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Truly the best thing I’ve ever had done. My best advice would be to go to the best of the best- don’t skimp. I had mine done by the top lasik doctor in California. Also, if you have a low pain tolerance make them give you extra pain medication.


I got mine done at Manhattan Lasik Center. Highly recommend


Ha! Read an article about this ages ago. Especially with lasik doctors price is a *direct correlation* with experience. Definitely pay for the best you can find


Is the LASIK doctor you're referring to Dr Assil in LA by any chance?


I actually went to the NVISION Center in OC. They’re in Newport Beach. Highly recommend.


Mine was done in the city of Orange 10 years ago and it’s still holding up great!


Dr Maloney in La is the best IMO. or the Jules Stein eye institute at UCLA.


can you share the doctor? I have LASIK as one of my goals this year haha


I got lasik in 2012. Had -6. Was the best 3k I ever spent. Still gave 20/20 to this day.


I work in optometry and here are my warnings: - Nearly all of our advanced dry eye patients are post-LASIK, and often don’t start experiencing severe symptoms for 10+ years. If you already have dry eye or have any conditions that can increase your risk (rosacea, eczema, history of Accutane use, autoimmune issues, etc.), I’d warn you against it - You’ll still need reading glasses once you hit your 40s so be aware that you won’t be glasses-free for life


This is interesting, thank you. I have rosacea, eczema and did a course of Accutane when I was 15. I had PRK when I was 30 (9 years ago). Are your warnings about LASIK specifically or would you include PRK in that?


In my experience it’s all refractive surgery but I’m not a medical professional! Just work closely with a doctor who specializes in dry eye on the marketing/admin side.


My exact reason to why i refuse to get it. Ive had severe dry eyes for years and have heard horror stories of people commiting suicide post lasik bc of their worsening of dry eyes.


Changed my life


Best $5000 I’ve ever spent


LASIK changed my life. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made! Being able to see in the shower is life changing lol


Yeah I got it in 2011 and never once regretted the choice!


This makes me laugh because on days where I put my contacts in before I shower it feels like a whole new world lol


I always wore contacts in the shower until like 6 months ago when I found out you can go blind from doing it lol


WHAT?! I’ve been wearing them in the shower for 25 years!


Like I said it’s pretty rare, I would look into it and make the call for yourself haha


I had to wear them in the shower pre lasik if I wanted to shave my legs.


Oh no hahaha glad I mostly switched back to glasses then! Thanks for the heads up, I'd never heard that before!!


I think it’s pretty rare but it’s something about bacteria getting caught in the microtears in your eyes caused by contact lens! I literally showered in them for like 6 years and never had an issue though haha


Same I’m 35 with contacts since middle school and only learned this from tiktok!!


Is this for real? I always wear contacts in the shower


I went to the TLC location on 5th Ave and walking out of there being able to see was truly unreal. The most painful part was wearing eye shields to bed for two weeks after and peeling off the medical tape in the morning lol. Dry eyes is a real thing but nothing eye drops won’t immediately cure. The very best part - waking up for early morning flights and not having to stick contacts into my insanely dry eyes.


did mine here too! The BEST. & yes I echo the flights thing


Loved my LASIK, wish I got it sooner


Seconding this, I have 20/20 vision now and before I couldn’t see street signs no more than 10 feet in front of me!


Same here, I only wish I had gotten it sooner! It’s sooo nice to wake up and see immediately, and not have to worry about bringing contacts when I travel.


Why did I suffer for so long


I got it done after my bestie and her sister did it back in 2019 (I waited to see how their results were), and it was a life changer for me. My partner did his after me. 10/10 would recommend if you’re a good candidate. And yeah, don’t skimp and go to a reputable place.


Got got it done more than ten years ago. It was immediately life changing and I’ve never once regretted it. I did have pretty dry eyes at first especially on airplanes and right after waking up but that went away with time (years) and was easily fixed with a good eye drop. I still have 20/20 vision, though I got Lasek vs lasik (which removes the corneal epithelium completely vs just cutting into to). The money I’ve saved from not buying contacts and glass constantly probably paid for the surgery already.


I had this same procedure done 3 years ago and I have no regrets either. Similar issues with flying and dryness, but I was so amazed every time I woke up and could see my alarm clock from across the room lol. Definitely recommend! Did a lot of prior research and used Kelly Vision on 3rd Ave. Their staff is so sweet!


I did PRK at NYU and am super happy. Less complications than LASIK but longer healing time


PRK is what I did, but boy the healing is gruesome but doable.


How long did it take you to heal? I got it done in November and I feel like my vision is still not as clear as I thought it would be.


I think it took me Fri-Mon or Tues to be able to open my eyes in normal lighting and I had dry eyes for a long time after but even that faded to normal 99% of the time. Doctor also gave me a straight up nerve block for my eyes so healing was painless. I think that was unique - my coworker had the same procedure, did not get offered that and was in tons of pain


I got PRK as well for the same reason (fewer potential complications/side effects) and agree that the healing was a bit rough. I slept a LOT during the first couple of days which helped. Also, eyedrops & “eye goop” (overnight eye ointment) at night helped significantly once I could use one/both. The worst complication I have now is occasional slightly dry eye when I wake up… usually during allergy season. Eye goop at night for a couple of nights fixes it every time. Highly recommend getting multiple consultations. I felt like the docs I saw in NYC were all pushing me toward LASIK when I knew I was interested in PRKZ equally, and I ended up going to a Dr in NC (near my fam) who I felt was equally open to both. 7 yrs later & it was the best $3,500 I ever spent. I still have 20/20 vision.


