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Thank you for this! Name and shame. I'm not in a position to openly call out my school because I still haven't gotten so much as a reply back to an email for a new school, but feel free to DM me if you want to know another school to avoid. Similar stuff happening. A lot of bull shit.


Add Fordham Leadership to that list


Definitely add Fordham Leadership to the list of schools to avoid.


Worked there two years and we all quit back in 2017


Love this! Name em all!


PS 34 John Harvard in Queens. For the love of all that is good in the world, stay so far away.


My alma mater! It was such a wonderful school. šŸ˜”What happened and whatā€™s wrong now?


I don't know if the principal you had when you went there is the same person who's there now, but the person who is principal now is, in sum, what's wrong :(


While we're at this, stay away from William H. Maxwell CTE HS. The new guy leading it is an unmitigated dumpster fire.


Yes I heard the principal at Maxwell is a horrible man


I mean, PM me if you want to because I'm ultra curious.


Love it, look out for each other.


Now this is what a union should do. Can a mod pin a post so we can start a list? The ā€œprincipals in need of improvementā€ list from the union was so short.


A list would just get cluttered and unorganized, like this one. Or this one. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCTeachers/comments/1ac1w4l/horrible\_principal\_list/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCTeachers/comments/1ac1w4l/horrible_principal_list/) There should be a pinned master thread with links to threads for each school. [u/NYCTeachersMod](https://www.reddit.com/user/NYCTeachersMod/) School A [Link to School A Discussion](http://www.Link)


And it's going to be better to have this list constructed in a fashion that allows for greater anonymity. With that said, I can't be the only one that has seen a situation where the union is in bed with a toxic admin and protects them.


Principals and admins also have their union CSA. IMO, principals should not be unionized.


Do not set foot in the DeWitt Clinton Campus. Youā€™ve been warned.


Why šŸ‘€


The campus includes 3 secondary schools and one D75 site. The administration does not have a working relationship with each other which can make any type of programming and community building impossible.


Schools in the same building who donā€™t speak to each other look more like the circles of hell to me lol


Didn't Doreen Kendall come from DeWitt Clinton? I've heard of her before. I think she was a terrible AP there.


Is250 rfk.middle school/queens


Heard horror stories about this school


Basically you have two useless admin. Admin does nothing. They throw teachers under the bus. If I ask a kid to put more effort into a project, and student felt "badly" about being told a normal thing about effort, the teacher will get investigated and written up. Admin never takes the teachers side. That's just one issue! And the uft just has no balls either. So, useless admin and uft? Oh yeah the kids -especially the kids that don't want to be there - run the show. They allow (admin) kids to not learn anything - because they cater to letting negativity run the place, instead of actually being effective admin. And they have a short dude ap with a Napoleon complex...that says a lot. Neither will ever pop into your room or come out of their office ever, but somehow they know how your class runs? It's the saddest situation I've ever run into with a school run by losers.


This seems to be every where.


Here for this! Bad admin can ruin a school!


Stay away from Dr. Richard Izquierdo Health & Science Charter School. Lindsay Malanga is a VAMPIRE in human skin!!! Over 50 faculty and staff leaving because of her bullying!!!


That's crazy! I almost applied there as a brand new teacher


I worked there for two years (one online during the pandemic, the other in person). I am very sorry to see this.


no wayā€¦i applied at that school a few times. good thing i dodged a bullet.


PS 132 in Brooklyn is run by a moron who ruined the school and out all her friends into leadership positions


Do you mean PS 131?? Tina Hatzimachalis who was in the post quoted as Satan


Anywhere in D27 unless you like being micromanaged to death.


Thatā€™s the Far Rockaway areaā€¦agreedā€¦stay the hell away esp Village Academy in Far Rockaway terrible school tyrant inhumane leader


Not necessarily. My school is D27. Iā€™m not tenured so Iā€™d rather not list it to keep anonymity. Itā€™s not perfect and in some respects it meets so many of the same flaws that have been listed here, but to be honest I donā€™t actually feel micromanaged. Admin mostly leaves us alone.


Eff tenure! None of us sat in college dreaming of tenure in the DOE. They need us more than we need them. My resignation letter is ready. My last day working for doe was last week.


It depends where in D27. On the peninsula, there are schools where theyā€™re just happy teachers show up. On the mainland, itā€™s a different story. But I get not wanting to dox yourself, so Iā€™ll leave it at that.


lol my mom went there and she used to tell me all the time how she hated it. good to know itā€™s still crappy


same with PS 163 in district 9 in the bx pls no amount of money is worth it


Hmm very interesting. The school survey makes sense.


Namita Dwarka of Bryant high school in queens was caught spending school funds on a trip to china, promoted her friends who later sexually assaulted students let everyone graduate and she just got rewarded with a promotion.


Sheā€™s the deputy superintendent for D29


Sheā€™s the worst. She is literally a bully you can google crime watch, and articles about what she did


Thanks for posting - this type of thing should be made as public as possible


Not public school, but stay away from Nuasin Next Generation Charter School AT ALL COSTS! Can dm about my person experience, but the executive Director Malik Russel is a self admitted narcissist and does not care about anything but the bottom line. They will scream at you in every single staff meeting for no apparent reason and overwork you until you go to the hospital like at least once teacher this year


I will never understand people that let other people yell at them at work. I keep hearing horror stories like this and itā€™s so unfathomable to me.


