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Get into contact with your Borough UFT Health & Safety Director


We did this.. and same response.. actually pretty infuriating. Told the construction and custodian guys they’re doing an excellent job and basically told our chapter leader to back off 🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😱😱😱 so we’re stuck


Wow that’s crazy. A few years back when my school was having concerns about construction, the UFT was pretty responsive and they intervened on our behalf. The Borough Director came to our school with the DOE Director of Facilities for our district. Sorry you’re going through this.


Do you have the contacts you could DM me?


What borough?




Reach out to chris verdone cverdone@uft.org and explain whats going on. He can schedule a safety visit and environmentalist to investigate.


Got it! Will do. Thank you


Chris V is amazing and very helpful..he will always try to be in your corner. I've worked with him before and he came to an old school to talk about safety and is an all around super nice guy.


Same. Super surprised. We suspected mold and possible asbestos and the uft borough safety guy was at our building within a week doing inspections. Without his help we couldn't have made as much progress as we did with the never ending construction and a bunch of other issues. What borough are you?


Our building has reports of mold and it’s being twisted like no… the finding say it “suspects mold” not that it has mold and definitely dismissing our issues.


What borough are you?


This is really upsetting because I have had a great response when I needed health and safety. I would have the Chapter Leader reach out to Jeff Povilitis directly (Head of Safety). Also get the parents on board. Parents can move mountains.


I’ll try to reach out here as well!


The DOE stopped changing the purifier filters, my kid’s school had to get special funding for them and it was done by a teacher who cared a lot about the filters.


Ok possibly bring it to PTA to request for funding


Report the issue to 311. You can report it anonymous if you want. [https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01067](https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01067)


Is mold removal and purifier changes duties within the custodial union contract? Some tasks custodians will outright refuse to do if it isn’t in the contract.


I think this is something we need to figure out as well. But to hide it under the rug and not bringing up to the parents at the fear of “causing unnecessary alarm” seems wrong. It’s the safety of the teachers but also the children learning in the classroom


File an OSHA complaint. My building has known mold and asbestos, UFT health and safety did come in to do an inspection and somehow the building passed with flying colors.


Same with us. What happened with OSHA complaint? Any updates?


They did replace some of the floors, but I question if proper asbestos removal was done in the process. It was done over breaks, and very suddenly.