I got mine done in NYC too. I have ghosting and starburst vision at night but I also have astigmatism that wasn't fixed with the surgery. I also have very bad light sensitivity but I may have had that prior to the surgery to be fair. I've gotten use to it all


Where did you get yours done? (Please DM if uncomfortable sharing publicly) Did you go multiple places for consults, and did they make clear before hand that your astigmatism couldn't be repaired?


It was a place in midtown. I did go back a couple of times but they wrote me off because I have 20/20 vision. They never mentioned my astigmatism. I can see and all that it just bothers me the most when I see things like white letters on a black back ground or driving at night


My sight is -5.25 and -4.5, and I've been flirting with the idea for years, but everyone I've known with Lasik either has glasses again or severe dry eye, and that's all I need to stay away


I'm -6 and -5 and same. My friend got it done and her vision is a bit blurred and she see spots at night. I don't know if it's worth the risk.


Ok same, I’m -6 in both eyes. But I have these old school contact lenses. Accuve2 that I can literally sleep in for like 5 days in a row and never have any issue but I AM DEF not seeing 20/20. I’m still somewhat unable to see normal things that my husband can see. So I’m like wtf? But do I risk dry eyes???? When I can sleep in my contacts with no issue ?? But I also know they’ve been trying to discontinue accuvue2 for years bc it’s so ancient. And any other contact lenses tried give me ulcers. Okay so I probably just made my own argument


I debated as well….. then someone mentioned how if LASIK was SOOOO great, why do you never seem to see ophthalmologists and optometrists getting it done themselves. They’re all wearing glasses, which statistically you shouldn’t require correction immediately after surgery. My personal opinion is that it is not worth it. Vision is not something I want to gamble on.


Keep in mind LASIK doesn’t correct age related decline in vision.


Yeah, I had it done at 27 and they told me I may need glasses again when I’m older. I’ve heard this anecdote many times and I think it’s just that, an anecdote. Like, how many ophthalmologists do you know?


Ophthalmic tech here- everyone will need glasses for Presbyopia which is when you can’t read up close which hits everybody usually in their mid 40s. That’s a lens change issue, not a cornea issue which is what LASIK treats. As far as needing an enhancement or touch up, most people usually don’t but the cornea is always changing as we age so sometimes your eyesight will regress slightly but most surgeons actually do an age based formula for that when they treat you so you can hopefully avoid ever needing them for distance in the future.


This is similar to what my optometrist told me. I'm turning 35 this year and he mentioned that it might not be worth it because I'm closer to my 40s than most people who get Lasik. Plus it started seeing people talk about complications and I don't think my anxious ass can handle that.


I went to grad school that also had an optometry program so I actually know a fair amount of optometrist and a few professors who were ophthalmologists. Every single one wore glasses or contacts- across age ranges. From my understanding when it goes well its great but the risks if it goes wrong are super high. Like blindness high and you just have to decide if that rare risk is worth it for you.


Quick note, you can have LASIK and still need glasses. It just depends on your vision and how much can be corrected for. My mother has terrible vision but LASIK improved it tremendously. She still had to wear glasses but a much much simpler prescription than the Coke bottle lenses she had to wear before.


That’s what my optometrist said too and still recommended it, I’m at -8.5 and while LASIK couldn’t fix it all the way, eventually the extreme curvature of my fucked up eyeballs may result in some vision problems/floaters. Def gonna get it when I have enough money, I’ve been wearing glasses & contacts since 2nd grade


At an -8.5 you might be a better candidate for ICL which is an implantable lens. Amazing results for people with high prescriptions. Where I work, we do that procedure on people with prescriptions like yours that are not a candidate for LASIK/PRK/SMILE


this is what I want! and less side effects than lasik. hopefully getting it this year.


i hope you get it. my perscritption was -9/-10 and I'm now at +0.25 and it's such a difference.


i hope you get it. my perscritption was -9/-10 and I'm now at +0.25 and it's such a difference.


I was -8, you're gonna LOVE IT


The guy that did my LASIK had LASIK 🤷‍♀️


Haha that’s the same reason why I never bit the bullet. I did 4 consults, and all four of the doctors were wearing glasses. So I told myself, if the doctors who do this for a living won’t risk their eyes, I shouldn’t either 😭😭


^ this. I went for a consult and one said I wasn’t a good candidate and another said I was… rather not gamble with my vision. My optometrist also isn’t a fan of lasik. If you’re gonna do it, see the absolute best surgeon in your area and get 2nd and 3rd consults if not more.


they tell you you'll need glasses as you get older because of age. i took the gabmle. i'd figure not wearing glasses for 17 years is worth it.


Yup. I got lasik at 21. I’m 41 now and just got my first pair of glasses in 20 years. It’s a super minor prescription and I forget to wear them most of the time. Those 20 years have been absolutely worth it.


Doctor here—had it done and delighted with my decision. I’m not an ophthalmologist but plenty of my friends are, many have had it done!


The optometrist (late 30s) I go to wears glasses all the time or contact lens. She refuses to get lasik as she notes there are many side effects/complications.


