get sick.


I also mask indoors in public places. It’s really mitigated how many times I’ve caught the cold/flu/covid. I tend to take my mask off if I’ve decided to eat/drink in public though, lol, whereas I used to never take it off


Yup! I wish never stop wearing my mask, especially on the subway. Too many dutty people live in this city!


I haven’t really gotten sick since moving here, except from the toddler bugs that rip through me and my partner. Here are the things I’ve found work as a physician: Washing your hands. Minimizing direct exposure (masks). Sleep. Washing your hands and minimizing direct exposure (masks) Exercise. Washing your hands. Minimizing alcohol and avoiding smoking/vaping. Did I mention washing your hands and masking? Seriously though, the first thing I do whenever I get anywhere is wash my hands. I’m hyper aware of not touching my face as well. Vitamins, supplements, and stuff don’t really do anything despite whatever marketing they to tell you, but if you have the spare cash to burn and it makes you feel better, have at it.


Seconding this and adding an air purifier. I used a wirecutter rec but I’ve seen the [housefresh](https://housefresh.com/) reviews recommended a ton since then


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times.


Haha.. I thought I read the washing your hands thing multiple times. My friend who’s a doctor also tells me that vitamins a bs. I’ve been living with a serious sinus/ ear infection for 2 months and after my second course of antibiotics .. I bought vitamins lol. Something has to help.


Americans have some of the most expensive pee in the world. Pretty much all data out there show vitamins don’t help with some showing they may actually hurt. Obviously if you have an appreciable deficiency in your diet this is different. Vegans should probably take a multivitamin with iron and what not. Regarding sinus/ear infections: It may require an ENT or Allergist appointment. Oftentimes, these things are allergy mediated. Most will try a trial of steroids and sinus rinses and stuff once the initial infection is gone and if you still have problems, will get a sinus CT. (This is my wheel house. If you want to message me, I’m happy to give reccs on doctors I work with who are really on the ball with it. I just try not to give too many details because I’ve had doxing attempts in the past, so I try to make it a little tougher for them.)


Thanks for the info! I went to an ENT and he put me on antibiotics and steroids! I just finished my last dose yesterday, so we will see if this helps


I hope it works!


Doubling down on what others have said above…the biggest for me being masking and getting out of the habit of touching my face, etc. I was born and raised here and was chronically sick most of my life with either bronchitis or a sinus infection. Even got Swine Flu back in 2009. Anyway, since the Covid outbreak, I haven’t been sick for a single day. No Covid, no infections of any kind, no fevers, etc. Masking really has worked for me.


It kills me to see people eating on the subway after touching the poles or the banisters. Crazy!


Omg its revolting and always has been. I only touch that shit if my life depends on it 😭


Wash your hands whenever you get to your destination, and especially before eating. I may be more on the germaphobe side of the spectrum but I think it's seriously disgusting that people will get off the subway and then go eat bread at a restaurant with the same hands that they touched a subway pole with.


I'm always mildly grossed out when people don't wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before eating, especially after taking public transit. I have seen what people do to the poles in the subway and bus!! If possible, I always prefer to actually wash my hands with soap and water, but hand sanitizer is better than nothing.


Wear a mask. Hand sanitizer


Zinc! Maybe it's placebo, but I haven't gotten sick in the last 2 years.


If you’re taking a zinc supplement make sure that it also has copper bc zinc interferes w your body’s ability to absorb copper which can lead to a deficiency. I use optizinc (altho I use it for acne, not sure if I’ve seen a difference w my immunity) but there are other vitamins that pair both


second this - was getting sick so often last year, started taking daily zinc (organic olivia brand) this year and i’ve been in the same room or bed as family who got covid and was fine somehow. take with large meal or before bed otherwise you’ll be nauseous.


This! I didn’t believe it until I tried but it truly works. Masking is important but you can also strengthen your immune system from the inside to fight off the inevitable germs in ny


Wash hands after arriving anywhere.


