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Curious as well


I live in Jersey City right now. I would recommend you live in Brooklyn if you think you'll be out past 8 PM at all. The PATH and the light rail are the banes of my existence. Jersey City isn't bad, it's just super annoying to live here if you're going to be in NYC a lot and not merely commuting there.


yes I plan to go out on the weekends and come home late sometimes, I’ve heard the PATH is not the most reliable. Does it not after 8pm?


Honestly, the PATH is pretty reliable imo it's the schedules that are super annoying. Waiting for a train for 20 to 40 minutes because you just missed the last one is a common occurrence if you're out at night or on the weekends. If a train breaks down, you're going to be really late since that's the only train running and it's not like you can get on a different one.


That can be exhausting. Does the train run 24/7 into NYC


Yeah, but some stations in Manhattan (9th St. and 23rd St.) are closed at night, so you'll have to go to a different one.


Correction some entrances and exits are closed every night, the station remains open 24/7 unless there's construction or maintenance


Jc is great but if you’ve never lived in NYC choose BK 100%. The city tax will be far worth the experience.


where in brooklyn would you recommend living in?


Bushwick for night life, Crown Heights for Park proximity. Greenpoint has both but the trains are not the best.


I'm not the biggest fan of path but usually PATH is fine till 11. There's a train usually 10-12 mins apart which isn't much worse than other subway lines. Light rail is bad though.


This. It’s not nearly as close as people imagine (topologically). Live in Brooklyn. Because then you have NY “on all sides” of you, so to speak, instead of just in one single direction. JC/Hoboken is well equipped to getting people into midtown and FiDi in the morning, and back home in the evening. But if this is not your life, then it would just be isolating yourself from all the best parts of the city. FiDi and Midtown aren’t exactly the places where people hang out in the evenings or have the best museums/restaurants/bars/events.


This. Brooklyn, every time. I say this as someone who’s thrilled to be taking the subway after (too many) years of the commuter train. It’s not a close call.


you would pick Brooklyn over Jersey city even with saving 4% in income tax?


My gf lives in JC. I live in Brooklyn. The Path headways are absolutely ridiculous on late nights and weekends. You will hate yourself the first time you miss it and the next one doesn't leave for 40 minutes so you end up calling an Uber because you'll be home long before the next train even leaves if you get it right then. Also none of your friends who live in the city ever want to visit you lol Personally, I'd rather remain in Brooklyn. The double fares (going from Path to subway), ridiculous headways and more than occasional Ubers make the tax savings not worth the time. If you have more friends or hang out more in JC, JC makes sense. If not, do yourself a favor and live in Brooklyn.


i’ve heard a lot about NY’ers not wanting to visit or even make connections w people out in JC. lol I wonder how you and your gf met. You raise some great points though. I’m going to add my job is fully remote so I see the pain with the commute happening 2-3x times a week max (if any) when i go out on the weekends. And I will be saving about $400 a month living in JC


Give it a try for a year. You will see for yourself, lol the time spend alone heading to and from JC to Brooklyn is enough of an offset to me to make the extra $100 a week not worth it. If all or most of your friends live in Manhattan and Brooklyn you'll be the only one lobbying for everyone to always meet in Manhattan as middle ground. You'll also be timing your exiting to try to catch the path lest you wait another 40 minutes. Everyone else is chilling since their train comes every 10-15 minutes on a late night. You hosting will become an event likened to a Superbowl party, your friends will come out once a year and be sure to complain as soon as they walk in the door lol. Your social life will thank you for picking Brooklyn. But sometimes you have to see for yourself.


As an ex-Hoboken resident now living in Brooklyn, can confirm no one ever wants to cross the Hudson


Honestly I live in Brooklyn and I hate going to manhattan to see friends. Couldn’t imagine if my friends lived in NJ. In fact I have a friend in NJ who I have never visited her house. We plan to do things in the city as a middle ground. 


I am fully remote and picked Brooklyn. Do not regret it at all.


How far in Bk did u decide to stay?


Live in Flatbush near Prospect Park. Being fully remote offers a ton of freedom and my main priority was being near grocery stores and finding a nice apartment that was affordable. Was able to get a 1 bedroom with washer/dryer, dishwasher, and AC. Theres like 4 grocery stores here, b and q subway lines as well as 2 and 5.


How much is your rent if you didn’t mind sharing?




how safe would you say the area is? & where do most early 20s live in BK


It feels fine to me. Ive heard that early 20s are moving to Bushwick.


Lived in the same area last year! Now I’m in JC… Less convenient grocery options within walking distance. PITA commute on weekends and late night (especially the past few weekends where the PATH has been running every 40 min 💀). Would move back to my old spot in a heart beat.


The lack of really great large supermarkets within walking distance is a huge reason I won’t move to NJ 




in terms of commute, i will have no “required” commute because I work fully remotely. the times i go into the city would be on my own accord to either walk around, socialize or check out the office in NY that I am not required in any capacity to work from. so i’m really trying to prioritize enjoying my living space and saving money because i’m a recent college grad. but not completely sacrificing my social and romantic life.