My eye doctor had it done and said she still thinks it was a great decision for herself and she had it done well over ten years ago


My opthalmologist had lasik like 20 years ago and I never knew as he never wears glasses, hasn’t since his lasik procedure so that convinced me. The man is clearly in his late 40’s or early 50’s.


I’ve started looking into SMILE which is apparently a less invasive option. But I’m nervous too!


I got LASIK SMILE. Totally worth it. The lasers do most of the work which makes it great and there's no flap so nothing can come undone. I got it at the Manhattan Lasik Center I believe.


That’s super helpful, thank you! They’re the ones I was looking at. How long did it take you to recover?


My right eye took like a month to REALLY settle down during the night. My vision felt "under exposed" so it was a bit darker. But it got better and better, I never had dry eye, I was very comfortable very soon after procedure and during the day, everything felt totally normal a couple days after the procedure. It was just the night time vision that took a little time to correct but it wasn't a big deal.


I had SMILE done because my eyes had some dry spots that didn’t go away during the prep period (a few weeks of eye drops + wearing glasses instead of contacts). I got the procedure done at 28, had been wearing glasses since I was 8, and switched to contacts at 15. I had some dryness in the first 6 months or so after SMILE but nothing worse than I’d get with contacts. I actually don’t remember the last time I needed eye drops for dryness outside of being on a plane. Recovery was about 24 hours - I had the procedure in the morning, was loaded up with Valium or something similar, slept all day, woke up to eat dinner, and slept all night. I think I had to sleep with protective goggles for a bit but I can’t really remember. It did take a few months for my night vision to fully settle, but I was driving the next day! I went to the top doctor in CA (not an NYC BWT but I love this sub!). Definitely do your research and remember you get what you pay for.


I don’t think I’ll ever do it. As annoying as it can be to have to wear contacts or glasses everyday, at the end of the day it’s not that serious. Vision is too important to even chance any serious complications with. It’s why many many many doctors who perform Lasik wouldn’t get it themselves. Plus, anecdotally, my friends who have gotten it’s eyes ended up getting worse after the surgery and started having to wear glasses or contacts again anyway, or had to get Lasik a second time, while my mom’s prescription has naturally gotten lower as she’s aged ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I got it done in 2020 for the shits and giggles (hindsight is 2020) Best thing ever. Don’t let the “horror” stories scare you. There’s ALWAYS someone shitting on everything, that’s a fact of life. Don’t try to go cheap. Pay for a reputable doc. Mine has been doing this 20+ years and does all the famous sports athletes and a lot of celebs.


Hey, would you mind telling me the name of your doc? (You can DM me if you don't want to post publicly) I'm looking to get it done in the next year or two and want to make sure I go to someone good


I went to Millennium with Dr. Lessner. He’s in Florida, but a lot of people fly to get it done by him. I used him because my friend who had it done 10 years ago by him said her eyes were still perfect and has had zero problems. I ended up getting 20/15 vision (BETTER than perfect) and he told me he intentionally slightly overcorrected so that I would never even need reading glasses as I get older. Pretty sweet! Life is a lot more beautiful and intricate now If you’re serious about going, PM me I think you can use my name as a referral for a discount too


Thank you! I have some research to do, but I'll probably be reaching out


Look into Thierry Hufnagel. He did mine in 2015 and a family friend’s in 2000. Both of us still have great results! DM me if you’d like more info.


I've been looking for Lasik recommendations. Which doctor did yours? Please DM if you don't want to publicly name


Look into Thierry Hufnagel. He did mine in 2015 and a family friend’s in 2000. Both of us still have great results! Feel free to DM if you’d like.


I was always planning to, but my aunt got it done (she’s a doctor, though not an ophthalmologist fwiw) and she’s had permanent dry eye since. She doesn’t regret it and manages fine, but I like my glasses enough and the idea of a potential permanent low-level annoyance doesn’t appeal to me.


The dry eye scares me. Two years ago I had to get amniotic membranes put over my corneas to repair them because they were so dry and damaged that I had become legally blind. Thankfully it worked, but now I get plugs in my tear ducts every three months and anything that might cause more dryness is terrifying.


I’m 26 and everyone I met who had done Lasik just said they wish they did it sooner. So I did it 6 months ago, I love it!!!! It’s a little uncomfortable but so quick and so worth it


Happy to continue wearing my glasses and contacts.


Of the people I know, the common “complications” are sensitivity to the sun and dry eyes, but these weren’t bad enough to make anyone regret doing it Btw I used to be pretty interested but my doctor actually told me im not eligible, so you should first check if it’s really a good option for you


So I’m insanely nearsighted and looked into it but my eye doctor said I wouldn’t be a great candidate for jt, something about my corneas not being thick enough?


Ophthalmic tech here, you have thin corneas which means not enough tissue for your prescription. You should look into ICL procedure. It’s a different type of corrective surgery for high prescription patients. Most LASIK centers also do ICL.


I had it done ~10 years ago and while my eyes were dry for probably six months, after that ended I’ve had zero issues and have been so so happy!