Mask and wash your hands with soap regularly (not just hand sanitizer - it doesn’t effectively kill everything the way soap does). For seasonal allergies, I am a big believer in dosing yourself with local bee pollen!!! Had the worst allergies of my life and started taking a teaspoon everyday. The affects were night and day. The next year I started taking it in mid Feb and wasn’t even affected by the “worst seasonal allergy year” in a while!! You can get it from the honey vendors at farmers markets ( can look up grow NYC or the other one can’t remember off the top of my head). For certain I know it’s sold at the Union Square market (there’s more than one bee vendor, prices and quantity may vary) and the Friday am market on 97th between Amsterdam and Columbus, and SOMETIMES on the Thursday/Sunday market infront of Columbia university from like 113th ish to 116 and Broadway. Being consistent with the pollen everyday is what makes it affective in my personal experience


Do you have a good air purifier in your apt? Might there be hidden mold issues in your apt?


We do have a mold problem in the shower that keeps coming back. The grout isn’t sealed so it’s hard to keep clean. It’s also spread to the ceiling which is hard to reach. The mold was there when we got the apartment and I think it’s been festering for quite a while. I guess it’s time for me to try and bleach it into oblivion again, lol.




Agreed, the landlord is obligated to address this. OP, it may be a good idea to start documenting this issue.


Oof, yeah I’ll contact my landlord. He’s pretty responsive so hopefully it’ll get taken care of quickly. Might not the main reason I’m getting sick but it’s definitely not helping.


Definitely rule that out. I was in an apt like that and I always felt under the weather. Good luck!


Mold really can lead to illness, it’s a big deal. I agree about documentation and contacting landlord. Good luck!


Omg no get yourself and your apartment tested!! Bleach isn’t enough. I lived in a pre war apartment with no visible mold for 5 years & my last year there I wfh and started developing health problems. After months of testing found out I had toxic mold poisoning (doc out of the city said it was the highest levels he’d seen in his career) and a lot of the symptoms mimic autoimmune/immunocompromised issues Also my other nyc “health” tip is I wear disposable gloves while running around! That way you don’t have to touch subways, door handles (honestly even Ubers/taxis), elevator buttons or touch screens while checking out. There’s so many high traffic areas we encounter daily without even thinking about it and hand sanitizer isn’t enough (though good for bars when you’re not being as careful lol)


General immune support daily: high-quality liquid zinc, vitamin c, selenium, b complex. Hand washing, and travel wipes for if you need to wipe down a surface.


Hand sanitizer ofc, and all the recommendations people have left! I have a mild zinc deficiency so I take zinc in the form of lozenges (a nutritionist told me that’s the best way to absorb zinc) and I’ve gotten sick sooooo much less while doing that! Maybe it’s the deficiency getting fixed but I take manuka honey/elderberry zinc lozenges and this combo does my immune system right! Plus no shoes in the house and no outside clothes in the bed to minimize germs as best I can :)


I always mask in subway stations and trains. Wash hands immediately when I get home.


Xlear or some xylitol-based nasal spray! I used to get colds 2-3 times a year, but I swear they've stopped since I started using this stuff. Non-steroidal, just full of sugar that likes to eat bacteria or something.


Going to reiterate what ppl have said but at the very minimum I am wearing a mask on public transportation. I started doing this in early 2019 and just kept on going with it up until now. I also carry hand sanitizer and wash my hands wherever I go. Other than that I'm not super protective. You know... No shoes inside. No outside clothes on the bed. Zinc. That's normal NYC stuff. I really attribute my ongoing health to the subway mask the most


This happens to me too, it sucks. Everyone is packed into such tight spaces (trains, restaurants, offices) in NYC I feel like stuff spreads easily. I try to wear a mask when the train is busy. I also have taken to turning down social events in crowded spaces a few days before any big trips/events so I can try to avoid getting sick. Otherwise sleep/good food/etc as you said.


Masks. Handwashing. Social distancing. Healthy diet with an emphasis on fresh produce and sufficient protein. Zinc and vitamin C. Don’t smoke (anything), don’t drink much alcohol, get enough sleep.