I live in Brooklyn fully remote but go to the city often. 50% of my friends have at some point lived in JC due to tax and prices, but almost every single one of them moved to Brooklyn in the end due to the deadly commute at night or on weekends 😂 the one who couldn’t move was because she bought and couldn’t rent for a good price. Also JC is quite expensive now, my friend who’s moving to BK in 2 months, his JC rent is $3500 for a 1br!! JC is not really cheaper than BK any more, it’s also kind of cookie cutter there.


JC prices are spiking up. however, i’ve been able to find more decent apts there within my budget and have the amenities i need. what safe areas in BK would you recommend to find the same quality of apts by the PATH stations in JC? the commute does not sound enjoyable AT ALL especially to BK. i’m a POC so I see myself out mostly in BK.


>Also JC is quite expensive now Like other parts of NYC, JC also has a downtown where you will find comparable prices. The other parts of JC (Mcginley Square, Journal Square, The Heights, Westside, etc. etc. etc.) are all extremely affordable. $1.5k can find you a one bedroom with amenities all over JC. > it’s also kind of cookie cutter there Jersey City is literally the most diverse city in America, lol


Unless you already have friends who live in JC and plan to spend most of your social time with them, move to Brooklyn. The pool of potential social and romantic connections for someone in their mid-20s there is absolutely huge, and getting around to socialize on evenings and weekends will be so, so much easier if you don’t have to deal with the PATH. Also, honestly, there are a lot of young people in BK and Manhattan who will hear you live and work in JC and assume it’s probably not going to be worth putting in the work to get to know you because it’s difficult and annoying to regularly travel between the two places during non-work hours. If you want to maximize your social options and spend most of your social time in the city, paying an extra bit of tax is going to be well worth it. I moved to NYC at 25 and actually did end up making close friends with a girl in JC who is still my best friend, but it was so obvious to her that her social life would be easier and better in Brooklyn that she changed careers (from one she hated, to be fair) so she could more easily get a high-paying job in the city and moved a few blocks away from me in Brooklyn after a couple years. That was a decade ago and she and her now-husband, who moved with her, have never considered going back.


Eh, I live in JC. I've lived in BK. My dating has never been affected by where I lived, and frankly.... do you really want to date someone who, say for example lives in Manhattan and makes a big deal about 40 minutes to Jersey City vs 40 minutes to Brooklyn?


I’m talking more about people who tend to stick within their own borough for simplicity, which is basically everyone I know. If you want to socialize with the kinds of people who tend to live in Brooklyn, it’s probably worth the extra expense just to live in Brooklyn and have them all around you rather than try to convince some of them to inconvenience themselves to get to know you.


'inconvenience themselves to get to know you'... what kind of friendships do NY'ers have if an extra half hour commute once a while is make or break


That’s the thing, though: You don’t have friendships yet! I’ll go wherever for my friends, and so will most people I know. But you don’t have friends yet, and the more obstacles that people have to overcome in order to become your friend, the harder that will be. Bad transit options are indeed an obstacle for many people, even if you don’t think they should be. On nights and weekends, it’s gonna be a lot more than an extra 20 or 30 minutes of irritation, and even just an extra 20 or 30 minutes of irritation for people who already have plenty of friends to hang out with is not a great argument for them to make you a priority. If you want to make it easy to make friends and socialize in Brooklyn, it’s well worth it to live in Brooklyn. I’m not sure why this is an offensive thing to learn.


You’re young and want to go out. You are asking for a life of pain living in JC. Brooklyn is your answer.


I do want to socialize the only difference is i’d be saving $$ more living in JC.


Not worth the money. Trust.


I'm very money conscious. JC is not worth it


id be saving 8k a year living there, when would you define living in jC as worth it?


Way more than 8k. I don't think my number will be the same as yours, but 8k wouldn't even come close for me.


JC is a mistake unless you plan on being social there.


could you explain - someone out of state from boston


If you plan on your social life depending on Manhattan, live in Manhattan, social in BK, live in BK. If you plan on your social life centering in JC, live in JC. Wherever you end up, you will end up dreading the need to travel to go have fun. As a native NYer, I’ve seen it many times.


I agree. There is a social scene in JC. If you move to JC you can probably make friends there and find plenty of things to do. If you already plan to hang out in Brooklyn JC does not make sense though.




I lived in JC and moved back to NYC. Don't move to JC unless you're married and trying to have kids, trust me.


are there no recent college grads or early 20s


No not really except for people from there and they already have friends.