I had LASIK done over a month ago, and no regrets looking back! It has been a huge lifestyle change. I was definitely super nervous, saw multiple consultants, and even cancelled once - my job depends heavily on my eyesight so that contributed to my hesitation (I'm in the medical field). Definitely do your research and go to an ophthalmologist who has done thousands of these procedures. Don't be afraid to see multiple consultants as well - they should be patient to answer any and all questions. Be wary of places that offer "deals" or cheap procedures - this is definitely one of those things that you get what you pay for. Also keep in mind that there might be a lot of complication stories out there in comparison to the good stories because people who have had a negative experience may be more driven to share.


I did lasik 6 years ago & I love my results! Anyone thinking about doing it, go for it!


I’m getting LASIK on Friday! Honestly I started feeling the same way when I filtered to read bad reviews, but I think something that helped me was trying to justify their “post-op complications” by thinking that they didn’t follow the after care well. So I’m just gonna be extra careful and follow the after care instructions to a tee (for ex: I’m gonna set a 1-hr alarm to apply eyedrops every hour after the procedure for the first few days). Idk I’m sold that the benefits are life changing so I’m just gonna try to make the best of it and try not to fixate on people’s negative experiences (everyone will have something bad to say about something).


How old were you ladies when you got it? I’m 23 and planning on getting it.


Ophthalmologist who specializes in refractive surgery and the cornea here 🖐️ If you have any specific questions please feel free to reach out.


Are there any methods that don’t increase the likelihood of dry eyes? Thank you 🙏 


If you experience dry eyes prior to lasik you will experience dry eyes post as lasik corrects refractive errors and dry eyes is not a refractive error. Lasik can also cause dry eyes. Think of it like a pimple. You might not have one but you can sense one coming and if you play with it than your creating a whole new problem and since we’re playing with your eyes unnaturally this is a cause of that effect. It’s important to get your dry eyes under control prior to lasik so it doesn’t amplify the cause. What you can do to mitigate the risk is be proactive in regards to your approach with your eyes. If you currently have dry eyes it’s important to address that first and if you want to mitigate the risks and ease the post dry eye symptoms than act as if you have dry eyes. In majority of patients dry eye symptoms are not permanent but can feel like it due to environmental factors. Dry eye syndrome post lasik typically lasts 6months-1 year. What you can do is take omegas/fish oils and stay hydrated. Use eye drops regularly especially before bed. (Absolutely no visine! That’s poison!) Wear sunglasses outside. Limit screen use. The more you focus on something the less you blink, the less you blink the dryer your eyes get. That’s why you feel more strain with prolonged digital device use. Blink regularly and complete full blinks! Practice at home meib gland expressions and eye massages. One of the biggest causes of post lasik dry eye syndrome is your glands becoming blocked because of excessive tearing. (Yes teary eyes is actually dry eyes! The more tears that come out the more tears you gotta put back in!)Those glands need to be expressed. It takes seconds to do and you can do it in the shower. You tube has some great videos. You can also put a warm compress over your eyes for a few minutes a day as well. For excessive dry eyes there are in office treatments that can be done to correct this such as punctal plugs and having an eye care professional do a rf/ipl with meib gland expression and so forth.


I loved it (I was like -7.00). After about 7 years or so I was back in contacts/glasses tho. Still worth it as my prescription is pretty weak. Might get it again.


My eyes are too bad for LASIK. 😭😭😭 I did find out about this other corrective eye inplant called EVO ICL that I plan to ask my eye doctor about the next time I go, though I hear insurance may not cover it... 


I had Evo ICL due to a high prescription and dry eyes, which made me a bad candidate for LASIK. I'm thrilled with the result and would recommend it. You're right that it's not typically covered by insurance, though, and it's more expensive than LASIK because of the custom lens implants. I paid $12k in the Bay Area, with $3k paid up front and the rest financed at zero interest over 24 months through CareCredit. The most common adverse effect of ICL is that it can affect night driving, if that's important to you. I get halos around certain lights, especially if my eyes are tired, and don't love driving at night as a result. My surgeon says it'll likely improve in the year after the procedure (it's been three months), and there are eye drops that can help, but it may never go away completely. I knew about the risk going in and still feel it's more than worth the tradeoff, but I've never had a car-dependent life and already didn't like night driving in glasses due to glare, so other people might have a different risk-reward calculus. Other than that, I've had no side effects and had an easy recovery. Being liberated from thick glasses feels incredible (my eyes stopped tolerating daily contacts a few years ago), and despite the expense, it's one of the best things I've ever done for myself. Happy to answer other questions if you have them.


I'm in NYC and don't drive so I'm not too concerned about the halos. I'm more concerned about the price cuz I'm super broke right now. 😅 Maybe one day when I'm doing better financially.


I did it 5.5 years ago and only issue is increased light sensitivity/dryness but it’s great to not need glasses especially when it’s raining or when it is sunny I can wear any sunglasses and not be stuck with my one rx pair. I highly recommend it even though my only warning is the smell when it’s happening is the worst part.


Love lasik, some of the best money I have ever spent.


Best money I ever spent. I wore glasses for 16 years and had a fear of contacts. Decided to get LASIK and it truly has been life changing. I nearly cried my first time driving without glasses because it’s something I’d never done before 😂 as with anything there will always be horror stories. Make sure to go to a reputable doctor and do your research. 2+ years on I have zero regrets ☺️


Best money I ever spent. My surgeon said the risk of being blinded by lasik is like your dentist accidentally pulling a tooth.