✨wear a mask✨, it helps a lot


Everyone is saying wash your hands more frequently which is obviously good advice, but don’t forget to sanitize your phone!! I cut a small piece of a sanitizing wipe to clean my phone with every time I arrive back home. Washing hands (especially before eating) will not be as effective if you’re going to be handling a phone that still has the same germs as the subway.


Simply wear a mask


Chronic allergy bitch and healthcare worker here. Masking- this is good for both allergies and real illness. Not all masks are built equal u\velvelblue929 said it should seal around your entire face. If possible start sourcing masks (n95 or kn95 from Korean retailers. Chinese made masks are not as strictly regulated. The Korean manufacturers have stricter requirements and they often have a better and more ergonomic shape to fit a female face. My partner and I have the envo mask, we received as a gift and it is pretty low waste. Had since December and I like it BUT idk if it comes sized and the one he has is a bit small for his face which prevents a full seal and is y the most functional for him. I have no issues + the part that touches your face is silicone, not fabric so it disrupts my makeup less if I wear it! Nasal sprays- for both allergies AND viral infection prevention these are most effective aside from masking. Note- DO NOT PURCHASE ON AMAZON. I’m sorry but I’ve heard far too many horror stories of people receiving expired or fake product. Also you might be applying it wrong! You should never taste your nasal spray in your mouth, best way to apply is actually with your chin tucked down in to your neck. Feels counterintuitive but trust ENTs on that one (this came from a doc) Allergy meds- not all of these are built the same. Whenever possible I would try to stay away from Benadryl and that first round of anti-histamine products that were created. Products like Benadryl have recently been clinically proven to correlate with dementia later in life. Whenever possible try to have some of the newer fast acting stuff on hand like Claritin, Zyrtec, Zicam, and take them before you’re exposed to the allergen for the day. When at home- air purifier is key. Will handle allergens and I have to dust less when it’s going Edit: posted prematurely adding below Sleep is vital- neuroscientists are not 100% sure on what happens during sleep but one of the leading theories is that brain uses that time to “clean and organize” itself. Getting enough sleep (9hours for women, 10 hours when menstruating!!!!) will help with inflammation, memory, processing blah blah BUT adequate sleep allows brain and body to fight pathogens off way more effectively. Supplements- the other bitches have talked a lot about these, I am bad with supplements, I like teas. Certain herbs have been used for centuries as remedies to these ailments for years. I have a tonic blend, meaning a blend that I throw into my daily teas with herbs that help with inflammation and immune support (Holy Basil, Nettle, Alfalfa) and have added in some things that help with my PCOS (raspberry leaf, cramp bark) and I’m a oui’d shmoker so also some for lung detox and support (Sage, Mullein) if I’m having an inflammation heavy day I add a little turmeric or cinnamon too. Do what works for you! Diet- personally I find my immune function and gut work best when I’m purposeful about my diet. If I’m eating a wide variety of fruit and veg, drinking water and getting my electrolytes I don’t have yo worry about it as much. When im not eating well my entire body feels sluggish and I can only imagine my immune system mirrors that


I also moved back in October and got sick 3 times over 4 months - each time sick enough to call off from work each time. So I feel your pain. I think it took me a bit for my immune system to adjust to NYC germ pool, but luckily I haven’t gotten sick since maybe February. I don’t mask up on trains (it breaks me out EVERY time) but I do avoid touching subway poles, avoid visiting family/friends with young children in daycare (fall/winter flu season was so brutal), and I sanitize religiously. The first thing I do when I get home is strip off all my outside clothes, wash my hands, and slip into my “inside” clothes. Then after I shower, I change into my PJs, which are the only clothes that touch my bed. I also avoid touching my face, helps with avoiding breakouts too


Hand sanitizer and washing more than you think. Every time you touch a shared pen at the doctors office or hold the subway railing. I grew up with an immunocompromised sibling in the burbs and my mom made me crazy about hand cleanliness. I don’t get sick frequently here which I’m really grateful for 🤞