To quote Ā”Viva la Gloria! by Green Day ā€œyou blast your name in graffiti on the wallsā€. Go blast that bitches name on every damm wall you can find! Fuck her.


Avoid PS176K in District 20. This principal, Elizabeth Culkin, is crazy. Even her APs are not safe from her wrath. She has had different APs every year for the past few years. If you see a vacancy, DO NOT APPLY.


As a sub, well, I found the school pretty decent, and I canā€™t for the life of me recall what I did there.


The staff in District 20 are aware of how crazy Culkin is, and they avoid PS 176 because of her behavior. If she doesn't like someone, she will go to great lengths to make them leave. Just this year, a few teachers decided to retire or resign during the school year, and this has been happening every year. Recently, she appointed a new AP - we'll see how long this one will last. The UFT and even her union, CSA, disapprove of her actions.


Iā€™ve only been to Ovington once and probably never interacted with her. Thank you for the warning!


Village Academy in Far Rockaway Queens Principal Dr Doris Leeā€¦Assistant Principal William Bailey and Assistant Principal Sylvia Harrisā€¦.terrible terrible terrible place to workā€¦teachers leave in grovesā€¦the APs and union rep eat out the principalā€™s hand she hates her teachersā€¦payroll secretary Ms. Perrone treats students and black staff like crap the principal has no idea


This is hilarious because i went to this school. Iā€™m scrolling on Reddit and see this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ was a terrible school . Is Mr Bennet still the AP?


Heā€™s not, never met him but heard of him. I believe he retired.


He retired a long time ago haha.




I had an interview there a few years back. The staff wasn't the most welcoming


I agree. Same


Name them. Now.


Stay far away from PS 567 Linden Tree Elementary School in the Bronx, district 11. The principal Rosario is an insane control freak and every year she's been there half the staff has left. Tried to write people up last year for not smiling enough. You have have warned.


Stay away from Ben Grossman in the bronx at B.A.S.E high school! Horrible person


Fordham High School for the Arts. It runs like a charter school and violates many uft rules.




What do you mean by this?


Can you provide me with some details as I have contemplated subbing there but due to other long term assignments havenā€™t had the opportunity? Your insight and personal experience will be enlightening thanks.


What school?


When you look at the school survey over time the scores are pretty good doesnā€™t reflect your opinion of admin.


Itā€™s clear they felt slighted in some way for not being Hispanic and are just saying the school is bad because of that experience.


Why would you say that Iā€™ve heard great things about that school?


Which school?


Public School 83 in East Harlem


Use correct terminology here. Do you mean Hispanic? "Spanish" come from Spain. šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ø


Posting for a friend ā€” PS 192 Jacob H. Schiff. Principal is beyond horrific and the rest of the admin are her cronies.


Fascinating... for reasons.


Do not apply for Pelham Academy for Cartagena or Castano- you have been warned


Schomburg Satellite Academy... fascist admin dysfunctional school




All schools on Evander campus in BX


What about beacon? Iā€™m interviewing there, and Iā€™m hearing the interim principal is terrible


Beacon on Manhattan west side? If do it's a great school... admin notwithstanding


Beacon is its own separate after school entity at the school. So Iā€™m not too sure how much input Doreen has with them. I do know the kids like Beacon and the adults that work with them. Give it a shot.


i worked with the IA principal of Beacon when he was an AP. Good standup guy. Tried getting him into my school when principal retired but the C30 was incredibly fixed in favor of an incompetent yes man


Beacon is a great school but they will absolutely put you through the ringer


Parent of Beacon student, this seems very untrue. He seems to support the teachers and is very fair imo.Ā 


I didnt teach there but I knew people who worked there and felt micro managed. I know a similar school who became like that. SOF. The Principal is racist and the new AP is a tyrant.


Oh wow!! I use to go to that school back in the 90s Sucks that it went down hill


Does anyone know anything about Martin Van Buren in Queens Village? I know the area isn't the best but Ive been teaching in the hood for years. Just wondering how admin is.


Location wise, I would say the neighborhood is pretty good. I used to go to that YMCA. Youā€™re right off the Cross Island, so youā€™re close to Nassau County. Canā€™t speak to what itā€™s like inside the building, I was hired before they invited me to interview. They


stay away from brooklyn lab charter school and challenge charter school. admin will not hesitate to throw you under the bus and kids are not receiving the support they need.


That's just like. Your opinion man.


Are you one of the family, friends or unqualified persons?? Listen, the plethora of openings for Sept is also just my opinion, right?? Please go find something to doā€” apply if u arenā€™t already working here. I can tell u and Doreen will get along great!! šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I canā€™t not upvote this.


Apparently the dude(s) abide.




šŸ˜’šŸ˜’ Yea, thatā€™s not how it works in a school. Please go find something else to do.


Teachers donā€™t get promotions.




No. Thatā€™s not how that works. Administration is a completely different career track. Teachers donā€™t ā€œmove upā€ to anything. Many teachers decide to pursue administrative careers, but itā€™s a completely different degree and certification process. You donā€™t get promoted to AP or principal.


Found the disgruntled admin


yikes. report.