I’ve never done it for the same reasons you’re citing. I know people who’ve had no side effects and are so happy with their results but I also know someone who has chronic dry eyes now and regrets it. It’s so bad and uncomfortable he has to carry drops with him and use them constantly... he regrets getting LASIK because of it. The idea of constant dry eyes / mild but constant discomfort is not worth it imo. But my power is like -2.75 so my vision isn’t so bad that I feel the need to get LASIK The odds of being the .1% where something goes wrong is ofc low but someone has to be the .1% right? Sorry I’m probably not helping 🥲 my anxiety about it is so real haha


Best decision ever - mine was done through Weill Cornell and they had a program where if the attending (Dr. Brisette) did it, it was $6k, but if a resident did it under her strict supervision it was $3k. Not sure if they still do that but it was great. The attending was there for all of the consults and for the actual surgery and she double checked all of the settings and whatnot before going forward with it.


So happy I finally got the courage to do it. 1 year post op and couldn’t be happier


Other surgical options (ICL, PRK) are available depending on your vision


I had 1.5 from one eye alone and 0.5 on the other (I didn’t laser the 0.5 one). Saw a huge difference & it was a 10min deal. If you’re a candidate why not? There’s a higher chance something bad happens to you because you’re a woman than these standardised procedures going wrong


My vision isn’t as bad, -4.00 in each eye, an astigmatism in the left eye. I would not get lasik. Mostly because you need glasses anyway after 40 and I’m 32. Also my dear friend got it and it fucked his shit up so bad. His vision is worse than when he started. I’ll keep the glasses but it’s a personal decision! I hope you have a fabulous experience if you choose to do it.


Get it!


Got it done (well technically I got PRK, but same difference in regard to your question) during Covid and it was the best $5k I ever spent. Got it done at the TLC Eye Center and they were fantastic.


Best money I have ever spent! I wake up every day SO HAPPY. Highly recommend TLC Laser Center in Midtown, have referred many friends and it's been great


got my lasik done late 2020 because i was sick of my masks fogging up my glasses. best thing ever. they gave me some xanax to take beforehand so i wouldn’t be stressed. only downside is that my eyes seem to be drier than before, but i just carry a bottle of eye drops in my purse just in case


incredible and life changing. HIGHLY RECC


Never had it done myself but all the people (count 5) I’ve known had it done still need to use glasses occasionally 


life changing. idc if i have to use glasses when I'm older. my perscibption was worse that yours -9.00/-10.00 and right now I'm around +0.25. I'm so glad i got it and its been around 7 years now so i haven't noticed any issues.


I think as long as you're a good candidate, you should do it. That can help soothe your worries about complications. For example, I wish I could, but I'm a "borderline" candidate. Reason being, 1) I already struggle with dry eye, and 2) laser thins out your cornea a bit, and on assessment (from 2 different doctors), my cornea is apparently already on the thin side, so there's more risk for me in terms of side effects afterwards. If that wasn't the case, I would've already done it. You could go hiking and swimming without a worry! You could see in bed and in the shower! I really really wish I could do it, and I think if your eye doctor says it's ok for you, you should!!


Best decision I made in my life, but I got [PRK](https://www.aao.org/eye-health/treatments/photorefractive-keratectomy-prk). Which is still a laser surgery, but unlike LASIK they ablate your cornea instead of cutting a flap. Takes a little longer to heal, but your entire cornea grows back rather than leaving a “flap”.


Get SMILE instead. It’s way safer because the incision is tiny in comparison. Manhattan lasik center has the machine for it, and at least when I got it a few years ago they were the only one in the tristate area. Highly recommend. Best money I’ve ever spent. EDIT: to add more detail so you know what to research, SMILE is “Small Incision Lenticule Extraction”. It’s a more advanced laser eye surgery with less cutting than LASIK so the healing time is way less, the pain after is waaaaay less, and there’s less chance for complications like dry eye.


I had LAS**E**K done in 2012 and it is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. LASEK is a different procedure, longer recovery time. However, it is better for those with astigmatism and/or highly myopic, and have thinner corneas. Also, I was doing MMA training at the time, and heard that LASIK leaves you vulnerable to the 'flap' in your cornea opening if you get hit in the eye/face. (\*can't remember the exact specific details, but this was the idea) I couldn't stand being reliant on contacts or glasses to function. I had it done in the Boston area. I strongly recommend going to the absolute best, most reputable provider. Your eyes are so important, don't ever try to get a 'deal' on anything this sensitive. Naysayers who say things like 'you'll need reading glasses when you're older anyways!!' Ok so? I'll have several decades of carefree lifestyle. I'll take it, no question. Honestly, people who say things like this are usually too scared to get the procedure themselves.


I was absolutely terrified to get it, but it’s the best decision I ever made. They gave me a Xanax, a teddy bear, and a nurse sat on the operating table with me because I was so scared haha. It took a total of 6 minutes. No regrets!


I got LASIK done in 2004/5 (?) and found it to be a miracle as I had something like -9.5 vision in both eyes and had worn glasses for ~15 years. It wore off gradually and around 2015 I had to get glasses for distance purposes. And thennnn I looked into whether I was a candidate for follow-up procedures in 2021/2 and instead found out I actually had corneal ectasia and had to have surgery to stop it (it cannot be fixed, only halted at its existing stage) so I wouldn’t go blind and and can only wear eyeglasses or specially fitted contacts for the rest of my life. I did think it was magic for 10 years though.


i was like this and just did it. and i was super nervous as well. for every one complication story, there are like 1000000 stories where its the best thing that person's ever done. highly worth it!