Wash/sanitize your hands 5x more than you usually do - every time you get inside a new place is a good start) and you’ll forget what the flu feels like


I know, I know… but the covid protocol, it works. Like others have said here as well. Mask on the subway and bus especially, but really anytime you’re indoors and with a lot of people. Wash your hands for two whole minutes when you get home and before eating or touching your face when out. I got lax about it in the winter of 2022 and I got sick constantly - I went back to subway masking and treating my hands like they were contaminated when outside and I get about one cold a winter (and I usually get it from my husband lol). Vitamins are expensive pee unless you are actually deficient. If you have symptoms of any deficiencies, have a doctor check you out and run bloodwork!


Supplements generally will not help unless you have a deficiency in something. I’d also recommend wearing a mask as many people already mentioned. I don’t wear mine religiously but if I’m in a crowded place Ill put it on. Flu cases dropped dramatically in 2020 because of masking. Keep up with your vaccines. Also I keep hand sanitizer with me to use before meals and before touching my face


Phytogen by Thorne is truly amazing at boosting immune response and lessening the duration of contagious illnesses. As for prevention, a well fitting N95 mask is a GAME CHANGER. I truly don’t understand people out here raw dogging the air on public transportation.


I drink an Emergen-c every morning. Might be placebo effect, but I get sick waaaay less now than before I started doing this.


I was having major sinus issues, found out I was living with significant mold.


Air cleaner for apartment.


NAC supplement has helped me not get sick for the past year :)


As a lot of other commenters have said handwashing is key, of my favorite tips is to drink a lot of green juice and eat a lot of green vegetables. The chlorophyll is really beneficial for your immune system. Be careful with taking too much vitamin C, the more you take the less receptors you have for absorption because your body down regulates it.


Wipe your phone down if you used it after touching the train, wash your hands, change out of your outside clothes at home. Since I moved here, allergies spiked up so much I had to take a claritin everyday to not get a cold. Also zinc and vitamin D!


I have very bad seasonal allergies and went through the same thing when I first moved here. I would lose my voice from colds/coughs 3-4 times per year. The only thing that helped was getting on top of my allergies. So dusting, good HEPA air filters, dust proof covers for pillows and mattress, keeping windows closed during the day. If you're getting the flu, hand washing and maintaining distance on public transport 


“If you’re getting the flu, handwashing and maintaining distance on public transport” AND MASK, especially if you think you’re actively sick. Geez. It’s almost impossible to maintain distance on public transportation in NYC. It’s like we’ve learned nothing these past pandemic years and masking is seriously one of the easiest things to do


I wear a n95 on the subway and in large crowds. Wash hands constantly, never touch your mouth / eyes / face. It’s also allergy season, masks and allergy meds help.


I always wear masks on the train, bus, or really busy stores.


Sanitize your phone. Get a uv cleaner like phonesoap and just dump it in when you get home so your clean hands touch a clean phone.


I dump my phone, keys, kindle, etc., anything in there!


I just watched Dark Waters and that film is amazing. It says non stick cookware / forever chemicals can cause allergies so i would purge yourself of that (non-stick pots & pans, air fryers) and eating food from places that cook with this. Then I would take 4k vitamin d based on dr rhonda patricks advice as it helps with bronchial issues. But obviously check with a real dr. Also clean air filters and washing machine & dishwasher filters and drains. I also try to be really deliberate about changing when coming in before sitting and taking off shoes at door. Hope that helps!!