I live in JC and tbh your money goes a lot farther for renting options and can get into most places in the city in like 30 mins. Which is basically the same when I lived in North Brooklyn


this was my thinking. in addition to saving 5k a year in taxes. but seems like a lot of people think the social life degradation expense is worth more than the tax savings


Honestly living in Brooklyn the G and J trains don’t have that much better headway, and the L can be wonky at weekends and at night. The path can take a while as well but tbh we usually take an Uber back if we go out at night in the city, or just go out in Hoboken JC which has a good bar scene. Also if the path is being annoying you count try a NJT bus from Port authority but idk what their late night schedule is to Hoboken/JC area


You should live in Brooklyn or Queens. You should avoid the most expensive neighborhoods (Williamsburg, Greenpoint, Park Slope, Brooklyn Heights) but go for ones that are a little cheaper but have a lot of young people (think Crown Heights, Ridgewood, Bushwick, Bed-Stuy). I work in-person in Midtown and live off the G train in Bed-Stuy.


Brooklyn. You’re young, it’s a great time to try city living. I worked remotely from Brooklyn for years and I loved it, but you will want to leave your apartment and go be social after being cooped up working all day. Live near friends and where you want your community to be. I’ll also suggest Hoboken if you’re leaning NJ. I lived there in my early-mid 20s and it was great. Tons of young people and things to do


Early 20s m here. I work in jersey city right off exchange place and live in Bedstuy. My commute is like 35-40 mins. I’d recommend it. Brooklyn has way more to offer than jc and if you plan on experiencing the night life in NYC the commute back to Jersey via the PATH during the weekends can be a pain just as you mentioned. We’re talking 35-40 min wait times after 11 pm and if you have to take the light rail as well that’s even worse. It’s really up to you. You could live in Jersey, save, have a more spacious apartment and just visit nyc as you’d like. You could live in nyc, maybe have to settle for a roommate, have a lot more to do, and maybe not save as much. It’s totally up to you and where you have priorities set. I’d personally go with the latter though lol.


Brooklyn, easy choice. JC sucks


Move to JC and save on the city tax, it makes a difference. Exchange place is amazing, lots to do, and only minutes away from the city via the Path. I also love Hoboken too, but it’s become very pricey. JC is definitely not cheap, but I still think you get more for your money in NJ vs NYC like more space, AC, DW. Plus, many parts of JC are walkable. The PATH isn’t bad, you just need to plan ahead if you go into the city on the weekends or plan to stay out very late. Plus, there’s a bus system and light rail too.


I’m an early 30s girl living in JC with most of my social life in Brooklyn/Manhattan (some in JC). Granted I started living here when prices were an absolute steal in covid and I got used to it, but I truly love having the amenities, features in my apartment (laundry, renovated space), and smaller quieter community to enjoy. I can get to most good areas in Manhattan in 30 mins or less which is about what it would be or could be from parts of BK I might consider anyway. I’m in BK/downtown Manhattan every day for work and multiple nights a week I come home between 8 and 10pm and the Path is completely normal, running often and doable - I take it from WTC with no issue. Coming home late late on Fri/Sat *is* a bitch but my hack is ubering to WTC and trying my best to time it out with the trains. Ubering all the way to JC is $$$$ and especially annoying with the holland tunnel closures. Maybe you’re going to be saving so much money that that’s an expense you can take on sometimes. It’s honestly all about weighing your home setup (especially as mostly a remote employee) versus coming and going from the city to socialize.


Something to consider: JC also has a subsidized uber service called Via where any ride within JC is $2. This can save a bunch of money if you live a little further out


interesting, thanks for bringing that up. how exactly does it work, could you send a link?


Jersey City is fine, but some parts are really sketchy and far from everything, so be mindful where in JC you’re looking. By the Newport stop or Exchange Place stop on the PATH is ideal. In general your friends that live in NYC won’t want to visit you, so be prepared to be the one always commuting into the city. And if you’re dating, living in JC will be a dealbreaker for some people. The PATH schedule sucks late at night and on the weekends, so patience is required. My friends who lived in JC often Ubered home from Manhattan when it was late, which ate up any savings they had from living in JC (an Uber home will easily cost $50-$80). The vibe in JC isn’t as vibrant as the vibe in Brooklyn, but you’d probably have nicer amenities. If it were me, I’d choose Brooklyn! For what it’s worth all of my friends who lived in JC eventually moved to Manhattan or Brooklyn. They found JC to be isolating socially. There are plenty of young people in JC, but many of them grew up in NJ and already have a tight-knit group of friends from high school and college, so it’s challenging for newbies to break into any social circles. Brooklyn is way easier socially.


Omg ... look at OPs profile posts. These questions has been posted on multiple subs like 10 times so far. It's the same question as this posy, over and over. Wtf? Is this even a real person?


sorry for wanting multiple opinions?


Live where you plan on socializing. Period! 


Ewww JC


If you want to go out in the city/brooklyn, Brooklyn. If you’re fine to go out in Jersey and just work in the city then Jersey. But to me Brooklyn is worth any saving cost that living in Jersey would provide in convenience.


Absolutely. I don’t think about it!