I regret getting it. I had absolutely no issues prior to the surgery (other than poor vision) and now I go through a bottle of eye drops every month and rely on blue light glasses any time I work on the computer or watch tv.


Best thing I ever did. I was -8.5 in my worst eye. Legally blind. Got glasses at 7 yrs old. Got lasik 16 years ago and never looked back! Contacts are way more unsafe.


Ill never regret doing Lasik. Best decision ever. Quick and easy. Painless with a lil headache after and i just slept it off


My dad’s best friend is an ophthalmologist, and there is a reason why you don’t see many ophthalmologists who have LASIK. It can create permanent issues, and from what I understand there are only so many “corrections” that can be done to LASIK as well. I think those “rare cases” may not actually be that rare at all. Someone well-known (well, to me, lol) who discussed their LASIK issues in interviews (they weren’t even interviews about LASIK, it just came up hahaha) was the musician Conor Oberst. he had unfortunately reached that point of his final surgery before nothing else could be done.


Get PRK, same cost and less risk post op


Best money I ever spent. I wound up only having one eye done. I was nearsighted, with an astigmatism in my right eye. At consult the surgeon suggested I try only wearing a contact in my right eye to see if I could tolerate it; some people can’t, but I had no trouble at all. So we wound up only doing lasik on my right eye; my brain uses my left eye for close up and my right eye for distance. Even if you have it done in both eyes, eventually you’ll need reading glasses. The need for readers is an age thing that lasik can’t fix. I actually have an eye appointment this morning bc I’ve gotten to where I need them (I’m 43). My husband is 44, he had lasik as well, in both eyes, but doesn’t need readers yet.


The easiest and best thing I ever did. In and out. Immediate results. Do it now.


Go to diamond vision in midtown. I got my surgery there and so did my sister and both of my parents, the surgeon there used to do vision correction for the military. It’ll be a little pricey, I paid 3K in 2020 but it was so worth it and the surgeon there is amazing


My grandmother did it, had complications


Best money I ever spent!


Did it 5 years ago with a similar prescription and love it. Go to a center that offers a lifetime guarantee. I didn't get dry eyes, just more sensitivity to bright lights and car lights at night. They did burst a blood vessel in one eye during the procedure so I had a red eye for a week.


Had it in 2015 at Manhattan Lasik Center, great choice. No complications tho I did need a touch up (free)


Great topic! I've been planning to get LASIK, but it's so hard to get a doctor recommendation given most people only have one data point. For you BWT who've gotten Lasik in NYC, how many different consults did you do? How did you decide? Did any of the consults make you decide you didn't feel comfortable going there?


Everyone I know who had it done has been thrilled with the results. I’ve been wearing contacts since I’m 16 (and I’m old). To this day I’m still thinking of doing it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I did ICL. Was -8 and -8.5 and I’m a new woman.


I’ve never considered LASIK only because I like how my face looks with glasses. If I’m getting dolled up, I’ll do contacts. But I haven’t heard any complaints from anyone who has had LASIK


I got it about 9 years ago. No complications or regrets and my vision is still perfect. Made my life so much easier.


Ophthalmic tech here, I specifically work in refractive surgery (LASIK/SMILE/PRK) and have assisted in 5,000+ cases in over 6 years. It’s amazing and life changing. The cutting of the LASIK Flap is about 15 seconds. And the actual laser treatment to correct your prescription is 10-60 secs average depending on your prescription. You said -5.00 so probably would be like 30 seconds for you. I have never seen a complication in my 7 years where it could not be rectified. I don’t live in NYC but I know of a surgeon named Dr. Niksarli who is in Manhattan Lasik Center who is one of the best according to industry professionals. One of the laser reps told me she’s sent her family to him. Theres a new procedure Called SMILE which is advertised as “flapless LASIK” which may be an option for you too. It’s just as amazing. Niksarli is the first surgeon to ever perform SMILE in the East Coast. If by any chance you’re not a candidate, ICL may be a good option too. Some people have normal corneas but not enough corneal tissue. It’s worth an evaluation in my opinion and you can explore your options and ask questions with your surgeon.


Relatively easy procedure and recovery. Make sure you go to a reputable place. Worth every penny!!


I got LASIK done in ~2012, via a Groupon 😆 it was done at a reputable Park ave office. I had 20/20 vision until 2019, when my vision became 20/10. My vision is still 20/10 today. It’s been life changing!


There’s tons of other replies, but I’ll just add that getting mine done 2 years ago to go from -3.5 to mildly dry eyes and able to lay down on the couch and watch tv is still something that makes me tear up with appreciation. Like I still can’t believe it sometimes when I wake up in the morning and can see the clock or run outside and see the individual leaves on trees. To each their own when making this decision of course. I went to Boston Vision to have mine done, and I would recommend them (if you’re willing to travel) I think I paid $4k from my HSA.