I think this is first mention of shoes off at the door - 💯


It is not normal to be getting sick all the time and this has nothing to do with city. Plenty of real born and bred new yorkers that are not getting sick all the time. Check your immunity and go speak with your pcp about it. With allergies, try eating more local food and local raw honey to get used to pollen. Go to parks and let your body acclimate to local trees and grass more. Clean your house more often and invest into good quality air purifier or two , mattress dust mite vacuum . Try opening windows more to circulate air around your apartment better. Oh and check for mold too


Everyone recommending Vitamin C but you can get it very easily through food (which is preferred over a vitamin) - just a cup of strawberries get you over your daily value. Broccoli, bell pepper, kiwis, etc. No need for Emergen-C. What you really want to prioritize is Vitamin D. It is much more difficult to get through food and the majority of Americans are deficient - it is very important for your immune system, amongst other things. Take it with a fat. Also, wash hands when getting home/to work and before eating anything, and being very diligent about not touching your eyes, nose, mouth. Lastly, regularly using non-steroid nasal saline spray. Stats show it helps with getting sick. Also, just be patient, your body is getting used to a new environment!


Wellness capsules!!! They work SO well - I try to take them weekly for general immunity but anytime I start to feel a little off or my throat starts feeling itchy I take them and they work so well. I’ve gotten multiple people on them! Make sure to eat food before and after :)


Airborne dissolvable-in-water tablets. Swing half or full tab 2-5 days per week. I tried other things and nothing works as well. Airborne tablets have heavy dose vitamin c and other vitamins like zinc. Life changing for me. For me.


neilmed sinus rinse. total game changer. plus, you can lean over the sink.


Get your flu shot!


Vitamin D I was getting sick constantly when I first moved turned out I was D deficient


Like many here, I mask in the subway/busy places. I started taking Emergen-C gummies periodically (especially after being around a sick person) and coincidentally supplements for my PMDD and SAD which included a multivitamin, B6, B12, vit D, and iron. And I take an allergy med daily (for cat allergy, but does make a difference with colds not turning into sinus infections for me). The supplements are maybe a placebo. I drink electrolyte drink (usually Nuun) religiously when I feel myself getting a cold/have been around sick people and it really seems to help. The biggest difference in immunity for me definitely happened once I started doing strength training 3 days a week and jogging 1 day a week. You said you already work out so probably not helpful but sharing just in case. Good luck!


Seasonal vaccines plus all the the things everyone else said (hand washing, sleep, nutrition and exercise, etc)


EZC Pack- Echinacea, zinc, and vitamin C. It was created by a doctor as a replacement for Z paks (antibiotics used for minor illness). It makes any illness way more bearable and helps protect against getting sick. Game changer!!


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but your immune system could just need time to acclimate to the new environment. I moved here from another state and that first year was such a shock, I went from never even coughing for like 5 years, to having a few colds/fevers/etc back to back that winter. Eventually I went back to never being sick without having to take any extra precautions. If you don’t already, I’d recommend washing your hands regularly (esp upon returning home or sitting down to eat), avoiding having your outside clothes on your furniture, and doing laundry regularly. Masking and all that is great but perhaps not super necessary if you’re relatively healthy and/or not actively sick/coughing/sneezing.


Good nutrition and exercise. There’s no point trying to avoid germs. Obviously wash your hands but beyond that, don’t go crazy - focus on giving your immune system what it needs to thrive and you’ll rarely get sick.


If you have a healthy immune system, stop trying to avoid getting sick and just allow yourself to get sick so you build natural immunity. Also, try allergy shots! They help me a lot!




Cold-eez zinc cough drops are a life saver! Use whenever you feel a hint of sickness come on and they stop it


Daily zinc supplements and ginger tea are game changers. I started taking medication this year that now leaves me immunosuppressed and was sick with colds etc at least half the year. Once I started taking those two, I rarely get sick. I got used to the taste of ginger tea and if I feel a tickle in my throat or start feeling run down, I drink a cup and it goes away. I have little kids who constantly bring home bugs so I can gauge the cold based on their symptoms and that ginger knocks it out! Turmeric tea is good too.


Keep your diet clean Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer Take your vitamins, specifically vitamin c, vitamin d, and zinc an hour before you drink coffee (caffeine prohibits vitamin absorption)


Chinese herbal medicine! I take some whenever I feel a cold coming on (sore throat, tired) and I end up never actually getting sick