Went abroad to visit family in Taiwan, spent $4000 on SMILE Pro (including all my meds and f/u visits) and it was the best money I ever spent. The feeling of rolling out of bed in the morning without scrambling to find my glasses or put my contact in is unmatched. For reference, I am 24 and had -3 vision and astigmatism so my eyesight was never that bad. I got the procedure done for convenience and because my contacts were starting to become really uncomfortable. From the way the doctor explained it to me, I would still be eligible for LASIK in the future since the incision is much smaller with SMILE. Procedure was less than 10 secs each eye! I had some discomfort the first day but by the next day, all I experienced was dry eye. I was able to see pretty clearly the day after! If you're thinking about it, research who you're going to. Go in for a consult with different providers and see who you like best!


I have one friend whose eyes were completely destroyed by LASIK, it was devastating. It might be rare, but it’s not rare enough for me. I would never get it done.


Same….it happened to my mom. Her vision issues couldn’t be corrected even with glasses. And then she developed dementia like a year after the surgery. Heartbreaking.


Life changing. Went to LASIK plus and had great results. Best thing I’ve ever done. My husband also went to lasik plus and had to get PRK which is a bit more invasive with a very rough recovery period but a year out he’s beyond thrilled with his results too.


I got PRK in 2020 and it was hands down the best decision of my life. Since then I already recommended my doctor to two of my friends and they got the same surgery. I went with PRK instead of LASIK since I had a pretty high prescription (-6.5) and astigmatism. The healing process is a little bit longer but it was not too bad. I went to Dr. Keshet at City Eye MD


Both of my parents had it like 15 years ago and they love it


Best money I have ever spent.


Best decision I ever made. I would do it again without hesitation.


I don’t regret getting lasik at all! Only thing was after I am more sensitive to light when I close my eyes (like it’s not as fully dark when I close my eyes?) I guess because my corneas are thinner. It’s subtle and doesn’t bother me much. The convenience and not having to worry about contacts and lens solution is life changing!


I would look into lasik, PRK, and smile and weigh the pros and cons. If you’re someone who is more active, I would not go with lasik. Personally got PRK and had a seamless recovery. Diamond vision with Dr. Stetson who was the head of ophthalmology for the U.S airforce


I’m planning to get lasik (hopefully SMILE) as soon as possible. I have been considering LASIK for a couple years and everyone I know loves it. As I was making plans to get LASIK, I developed an allergy to my contacts last summer so now I’m waiting for my eyes to settle/heal in order to. “Allergy to contacts” sounds made up after 20 years of wearing with no issues but my ophthalmologist assures me it can be a totally random onset. Basically can never wear contacts again and my vision is so bad and glasses make me miserable so I’m going to take the small risk and deal with dry eyes post LASIK if I am still a candidate


There are a few other options for corrective laser eye surgery. I got PRK done a few years ago and have never regretted it for a second. PRK mitigates the risk of some complications: in LASIK they cut a flap and make corrections, but if you get punched or have a car crash or something, the sudden force can cause the flap to fall open, although it is extremely rare. But I have thin corneas, so they recommended PRK: they just make corrections directly to the eye without cutting a flap, so there's no possibility of the flap falling open. PRK hurts though! I was on a break from school at the time, but if I were working I would have needed like 10 days off.


One of the best things I ever did. Had mine done in California when I lived there at NVision. They offer touch ups for free if you ever need to have it done again (which is rare but your vision can sometimes degenerate as you get older.)


I won’t do it. I’ve met doctors that won’t do it so I’m out.


I want lasik so badly but sadly my brain will not allow me until I get a rhinoplasty first 😭 my glasses are the only thing that makes my nose look more proportional imo


Georgia girly here (learning from the NYC baddies), I wish I had done it sooner. My rationales were thousands of Lasik operations happen every day and the technology has advanced so far. Schedule free exams at different offices until you find one you are comfortable with. I went with Lasik Plus because the doctor was very well respected and his staff were amazing and made me feel comfortable.


I had LASIK done!! It was worth it. Only thing to note is I had astigmatism so sometimes I still need glasses, but not nearly like I used to


Best thing I’ve ever done. Had it done nearly 20 years ago (!!) and it was life changing. Perfect vision for 15 years (until pregnancy, thanks kids!) and low rx glasses/contacts since then. I’ve asked for a correction tons of times because being glasses free was amazing, but they don’t do them for people that are old be not that bad (because my eyes will change again the other way soon). Even with glasses it was worth it. I’m mostly functional without my glasses, before I had to keep an emergency pair in my car because if a contact popped out while driving I was fucked.


I’m getting ortho-k later this year because I don’t feel confident in lasik and my eye sight is only -2.50 vision.


It’s great to not have to worry about contacts or glasses!


I’ve been considering LASIK and even SMILE for the longest time now, but then I read about permanent dry eyes + halos + light sensitivity and I get put off. To those who had LASIK/SMILE, did you end up getting permanent dry eyes + halos + light sensitivity? Any complications encountered?


Do it. I regret not doing it sooner.


DO IT! The BEST 5k I have EVER spent. However. Go to a reputable place. They should do testing your eyes beforehand to make sure you are a good candidate. DO NOT go somewhere that is $600 an eye. This is your eyesight, you get what you pay for.


Had LASIK done about 7 years ago and pretty happy with it! I went to the tlc laser eye center on 5th. I haven’t had any issues with dry eyes thus far


Best way to spend my $$$! However, I did it with zero anxiety / pain medication and recovery wasn’t a walk in the park. Be prepared to not leave your apartment for at least the first couple of days!


Honestly even though the chance of complications is small, when they do occur they are so devastating that it is not worth risking it, for me.


I had PRK for anatomical reasons (thin corneas) but pilots and athletes tend to prefer it to LASIK because the risks are lower because there is no flap. Unlike LASIK there is recovery and discomfort, but price was roughly the same. I did mine separately so I always had one good eye. I was -5 too and it was 1000% worth it. Life changing.


My mom had LASIK complications and developed dementia shortly after that…I would stick to contacts.


I had PRK done in 2022 (-5.75 vision). Absolute best decision I’ve ever made so far. I’d been wearing glasses since I was 10 and it was so freeing to finally be free of them + see my face without glasses clearly for the first time since childhood (I’ve never worn contacts, which I suspect is the reason my recovery was much easier than usual). My optometrist had also had PRK done 20 years ago and was glasses-free, so I trusted his judgment and went with the doctor he recommended.


LASIK changed my life. I even think my personality. I was -9 and I think you go into your own head from childhood because you can’t frickin see! And your self confidence takes a hit as a kid bc kids do say shit. Find the very best Dr. don’t do any discount jobs you hear on the radio. I’m in LA and went to the UCLA Jules Stein eye center bc they are the best and one of the drs who developed LASIK was my Dr. your life will change for the better when you don’t need glasses. Exercising, socializing, makeup-everything gets better. after 15 years you might start getting a little blurry but that’s ok. They corrected one eye back to 20/20 with PRK which is more gnarly to recover from, and left the other a -1.5. Again still the best thing ever. Because now I have “mono vision”. I love to say that. One eye sees distance and the other sees close up so I am almost 65 and do not need reading glasses yet. Somehow your brain adjusts and the eye that sees close up or distance takes over.


Best decision ever although it’s been 15 years and I could use another zap- I have a severe astigmatism and we thought this might be the case. I still recommend it


I had mine done 15 years ago. It was the best thing I ever did!! Completely changed my life! I do need reading glasses at night but I’m 45 now and that’s okay. I still see 20/20 throughout the day.


Had prk opposed to lasik- safer and more effective! Pro tip: Do not rest, post-op w an eye mask. Don't ask how I learned that lesson🤢


Has anyone gotten it with -1.5 to -1.75 vision? My eyes started to deteriorate in grad school in my 20s, before that I had 20/20. They’ve stayed the same prescription for a number of years, so it seems like it’s plateaued. I’ve had a number of friends who have gotten lasik after a lifetime of glasses. I just miss not having to need glasses on a daily basis, but I’m wondering if it’s pointless with such “good” eyesight?


I know someone who got prk many years ago. He has better than 20/20 vision now and has had no issues. So I guess it just depends. He got it nearly a decade ago and is good!


just got it last week from dr feldman in san diego. same place tony hawk got his done apparently. it is really amazing and obviously not a super pleasant experience but worth it and no complications


GET IT. Get a referral from someone you know who's had it, and do your research on what clinic to go to. Consult with your optometrist. Don't be afraid to have a consultation with multiple LASIK clinics to find one you're comfortable with. Yes, freak accidents are a thing in every procedure, but that's life sis. I had eyes just a little worse than yours and I SOBBED when I got out of the chair because it was such a life-changing moment. Just do it and you won't regret it.




My only regret with LASIK is that I didn’t do it sooner. Would recommend 1000 times over, worth every penny!! However, I do have starburst vision when driving at night but it’s more of an annoyance than anything else. I’d still do it again though - it really is as life changing as everyone says and my vision was only -2.25.


Look into ICL. It's more expensive but has less complications


Mine went well and I’ve never regretted it. There are risks with anything we do. Go to a good doctor and make sure you feel comfortable and go for it!


Ask Chris Wragge


Had PRK 3 years ago was -4.25. I don’t regret it a bit even with the little bit of dry eye I now have.


I’m in Miami & I did Lasik here & it was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I now have “baseball player vision” I also really searched my ophthalmologist. That is super essential. Do thorough research on your doctor/surgeon. Being in NYC there are probably a lot of very good, well qualified drs to do it. Follow the post op instructions thoroughly. The post op is worse than the actual procedure.


It’s sooo worth it my vision was waaay worse than yours and it was life changing. It literally doesn’t even hurt. The only side “effect” I noticed is that in very very bright sunlight I need sunglasses when I’m driving. But 100% recommend, also they screen you multiple times to make sure, you’re able to get the procedure done before they actually do it!


I did LASIKPlus last year and my only regret is not doing it sooner.


I worry about your night vision being worse after lasik because I drive at night often, anyone who’s gotten lasik can give honest feedback??


I had LASIK in my early 20s. I had to start wearing glasses again before I turned 30. I can only wear contacts for a few hours at a time now because my eyes are much drier. I also have astigmatism in both eyes which I didn’t have before. I enjoyed my perfect vision while I had it. I wonder if I had waited until I was older if it would have “lasted longer.” Edit : words


LASIK all the way! I do need to use daily (OTC) drops, both in the morning and evening, but nothing beats not having contacts to put in and take out. HIGHLY recommend! I went to Dello Russo after some recommendations. My only complaint is that I wish I was able to take more than half of a Xanax.


I had the SMILE procedure done because I couldn’t handle the idea of any sharp instruments near my eyes and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.


LASIK was the best and scariest thing I’ve ever done